Super Soldier

Chapter 1933: All sin, because of me

Ps: There is a common sense mistake. Maggie should be the cousin of Xiao Bing, not the cousin. Fortunately, the book friends reminded in the circle and apologized and apologized.

Xiao Bing excitedly asked: "Where is my brother?"

"I don't know." Bai Xiaosheng was silent, and then continued. "According to normal, your family should be very happy and live in the devil world, and nothing else will happen."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing sighed and said, "If you can live in the devil world, as long as you can live with your loved ones, it is not a happy thing."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "Maybe your mother thought so at the time. Your mother inherited the gene of the Mozu Mai family. It is beautiful and beautiful. Whether it is in the devil or the gods, there are countless pursuers. Later, it was called the first beauty of the Protoss. But although she is very beautiful, she is never proud. Her temper is still very naive and simple, marry a man she likes. This may be the world for her. The most important thing, unfortunately, many things started to break everything."

Xiao Bing excitedly asked: "What happened in the end?"

"Later things... With your cleverness, you must be able to come up with a rough idea. The demon princess can naturally conceal himself without being seen by the protoss. Oh, actually, with the king of God. Nothing is done, how can he not see the true identity of the Devil Princess, but he really likes the Princess of the Devil, so he did not choose to expose it."

Bai Xiaosheng added: "So, the first thing I can tell you now is that your parents really love each other, and they love more than you think, and they are more unreserved."

Xiao Bing can imagine the situation at that time. Both the gods and the demons hated each other in history. In the mythological era, the two real races that have been in battle for years are the Protoss and the Mozu. They are natural enemies, even in the In the culture of the human race, whether it is a movie or a TV series, God and the devil are opposites. From this, it can be seen that the gods and the devils are incompatible with each other.

Under this circumstance, the Devil Princess knew that the King of God was the leader of the enemy, but she did not hesitate to marry him. The **** Wang Mingming saw the identity of the Mozu Princess, but he did not debunk it. Instead, to cover up the truth, and without hesitation, he married the princess, what kind of feelings can finally achieve this level.

Xiao Bing was really touched when he heard this. In contrast, his father was more enthusiastic, more manly and more responsible than his own.

Xiao Bing tightened his fist and asked: "So why? Why is my father finally dead? And I was born in the human world?"

"Your father was a **** king at the time, and his power was the best in the world. However, many of the protoss were masters. Many people know that the two protagonists of the mythology are Protoss and Mozus, but they don’t know the power of the Mozu in the mythology. Underneath, and after thousands of years of prosperity, the Protoss is far less brilliant than it used to be, but it is not as strong as it was when it was sealed. At that time, there were some strong people in the Protoss. Powerful, even come out of a realm that is enough to threaten your father."

Xiao Bing hurriedly asked: "Who is it?"

Xiao Bing can probably guess that his father’s death is definitely a great relationship with this person.

Bai Xiaosheng said: "The strength of the Protoss closest to your father is his younger brother, that is, the current king of God is smashing the sky. At the beginning, he was your father's right arm. Later, you betray your father and your uncle and uncle. Broken, your father is dead, the mother takes you away from the world, and now he must be the **** of the gods."

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "What is the name of my father and mother?"

"Your father is called Xiao Biantian, your mother's name is Mai Hongyin."

Xiao Bing finally knows the real name of his parents. His eyes are reddish, his nose is faint and sour, and his heart can’t tell the taste. Then he suddenly reacts to the name Mai Hongyin, muttering in his mouth. : "Mai red, wheat red ... ... and really like Mai Qi are surnamed Mai, but this name I am so familiar with how to listen."

Bai Xiaosheng said: "She actually has a name. Her name is Mai, because the surname of the demon **** in the Mozu is the surname Mai, but after entering the realm, there is no surname in the gods. So, she named herself Xia, and when she met and worshipped and married, she always had a surname of Xia, and she finally said her true when her identity was debunked. The surname is called Mai Hongyin."

Suddenly, Xiao Bing was shocked. The whole person was a little lost. His body was shaking. The tears in his eyes seemed to flow out. He resisted tears and muttered to himself: "Summer... ...that after she and my father met, did she change her name to Xia Hongyin... Xia Hongyin... Xia Hongyin... My mother-in-law turned out to be my mother... No wonder it would be so clever, no wonder she would be so mysterious, no wonder I first look When I saw her, it was so kind, it was like a loved one... It turned out that she was my biological mother!"

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but shed tears and rubbed his eyes, and the voice became sobbing: “Why did she want to abandon me? What did they experience and why?”

Xiao Bing screamed in the sky, the horrible atmosphere spread everywhere, and the earth seemed to be shaking.

Bai Xiaosheng sighed: "You have reason to be angry, because all the results are derived from betrayal. On the day you were born, you suddenly inadvertently exposed the genetic power of the Mozu at the moment you were born. You The strength of the body is too strong, even at the moment of birth, it reveals the horse's foot. Your mother acknowledged her true identity, when your father wanted to kill all those who saw this scene, but did not expect you The mother is soft, and asks your father to be merciful. Later, the reason why he was wrong is to let go of those who know."

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed with blood red light and asked: "Then they leaked everything..."

"Yes, some of them leaked this secret. Later, the entire Protoss was boiling. The king of God even smashed the princess of the Mozu. This sounds unacceptable to anyone. If only the people are boiling, maybe Can still calm down, no one can think of Xiao Xiaotian, the **** brother Xiao Xiaotian's younger brother, Xiao Xiaotian is the most trusted person in the world who has betrayed him, and Xiao Tiantian arrested with lightning. The most trusted guards around the king of God, succumbed to them, used the death penalty... Some people were smoked their ears, some were stabbed, and some were interrupted. ”

Xiao Bing’s fists are getting tighter and tighter, and the light in his eyes is becoming more and more scarlet. There is an extremely horrible gas field in the body, which makes people bloody.

Bai Xiaosheng continued: "The king of God noticed the action of Xiao Xiaotian in time, and even found out that Xiao Tiantian used his brother to smash the Princess of the Mozu, and began to provoke a large number of forces. At this time, it has already happened. It is impossible for him to use the powerful force of the gods at the time, and he may not lose to Xiao Tian, ​​but he is the king of the Protoss. He cannot let the entire Protoss fall into destruction because of the war between their brothers. He cannot let The Protoss re-emerged again after thousands of years, so he thought of a very bold means."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is it because they came to the world?"

"They really left the realm, but your father died later!"

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "How did he die? Who killed him?"

"Your father will go into the prison, and will save his loyal guards, and then kill all the way to the enchantment. He alone blocked the myriad of the protoss headed by Xiao Tiantian, and even used his Great God passed through the enchantment for a short time, and sent your mother and your brothers and those guards out. He thought he needed to sacrifice himself, but he didn’t expect his power to be too powerful. After sending so many people, I left the world of God alive, and the enchantment was completely closed."

"After the birth day, they came to the world, but your father was alive and traversing the enchantment, but all of them were gone. Your father wanted to take you with your mother and your brother. An ordinary day, hidden identity is left in the human world... Your mother also wants to live that kind of day. Most of the guards at that time also agreed that they left the realm of the gods and could not control this human world by their own strength. Once the identity is revealed, it is a death, and it is impossible to return to the realm of the gods, but no one has thought that there were several traitors in the guards at that time..."

Xiao Bing understood, and asked: "Is that day?"

"Not only him, but he is headed by... The traitors of the time have all died, it is the few people I have let you kill in the past two years."

Xiao Bing recalled that almost every time he wanted to exchange news, Bai Xiaosheng would let himself take away one's life. I didn't expect that those who killed him were all killed by their own fathers. Now I want to come, though I said that I felt that it was good at the time, but I still felt that it was not enough. If I knew that the other party was the murderer who killed my father, I would not let those people die so easily. At least it would be a slap in the face to be able to hate!

Bai Xiaosheng said: "This is probably the case. The traitors have already been bought and bought by Xiao Tian. They think that it was the best chance to kill your father. It really succeeded. But when they want to escape back to the enchantment, they can't do it. When they broke down, they promised that if they killed the **** king, they would use the great power to help them go back. Unfortunately, when they want to go back, they knot. The world has become extremely strong..."

Xiao Bing’s voice was a little choked: "What happened later? How was my mother? Why did I be abandoned in the orphanage?"

Bai Xiaosheng sighed and said: "At that time, you just had a full moon, perhaps because you were the one who caused your family to become a family, or there may be other reasons. Your mother resolutely abandoned you, and later Some of the other guards may continue to follow your mother, but some feel that the king's end is because of your mother, so later some of the guards left...."

"Because I blame me..." Xiao Bing’s body trembled, squatting down and crying with a headache. "Sure enough... because blame me... yeah, if it wasn’t for me when I was born, I was exposed. My parents will not have an accident, and my family will not have an accident. This is because of me, because of me!!!!"

Ps: I took care of my grandfather's space and wrote some of it. Then I just researched the mobile phone hotspot and immediately updated it. The second chapter is also getting it. After a while, I will update it. If there is a third chapter, I will try my best. And for that!

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