Super Soldier

Chapter 1904: Half God Xiao Bing!

In their screen, Xiao Bing disappeared. In fact, Xiao Bing is actually still in the woods, but he has arranged a lineup. This is a top-level method. Xiao Bing is also the first attempt. The world is a principle, although it is far less powerful than the enchantment, but this level of formation is also very rare, you can hide Xiao Bing perfectly.

In fact, it’s not just that. When those missiles that hit the sea were hit, there wasn’t a missile that fell accurately in the rest of the pockets of Xiao Bing’s knees, within a radius of 100 meters from Xiao Bing. In the scope of the array, there is no way to compare this with the enchantment. If it is an enchantment, the missile will be completely blocked, but Xiao Bing’s formation can achieve similar effects. After passing through the area where the array is located, the space will be distorted, and the missile's trajectory will deviate. The final bombardment position must be outside the array.

After Xiao Bing observed it, he let go of his heart and said with emotion: "This is the method that Han Huabin’s predecessors have developed themselves. The predecessors are really the masters of the formation. This is a good way to go against the sky... but I also act. To be faster, according to the records, this array of law has been so violently bombarded, it is necessary to constantly distort the space to be able to do it. Normally, at most, it can last for about half an hour. I have to take this time to break through. ""

Xiao Bing solved the backpack from the back, and then took out the demon, which is a total of three demon dan, which are the demon bat dragon, the eight-clawed scorpion and the blue-winged sea dragon beast. These three demon Among the beasts of the beasts, the demon of the eight-clawed scorpion is the most powerful, followed by the thunderbolt batosaurus, and finally the blue-winged sea dragon beast.

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, he took the eight-clawed demon dan directly, and after collecting the other two demon dan, he sat down on the knees. He just felt stunned and immediately felt a terrible enthusiasm. The breath began to burn inside the body, as if to incinerate yourself.

The color of Xiao Bing’s skin began to turn red, and the body was hot. The hot breath was changed to any one, so I’m afraid to scream out. Even many people are afraid that it’s already the limit. However, it may be necessary to immediately explode and die, so the demon is not affordable for the average person. This requires a very strong physical quality and a very strong willpower to do it.

All the power of the Eight-Claw Fire is concentrated in the demon, and the power of terror is not even in the body, and some of them are leaked from the body before refining. It is also difficult to avoid, and it is impossible for any one to devouring this level of demon to refine all of its power.

What Xiao Bing didn't find was that the power of these eight-clawed demon shards leaked out of his body was all absorbed by the chasing sticks inserted in his waist.

One minute passed, ten minutes passed, and fifteen minutes passed.

Xiao Bing sweated and opened his eyes. He actually felt that there was more than half a heart in his body. This heart is very strange. It is not red, nor yellow. It is red and yellow. There is a phase between the colors, and there is a pattern of flames in the middle of the position.

Xiao Bing thought of the message he got on the god-level monument. Once he stepped into the realm of God, there will be a heart of God in the body. This is the second heart. The function of this heart is far greater than that of the previous one. The heart, once with the heart of God, is equivalent to stepping into the realm of God, reaching this level, even if you can't breathe in a sealed space, you can guarantee that immortality will not die, when stepping into the demigod At the time of the realm, the heart of God has already appeared, but only when it truly enters the realm of God, the heart of God will be truly complete.

Xiao Bing’s heart is in the dark, it seems that he has now stepped into the realm of demigods?

Xiao Bing carefully observed his own heart of God through internal vision, and found that this heart of God does not seem to be half the size, only a third of the outline.

How is this going? Is it that you have not yet stepped into the demigod?

Xiao Bing hesitated for a moment, took the backpack down, and took out an inner Dan. This time Xiao Bing came out with the weaker blue-winged sea dragon beast, but it was weak, in fact It is one of the top ten beasts. It is weak and weak. Xiao Bing thinks that he is very close to half a heart now, so basically he can't use the lightning dragon of the lightning bat dragon, as long as this blue wing sea dragon The beast's demon is already more than enough.

So Xiao Bing swallowed this demon dan. If the power of the demon dan is just fire, then the power of this demon dan is water. Xiao Bing did not think that the blue-wing sea dragon beast is a water property. In fact, since it is called the sea dragon beast, if you think about it carefully, you will know it. As a result, Xiao Bing devours one by one, but instead gets a blessing. Although this demon is weaker than the demon of the Thunderbolt One point, but it is the most suitable for Xiao Bing's current demon, so that the strength of Xiao Bing's body is just perfectly neutralized.

What Xiao Bing didn't notice was that the energy of some of the demon shards leaked out was once again absorbed by the chasing soul stick.

In addition to the formation, the missile is still undergoing uninterrupted bombing at this moment, and in the command center, the faces of the major generals are not good-looking. One of them can’t help but say: "Lieutenant Smith, I see It’s better to do it. The price we paid this time, I’m afraid there is no way to make a difference after returning.”

"No!" Lieutenant General Smith patted the table and shouted, "Continue to bomb, no matter how painful the price is, continue to bomb. I will erase the forest from the earth, I will also Finding Xiao Bing, he can never disappear from the world out of thin air."

These majors are even more ugly, and one of them is going to hide aside to inform them. Suddenly there is a Major General pointing to the big screen and shouting: "Look, see what it is?"

However, in the radar, there was finally a trace of Xiao Bing, but they not only did not show the color of joy, but they were all horrified, just like seeing ghosts.

At this moment, Xiao Bing is flying in the air, flying all the way to the location where the command center is located.

There is a flame in Xiao Bing's body, as if there is a layer of flame gauze on his body. This layer of flame gauze is more powerful and terrible than any scorpion, and he has an indescribable body. It can support the momentum of the heavens and the earth. All the missiles have finally attacked the target, and all of them are flying toward him.

Rumble, several missiles were directly bombed on Xiao Bing's body. When the clouds dissipated, Xiao Bing's figure appeared. He looked intact, only paused for a few seconds in midair, and then continued to fly forward. Go, those missiles did not hurt him, and he was completely hard to resist!

Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a sneer. Once again, a series of missiles were directly bombed on Xiao Bing’s body. When the clouds dispersed, Xiao Bing continued to fly in the direction of the command center. It seems that Xiao Bing’s clothes are somewhat It was messy, and the layer of flame gauze on the body looked a little weak, but there was still no sign of injury.

The people in the command center are all stupid, and there is a big mess in the command center!

The technicians responsible for launching the missiles all squinted and screamed: "My God, what is going on here? What is going on?"

"Is this God? How can he fly? How can the missile not blow him?"

"God, he is flying over, we are fighting against God, what should we do?"

"Run away, hurry and run away!"

"Damn, do you want to go to the military court? No one can leave here until Mr. Lieutenant does not say that he has retreated."

At this moment, Lieutenant General Smith is also stunned to look at the big screen. Several major generals are standing next to each other and watching this scene with their eyes. One of the major generals said bitterly: "We are miscalculated, the strength of this Xiaobing. Far beyond our expectations, perhaps he is promoted again, but we have offended an enemy!"

"Nuclear!" Lieutenant General Smith swallowed a slobber, yelling wildly, "Direct nuclear weapons kill him!"

One of the major generals looked like an idiot and looked like he was out of heart. It seemed like Lieutenant General Smith. "Mr. Lieutenant General, I have to remind you that if you want to use nuclear weapons, you must ask the President to nod and the Congress. Passing the resolution, it is definitely not practical in a short time. This time we lost. This monster is flying towards us. We must retreat immediately. Otherwise, we will face the biggest after the collapse of the Soviet Union. A crisis."

Smith yelled at the film: "Damn, we are m nationals, we are soldiers of the superpowers. What can he do if he comes? Can you force us to apologize? Can we dare to do it with us? Our superpowers are so arrogant." In the face of an ordinary mortal who will escape, do you want to be an international joke? We are not the small countries of the country of Myanmar and the country of r!"

A major sighed and said: "Mr. Smith, you will regret it for your decision. Now I will call the above and let the decision be issued."

"No need." Another monk's bitter way, "He has come!"

The missile has stopped firing, because Xiao Bing is floating above their base, Xiao Bing is carrying his hands, above the sky, looking down on the bottom, it is not a mortal look, it is the eyes of God!

The second heart of Xiao Bing has grown to half, and he has officially become a true demigod!

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