Super Soldier

Chapter 1888: Two camps (one more)

Gao Fei saw these things in his eyes. When he noticed that Dracassi and others changed from the original taboo to awe, his eyes showed a bit of admiration. Xiao Bing easily came up with a powerful helper. And, as a result, any bad thoughts in other people’s minds have to be eliminated. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are enough to make those people feel a little bit afraid, and then they have come together to help. Then, the next action, no matter when, those people are estimated to wait for Gao Fei and others to eat meat, and then they go to drink soup.

Of course, what is the next situation is not easy to say, so we have to take a step and look at it, but at least for the time being, Xiao Bing has an absolute advantage.

After Xiao Bing and Walker finished their hands, they looked back at the people in Tokugawa Benxi and said, "I introduce myself, my name is Xiao Bing, and you can also call me Dragon Son. Today I am here to dominate."

These people's eyes showed a bit of unwillingness and anger, and even a little bit of temptation, but these emotions were suppressed by them, they obviously feel that Xiao Bing's strength is much stronger than them.

Xiao Bing continued: "I know that you are all from the strong people all over the world, and some of them are old people who have become famous decades ago. I don't care about these. The world itself is the strong, and today I Better than everyone, so if there is any gain in the next day, the most important thing is to give it to me and my friend and Mr. Walker next to me, because Mr. Walker is now my ally. As for all of you, just do With enough contribution, you can also get the spoils of each other if there is a surplus of spoils."

The triplet brothers came out at this time, which is the oldest one, and the breath is also the strongest. He respectfully said: "Respected Dragon Son, we are the lion boss, the lion, the lion, the third Our three brothers are equally willing to be your allies."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "Sorry, you have taken a slow step. If you just came over and formed an alliance with me, you may still have time."

The lion's boss blinked a bit, then bowed his head and said respectfully: "Then, the dragon son, we have no opinion on the three brothers for your arrangement. After all, the strength of our three people is negligible, and it is not qualified to make any suggestions. But now there are so many martial arts masters here, they are not necessarily. After all, it is hard to say how many spoils can be obtained here, and finally, if you don’t have enough left, what should you do? After all, the martial arts road is so difficult. It’s not easy to move forward, I’m afraid no one is willing to give up such an opportunity.”

When I heard the lion boss say that the face of Dracassi and others changed slightly, and the eyes flashed a bit, it was obviously poked in the mind, yeah, if there are only three kinds of spoils today, then the other party After the completion of the split, there is no more left on this side, what should I do?

Is it so dangerous here that I have come up with such a big risk, and I have to leave nothing to gain?

While others are still eager to move, Conley has taken a step forward, looking at Xiao Bing without cold feelings.

The strength of this death Conley and Xiao Bing are almost the same. As the first person in the dark world, it is indeed qualified to challenge Xiao Bing.

At this time, Walker, who had just been helped by Xiao Bing, stood up and said loudly: "Do you want to work with my allies?"

Xiao Bing waved his hand and stopped Walker from going down. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Now it’s not good for us. If you don’t agree, then it’s good, for a while. What are the real benefits? We fight for ourselves. Anyway, we are not popular among us in the martial arts world. Who is strong, but there is also a disadvantage, that is, the weak party is likely to win nothing. ”

Those people's faces are even more ugly, and they are closely measuring each other's strength gap. They only think that the strength of the two sides looks so bad. It is very likely that there will be nothing in the future. But let them wait to eat the leftovers, they are not reconciled, only one step to take a step.

Gao Fei walked to Xiao Bing and said: "Let's go, it is estimated that these people will not go ahead."

Xiao Bing knows what Gao Fei means. The strength of these people is quite different from that of Xiao Bing. Since I still want to share some things, I can only hope that Xiao Bing and others will have impaired vision. Therefore, only Xiao Bing can be allowed to rush ahead. If the final casualties are serious, they may be able to add more negotiating capital.

Since Xiao Bing knew that those people would not walk in front, and they really did not want to continue to drag on, they agreed to it: "Let's go."

Walker waved his hand and the people with him also followed. After walking a distance, Walker asked: "Dragon son, those people obviously want us to rush in front, consume our Strength, why don't we wait, or force them to go first?"

Xiao Bing looked at Walker and asked, "Do you think they will agree?"

Walker hesitated for a moment, suddenly waved his hand, his eyes flashed with cold light, and asked: "It would be better to start with the first to be strong? First remove these after-effects, then we will..."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "It is not difficult to get rid of them, but the strength of these people is not weak. We must have a lot of losses. After all, the monsters we will face next are not simple, if we encounter those If the monsters lose a lot before, I am afraid that it will be difficult to do next. Besides, how do we know that there will be no other strong players coming in? If we kill them, then we will lose ourselves. It’s not small, then who is coming in, isn’t the fisherman profitable?”

Walker thought and thought, "The dragon son is not in the dark world, but the problem is more thorough than me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is also a fan of the authorities, so you didn't expect those. Just go, let's go ahead and see."

In the place where they left, Conley looked at other people and said, "You have all seen it. If the last trophy is obtained by them, you can't even get the soup. Now I don't care who you are, what was the identity before. Before you leave here, you will all listen to me. If you can't do it, then quit our alliance!"

These people glanced at each other, and the lion boss first agreed: "Our three brothers have no problem, all of them are the leader of the **** of death!"

"Yeah, we have no problem." The modern girl, Julie, stood up and looked at Conley with a charming and **** look. "We are all looking at you."

Conley Conley nodded, although Julie's eyes had a fascinating taste, but he did not look much, and then looked at Duan Tian, ​​the number of these people is second only to Conley's existence. The strength of the condemnation of Conley has already entered the realm of the saint's peak, while Duan Tian is the peak of the saint, only one step away from the great consummation.

In the same year, he also challenged Xu Mu. He was not even convinced by Xu Mu, how could he accept the death of Conley? Therefore, for Conley, other people can be settled in minutes. Only if this paragraph will obey oneself, he is still not sure.

Everyone else also looked at Duan Tian. Obviously, there was no spectrum in the heart. However, I did not expect that Duan Tian had slightly moved his neck and said: "I have no problem!"

His voice was like Hong Zhong, and the other people's eardrums squeaked, but even the words of Conley felt a little unexpected. Conley didn't just relax on Duan Tian, ​​but looked even more nervous at Duan Tian. He once heard about Duan Tian’s affairs, knowing that Duan Tian is a very unruly person, and now Duan Tian can actually make a bow, which is a bit horrible, and proves that Duan Tian’s state of mind has reached a certain level.

Duan Tian seems to see the jealousy in Conley's heart, so he said: "Yes, I can't take anybody in the sky, I won't give in to anyone, but the strength of the two people in front is really stronger than us. We may not be able to fall under the wind, otherwise we will not be able to get anything this time. My biggest idea now is to break through the realm earlier, then defeat Xu Mu and find the face of the year. As for the other, I am not give a **** about!"

Conley Conley nodded and said, "Okay, then that's the way it is. Let's go deeper and remember to keep a distance from the people of Longgongzi. Even if it consumes more time, we can afford it. Never rush in. In front. In fact, their strength is not much stronger than ours. As long as they are consuming some, in the next time, we may have the upper hand. Even if there is any spoils, we can immediately take it for ourselves. Yes. As for how to allocate it at the time, if there are many spoils, we will allocate it from the strength. I will divide one first, then Duan Tian, ​​followed by Dracula’s husband and wife, and finally the Lion Three Brothers. A total of one, how do you feel?"

These people glanced at each other, although it sounded really unfair to Dracassi and the three brothers. After all, they have a lot of people, but several people can add up to one, but people are under the roof, they also I know that in the case of so many strong people, they can be a lucky one if they can get a piece of it, so no one has raised any objection.

Confucius Conley saw no one to refute, so he said, "Let's go, let's go!"

After that, he first walked forward, his eyes fixed on the place where Xiao Bing and others disappeared, and the eyes were shining with the cold cold.

Ps: The unbelievable father of the first two days drunk, oh, dying... After just processing these two days, you can continue to add more.

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