Super Soldier

Chapter 1937: Want to go to the gods?

After staying in Xiaofu for a few days, Xiaobei returned to the Buddha Mountain Villa. After listening to Xiaobei’s words, Xiao Bing carefully analyzed it. He also felt that the Buddha’s son must have any terrible ambitions. Otherwise, there is no way. Explain that the Buddha Mountain Villa has been looking around for the purpose of the monster.

It’s just what the other’s purpose is. Xiao Bing doesn’t know until now, and only this is the most terrible thing.

Xia Hongyin lived in her room. The Buddha went to the door and gently pushed open the door. She saw Xia Hongyin looking at a picture on the table. Her eyes looked at the gods and saw the Buddha. When the son came in, she immediately rolled the picture and placed it next to it.

The Buddha looked at the axis of the painting, then took back his eyes silently and sighed slightly. He said, "My brother seems to be looking for you everywhere."

Xia Hongyin’s eyes are full of excitement: “Oh?”

The Buddha son sighed softly: "It seems that my brother really cares about you, but I have a feeling that he probably knows what."

Hearing the Buddha's son said, the original excitement in Xia Hongyin's eyes turned into a flustered color. He hurriedly shook his head and said: "Impossible, this is impossible... How could he know my identity?" ”

"Maybe you have revealed any flaws, maybe who told him what... In short, I feel very strange. But I have already dealt with my brother so many times, and I understand his character very well. This time he is not feeling the relationship between you and him. I am afraid he will not look around for your whereabouts through his network."

Xia Hongyin was originally sitting. At this time, she stood up and walked around in the room. She kept saying, "What should I do? No, I haven’t done it to face him. Preparation..."

Buddha son faintly said: "He can't find you, but if he really knows your identity, then I think he is getting closer and closer to knowing everything, even he is now close to all The truth is also possible."

Xia Hongyin asked with an incredulous face: "How is this possible? How can this happen?"

The Buddha asked: "Don't you know who the six fingers are? He was a faithful guardian around my father. He naturally knew the truth of the year. Besides that, I believe that other guards of that year did not die. And there is another point. Why did he have to challenge and kill Duan Tian this time? That year, Duan Tian was the one who defected to my father. Everyone else was disabled. Duan Tian was pierced though he had no disability. The lower abdomen, so everyone did not think that there was anything, but I did not expect that one of the most escorts that my father trusted, and rebelled against his old man."

Xia Hongyin said: "You are right, Xiaobing this child specially challenged to kill Duan Tian, ​​this time to find me again, he must know something, otherwise there will be no such coincidence. But what exactly did he know? How did he know? I don’t know all of them now. If he really knows the truth of the year, I... how should I face him."

Fo Gongzi looked at Xia Hongyin and said: "What you are most worried about is not yourself. What you worry about is how my brother should face himself."

"I don't blame him that year!" Xia Hongyin said with excitement. "When he was born, he revealed the vision of the Mozu. For thousands of years, the children born by the Mozu have never been like this. No one can think of it. The thing to know is that he was just born at the time. He didn’t even open his eyes. He was still so small. How could he be the mistake he made?"

The Buddha said faintly: "It is really unbelievable to attribute the mistake to a child who has just fallen to the ground, but my mother is an adult. If you abandoned him to the door of the orphanage, except for him. I hope that he will be able to live a life of mundane life. Is there really no resentment against him?"

Xia Hongyin opened her mouth and was speechless.

"At that time, I was still very young, and I didn't even remember things. But when I grew up, I thought about it and thought about it. When you abandoned him to the orphanage, maybe I wanted him. For the sake of your life, but if you choose one of the two, why did you choose not to abandon me in the orphanage? Oh, yes, I am the eldest brother, able to train faster and better, to help you complete Revenge, but is there no reason for your brother to hate me in my heart?"

Xia Hongyin’s throat is dry. There is really no way to refute something. She knows that her son’s words are very stimulating, but they are not wrong. At that time, it’s true that there is no point for Xiao Bing. Resentment?

The Buddha sighed and said: "In fact, this does not blame you. In the past, you and my father were loving and loving. Even if there is a life and death between the gods, you and my father are still together. Think about it. It’s really amazing that you have such great courage. But this can also be seen, how deep the relationship between you and my father was.

"There is love and love between you, but the result is that my family is broken because of my brother. Even if you know that you can't blame my brother, it is normal for you to anger you."

"Don't say it again..." Xia Hongyin has some weakness.

Fogongzi smiled and said: "Actually, my brother should thank you. If you change my brother and me, I am afraid my brother has already collapsed. Mother, I have said so much, you want to be with my brother. Have a good meeting and have a chat?"

"Don't!" Xia Hongyin shook his head excitedly, with a very flustered color in his eyes. "I don't want to... I don't want to see him now... although I really want to see it, but now I can't see him. when."

The Buddha’s gaze glanced at his mother and turned to the door slowly. After pushing the door open, he looked back and said to Xia Hongyin: “Mother, if you are not prepared to see my brother now, I don’t want to walk around in a short time. The energy of my brother is still very small. The outside world is looking for you. If you go out, I am afraid there will be some trouble."

When the Buddha's son left, Xia Hongyin was sitting on a chair with some weakness. She thought that her little son was looking around for his whereabouts. He felt a little excited and embarrassed and upset.

She slowly opened the scroll on the side. The scroll was a middle-aged man with a golden armor. The middle-aged man had a long hair, long hair fluttering in the wind, and the light in his eyes burned like a flame.

This is not a photo, it is a portrait, but it is like a real person.

Among the scrolls, one can see a giant **** that is enough to support the pillars and heavens. It seems that everything in the heavens and the earth is not in his eyes. The kind of arrogance that makes the world so much that everyone has to dump it, but his eyes seem to be inside. There is a shadow, it is a woman with the same long hair fluttering...

There are tears in Xia Hongyin's eyes flashing, choked and said: "Breaking the sky, you just heard it, our little soldiers are looking around for me, he may have learned the truth of the year, his The temper is so staunch, I don't even know what he will do if he really knows the truth. What should I do, can you tell me what to tell..."

Xiao Bing’s injury has now recovered to 100%. After the recovery, he summoned the people of Longmen and opened a high-level meeting. He sat in the chair and said: “Take everyone I am going to call you, I want to say a few words to you. I may have to go out for a while. As for how many days I will come back, I am not sure. But now our Dragon Gate is strong and has a deep foundation. Even if it is the kind of existence of the Holy See, it is very difficult to deal with us, so if we come up, we are not afraid of anyone, as long as no one is going to play with us..."

Drunk gyro loudly said: "The door is assured, whoever dares to come to trouble, sprinkle his home and smash his head into a rotten watermelon."

Xiao Bing gave a voice and nodded. He said, "If I am not here, if there is something that I don’t understand, or if I need someone to take the idea, just go to the poisonous fox, I am not here. In this case, the poisonous fox can represent me completely."

The poisonous fox stood up slowly, his face did not change, his eyes were always very gloomy.

After the poisonous fox sat down, Xiao Bing continued: "In addition to continuing to develop, I intend to move the people of Xiaofu into the Longmen base first during this time, so that I can rest assured if I am not at home. People in Xiaofu must have master protection no matter who is in or out."

The poisonous fox said: "The Lord is assured that I will arrange this matter properly. I just don't know where the Lord is going to go this time?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, since the people here are all their own brothers, there is not much that can be concealed. Xiao Bing said: "In fact, whether there is a chance to go in, I am not quite sure, but today it is only Just in case, just want to enter the realm of god."

When I heard that Xiao Bing wanted to go to the realm of the gods, all the people were all face to face, and then there was a sigh!

Xiao Bing made a gesture to let everyone calm down and then said: "This time my idea has been settled, but everyone can rest assured that I am only going to explore the real thing, there is no danger. As for the other... ...."

Xiao Bing’s mobile phone suddenly rang, he took the phone and looked at it, but it was Xiao’s call!

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