Super Soldier

Chapter 1900: The combination of the beasts (three more)

The power of the angel guard directly formed a wall of light, blocking the eight-claw fire on the side of the guardian wall.

Eight-claw fire slammed the wall several times. Although the light wall swayed a few times, it was not broken. The eight-claw fire tried to burn with the flame, and it was also powerless.

Death and others sighed.

The Pope looked at Walker and others who fought with the wolves. He slowly recited: "The trial of angels!"

The power of the judgment poured down, and the wolves were knocked down by the power one by one. The wolf king and the female wolf had already fallen into the wind. At this time, after being tried, the force was directly It fell in the dust.

Walker grabbed the body of the Wolf King and immediately withdrew into his brother. The two men of Dracassis took the body of the female wolf and retreated to the other side.

Both of D’Gulaxi’s husband and wife were all scarred, and Julie’s eyes seemed to be lingering. De Gulaxi hurriedly pulled out Neydan and stuffed it into Julie’s mouth, then said with red eyes. : "Wife, you are doing a good job, I am here to guard you!"

Walker also gave the Wolf King's Nei Dan out, and then he looked back and saw that there were only eight of his more than twenty brothers now... Walker's nose was sour, and he slammed into the ground with a bang. Cry and cry: "Brothers, I am sorry for Walker!"

"General!" These soldiers also smashed through the shackles, kneeling in front of Walker, and said in unison, "General General Day!"

Walker’s tears couldn’t stop, and he slammed the ground with force, even if his fists were already **** and fuzzy.

After seeing the **** of death, he suddenly reached out and patted him to Walker. He said, "Since he has already suffered this pain, he is still alive!"

The other inner wolves of the white wolf may be invisible to the **** of death, but the strength of the wolf king is infinitely close to the level of the top ten beasts, and he naturally cannot turn a blind eye.

Gao Fei suddenly took the same shot at this time. The palms of the two people were offset by the space. Then the **** of death slammed into Gao Fei. Gao Fei was a little bit and did not put a strong death in the eyes. Cold and cold: "This person is my ally. Whoever dares to move him before leaving, I will kill anyone."

"Do you dare?" The **** of death was completely irritated.

In Gao Fei’s eyes, there was a strong murder, and he stepped forward: “You can try if I can kill you!”

The realm of their strengths is almost the same. In fact, it is impossible for anyone to have absolute certainty to kill each other. But the king of the dark world, the **** of death, was afraid of Gao Fei’s eyes. He was not afraid. I can't beat Gao Fei, but I am afraid that Gao Fei really dares to give up his life and do it. If that is the case, I am afraid that no one can live without it today.

The Pope is mediating from it: "You still don't want to be big here. My guardian shield won't last long. Now we have to find a way to get this guy."

The **** of death took back his gaze and snorted coldly and said, "How do you get it?"

"Take out all the housekeeping skills of each other!" The Pope closed his eyes and adjusted his strength. Suddenly, he raised his scepter with a sacred power in his tone. He said in a loud voice, "Angel, Please lower your strength to judge this alien, the judgment of the angel!"

But I saw an angel suddenly appearing out of thin air. This angel holds a long sword in his hand, and then lifts it up in the direction of the eight-claw fire. It is extremely sacred and powerful enough to make people tremble and worship. The power rises.

Both Death and Gao Fei feel how powerful this power is and how unstoppable it is.

Death took a deep breath and thought about it. If this sword falls on his own body, I am afraid that there is no way to resist it, so today I really can’t fall over with Gao Fei, otherwise the final profit will definitely be This old guy in front of you.

The eight-clawed fire raised a huge head, and suddenly a roar in his mouth, and then the body slightly fell down, and the voice shook a little: "God... This turned out to be a god... No, this is not God! Although this power is strong, it is far worse than the real god!"

The Pope sneered: "This is certainly not a true angel, but it is more than enough to judge you."

The current strength of the Pope has already entered the peak of the saint's peak, and even infinitely close to the realm of the demigod. When the Protoss came out provocatively, they have already reached the gate of the Holy See. It is not that he deliberately closed the door, but Because he was really in a retreat at the time, but unfortunately it was a little worse in the end, but he is now infinitely close to the semi-god level, and this time it came to seek opportunities to break through to the demigod!

There was a roar in the mouth of the eight-clawed fire, there was anger in the roaring, and there were some jealousy and fear. Finally, the sword of the angel began to fall, and the power of horror seemed to be able to open the world and directly to the eight The claws of the fire were falling on the top of the head, and the eight-clawed fire squirted directly to spurt a large flame. The blazing flame burned to the sword of the angel. The sword of the angel actually became weak in the flame, but in the end it was still left. The next ghost shadow fell on the body of the Eight-Claw Fire.

Eight-claw fire screams and screams, rolling all over the floor, one of his horns was directly cut down, and his body is also open!

The Pope’s face was a little pale, and the Angel Shield disappeared. The Pope shouted: “Work together!”

At this time, when the Eight-Claw Fire was the most painful and weak, Gao Fei and Death were immediately prepared to rush directly to the past. Suddenly, a sound wave was directly transmitted into the ear. Gao Fei and others slightly stunned, followed by extremely intoxicating ink. It has already been sprayed toward the Pope and others, and the Pope and others immediately retreat.

At this time, the Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast has already ran to the side of the Eight-Claw Fire, staring at the Pope and others.

The **** of death looked at the blue-winged sea dragon beast and said: "You have come out."

The eyes of the Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast are full of hostility, and the voice is low: "I will not come out again, my kind will be killed by you."

"I'm afraid not to defend my companions," said the **** of death calmly. "Now you are all grasshoppers with a rope. At first you may be expecting us and the Eight-Claw Fire to lose both sides. I didn't expect us to come here." Helper, if you don't show up again, your companion will die. At that time, we will deal with you. If your companions are dead, can you still protect yourself?"

Although the blue-winged sea dragon beast was broken by the **** of death, but it was not at all in mind, sneer: "How do you provoke it is useless, you are despicable and shameless human beings, today we will dig your heart out , all are eaten!"

"Cut out!" Eight-claw fire screamed in anger. "They dare to cut my horns, I want to kill them, I want to eat them!"

The Eight-Claw Fire is completely angry, and its horn can grow out in the future, but it is very useful for it. In addition to the demon, its horns also gather a lot of power, so they are cut off. Its horns, its strength should be reduced by at least 20%, plus a large and large blood mark on it, it has not suffered such a wound for thousands of years, how can it not move?

"Yes, eat them!" The blue-winged sea dragon beast looked at the eight-claw fire and said, "These humans are very difficult to deal with. We must be able to swallow these guys one by one!"

Eight-claw fire replied, and then swiftly swooped over, the blue-winged sea dragon beast shouted: "I will support you!"

The Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast began to attack the sound wave. The Pope hurriedly stepped back. He had just used the angel's judgment and the angel's shield continuously. This is the weakest stage. At least it will take a while to completely ease it. After the violent The eight-claw fire is really terrible and should not be touched.

It was just that the Pope had wounded the Eight-Claw Fire. At this time it was the turn of Gao Fei and Death. The two men began to rush at the same time, and the three parties fought together.

On Walker's side, he has taken the demon, sitting on the floor with his knees, and his brothers are giving him protection.

No one can think of the horrible power of the Eight-Claw Fire after the madness. Although he has been injured before and the strength is damaged, but at this time, it is not life, even if it is Gao Fei and Death, they feel a little confused, plus There is also a sinister blue-winged sea dragon beast continually attacking.

The black ink of the Blue Wing Hailong beast is too horrible. Maybe the black ink will be restrained by the eight-claw fire, but for Gao Fei, the black ink is no threat to them. Small, blue-wing sea dragon beasts said that among the top ten beasts, the ranking is relatively low, but it is not lucky to be able to enter the ranks of the top ten beasts.

It’s clear that the Eight-Claw Fire is also showing that the Pope is adjusting his interest. Once the Pope has recovered for a while, they will all be finished, so the attack of the Eight-Claw Fire becomes more and more horrible, in his eyes. It seems that all the fire is coming out, and all of the body is covered with fire.

In the battle with Gao Fei, the eight-claw fire began to be scarred, but Gao Fei and the two also suffered a serious injury.

The Blue Wing Sea Dragon Beast is no longer playing at this time. It obviously has a sense of urgency. It looks at the Eight-Claw Fire, and suddenly shouts: "Don't have reservations, fight it!"

"Good!" Eight-claw fire screamed. "Kill them, we took their flesh and blood, and the wounds will recover. They killed us, and there is no more."

The eyes of the two beasts all showed a decisive color, and several people in Gaofei felt vaguely not very good.

Ps: Three more, this week, slowly adjust the update time, normal three chapters every day, next week will take time and then add more than three days

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