Super Soldier

Chapter 1878: The temptation of white ( (one more)

Xiao Bing is very hopeful for Fang Yuanyuan. Fang Yuanyuan’s talent and perseverance have made Xiao Bing very recognized. In addition, Xiao Bing will return to her day and night, and wait until the big hidden danger is completely eliminated. He doesn't need to be able to run normally, and then he plans to leave with his own women. Before that, he also wants to fulfill his responsibilities as a teacher, not only to help Fang Yuanyuan, but also to help Zhou Shaopeng and Lei Jing. personal.

After helping Fang Yuanyuan to advance to the middle of the Jin Jin period, Xiao Bing stopped and looked at Fang Yuanyuan, who was sweating. He said, "Oh, this is the last time. I force you to improve your strength. If you use this method in the future, It will only be harmful to your future. Go, take a shower, and then don't go out for practice in these two days. Good retreat in the room to consolidate the infuriating body. We must both speed and lay the foundation. ”

Xiao Bing went to the door and said, "I will go out first, then go to help your brother and sister."

Fang Yuanyuan gratefully said: "Thank you, Master."

"Oh, what are you thankful for, I am your master, of course, I will pay for you. Otherwise, my master is too incompetent."

Fang Yuanyuan’s eyes were tearful and said: “Master, this time, you have paid so much for me. From small to large, apart from my parents, no one has ever paid for me like you. The apprentice will be dedicated to you in this life. There will never be any jealousy."

"Okay, let's say that these people are crying. I am going out, remember to lock the door."

Xiao Bing opened the door and walked out of the room. He took a look at the time, and then went to the door of Zhou Shaopeng’s room. He went in to help Zhou Shaopeng’s strength from the middle of Dan Jin to the beginning of Qi Jin, and then Xiao Bing came to Lei. In the quiet room, the strength of Lei Jing also reached the beginning of the enthusiasm.

When coming out of Lei Jing’s room, Xiao Bing’s hair was a little wet and sweaty. Although Xiao Bing’s strength is already touching the threshold of God’s level, even if it is, it will help continuously. Three people have improved several realms, which also requires a lot of physical strength. Otherwise, isn't a god-level master able to create endless masters casually?

When Xiao Bing returned to the room, the leaves and Liu Kexin were talking in the room. When Xiao Bing came in, the leaves and Liu Kexin both stunned, and then Liu Kexin asked, "How big is Xiao Xiao, how is your face so bad?"

"In fact, okay... The three apprentices who have just helped me have raised the realm of martial arts. In fact, I am willing to let them make a little progress, but their strength is too weak. I am afraid of any trouble in the future. At the time, they couldn't even protect themselves. I didn't expect that I consumed so much physical strength, but it didn't matter. It would be fine to rest for one night."

Xiao Bing spit out the gas and said: "You two chat, I went to the bathroom and took a shower."

Liu Kexin hurriedly stood up and said, "I will go back to the room first."

The leaves took Liu Kexin’s hand and smiled. “What’s wrong, people are not taking off the light in the room. Besides, what are you all about? Is it fair to meet me more honestly? I have not said shy, you I am embarrassed first."

Liu Kexin’s face was slightly red. Of course, she knew what the frank and honesty of the leaves meant. In fact, it was true. Although the leaves and Xiao Bing said that they were hugged, the area was still clear. However, Liu Kexin and Xiao Bing have already had a relationship.

The leaves smiled and said: "Well, I am not teasing you, then go to your room, just let me see where the moon is playing."

"Well, then go to my room and talk."

The leaves and Liu Kexin went out. Xiao Bing took off his clothes, went into the bathroom and took a hot bath, then went back to bed and started to rest. It was still a very exhausting thing for three people to improve their strength. It didn’t take much for Xiao Bing. Just sleepy, even when the leaves came back to sleep, Xiao Bing, though vaguely aware, was too tired to open his eyes.

The next day, Ye Zi, Liu Kexin and Su Xiaoxiao all went to work. Xiao Mingyue also went to the kindergarten. Liu Xiaorui didn’t have to take classes. He wrote the long vacation homework left in the room.

Xiao Bing is reading through the room and the illusion written by Han Huabin's predecessors in the room. With the improvement of the realm, Xiao Bing feels that he can completely integrate the illusion of the illusion, but he has to admire Han Huabin, he is only Is an ordinary innate master, the strength is not strong, but in terms of array and illusion has reached such a degree.

Xiao Bing has now treated Han Huabin as his half master. The reason why he is half a master is because Han Huabin did not accept himself, but he gave his notes to himself. Xiao Bing had invited Han Huabin before. Looking for him to study how to crack the array on Kunlun, Han Huabin went to Xiaobing after he told the cracking method.

Xiao Bing looked at it for a while and closed the note. He sighed: "The research of Mr. Han Lao in the illusion is estimated that I have been able to fully integrate it. After all, Mr. Han’s realm is limited, even if it is a genius. It is also impossible to delve into the illusion that can't be learned by connecting the gods. However, the array is really big. It is estimated that even if I study for another year, it may not be completely transparent, and it seems that this aspect is also Have the necessary learning."

Xiao Bing opened his eyes again and expressed his feelings and said to himself: "The next time I go out, it seems that I should arrange Xiao Fu for the formation, and then tell the way to start the battle." The person, yes, that's it. According to the above-mentioned array method, once the formation is activated, I am afraid that the saints will be trapped in the time of more than half an hour, which can just let the people of Xiaofu evacuate."

Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile, which is really a huge gain. Just do it!

Xiao Bing turned to get out of bed, was about to go out, but the door knocked the sound of knocking on the door. Xiao Bing could judge from the breath of the door. The door stood standing is the white donkey that he was holding in, just watching it inside. A little bit afraid of what I meant, she took the initiative to come to me to do what?

However, I should just inquire with her about the situation in the realm. The reason why Xiao Bing did not rush to inquire before, mainly because there is some hesitation. The more afraid of knowing, the greater the pressure in the heart, but I know that it is always better than All are ignorant and better, and they can make better judgments.

Xiao Bing walked to the door and opened the door. Then he couldn't help but see the white donkey wearing a pajamas. The clothes looked tight, and her white chest full of crisps was fully revealed.

Xiao Bing's gaze involuntarily looked into the ditch, lying in the trough, the temptation of his mother, how this pajamas are so familiar, oh, yes, Su Xiaoxiao is wearing... the white chest is more than Su Xiaoxiao Plump, so wearing a small pajama is naturally going to burst.

And this pink pajamas are still relatively short, the white body is taller, and the lower body is originally a miniskirt. At this moment, almost the position of the white buttocks is almost revealed.

Nima, what are you doing here with me?

Bai Yan can feel the heart of Xiao Bing's heart screaming through, and his heart is dark and happy. It seems that this move is really useful, and it seems that it is attractive, and it can still attract this man.

The white eyes flashed a smug color, and then it converges well, then smiled and said: "Dr. Xiaobing, I came here to thank you for saving me this time."

Xiao Bing regained his gaze, turned and walked back to the room, then sat down on the bed and said in a plain voice: "You don't have to thank me, I have not saved you. Your life is still being held in my hands at any time. If I want to kill you, I can do it at any time."

"I know." Bai Hao walked into the room, closed the door, and sat down on the sofa opposite Xiao Bing. The body leaned gently against the backrest, and the left leg suddenly lifted up.

Xiao Bing's breathing was a stagnation, and his gaze followed, and he saw a white bottom. Pants between the legs. The scenery under the skirt was extremely attractive.

The white eyes flashed a glimmer of color, and the left leg was slowly lowered, placed on the right leg, and then the ultra-short skirt was smashed down, trying to block the gap between the two legs. A clever woman knows that everything can't be too explicit, and if you blindly reveal it, then you have no attraction to this man, so the most important thing in this is a scale, which makes the other person feel the heart inside. Itching, and can't satisfy each other.

After the white plaque carefully shielded the skirt, the words said softly: "I would like to thank Xiao Bing brother well. This time, if it is not for you, I am afraid that I am now dead, and my family will be different. I know the culture of your Terran. In fact, it is not just your human race. Our Protoss is also this kind of mind, so I understand. If you didn’t insist on taking me away, those people would probably tear me into pieces, I would be Death is estimated to die very, very ugly."

"Yeah." Seeing that Bai Hao insisted on saying this, Xiao Bing did not deny it. The faint way, "Since you admit it, then I will ask you some questions. What do I ask, what do you answer, remember? Don't live with a little bit of concealment, don't have a little bit of deception, otherwise..."

Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a sneer and said: “I’m not killing people when I kill people!”

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