Super Soldier

Chapter 1889: Shameless Xiao Bing (two more)

Xiao Bing and his party walked in front, Xiao Bing said: "It will be remembered for a while, if you encounter a weak beast, we can kill it in the past. If the strength of the other party is too great, there is a risk of death and injury. We must reduce the death rate as much as possible. Those who are behind are not good. Duan Tian once even Xu Mu dare to challenge, Huaxia Shenzhu is not in his eyes, think about how he can tolerate us to obtain The spoils? And the **** of death, Conley, not to mention, when I was the first person in the dark world, I didn’t know how many people I had killed."

Gao Fei’s face is blank, and Walker and the people behind him are deeply impressed. Although they are fearless in their birth and death on weekdays, they do not mean that they are willing to die, and Xiao Bing now tells them. These words are more grateful to Xiao Bing for their feelings.

Xiao Bing suddenly stopped and everyone else stopped. However, on the ground in front, there was a strange monster that looked like five meters long and was cut into dozens of sections. The ground was full of blood and blood. Full of flavor.

Xiao Bing looked at Walker and said: "This is definitely not what you have done."

Walker smiled bitterly: "It is not. We have just arrived at the place where you met the farthest, and have never reached this level."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "So, in fact, some people have already gotten ahead of the game, and the other party can cut this monster into so many segments with a sword. Even the length of each segment is the same. It can be seen that this person is in the sword. The rumors above the law have reached their peak."

Everyone is nodding when they listen.

Gao Fei asked: "Who can you guess who is coming?"

Walker and others all secretly shook their heads, and even people didn't see them. How can they guess by virtue of the sword?

Xiao Bing actually thought about it seriously, and then said: "The swords here are so long that they can reach the kendo masters in this realm. I know only one, although I am not sure, but it is It is very likely that that person, Chen Baijian, the master of the hundred swords!"

Walker was surprised: "Hundreds of swords in one of the eight martial arts schools in China?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing nodded. "Bai Jianmen has always been the ancient Wumen school after Shaolin and Kunlun. In the past, according to the real strength, Baijianmen is actually not as good as the iron fist door, but Hundreds of swordsmen still have the ability to press the iron fist door. It is because every generation of Baijianmen will have a superb master who is amazing. This super master even has to be jealous of Kunlun. This generation is the peerless kenius genius, Chen Baijian. ""

Walker asked: "What is the strength of Chen Baijian that you said?"

"The last time I met was a half-step saint, I don't know if there is any progress now."

"Oh." Walker breathed a sigh of relief and let go of his heart.

In fact, if it is Chen Baijian, Xiao Bing will not be too nervous. Although Chen Baijian’s swordsmanship is to make Xiao Bing admire, but the other side’s realm in martial arts is now far from Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing There is no threat to form.

After Xiao Bing’s analysis, he said, “Let’s go, let’s go in and see. Everyone is careful!”

They just walked out a few steps forward. Suddenly, they waved and shaken. Xiao Bing and others shook with their feet. One person behind Walker shouted in fluent English: "My God, is this an earthquake?" ”

"No." Xiao Bing calmed his face and looked in the direction of the right side. He said, "It seems to be an enemy, and it should be a huge monster!"

Sure enough, a monster of up to six or seven meters slowly crawled from a distance. The appearance of this monster looks a bit like a rhinoceros. It is also a long nose on the nose. It also looks like the skin is very hard, but he It is not exactly the same as the rhinoceros. Its eyes are red, its teeth are fangs, its limbs are like claws of a tiger cheetah, and the eyes are completely humanized. The **** red eyes are full of anger. The light.

"You..." The beast actually spoke up, its voice seemed to tear everyone down, and he gasped and gasped, saying, "You actually... killed my son! !!"

Xiao Bing and others understand why it is such an anger. The original death is actually its child, but he is going to die, although if he and several people meet this little monster, once this little monster Attacks may also kill each other, but after all, they are not killed by themselves.

Walker was hesitant to explain, and Xiao Bing suddenly rushed over and squatted on the piece of broken body. He said with grief: "I said, let you hurry away, why don't you listen? Why do you have to wait until the bad guys put it? You give the corpse 10,000!"

The rhino is a bit aggressive!

Xiao Bing suddenly pointed to the direction behind him and said: "Those people... those people are already escaping. We all accidentally broke into here. As a result, we met your child. Your child attacked those people. I Originally, I was planning to come and persuade. As a result, those **** actually killed your child, and when I heard the movement you came over, I fled to the enchantment!"

Xiao Bing’s face is full of anger, regret, and pain... Walker and others are a slap in the face, but Gao Fei is very calm, and he is used to the shamelessness of Xiao Bing.

The demon screamed out of his hair, then turned and ran away in the direction behind him.

After Xiao Bing waited for the sound of fighting in the distance, he stood up and said calmly and calmly: "Let's go, let's go back quietly."

Walker first stunned, and then looked at Xiao Bing in a complicated way. Xiao Bing shrugged and shrugged: "Whoever let them refuse to listen to me."

Walker smiled bitterly: "Now think about it, it is really unlucky enough to provoke you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Sometimes it is necessary to deal with the enemy, but sometimes it is necessary to take wisdom. In general, I will not go to the enemy when I can take it, and save a little effort. ”

Walker looked at Xiao Bing in a complicated way and said very seriously: "I have never met a master like you."

"Well... you have met now. Actually, you didn't directly say that I am shameless. I am very grateful." Xiao Bing waved his hand and said, "Go, go back and harvest the spoils!"

Not far behind them, those who died Conley had completely killed the monster, and Dracassi’s chest was scratched, and a deep blood mark and blood were drawn from the chest. DC, Death Conley and Duan Tian are only suffering from a little bit of skin trauma, which is equivalent to nothing. One of the lions in the lion three brothers has an arm hanging, and the arm is not light. Others have nothing to do. The main reason is that Conley and Duan Tian’s strength are too strong. It is a scary beast in the early days of the saint, but with a hard skin, it can almost compete with a super strong man in the middle of a saint, and at the extreme In the case of anger, its desperate attack made these people somewhat sloppy, but it was still far behind in front of Conley and others.

After killing this monster, everyone took a breath, and Julie helped her husband’s wound of Dracassie to deal with it urgently. De Gulaxi endured the pain and said: "Damn, this Didn't the monsters see the people who were in front of Xiao Bing? Why didn't they deal with Xiao Bing and instead deal with them?"

All the people are confused, because they have never dared to keep too close to Xiao Bing, so they don’t know what Xiao Bing and the monsters said, and the monsters were completely ignited by the anger. There was no such thing as a nonsense, and they launched a crazy attack on them.

Conley, the **** of death, shook his head and said: "Maybe this monster is crazy? But it is good, now the inner beast of this monster is ours..."

The words of death have just been finished, and suddenly I saw a flash of people. Xiao Bing didn’t know when it appeared in front of the already savage beast, followed by a palm in the belly of the monster, broken in the belly, Xiao Bing reached out I took out Nei Dan and smiled and said: "Since you are modest, I am not welcome!"

After that, Xiao Bing retired backwards.

The **** of death didn't think that he had lost it here, but he was cheapened by Xiao Bing. He was rushing up under the anger, but he saw Gao Fei and Walker and others appeared. Xiao Bing directly retreated to Gao Fei and Walker, then The smiling man put Nedan in a plastic bag, then stuffed it into his backpack and carried it on his back.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "I will thank you anyway, if there are any extra spoils in a moment, I will definitely think about you."

Death Conley exudes an extremely violent murderousness, his eyes flashing with crazy killings, clenching his fists, word by word: "Do you want to fight?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and smiled. "If this is the case, if we both fight, I think the chances of winning will be a little bit bigger, but in the end it will only win. Maybe there is something stronger in the dark. The beast is watching, and we are afraid that one can't run, so I don't want to fight."

Death Conley coldly said: "Then you will take out the Nedan that belongs to us."

Xiao Bing looked serious and said: "That's it!"

Death Conley: "...."

Duan Tian: "...."

The rest: "...."

Xiao Bing shrugged and said: "Look, you don't want to fight anymore, so, we still use peace and harmony, nothing to do with killing and killing, how rude, not to mention we are human beings, In such a place, we should unite with each other, mutual love, mutual love and mutual help. Am I right? Are you all staring at me? Are you going to be influenced by me?"

Gao Fei whispered: "They think you are too shameless!" (https:)

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