Super Soldier

Chapter 1938: Ovkar's help

Xiao Bing answered the phone and then heard the voice of Liu Xiaorui coming from there: "Brother."

"Well? Little flower?" Xiao Bing smiled. "Is there something to call my brother?"

Liu Xiaorui snorted and said: "Someone in the family came to see you, a very beautiful sister named Jiang Ziying, and another one called Ovkar, a foreigner."

Actually they are two?

Xiao Bing asked: "Do they say that there is something here?"

"I didn't say, I said that your brother is busy with the meeting, they are not worried, but I think they are still very anxious."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, it is estimated that something happened, Xiao Bing said: "That line, you go to entertain them, I said I will be home soon."

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing looked at the people present here and said: "Basically, the ones I just confessed, the Pope's son, Ovkar, came to Xiao Fu and said that he was very anxious. I went back to see. Look."

The poisonous fox was surprised: "His Royal Ovkar?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing frowned and said, "Ovkar, although the grievances between me and me are clear, but Jiang Ziying was after all to me... In short, since he came over, I think there is definitely something. Important things, and I doubt what it has to do with the Pope."

The poisonous fox said: "The Pope is the true head of the Holy See. The strength is the most outstanding existence in the world today. No matter what is difficult, as long as he is looking for his father, there is no need to come to you. Ah, unless it is... the Pope has an accident."

Xiao Bing and the poisonous fox looked at each other and saw each other's eyes from each other's eyes. Just a phone call can judge so much content, and they admire each other.

Xiao Bing left the conference room and took a car back to Xiao Fu. After stopping the car and getting off the bus, Xiao Bing went directly into the yard. As soon as he walked into the yard, he heard Liu Xiaorui and Jiang Ziying talking in the hall. Personally, it sounds like a smile. Liu Xiaorui’s age is not very big, but he is very sensible, and like a small adult, he can talk to anyone.

Xiao Bing walked into the conference room and saw Li Chunlan and Liu Xiaorui talking with Jiang Ziying, while His Highness Ovkar was slightly seated and sitting next to him, drinking tea constantly, seeing Xiao Bing walking from the outside. Come in, Ovkar hurriedly stood up and greeted the past.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "His Royal Highness, there is no need to be so polite in my place."

Ovkar sighed and smiled bitterly: "I am your Highness... Hey, let me talk to you for a while."

Xiao Bing said: "This is so good, let Ziying talk to them here, just to see that my sister likes Ziying, let them talk slowly, and my Highness and I go to the study."

"Okay." Ovkar agreed, gave Jiang Ziying a peace of mind, and then walked with Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing noticed that Ovkar's face was not very good, followed by the back. Slightly anxious.

Into the study room, Xiao Bing closed the door, and then let Ovkar sit down first, he walked aside to help Ovkar rushed a cup of hot tea, placed it next to Ovkar, smiled and said: "I Just watching you seem to like to drink our tea here, when you go back, I can send you some to bring back."

Ovkar barely smiled: "Thank you, Vice Minister Xiao."

"I don't have to be polite here. I am an old friend and I am also an old friend. We have contact with your father. We are all handing over each other. We are talking about the common generation." Xiao Bing said, "What can you say, can you say now?"

If Ovkar was shocked, he suddenly stood up, nervously and nervously watching Xiao Bing, and with a vigilant color in his eyes, he asked, "How did you know?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't be so nervous here. If you can't believe me, just leave now, I won't stop."

Ovkar hesitated a little, finally sat down and said: "Zi Ying said that you are a credible person, I believe in Ziying's judgment."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That would also like to thank Miss Jiang for trusting me. You talk about it, what happened in the end."

Ovkar looked at Xiao Bing and said, "You still have to tell me first. How did you know that my father had a problem?"

Xiao Bing sighed and said helplessly: "If I can't even imagine this, will there be so many brothers following me? Your father can be said to be one of the most powerful people in the world today. It is also one of the most powerful people in force. I am afraid that there are still few people in the world who can threaten your father. If this is the case, if you have any trouble, you will definitely not choose to come to me first, but you should go first. Looking for your father, even if it is forced to helpless, I am afraid that you will find anyone to help in this world, but will not find me, I am not wrong?"

Ovkar smiled bitterly and said helplessly: "You are right, if I have any choice, I will never choose to find you."

Xiao Bing said: "In this case, it can only say that you have been forced to nowhere. The Pope is probably already in trouble. I am not wrong?"

Ovkar’s eyes were relieved and he sighed: "You are right, my father is really just having an accident."

Xiao Bing began to show his face a dignified color and asked: "What happened to Mr. Pope? Is it related to the organization of the gods in the m country?"

"Hey God? I don't know." Ovkar sighed and said, "My father was betrayed. Our Holy See has a mysterious power besides the Cardinal. You may rarely hear about it outside. That is a guardian force of our Holy See. It will only appear in the crisis of the Holy See. They listen to the instructions of every Pope. This power is called the Holy Day, and the head of each Holy Day is made up of The Pope is concurrently appointed, and the deputy head is equivalent to the second person in the Holy See. His status is even higher than that of the major bishops."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is the deputy head rebellious?"

"Well, but now everyone thinks that I am harming my father." Ovkar smiled and showed helplessness. "Two days ago, my father was going to retreat again and asked me to see him before the retreat. As a result, I happened to meet the scene of the deputy head of the team, Gu Gulas, who counted my father."

Xiao Bing slightly differed: "The strength of the deputy head seems to be very strong. The strength of Mr. Pope is definitely difficult to compete in today's world. I am afraid that not everyone can successfully attack."

"Yes, on the one hand, the strength of this deputy head is indeed super strong. Strictly speaking, although there are not many people in the Holy Day group, each one is a super strong person, and the deputy head is stronger among the strong. But on the other hand, because someone was secretly helping me at the time, when I met, he happened to be shot to my father, and my father was caught off guard, but if it wasn’t for the sudden two lasers, I Father is absolutely capable of hurting him seriously!"

Xiao Bing’s heart is dark, so it’s true.

"Laser? That means, there is a government person who is secretly operating on this matter."

"I think so too," said Ovkar. "My father was seriously injured. It happened that this thing was broken by me. So they could not continue to kill my father because there were many people in the Holy See. However, he is framed by me. He said that I am going to kill my father and collude with the country of m."

Xiao Bing nodded and said: "Unless your father wakes up, this is hard to say clearly."

Ovkar said: "That is the case. At that time, I and Gagoras were all controlled. They had to investigate and know how to decide. The major cardinals gathered in the Holy See to discuss the results. The only way at that time was me. My father can wake up, but because this time the injury is too heavy, my father has always been unconscious, and after calling several doctors, I said that my father might wake up, maybe a year and a half, maybe Ten years and eight years."

Xiao Bingdao: "This is a bit of a hassle."

"It is really troublesome. What is even more troublesome is that the country of M has cooperated with Guguras to frame me. I specially mailed a letter to my residence, and the result was intercepted by the other party. So the whole church is inside. Except for a small number of people, most people think that this is what I did. They want to permanently imprison me in the dungeon."

Xiao Bing said: "These people are really embarrassed. I didn't expect to be able to do this."

"Fortunately, there are many people in the Holy See who are watching the older people I grew up. They all believe what I said, so some people secretly let me go, let me escape and find a way to prove myself. I am afraid. They hurt their sons, so they fled with their sons."

This thing sounds very simple, but the matter is complicated, because it involves the two words of evidence. In Xiao Bing's opinion, it is harder for Ovkar to find evidence than to go to heaven.

Gu Gulas could not admit that he could not testify for Ovkar in the country of cooperation with Guguras. Where is the evidence?

Unless the Pope can wake up earlier and want to let Ovkar find the evidence himself, it is almost impossible.

Obviously, Ovkar knows this too. He shows his helplessness: "According to the current situation, the evidence is hard to find, and Guguras has now become the acting pope, if not forbidden now There are many bishops who have given my father protection. I am afraid that he has already tried to kill my father. Only when my father is dead can he be the official Pope."

Xiao Bing touched his chin and looked at Ovkar and asked, "What do you want me to do for you?" (https:)

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