Super Soldier

Chapter 1891: Xiao Bing's strategy

Bsp; Xiao Bing several people along the way, Walker's men are constantly sweeping around, observing whether there is any danger around.

Xiao Bing suddenly said with a smile: "Mr. Walker, to be honest, you have a very heavy military temperament, look at your appearance, I really can't imagine you used to..."

Walker said: "I don't think I will reveal state secrets, right?"

Xiao Bing snorted and nodded and asked: "Is there any misunderstanding?"

Walker is curious: "We are only the first contact, do you believe me?"

"Because I am also a soldier, I know the soldiers best. You don't seem to be such a person. I have confidence in my own eyes."

Walker’s voice, with deep hatred, said: “Don’t you know that there are still many people in this world who are despicable and shameless?”

Xiao Bing asked: "Is it trapped?"

"Yeah." Walker nodded and smiled bitterly. "It's offended, and it's still a big bang, huh, huh, it's hard to say."

Xiao Bing asked: "I didn't think I was rehabilitated?"

"There is no chance," Walker said. "I was counted. The calculations are ambiguous. The evidence is conclusive. How can I redress it? But no matter what, they don't believe me, I have to live well, and there are people around me. Some of these brothers left me with the army that year, and some people who are also unwilling to be in the army."

Walker said: "Now we don't want to fight for justice. We just want to make ourselves stronger. This world is like this. As long as you have enough strength, even if others want to count you, then we must weigh it. Even if someone hates you, you must smile with you on the surface. It is like now that I stepped into the saint early, and the ** party no longer wanted me because they knew they could not afford such a big price."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "It’s just like this. It’s a patriotic heart, but it’s too misunderstood by those in power. This feeling is too wrong.”

Walker sneered: "Do you think it is really a misunderstanding? Our country is different from your China. We are a multi-party system. The competition between the various parties is serious. Although I tried to avoid these, I still have not escaped. They were designed by them. To calculate, I was blaming me for being too stupid, so I was fooled, but I think those in power must know everything, but on the one hand, it seems that the evidence is conclusive, and on the other hand, the politician happens to be the party I am in. I am dead, so I took the opportunity to implement my crimes."

They are talking, suddenly a strange bird flew over, this strange bird exudes a scent of demon level, he stopped directly on the head of everyone, screaming while screaming at the top : "The demon sage sent me to ask you what to do, you look east!"

Xiao Bing and others looked at the east and immediately saw the white of the earth. When they looked carefully, they discovered that they were the bones of the earth. So many bones, at least a few hundred or more people’s bones were piled up. It is there.

The strange bird screamed and said: "Those are the bones of human beings who have been here for thousands of years. Most of them are inadvertently broken in. The demon sage is a large number of adults. You are all going out now. The demon sage can spare you your life!"

Xiao Bing smiled and suddenly looked up and shouldered his hands and said: "You monsters have killed too many human lives here. Go back and tell your demon saints, let us say that we are coming to capture them. Dan's!"

The strange bird hovered and screamed angrily: "Bold humans, you know that we have a few demon saints, but who are our demon saints? That is the name of the great mythical people, you little people. Even dare to say that you want to capture the Nei Dan of the demon saint, the demon saint will swallow all of you, and punish you who do not know the dead!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Go back, otherwise, if you lose your life, don't blame me!"

The strange bird smiled and said: "Stupid humans, are you flying?"

Xiao Bing laughed, and then suddenly vacated, and Xiao Bing’s vacillation seemed to be different from other people. Other masters jumped up. Xiao Bing seemed to fly, and went straight to the strange birds. The strange bird screamed in a panic and fled directly to the distance.

Xiao Bing laughed and landed on the ground again, then looked back at Gao Fei and said: "It looks right. The monster that they just killed is not considered to be an adult here. The real top. We haven't seen the monsters yet."

"Yeah," Gao Fei said. "I met it for a while. I just met it shortly after crossing the enchantment. And from the breath of them, it can be seen that their lives have not lasted for a long time. Dead air."

Xiao Bing Shen Sheng said: "According to the strange bird just said, those monsters are mythical monsters, which can live for thousands of years, can be regarded as high life, and thousands of years of life The beasts, plus they have not been in sleep for years, can imagine how powerful their power is."

Walker hesitated and said: "Would you like to evacuate first? In short, it has already gained something."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You have nothing to gain now!"

Walker said: "I don't care, my life is saved, and the opportunities are always right. In fact, I am not afraid of these, but my brothers..."

At this time, a dark-skinned soldier behind Walker stood up and said, "We are not afraid of anything."

"Yes, we are not afraid of anything!"

"General, you don't have to care about us. We all know that you are looking forward to this time. You don't always say it. The road to martial arts is to die. Only if you don't fear death, you can progress. If you just move on We, you will never be able to reach the highest level of martial arts you want!"

"Yeah, general, then the brothers are not vegetarian. If there are monsters coming over, let them often have our bullets!"

Walker looked at the determined faces of these warriors. Some of his hearts were touched. The cold face showed a touch of Tiehan tenderness. He nodded and said, "Okay, today, if there is a brother who died here, go back. I will personally give him a monument. Every year, I will bring other brothers to give him a grave. I will give his family financial compensation, and the surviving brothers will remember his name!"

"If I am dead, the conditions are the same!"

These people began to scream and scream: "Swear to follow the general!"

"Swear to follow the general!"

Everyone gave a deafening high voice. Xiao Bing looked in the eye and nodded secretly. This is a true general. It is a general who can make all the sergeants convinced. How can such a person betray? Your own country.

Walker looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Before I left, I took my brothers to follow you. Any instructions, you are free to tell."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Then I propose that we can do this now, and the people who carry us will go out and hide."

Walker’s eyes lit up and asked, “Dragon son, do you think?”

Xiao Bing said: "They want us to be the first birds. Do you want this way too? Don't make any noise, don't even have the sound of breathing, hide them far away, let them pass through here first."

Walker hurriedly agreed.

Xiao Bingdao: "Yes, you have to send a few more people to arrange some traps along the way. It doesn't need to be too far. It only takes a few tens of meters. It is enough for them to see traps for them. I think we don't want to. Let them go faster, but they will be fooled. The people you sent out will go back here after setting the trap, but if there is any danger on the way, it may be life-threatening..."

"I am willing!" One of the sergeants came out.

"I am willing." And came out alone.

Walker agreed and said, "The two of you should be careful, and the rest of the people will hide with me."

Xiao Bing and Walker’s people all hid in the depths of the woods, looking for a safe place to kneel on the ground, blocking the body with leaves and grass.

After a while, the two people that Walker sent back all safely back, kneeling beside Walker and others, whispered: "The arrangement is over."

After a while, the **** of death appeared from the position where Xiao Bing had just stood. They looked around and continued to move forward. After walking about a distance of more than ten meters, the lion’s feet suddenly appeared. With a whispering voice, Conley hurriedly shouted: "Don't move, don't move your feet! Everyone is gone!"

All the people hurriedly dispersed around.

The face of the lion boss also changed. He took a deep breath and shouted: "Mom, this group of **** actually buried mines on the ground."

The face of death is gloomy: "It seems that they want to block us, and then they will quickly solve the evil beast and take away the inner Dan. Oh, but how to rely on this means."

After the death, the arrow rushed over and grabbed the lion boss. It was more than ten meters away from the blink of an eye. At this time, the buried mine had already exploded, and the **** of death and the lion had just escaped the explosion. The shock wave, after the fall, the lion boss sighed and said: "Thank you."

"No, if a mine will set you up, you will not be with us. Let's go, let's go!"

Then there were a few more mines, but they were all detonated in advance. In addition to this, there were some other traps, all of which were hidden. This time, they basically completely dispel their doubts, but let them start. Speed ​​up the pace.

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