Super Soldier

Chapter 1934: Who is Bai Xiaosheng?

Xiao Bing was on the ground, holding his head and tearing his hair in pain. It seemed that only the pain of tearing his hair could cover up the pain and self-blame in his heart.

Although he didn’t say it in his mouth, he always complained about his parents and complained about why they had to abandon themselves. Why did they ignore them? They were just a baby who was still in the middle of the night. I just throw myself into the orphanage, do you make the wrong thing that makes them feel abandoned at such a small age?

He had asked this question countless times in his heart. He couldn't get the answer. He only got endless blame. He felt that he should hate, but he couldn't hate it because he saw everyone else has his own. Mom and Dad, he really wants to see his parents one day, and then hears from his parents that it is actually a misunderstanding. In fact, they were accidentally lost, and nothing more.

Now, the answer has finally been obtained, but this answer has made him unable to hate, and some are just sad and blame.

Xiao Bing’s tears have already wet his underwear. He wiped his tears and shouted: “All blame me, blame me, all sin, all in my body! If it weren’t for me, my father would not die, my family would not be displaced. I am the source of all sin! I am damn!!!"

The voice of Bai Xiaosheng suddenly became severe: "No, it doesn't blame you, the source of sin is in the Protoss, in your false and deceitful dear uncle!"

Xiao Bing looked up, his eyes sparkling with obvious murder. His fists slammed tightly, his body shivered slightly, and his madness said: "Yes, he **** it! I am going to the gods, then kill him!"

Xiao Bing snorted and gasped, and Bai Xiaosheng sighed slightly and said: "You are already in a difficult situation in the human world, but you want to compete with Xiao Tian, ​​you are still too weak. Too weak, in this world, I am afraid no one can beat him... You can't, no one can do it... You need to be strong enough to do this, this is a free gift I gave you. No need to collect money, we have a goodbye!"

The voice of Bai Xiaosheng gradually went farther and farther and farther. Xiao Bing suddenly asked: "Who are you? Why do you know this about my life? What is your relationship with me?"

Xiao Bing's emotions were so excited that it took so long to reflect on this problem. Since those who killed themselves were all their own enemies, why did this Bai Xiaosheng just want to let his enemies die? It seems that it is intentional to let yourself personally come to the enemy, what good is this for him? Or is he intimate with himself?

Xiao Bing flew toward the front, and after chasing a distance, he stopped. At this time, he had already lost the trace of Bai Xiaosheng.

Xiao Bing sighed slightly, not thinking about Bai Xiaosheng's affairs for the time being. No matter what relationship the other party has with himself, it seems that at least it is a friend and an enemy. In this case, you don't have to study it for the time being.

Xiao Bing’s heart only feels mixed, and he finally knows his life. The good thing is that the mother and brother may still be alive, but I don’t know where they are. It seems that the next time I meet Bai Xiaosheng again. Asked, the bad thing is that the reason why the original home was in this place, everything is all because of themselves.

It's no wonder that his body is different from ordinary people. It is no wonder that every time he is angry, there will be blood in his burning. It is no wonder that his own Dantian hides the power of gold in the depths. This is the reason...

However, Xiao Bing still doesn't quite understand that the golden power in his own Dantian does not seem to be born. It seems to be poured into the person who poured in this power in his own Dantian. who is it? Xiao Bing thinks that he is likely to be his father, but should he not hate himself? Why seal so much power in your body?

Xiao Bing didn't quite understand it. For the time being, he had no longer to think about it. Since the winter, Xiao Bing felt cold for the first time.

Back in Xiaofu, almost everyone felt the difference of Xiao Bing's emotions, especially though Xiao Bing was said to be in the nearby woods, but his roar was heard by all the people in Xiaofu, but No one came over to ask what happened, and sometimes there were things that had to be done by the parties themselves.

When Xiao Bing returned to the room alone, Su Xiaoxiao, Liu Kexin, Rouge and Red Rose, who were talking in the hall, all looked at the leaves. The leaves hesitated and said, "I am afraid it is related to life."

"Hmm?" Several girls are confused.

The leaves sighed and said: "In this world, I am afraid that in addition to my life, I will never let Xiao Big Brother talk to others afterwards. So I will hope that Xiao Da Ge will check him earlier. The mystery of my life experience, but sometimes I am really afraid that the result of Xiao Da Ge’s last check is that he least wants it. It’s not as good as he can’t find anything better. Now it seems that Xiao Xiaoge must I know what it is, and it is not what he wants to hear."

Su Xiaoxiao said slightly hesitantly: "What should I do? How can we solve it?"

The leaves sighed and said: "This kind of thing is only Xiao Da Ge who wants to open it. Don't worry, I will go in and talk with Xiao Da."

Liu Kexin said: "The leaves are going to depend on you. Among us, only you can have a solution to Xiao Dao."

"Well, let me say something polite, in fact, Xiao Brother may be the easiest to open his mind in front of you, it is more useful than me."

Liu Kexin spit out his tongue and cautiously said: "Really? But..."

"Nothing, you still don't believe what I said." The leaves said, "Do not believe you to ask other people."

Liu Kexin looked at Su Xiaoxiao, Su Xiaoxiao immediately nodded and said with a smile: "Don't you see it yet? Xiao Da Ge is the most loved one on weekdays. He has always treated you like a child. The pet is really in the mouth, but Xiao Da Ge is also very good to me. It is also very good for Rose Sister. It is also very good for Rouge sister. It is even more important to the leaves, but never It’s like you....”

Red Rose sighed and said: "Before Xiao Da Ge also specifically asked me to talk about it, saying that it is the simplest, the most kind, the most vulnerable, and the most distressing of all the people in Xiaofu, so she specifically told I don't care about other people, but I must care more about you and take care of you like my sister."

The leaves heard this for the first time, and smiled bitterly: "Okay, hey, the big bad guys said every day that I am a big wife, saying that I am most toward me, it seems to be the most oriented sister."

Liu Kexin spit out his tongue, a little embarrassed, her eyes flashed with tears, her nose sour, and finally wiped her eyes and said: "I am going to accompany Xiao Brother."

"Well, go."

"Let's talk."

Liu Kexin went to the door of the room and tapped the door gently. The voice softly said: "Xiao Big Brother, it is me... heart..."

Liu Kexin’s heart is continually jumping, and Xiaobing’s face is so depressed when she walks in. She feels so sad and distressed, but she is really afraid that she can’t comfort Xiao Bing because her mouth is really It is too stupid, she has not been the type that can be said.

Liu Kexin is hesitating how to word it. The door suddenly opened. When he saw Liu Kexin standing at the door, Xiao Bing took Liu Kexin, who had not responded, to his arms. Liu Kexin was all around. Then, widened his eyes, and then Xiao Bing took Liu Kexin back to the room.

Liu Kexin was held by Xiao Bing to the bed. Xiao Bing sat on the bed. Liu Kexin sat on Xiao Bing's thigh and was squatted by Xiao Bing.

Liu Kexin swallowed a sip of water and hesitated what he should say. Xiao Bing gave the delicate and pleasant Liu Kexin to his arms, gently rubbing his face on Liu Kexin’s arm, and then kissed Liu Kexin. The neck, then said: "You don't need to say anything, you don't need to comfort me. I just want to hug you quietly. Just hold you for a while, I feel good."


"Really." Xiao Bing said, "I can hold you in my arms and feel the world, no matter what I lost, no matter how sad I am, as long as I can hold you and be with you, I feel Very comfortable and very comfortable... Heart, you know, in fact, I have always felt that I am not good enough for you, because I owe you, because I will feel incomprehensible and comfortable when I am with you."

Liu Kexin only felt that he was going to melt in Xiao Bing's arms. She was comfortably lying in the arms of Xiao Bing, curled up like a kitten, and even curled up her legs, two beautiful. The little feet stepped on Xiao Bing's knee.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and smelled the clear fragrance of Liu Kexin's body. He looked at Liu Kexin's white and delicate side face and looked at Liu Kexin's delicate and squeaky body. His heart slowly became calm. Down, the swaying heart gradually recovered some calm.

In this world, there are some women who make men crazy, some women make men full of **, but there is also a woman like the best medicine in the world, a man who suffers any harm, she Not to say a word, men only need to look at her, hug her, everything has been cured.

Liu Kexin is such a woman. (https:)

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