Super Soldier

Chapter 1890: Seriously injured Chen Baijian (three more)

Duan Tian suddenly took a step forward and said, "Or you can call it."

Unexpectedly, Conley, who had been extremely angry all the time, looked at Xiao Bing for a while, but shook his head and said coldly, "Let's go, you are."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Conley, I know that you are the first person in the dark world. It is no wonder that you can be called the first person. The chest is wide, it is powerful, and doing things is bold... I admire you, that We are gone!"

Xiao Bing looked at Gao Fei and Walker and smiled. "They don't have a general knowledge of us. Let's not thank you soon."

The soldiers behind Walker said aloud: "Thank you Mr. Conley!"

Kang Li’s whole person had to be bombarded, but he still resisted anger and let Xiao Bing and others leave.

After Xiao Bing and others left, Duan Tian was very dissatisfied: "Why have you just let them go? They are stealing their spoils. Are you so scared?"

Conley's tone is cold and cold: "On the strength, although we are not jealous, but as Xiao Bing said, once the two lose, I am afraid we don't want to leave here alive, so it is not wise, in this case, we Let them go, anyway, the opportunity here is definitely more than such a monster, certainly not only a Nedan, the m** who escaped has said that there are several extremely scary monsters here. Then there is still a chance, we will find a way to get it."

Xiao Bing and others continued to move forward. Xiao Bing said: "The first one belongs to Gao Fei, the next one is mine, then Walker. Mr. Walker, you have too many brothers, I am impossible. These brothers are given to you, and no matter how many we get, we can only give you one inner can."

Although it sounds unfair, Walker knows that he is already very cheap. He brings a lot of people, but the strength is not outstanding among many people. If it is an alliance with Xiao Bing, I am afraid those people just They will be the first to swallow them. Maybe they didn’t die in the hands of the spiders before, but they died in the hands of the gods of death. After all, those people were unwilling when they were sitting on the sidelines. The heart is clear.

So Walker immediately agreed.

Xiao Bing said: "Well, let's move on."

Next was a small river ditch. They all stopped. Gao Fei picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the river ditch. However, the stone was just gone, and the rest did not change.

Xiao Bing and others were relieved, but they were still not completely relieved. Xiao Bing picked up a branch and put the branches into the river ditch. When it was taken out, it was still intact. Everyone was completely thorough. Rest assured, then said: "Go, cross the river!"

The river has a total length of more than ten meters. Xiao Bing and Gao Fei flew directly. Walker can barely do it, but those under Walker’s hands can’t do it. They can only The river directly smashed in the past, and Xiao Bing first flew across the river. After most of those people had come over, the two soldiers who walked to the end suddenly screamed in their mouths, and then the river began to be The blood was reddened, and the two of them struggled in the water to pounce, and finally they did not have the strength, while others ran to the opposite side of the river.

But seeing several crocodiles suddenly surfaced.

Walker clenched his fists and took a deep breath. There were some tears in his eyes. Xiao Bing looked at them and nodded secretly. He sighed and said: "People can't resurrect, then we Be more careful."

"Yeah." Walker held back his tears and nodded. "Go, go ahead."

They began to move forward. Although two people died at this time, they had already had the consciousness of death before they entered the place. Therefore, those who walked in the heart were uncomfortable, but they were also psychologically prepared.

After moving a few tens of meters away, countless trees and vines in the dense woods swept toward Xiao Bing and others. Xiao Bing suddenly thought that he would not know whether his chasing stick had any influence on these trees and vines. I began to smash my secret weapon and chased the soul stick. As a result, all the trees and vines touched by the chasing sticks were all shrunk back like electric shocks, and then they never attacked again. These trees and vines are all flattened.

Xiao Bing will re-hidden the soul stick and hide it in the body. I feel very happy and satisfied in my heart. The effect of this weapon I got is really too big, even for these plants, but I want to It is also true that these plants, since they know how to attack themselves autonomously, prove that they have souls, and once they have souls, chasing soul sticks is fatal to them, and it is estimated that they have been so lightly The injury.

Although Walker’s strength has reached the beginning of the saints, it is not a problem to deal with those trees and vines. However, when he sees Xiao Bing’s weightlifting, he is also a bit dumbfounded, and Xiao Bing walks together, as if he encountered any troubles. The cost of the effort is solved.

After Xiao Bing collects the chasing soul stick, he looks at Gao Fei and asks: "Gofei, have you really come in to see the monsters of several saints?"

"Yes, it’s the peak of the saint..." Goofy said, "but the monsters of the sages of the saints should be the real rulers here, and there must be other existence besides them, like The demon of the early saint who died."

Xiao Bing sighed and nodded, and when he heard that the beast had reached the peak of the saint, Walker directly opened his eyes. For Xiao Bing, he only gave him a Nedan, and there would be no more. Dissatisfied, know that if he and his brothers meet the monsters, let alone the peak of the saints, even the early days of the saints will make them suffer heavy losses, and once they encounter a monster of the saint’s peak, it is even more It will be easy to destroy them all. It seems that if there are two alliances, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei, it is not good to say that they are not good enough.

Xiao Bing said: "Let's go on, we can do as much as we can. The strength of the sacred peak of the sacred beast is not comparable to that of the great perfect human being, but it is stronger than the average sage. They are all stronger, because their vitality is more tenacious than the human race, so they often fight at the same level. It is still difficult for the Terran to win the monster."

The strength of Xiao Bing and Gao Fei is definitely stronger than the monsters of the general saints. However, if you face several sacred peaks at the same time, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei will feel a little headache. However, the more this is the case, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are more and more anticipating. This time, in addition to Nei Dan, Xiao Bing and Gao Fei also want to stimulate themselves to improve through the battle.

They continued to walk toward the front, and then finally saw a person on the head. This person was really Chen Baijian, the master of the hundred swords before the prediction of Xiao Bing.

Chen Baijian leaned on a big tree and sat there with his knees. His body was caught several wounds, deep and shallow, and his injuries were not light. His sword was inserted on the ground. When Xiao Bing and others appeared. He flashed a light in his eyes and said, "Are you coming too?"

"Well, yeah." Xiao Bing looked at him and asked, "Have you just experienced the battle?"

"Yes, it was fought with a sage at the peak of the sage."

Xiao Bing was a little surprised: "Is it not killed to kill you?"

This is not Xiao Bing’s contempt for Chen Baijian. In fact, Xiao Bing has always respected the strength of Chen Baijian. It’s just that Chen Baijian’s current realm is seen at the beginning of the saint, and the sacred peak level of the monster is even infinitely close to the saint. It is not too strange that Chen Baijian has not sacrificed at the peak of the human level.

Chen Baijian said: "I desperately wounded him, and then fled it through the woods, and opened it."

Xiao Bing sighed and said with emotion: "Even if this is the case, you can escape in the hands of the monsters of that level. It can be seen that the rumors above the swordsmanship are definitely more of a peak, and it is really admirable."

Chen Baijian said faintly: "What is the use, your realm has made me more and more difficult to understand. Xiao Bing, you are the most talented person I have ever seen, I think maybe one day I can see a miracle The emergence of a god-level powerhouse was born in humans."

Xiao Bing smiled confidently: "Relax, you will definitely see it, but your injury is so serious now, I suggest you leave it first."

"Yeah." Chen Baijian struggled to stand up, and then inserted the long sword into the scabbard. He arched his hand at Xiao Bing and said, "I suggest that you don't care too much. It is far more dangerous than we think, especially the more It is the danger, the greater the degree of danger. Although this is not a big gain, I just felt a little thought in that battle. After I go back, I will hurry and retreat. You have to speed up the progress, otherwise I will sooner or later. One day will catch up with you."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Sure."

Chen Baijian nodded. He walked slowly and step by step toward the direction of coming. He wanted to leave the enchantment. Today, with his serious injury, he is already completely out of the competition, so he There is no need to stay here, otherwise he may lose his life at any time, and it is difficult to protect himself.

Seeing that he slowly left, Xiao Bing said to others around him: "Look and see, in the future, he may not necessarily be the strongest strongman in the world, but he will certainly be the most accomplished in the world. One person, this is a true Kendo genius!"

Feeling a very strong sword gradually drifted away, Walker and others agreed to nod.


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