Super Soldier

Chapter 1879: Seduction

Bai Hao gently bite his lip, sighed, and bowed his head slightly, whispered: "I know... I must not have any concealment."

"Okay." Xiao Bing's eyes stared at the white scorpion. At this moment, the white scorpion that originally wanted to lure Xiao Bing suddenly felt full of body and cold, and she found that Xiao Bing became the Xiao Bing above Lingshan, especially It’s that cold eyes, even if you’re a country, if you’re a little wrong, you’ll be taken away by him. He won’t have the slightest mercy.

The white cockroaches slightly tightened the fists, the nails of the nails hurt, slightly breathless, and some nervous said: "You ask."

"Okay, I believe you will answer, and there will be no reservations, and there will be no deception. Because you are a smart woman, the secret of the Protoss is more important to you than to your life at all. That's right?"

Bai Hao only felt that she was deeply humiliated by Xiao Bing, but she could not refute this because it was what she thought in her mind, what the secrets of the Protoss, the interests of the Protoss, and even the life and death of the Protoss were not with her. Ding's relationship, for her, she can live better than anything else.

The Protoss itself is not sympathetic. Nothing can be more important than its own interests and life. Perhaps the Protoss have hatred for the Terran, but these are based on their own good living.

The winner is the king, the weak and the strong, how have they succeeded in ridiculing the incompetence of the ancestors of the mythological era?

Bai Hao nodded and said: "Well, you can say, I will have no reservations."

“Very good.” Xiao Bing asked, “Who is the strongest person among your Protoss?”

"The king of God is broken!" Bai Hao did not hesitate to answer this question.

"Is it also Xiao?" Xiao Bing stunned a bit, then resumed normal, and continued to ask, "What is the realm of his strength?"

"I don't know." Bai Hao shook his head. "His strength is not such a small person as me. I only know that his strength is definitely the realm of the gods. It won't even be his enemy, and you will definitely not be his opponent. You never think how strong he is."

When I saw Xiao Bing looking at her like a smile, Bai Hao’s look was agile, and she realized that she had made a mistake. She hurriedly lowered her head and said, “I have said too much.”

"You don't have much to say." Xiao Bing smiled. "You made me have a strong interest in this **** king, and I will not relax my vigilance when I meet. Now you continue to answer my number." Two questions."


“How many strengths can Zhuang Shen rank among the Protoss?”

"I don't know this." Bai Yan said quickly, "Zhuang Shen is one of the top ten leaders in the Protoss, but he ranks seventh in the top ten commanders, and the ranking is very backward."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is the top ten leaders ranked according to their strength?"


"Oh." Xiao Bing frowned. It seems that the protagonist's strength is far above the Mozu.

However, I can also think that when the mythology was in the era of mythology, the Mozu itself was suppressed by the combination of the Protoss and the Terran. At that time, the Mozu had basically collapsed. The Protoss was overcast by the Terran in the most proud time. They and the Mozu were all sealed up, so the protoss of the time was still relatively deep, at least compared with the Mozu, the Protoss did not suffer such a fatal blow.

Xiao Bing continued to ask: "How many of your people are there in the Protoss now?"

"There are about 80,000 gods." Bai Yu thought for a moment and said, "But most of them are ordinary people. These ordinary people are similar to your human beings, similar to the strong powers of your human race. It is between the Ming Jin period and the Hua Jin. Once it reaches the innate realm, even if we are the warriors of our Protoss, it is the strongest of our Protoss to break the void. I don’t know the number of specific strong people. These secrets are all Only the above talents know."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing has no doubts about Bai Yu's words. It seems that these things can only be known after investigation.

Xiao Bing continued to ask: "What position do you have in the realm of the gods?"

"What about me..." Bai Yan thought for a moment, and said truthfully, "If you follow the rules of your people, I am also a nobleman in the Protoss, the top ten of the younger generation, even in the entire Protoss. Among the tens of thousands of people, it is also outstanding."

Xiao Bing asked: "How many of the Protoss strong in the realm?"

"I really don't know this." Bai Yu said, "I only know that God Wang Xiaotian is definitely a god-level. As for who is the god-level powerhouse among the top ten commanders, it is not clear to me. There is a lot of news everywhere in the realm of the gods, it is difficult to judge the true and false, and the top ten leaders are not what I can see through."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is the purpose of your entry into the human world this time?"

"In fact, it is a coincidence." When mentioning this matter, Bai Yan’s face is annoyed and tangled. "This time, the enchantment of the gods became weak in a short time. God King can rely on his great power to help us. Entering the world, but according to their speculation, the enchantment can be traversed within a month, and now it has been more than half a month, it should be no more than a few days."

"Oh." Xiao Bing looked at the white scorpion and asked, "That means that in a few days, it will be difficult for you to return to the realm in the future?"

The bitterness of a white face: "That's it."

She is now dying to die. She thought that she could sweep everything around with the commander, and then go back to the wind and wind. Wherever I knew that it was different from what I expected, it was indeed sweeping everywhere, but in the face of Xu Mu. At that time, it was almost dangerous. Later, when I met Xiao Bing, the commander died directly. In the end, only one of her was still alive, and she became a prisoner. Now she even has to find a way to rely on coloring to get through. Difficulties.

Xiao Bing looked at Bai Yu and asked: "Then you never thought about how to escape?"

Bai Yan earnestly said: "Life is the most important thing for me."

"Yes, you are a smart person." Xiao Bing smiled. "Smart people can always live longer. Then I will continue to ask you. This time, the purpose of your coming out is to inquire into the true strength of our human race. What?"

"It's like this." Bai said, "According to the observation of the enchantment, I am afraid that every few months, the enchantment will loosen once, when the king will rely on the great power to help the top inside. The master came out to fight the human world, and then waited until one day the enchantment disappeared completely, and the human world has already been weakened by a great strength. When the protoss can be counter-attacked. If the human race is too strong, then the king of gods It will not consume so much power to help the strong out of it. After all, crossing the enchantment is also risky, and it takes a long time for the **** to consume huge power to make up for it, even affecting God. Wang’s practice."

"Oh, I understand." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "So in the next period of time, I saw that you have not returned, and you should not dare to risk sending people out."

"Yes, exactly."

"Well, for the time being, I want to know so much, you can go back and have a good rest."

"Oh." Bai Hao stood up, and then the body swayed slightly. Xiao Bing walked over subconsciously. "Oh, my feet are actually numb..."

The white body's body tilted slightly, and fell directly into Xiao Bing's arms. The two men directly hit a full body. Xiao Bing held her in her arms and felt her chest squeezed gently. On your own chest, while looking down, you can see the incomparably plump white peaks.

Xiao Bing swallowed a sip of water and was about to talk. Suddenly he felt that one of his positions was pressed by a jade hand. Xiao Bing immediately responded, his body trembled a little, and his face was red. Breathing has become so fast that even the subconscious mind wants to hold this woman to death, and then forcefully push it up. This is a normal desire for any race, any life is normal!

Although Xiao Bing said that he is a strong man, there is no way to completely sever his desire for life.

But soon subconsciously, Xiao Bing resumed awake. He pushed the white scorpion away and pushed it directly onto the sofa. He sat on the sofa in white, leaning against the back, and looked at Xiao Bing with surprise. The face of the unbelievable color, just she clearly felt that this man did not really resist his own charm, but why? Why did he push me away? Doesn't he want to?

Xiao Bing’s face was gloomy and looked at the white pheasant and asked, “What do you mean?”

"I?" White laughs a little bitter, "I just want to reward you."

"So I am seduce me and seduce me?" Xiao Bing sneered. "The real return is probably not going to play so much. What are you planning, my heart is actually clear. You I want to seduce me, then let me take off my defense a little bit, so that you can use the last few days to find a chance to escape from Xiaofu and return to the Protoss. Am I right?"

The white face is a bit ugly.

"Of course, that is the best result." Xiao Bing sneered. "The worst result is that you can't escape after you succeed, but at least you succeeded in conquering me. I don't have to worry about it later." I will kill you, I am afraid I am right?"

Bai Yan swallowed a sip of her mouth, and all her thoughts were all seen by Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing sat down on the bed again and took a deep breath. His little tent slammed down a little. He was actually a little embarrassed at this time, but there was a little anger that was lured by the color except for the cockroach. Staring at the day, said: "Don't play so much with me!"

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