Super Soldier

Chapter 1893: ‘Death’VS Thunderbolt

This scene seems to be very shocking. Xiao Bing also had to sigh in the heart. These monsters are actually difficult to measure completely with the so-called repairs, because they themselves have other races that are not available. The innate talent, that is to say, many of them are powerful creatures that are similar to the innate talents of the second class.

The second game was a cross-practice. When Xiao Bing had just met him, Xiao Bing’s strength was clearly stronger than him, but he gave him a mad slap and didn’t hurt him. The impression of Xiao Bing was particularly profound, especially after several times, the goods were once swept by several strong people of the same level. This is the terrible thing of innate talent.

And these monsters are obviously the same, the so-called realm is not necessarily useful in front of them, they can often fight across levels!

The lightning bat dragon continually hovered and shouted in the sky, and a glare of electric light flashed on the dragon's body. Its eyes sparkled with bright light, and an electric light flew out of his mouth. , forming a sly lightning bolt, falling toward the ground below.

It is like the hegemon of the same generation of the Yaozu, angering the ignorant human beings who dare to break into its world.

On the ground below, there is a shout and snoring.

Walker exclaimed: "It's too powerful, can't those people hold it?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "This lightning bat dragon is really powerful, but those people are not vegetarian. It is only the death of Conley. He was the first person in the dark world more than ten years ago. He is standing in human martial arts. The top guy in the pyramid, even if I don’t come up with all the means, I can’t say that I can beat him, so a Thunderbolt is not going to make them lose. Go, let’s see it in the past. !"

Xiao Bing and others are no longer slowing down this time, but they are flying straight to the other side, but Xiao Bing is still watching the six roads on the way. The left side suddenly has a group of white wolves like lightning. Come over, they look taller, more robust, and more powerful and faster than normal wolves.

If only Walker and his men are here, even if they are not dead, they will definitely hurt a few, but Xiao Bing and Gao Fei are also here. Xiao Bing, Gao Fei and Walker rushed out at the same time. These white wolves One by one, they screamed, and soon they all fell to the ground, and the white wolves who had not had time to rushed quickly ran back.

Xiao Bing and others did not stop, and they quickly continued to move forward. When the fighting voice was close at hand, they stopped and then just saw the hillside. I don’t know how many groups. The wolves are attacking the dead and others, and the lightning bats in the sky are constantly spraying white lightning on the ground. These white lightnings attack the Terran masters with great precision.

The three lions of the lions fought back to back, fighting against these white wolves, and trying to avoid the sparkling electricity. The mouth kept yelling: "Mom, what the monster is, how can it release the current in the sky, and then not solve it?" Drop it, let's hang up sooner or later!"

Conley Conley is still such a pale dead face, looked up with a blank expression, then suddenly pulled out a flute from his arms, yes, it is the flute!

He put the flute on his lips and began to blow it gently.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "spiritual attack!"

The top players have some means of mental attack, but they are usually carried out through eyes. It is not easy to do so far away. Xiao Bing did not think that Conley had used a flute to carry out a mental attack.

But the sound of the flute is not too big, but it is to offset the screams around, the angry roaring through the lightning batosaurus, and constantly straight into the sky, into the ears of the lightning batosaurus.

The body of the Thunderbolt batosaurus swayed in the air, and it almost fell into shape.

Conley still calmly blew the flute there. The white wolves who tried to attack him were kicked by his easy foot. His strength is too strong. These white wolves are just like him. Not a little bit of interference.

The lightning bat dragon was above the sky, and the body kept shaking like a drunken wine. Although it struggled without falling, it was obviously unable to make any attack, and it was affected by Conley's sonic attack.

Gao Fei said coldly and coldly: "If the mythical monster of the mythical period was so badly hit by the sound wave, it would not be worthy of being in the mythology, but this Conley can carry out such a powerful The sound wave attack is indeed very powerful, even if it is put into the mythology, I am afraid it is considered to be a strong person."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I always feel that this period may be another martial arts after the mythology, or it may be a sudden return to the light after the mythology, because so many top players in the world, looking at the mythological era In the history of the past, there has been almost no such thing. Too much, too exaggerated."

Gao Fei said: "Perhaps there is a sense of God in the dark, because the gods and the demons are about to break out of the world, so the Terran suddenly rushed out of countless geniuses in the martial arts. Let the mythological era come back to the world."

Xiao Bing shook his head: "The mythical era will not come, and I will not allow this to happen."

Walker pointed at it and shouted: "Look!"

Seeing that the lightning bat dragon suddenly made a roar, this roar even teared the space, and then the lightning bat dragon had a more powerful current passing through it, and this current even made a harsh, squeaky sound. Then its figure was re-stable, a white light shrouded the lightning batosaurus, and the sound waves were isolated.

Conley, Conley, took up the flute, his voice hoarse and cold and said: "I resisted my sonic attack."

The lightning batosaurus just fell a little, and at this time, it slowed down, and immediately became extremely angry. It was extremely crazy, and the madness of anger and anger roared: "Damn man, you are a shame to me." I want to turn you into coke, I will tear you into pieces to vent out!"

The Thunderbolt batosaurus opened its mouth wide, and suddenly a huge thunderbolt squirted directly from its mouth toward Conley. This thunder is several times larger than the previous thunder, with a heart-rending and trembling power.

Even if the death of Conley feels the power contained in this thunderbolt, he does not dare to pick it up casually. He hurries away, and then blasts toward the position of the lightning bat dragon in the air, if it is on the ground. One in the sky, then the person on the ground will never beat the monsters in the sky, so you must be close to the lightning batosaurus to have a chance to overcome!

Conley's one-handed claws, a groan in his mouth, his face looked stunned, and the scrawny palm was swept toward the thunderbolt batosaurus with enough force to tear everything, if he was knotted Really caught, even if it is a piece of pig iron, he also has the confidence to twist distortion!

The lightning batosaurus is not a pig iron. His body twisted in the air, then escaped the attack of the condemnation of Conley, and then a thunderbolt was sprayed in his mouth. At this time, the position of one dragon and one person was close at hand, and the speed of lightning was strange. It was very fast, even if the death of Conley was very timely, but still felt that the current was slightly affected by some, half of the body had a short numbness, slightly shaking, and immediately fell to the bottom.

Thunderbolt bat screaming excitedly, went straight to the death of Conley, but the condemnation of Conley had slowed down at this time, the body slightly twisted, and then the whole person disappeared in the air, when he appeared again, it has already appeared On the right side of the Thunderbolt batosaurus, he also shot the palm of his hand. The tail of the Thunderbolt batosaurus swept in time. He slammed his hand and the tail and the tail together. The thunderbolt batosaurus screamed and screamed under the pain. Conley was not too good, but fell directly to the ground, and slammed a deep pit.

The tail of the lightning bat dragon directly fell off several silver dragon scales, and it seems that the smaller position is a bit flesh and blood.

Xiao Bing saw these in his eyes, his brow wrinkled slightly and said: "It is no wonder that the dragon in the legendary dragon era is so invincible. The dragon itself has an advantage in flying over nine days. The strength of the conscience of Conley is in On top of the lightning bat dragon, the result turned out to be no more than him."

Death Conley jumped out of the deep pit and didn't seem to be hurt. But after the first battle, he knew that he would be more troublesome to win the lightning batosaurus. The lightning batosaurus must be sure to Be more careful, and there is no way to fight in the air before reaching the level of God. At most, it can be short-term, which is the biggest obstacle for him to win the lightning bat.

Walker asked: "Dragon son, you say that between Conley and Thunderbolt, who can win?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I am not too good to say that the advantage of the Thunderbolt batosaurus is that it can effectively attack from a distance, and he can also fight in the air. His weakness is that the defense is not too high, just Conley. It was suddenly hitting the front of its tail. Although Conley was degraded, he easily tore off several scales, so it is obvious that its defense is not invincible."

Gao Feidao: "I have said long ago that no one has no shortcomings. This sentence is the same for other races!"

Walker asked: "When are we going to do it?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, the more angry and more cautious lightning batosaurus staring at the air, said: "Let's wait!"

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