Super Soldier

Chapter 1901: Xiao Bing VS Jiuyi Tianlong (one more)

Bang, the smell of the two monsters changed greatly, and the raging fire seemed to burn the air. At the same time, a huge black and yellow sphere rose into the air, and the burning power seemed to be able to The mountains are destroyed.

Gao Fei Shen said: "This is their origin. Once they use this force, they will be seriously injured. At least for ten years and eight years, they can slow down. If they sleep directly for decades or even hundreds of years, now they Life has come to the end, and the cost of using this power is even greater. It seems that they are desperate!"

Seeing this horrible power, even if the face of Gao Fei has become dignified, the two top ten beast-level monsters use the power of the source, even if a half-god is afraid to live here.

Gao Fei’s eyes faintly glowed with red light, and he was slightly hesitant in his heart. Is it necessary to use his own power of the Mozu? Gao Fei knows that if he uses that power, others may not recognize it, but from The ancient beast that came out of mythology is probably easy to judge that he is a Mozu. This is not what Gao Fei wants to see. If you know that the Devils are in the house, I am afraid that it is also very good for Xiao Bing. Big trouble.

Although there is already a Protoss left in Xiao Fu, but the white scorpion is left behind as a prisoner, and Gao Fei can be different, not to mention that if Gao Fei is exposed, then Maggie can easily be exposed. Maggie is inevitably the object of concern to the whole world, and Gao Fei needs to worry about the safety of Maggie.

The pale red light in Gao Fei’s eyes disappeared, and he decided to take the crisis under the foundation of not using the blood.

At this moment, on the distant sky, Xiao Bing and Jiuyi Tianlong began to compete for the control of the body. Xiao Bing was holding the body of the Jiuyi Tianlong, riding on the body of the Jiuyi Tianlong refused to let go. The Jiuyi Tianlong squirmed in the sky, and the mouth screamed in a screaming madness. In the end, under the anger, he immediately slammed into the mountains with his body.

With a bang, Xiao Bing’s body slammed into the mountains. He only felt that he was about to be squashed, but the crazy power made Xiao Bing a little excited, some crazy, this crazy let He is even more embarrassed to hold the body of the Jiuyi Tianlong refused to let go.

"Damn man, you give me off my body!"

With a bang, Xiao Bing was hit by a mountain in a row. The Jiuyi Tianlong originally thought that such a huge force might be enough to hit Xiao Bing into a patties, but I did not expect Xiao Bing to be intact, even the mountains began to shake, countless The gravel rolled down, but Xiao Bing seems to be somewhat confused, but still intact.

"Damn, what is your perverted defense?"

At this time, the nine wings of Tianlong suddenly appeared innumerable and sharp and sharp barbed, Xiao Bing hurriedly separated from the body of the Jiuyi Tianlong, flew out to the side, he just left the body of the Jiuyi Tianlong, I felt that my head was dizzy, and it was just that I was hit by a bump. I was so painful that I didn’t say anything, and my head almost came out of a concussion.

"Human, now know that Benlong is amazing!" Jiuyi Tianlong excitedly opened his mouth and began to bite Xiaobing. Xiao Bing hurried backwards and flew toward the ground.

"Oh, **** humans, your Terran has no ability to fly at all. I see how you fight me!"

The Jiuyi Tianlong chased after him, and the tail with a barbed tail was directly drawn to Xiao Bing. The barbs on the tail of his tail can completely tie Xiao Bing's body to many holes.

Xiao Bing’s soul chasing stick directly greeted the past. With a bang, Xiao Bing was pumped by this tail, and it was extremely falling toward the ground.

The Jiuyi Tianlong shot at a faster speed toward Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing only felt that the air around him was sorely painful, but his eyes were as firm as ever, tightening the chasing stick in his hand, falling. At the same time, there is no uneasiness in the eyes.

Nine-wing Tianlong chased from the sky to Xiao Bing, and finally slammed, Xiao Bing fell from the sky hundreds of meters to the ground, wow, directly spewed a large mouth of blood, and this time, the Jiuyi Tianlong is also directly Dive down.

Xiao Bing rolled on the ground, and the two front paws of the Jiuyi Tianlong directly grabbed an empty space and caught the ground on which Xiao Bing was lying. The ground cracked a gap.

Xiao Bing gasped slightly, and the Jiuyi Tianlong began to meet again. Xiao Bing once again ducked in the past, then struggled to stand up and kept a distance of more than ten meters. He stood there and gasped slightly, holding both hands. The eyes looked calmly at the Jiuyi Tianlong.

The two wings of the Jiuyi Tianlong grabbed the ground, and the body and tail were constantly shaking in the air. His head was also attached to the ground. A pair of big eyes stared at Xiao Bing, and said: "Human, you think Will you be my opponent? It seems that your strength should have reached the peak of the saints in human beings. The realm is higher than me, but I can fly, can you do it? Moreover, now that you are still hurt, will you still be my opponent?"

Xiao Bing's eyes are still staring at the Jiuyi Tianlong, and they can't hear.

"Damn, I hate you for this kind of look. I don't know why. You actually reminded me of the **** guy of the Protoss. You are all the same eyes, proud, confident, never put us in the eyes, as if you You can control all situations, but unfortunately, you are too weak, you can't do it! This demon holy will swallow you today, and then may enhance my life!"

Xiao Bing looked at the Jiuyi Tianlong and sighed and said: "You may not know..."


"I actually have other cards!"

Nine-wing Tianlong haha ​​laughed and said: "Get it out, then you will take it out and show it to the demon holy. This demon holy wants to see what your life-saving magic weapon is!"

At this time, the power inside Xiao Bing suddenly began to erupt. His eyes became one with blood red, and the other with a golden glow, and his face began to become distorted. When he got up, he began to groan. His body was full of horrible blood-red light, but there was a clear and golden force flowing, but the power of gold was weak compared to the power of blood red. At this time, the Jiuyi Tianlong seemed to see something incredible. He exclaimed and exclaimed: "The body of the **** and the body of the devil? How is it possible!"

It is rushing to fly.

However, Xiao Bing grabbed the one-handed directly to the Jiuyi Tianlong and said: "I still forgot to say one thing, Laozi will fly!"

On Gao Fei’s side, the Pope once again screamed. At this time, he was no longer calm and calm as usual. His face became extremely dignified, and his voice was hurriedly lifted. The scepter in his hand shouted loudly: "An angel above the heights, please allow your servant to borrow your strength here, Angel Shield!"

A light wall was blocked in the middle of the man and the beast, and then the pope fell pale on the ground, some weak voice: "Remove!"

Including the Pope, everyone ran wildly in the distance. Before Going away, Goofy also reached out to Walker, who was sitting on the ground and breaking through the ground. Dracassi also hurriedly broke through. The daughter-in-law, Lisi, gave her back to her back, the top masters were in front, and all of Walker’s brethren were running wild.

At this time, two huge **** of light, one black and one yellow, finally flew over, first hit the shield of angels, the shield of angels lasted for about three seconds, and then the forces of terror began to oscillate around. The black ball is only one-third left, and the yellow ball is still two-thirds the size. The two **** of light fly like a cannon to the fleeing people.

When the two giant energy **** of black and yellow approached faster than Gao Fei and others, Gao Fei looked back and saw that the hood was immediately released to the maximum. At this time, two energy **** A bang banged.

The heavens and the earth seem to be shrouded in an instant by the infinite darkness and the infinite glare of the golden color. The incomparable horrible power bombarded the people behind Gao Fei and others, and no one noticed that Gao Fei’s body was extremely powerful at this time. The blood-red power is shrouded, and then all the people have suffered a shock wave of incomparable horror.

That force made all the trees in the surrounding area into ruins, so that the grass on the ground was not born, so that all the excellent sergeants under Walker’s hands were dead, even if Gao Fei and others were at this time. Falling to the ground, Goofy and Walker looked a little better. Pope Wow spit out a big mouthful of blood, his face paler and looks so weak, and the **** of death looks like a ragged shirt at the moment. Flowing blood, it seems to have suffered from a light internal injury.

At this time, the two monsters in the distance seemed to become weaker, but they quickly rushed toward the high flying side.

Goofy got up and got up. Walker also climbed up from the ground. Just a horrible shock wave, Walker felt it, and suffered a little bit of injury, but when he saw the **** of death and the pope, he I can't help but have some doubts. Why do I look like the injury is not as serious as the Pope and Death? I have to know that I have just been in the critical period of breakthrough, and my strength is weaker than those two.

After taking the Wolf King's demon, Walker's strength has broken through the realm of the saint's mid-term, which is not a burden at this time.

Seeing that the two monsters are coming in, the gods and the popes are all changed. The Pope is now consuming and injured, and even the self-protection ability is not enough. Although the situation of death is better, he is now The injury was not light, for fear that the two monsters continued to desperately, and Gao Fei’s eyes changed, and he began to prepare to meet the battle.


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