Super Soldier

Chapter 1905: The world is awesome! (three more)

Xiao Bing looked down and suddenly reached out. A horrible force was like an energy wave. A rotating radar in the distance exploded directly.

Xiao Bing also waved his hand and madly bombarded it. Several missile launchers were blown up.

At this moment, there are a lot of m** people gathered in the base. These people are wearing camouflage uniforms, with guns in their hands, and the guns are aimed at Xiao Bing, but no one dares to open fire, even their bodies are still non-stop. Trembling.

A person can use the ** to hold the missile, and he can destroy the radar and missile system with a wave of his hand. They have never seen it before, especially when Xiao Bing is wrapped in a flame coat at this moment. They seem to be like gods.

Xiao Bing did not expect that after he swallowed the demon, he would still have some magical powers of the beast. Before he only thought that he would break through, he never thought that he could reach this level, but this is not Xiaobing’s ignorance. There are only ten of the top ten beasts in the ancient times. It is very difficult to see them. Who can have the opportunity to devour their demon?

What's more, the beast is so powerful, if it is one-on-one, even if the saint's peak perfection wants to suppress one of the monsters, it may be possible, but want to kill one beast one by one. It’s hard, Xiao Bing can do it. On the one hand, it’s because the Jiuyi Tianlong is too flustered. On the other hand, because Xiao Bing’s overall combat power itself is beyond the saint’s peak, his demon body is fully displayed. After coming out, his strength has been infinitely close to half, and it can't be done by other people.

The demon who wants to devour the beasts of the top ten beasts, it sounds like a fantasy, so Xiao Bing did not know that there would be such an effect before, which is not unusual.

Xiao Bing’s body is burning with flames. His body has endless power waiting for him to vent. He knows that even if he is a casual blow, today’s base will definitely hurt more than half, but he still does not. Anxious because he still doesn't want to shoot now.

Xiao Bing opened his mouth and used fluent English directly. Lang Lang said: "If you encounter something, you will only let the soldiers under your hand make cannon fodder? Who ordered the order to kill me, why not?"

At this time a group of soldiers came out of the base building. The soldiers were all armed with submachine guns. Under their protection, Lieutenant General Smith and several major generals also stepped out of it.

It’s ugly to see how ugly the face of Lieutenant General Smith is. Seeing this scene in front of him, he knows that if you don’t want to be soft today, it’s hard to be good.

But if Xiao Bing dares to treat them, Smith still can't believe that they are m** people, their country is the hegemon of the world, and they have always only dared to take the initiative to do other people and the country, never have People dare to do things to people in the country.

Smith looked up and looked at Xiao Bing and said: "The dear Vice Minister Xiao, I don't think I will start here. I already know the specific things. We only heard that our country's traitor Walker was in the woods. I didn't expect it. It will be you, I want to offer my most sincere apologies here."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I didn't expect it? If I was in the woods before, the radar couldn't tell who was inside. It was possible that I had already flown into the air, but Mr. Smith still did not order them to stop the missile. Bombardment, is this unexpected?"

Smith smiled and said: "I think this must be a misunderstanding. The relationship between our country and China has always been very friendly. Moreover, Vice Minister Xiao is still the leader of your country. We will not do anything to Vice Minister Xiao anyway. ""

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "It’s very good. If it is a misunderstanding, I believe that today’s misunderstanding can be even bigger. Maybe you will die several people here..."

Xiao Bing reached out and the two m-class soldiers suddenly screamed and flew into the air. Xiao Bing grabbed the neck with one hand and held it high. All the people below pointed the gun at the gun. Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing did not take it seriously, smiled faintly: "In fact, I don't need to be so slow to kill people. I don't need to kill only two at a time. You guess if I am really awkward, can I have a way to do it in ten seconds? Let all of you here die all the time?"

Smith's face was extremely ugly, and he was mad at the anger: "Mr. Xiao, what do you mean by this? Are you going to fight with our country?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is too much. I didn't want to fight with your country. Of course, if your country wants to fight with me, I am not afraid of coming, but now all I want is to get back. My face. I am the vice minister of China, I am the owner of the dark world, I am one of the most powerful powers in the world, the strongest of the demigod level, the strong can not be insulted!"

The following people are all scared, half-god level?

Smith is also stunned. It is no wonder that Xiao Bing has been able to stay in the air for a long time. He has already stepped into the realm of demigod. Doesn’t that Xiao Bing in front of him successfully step into the first person of mankind?

Smith knows exactly what kind of monster he has provoked.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Come on, my patience is not very good, I only give you five seconds to choose, you can admit mistakes within five seconds, you can also refuse to accept soft, if It is the latter, and everyone here will be there for you to bury!"

The movements and quiets of Smith here are really too big. At this time, several countries in the world have all been moved. Many countries, such as m, e, China, r, and y, are simultaneously broadcasting this live. The picture, of course, can only be seen by the heads of state and the top members of the parliament.

At this time, the heads of government, members of parliament, and senior officials of all countries have held their breath!

Even if it is China, it is already stupid. It is a m-country. That is the lieutenant of the m-country. Xiao Bing actually apologized to a lieutenant-level official of the m-country. This is something that has never happened before. !

This is almost a shame to the red fruit of a world hegemon. Will this be done in this?

But if he doesn't do it, will Xiao Bing really kill everyone in the base? Who can afford such a big price?

Xiao Bing's cold road: "One."



Smith shouted: "You devil!"

Xiao Bing still does not waver: "Four!"


Just as Xiao Bing was preparing to kill the two soldiers, he slammed and Smith squatted on the ground.

Xiao Bing smiled and threw the two soldiers down. The two soldiers fluttered on the ground, and Xiao Bing could not withstand the long-term consumption in the air. He stood on the towering building. Get up, look down on the bottom and say, "Okay, apologize!"

Smith lowered his noble head. He couldn't wait to find a seam and immediately got into it. He only thought that he was the most shameful m** person in history, and he bent his knee in front of the enemy.

All the soldiers are all stupid. They have always believed that their country is the real giant in the world. It is incomprehensible. No one can overcome it. Anyone who has faced it will have to give in. At this moment, they were forced to submit, and the beliefs in their hearts felt shaken for the first time.

Smith opened his mouth and finally said it was difficult: "Sorry, Vice Minister Xiao, the thing just happened is that we did something wrong."

Xiao Bing stood on the towering building, carrying his hands and proudly said: "Well, remember what you said today, and remember the scene today, no matter who you are, you are a lieutenant, or you represent the country. I just want to tell you a little!"

"I can't bully Xiao Bing!"

Xiao Bing’s feet slid gently, and the whole man flew away in the distance. A Major General next to Smith was careful: “When he flies away, do you want to continue to use missiles...”

The words of this major general have not been finished yet. The three-story building that Xiao Bing was just stepping on suddenly made a creaking sound. The whole building was broken at this moment and collapsed!

All the people were stupid, and the young general also paled his face and swallowed the sentence. Smith was trembling, the whole base was quiet, and all the people in the world who saw this scene in the world were quiet. They are like looking at an incredible history. The first time they saw the m people, they would surrender and succumb to the foot of the Chinese Xiao Bing!

On the other side of China, the high-level officials of the Ministry of National Security all saw the live broadcast in the conference room. After the big screen was turned off, everyone still had no movement for a long time. At this time, the old class’s mobile phone rang and the old class took it out. It turned out to be the phone call from the office of the No. 1 head, the old class did not dare to neglect, hurriedly picked up, and heard the first head in the excitement inside said: "Xiao Bing... This kid can really be a disaster... ...but it’s really a matter of arrogance. He just let me see the scene that our Great China has committed against the Chinese people thousands of years ago!”

The old class smiled and said: "Then you don't blame him?"

"It’s strange, of course, it’s strange, but if you look at this kid’s stinky temper that makes me like it, I won’t dispose of him, but you have to deal with the m country immediately, remember to give the impact as much as possible. To the lowest."

"I know, head, I will do it."

The old class hang up the phone and let out a sigh of relief. At this time, the other senior officials at the director level in the conference room were all relaxed and sighed. They just turned back from the broadcast screen.

In each of the other countries, everyone is still quiet, and then a variety of instructions to the security department below.

Xiao Bing’s battle, shaking the top of the world, especially the persecution of the m-national lieutenant, is worldly stunned!

Ps: Does it feel so good? If you are cool, remember to vote, vote for the best work ticket for the super-war, and each account has a few free tickets per day.

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