Super Soldier

Chapter 1892: Thunderbolt

Hearing the sound of the mine in front, Xiao Bing lowered his voice and said to Walker, who was next to him: "You are so powerful, even the mines have been brought?"

Walker smiled and said: "This time we come over and know that we will meet a lot of powerful opponents, so we are very prepared. Otherwise, don't look at our large number, but if you really meet your top level, I am afraid. Still not enough to see. Although mines and the like will not have much effect on your level, but after all, it can be slightly delayed. Sometimes it can delay the opponent for a few seconds, it is enough to save your life. It is."

Xiao Bing asked: "Are you in addition to mines?"

Walker turned his head and patted the submachine gun on the back of a younger brother. He said: "This is the most powerful submachine gun in the world. It has a strong penetrating power and a long range. We have brought four submachine guns in total. As for Ordinary rifles and pistols are at least one in each hand. There are enough bullets. Everyone has at least ten grenade hanging on them. The rifle is equipped with bayonets. This is to avoid close combat. When it comes up, plus the dagger in your hand, the weapon is very abundant."

Xiao Bing sighed and asked: "Is there a laser gun?"

Walker looked at Xiao Bing strangely and smiled bitterly: "Do you think that the laser gun can be obtained at will? But, I really brought a handle, it is my secret weapon."

Walker unloaded a gun that looked shorter than the rifle but much longer than the pistol, and then handed it to Xiao Bing. The shape of the gun could not be seen how special, but Xiao Bing would Hold it in your hand, but you can feel that there is plenty of energy inside.

Walker said proudly: "The laser gun can not be used casually. This is how I tried to buy a laser rifle at a high price in the country. From the appearance, have you always regarded him as a rifle?"

Xiao Bing nodded and then said: "It seems to be a little shorter than a normal rifle, but no matter who sees it, it will not think much."

"That is of course, it looks like a rifle, but it is actually a laser gun. When it comes to the enemy, it can happen unexpectedly. Most people can't get this kind of guy. I have been in the military for so many years. There are a lot of friends and relationships. Although I was framed, some people and my friendship may not change. Plus I have money in my hands, so I got this. Now don’t look at the countries of the world. In the development of lasers, but the real ability to treat lasers as weapons, but few countries, even the superpowers of m and e countries, such weapons are rare."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "I heard that the country has invested nearly 10 billion dollars in development, and now the output is extremely low, so usually they are not willing to use it, not to mention other countries, you actually It’s not unusual to be able to get it, even if it’s just one.”

Walker said: "This laser weapon has an effective range of more than three kilometers, but the cost is expensive. On average, every laser emitted is equivalent to consuming 100,000 yuan of Huaxia coins. This laser gun can be used in total. I fired a hundred lasers, which is not the money to buy guns. I just spent 10 million yuan on these energy alone."

Xiao Bing smiled: "It's worth it."

“It’s really worth it,” Walker said. “I put all my income into such a gun, and he can save my life at a critical moment.”

Xiao Bing said: "It is more important to save your life. How much you are willing to tell me this secret is equivalent to trusting me in Xiao Bing, in return for your trust in me, after leaving here, If you have any troubles in the future, there is a place where I need help. Although I can tell you, as long as I can do what I can and do not violate my principle of being a man, I can help you."

There is a flash of light in Walker’s eyes. What is the prestige and status of Xiao Bing in the world? He is too clear. If he can really get help or recognition from Xiao Bing, it will be great for his future development. benefit.

Walker hurriedly agreed.

Xiao Bing climbed up from the ground and said, "Let's go, we can leave now."

Walker smiled and said: "Dragon son, those people just refused to cooperate with you, now I have a hunch, they may not get anything..."

Xiao Bing proudly smiled: "Do you have confidence in my strength?"

Walker said: "You have a saying in China that you are arresting the oriole. Normally, we should be jealous. As a result, now you have turned us into a oriole. I think you are too sinister."

Xiao Bing: "...."

Although Walker said that Xiao Bing is insidious, Xiao Bing’s heart is still very happy. Walker can make such a joke with himself, and prove that he has truly regarded himself as his own. In this dangerous place, if the people around him are Naturally, it is natural to be more at ease.

Xiao Bing was a soldier before. The soldiers wanted to fight invincible on the battlefield. They must be able to give their backs to their brothers with confidence. Although it is not possible to reach that point here, Xiao Bing is even for Walker. Impression is good, after all, I just met, and only Gao Fei can let Xiao Bing dare to directly entrust his life, but in any case, can increase the trust, the safety here is equivalent to one more point. Guarantee.

Xiao Bing tries to keep moving at a slow speed. For them, there is no need to reach the reachable level, because their real target is the super monsters of the sage level, and the kind of monsters and those in front When you meet, the battle will be very fierce. Even if you are far apart, you will certainly be able to listen to the movement. Therefore, Xiao Bing and others will walk leisurely behind, occasionally encountering a little trouble, and they are easily laid out. .

No one knows how big this enchantment is, but according to the predictions of Xiao Bing and others, I think it should be the scope of this forest. It should be how big this forest is, and how much the monsters here can be active.

Walker asked: "Dragon son, do you say that there will be people behind us in the back of the oriole?"

"I think it is possible." Xiao Bing said: "In any case, it is ultimately backed by strength. In the end, it depends on who is the strongest."

Two people were chatting, and suddenly the ground began to shake. Even the glare of the electric light appeared in front. Xiao Bing’s eyes lit up and he was excited: “Hit it up!”

Gao Fei’s eyes lit up and the tone was dignified: “I have the impression that this is a flying dragon!”

"Flying dragon?" Xiao Bing's face was astonished. I must know that there was a dragon era in the past. In the legend, the gossip snake family once had an incomparably powerful ancestor. This ancestor changed from a snake to a nine-day dragon. It can Flying over nine days, it later defeated many of the gods and demons of the gods and demons, and it became the strongest **** in the world. Under the leadership of the dragon, the demon family began to gradually rule the world. The demon and the two were suppressed and began to be low-key. It was the century in which our demon ruled the world. It was the era of the gods in the mythological era.

Later, the dragon was attacked by the god-level masters of the gods and the demons. After the loss of both the gods and the demons, the nine-day dragon was also degraded.

So the flying dragon that Gao Fei saw is also the kind of dragon? Is there a second nine-day dragon in history?

Immediately after thinking about it, Xiao Bing realized that this is probably not right. If it is really a nine-day dragon, no matter how powerful this enchantment is, I am afraid it will be broken.

Sure enough, Gao Fei may be aware of what Xiao Bing is thinking, so he explained: "The dragon I said, I am afraid I know its name."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is the name? Is it famous?"

Gao Fei said: "The flying dragon is called the lightning bat dragon. It is rumored to be in the mythological era. It is violent and killing. Many masters of all ethnic groups have been killed by it, although there are god-level masters who want to Kill it, but because it has wings, it is escaped by it every time, but in the end it was calculated by the many masters of the Terran and Protoss, laid a trap, severely injured it, and then it lost. It’s gone, no one has ever seen it.”

Xiao Bing said: "It turned out to be the case, then its strength..."

Gao Fei said: "When I saw it, it should be the peak of the saints, and it has not yet reached the peak of the saints. On the one hand, the realm of the demon is itself slow, and it may be too heavy in the year, thousands of years. Although the time has long since restored its injuries, it has also affected it further."

Xiao Bing spit out the gas: "Fortunately, it did not let it go further, otherwise this time our opponent's strength can be too great."

At this time, a soldier under Walker suddenly pointed to the air in the distance, shouting excitedly: "Look at you!"

But in the sky, a silver dragon hovered at high altitude. This silver dragon has a length of sixty or seventy meters. A pair of bat-like wings are opened from the left to the right. There was a hundred meters wide, and there was a long shout in its mouth, and then an extremely glaring current actually flew out of its mouth and fell to the mountain.

The eyeballs of Walker’s man’s eyes almost came out, and all the people’s heartbeats almost stopped. The man took a deep breath and exclaimed, “My God!” (https:)

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