Super Soldier

Chapter 1942: One person presses one

The helicopter that Xiao Bing took just flew, and the missile flew past the precision from the Holy See. The Holy See directly bombarded the missile without even saying a word. It shows that the two sides are completely going to have a big battle today.

Then I heard the continuous explosion of the sound above the sky, but I saw that Xiao Bing didn’t know when it had flown out of the helicopter. The helicopter flew back to the original road, and Xiao Bing floated in the air. On the top, the chasing sticks on the hands are waving, and all the missiles are smashed by the soul-hunting!

All of the more than a dozen missiles were blown up by Xiao Bing. Even a small hair of Xiao Bing was not injured. Xiao Bing continued to float in the air, overlooking the city under the name of the Holy See.

Xiao Bing’s mouth evoked a smile and said proudly: “I am a good friend with your Pope and Ovkar. Is your Holy See treating old friends like this?”

There was a man’s voice in the Holy See: "Mr. Xiao Bing, our Pope is now unable to see you in a coma. You still have to go back. In addition, Ovkar is a traitor to our Holy See. It is not ours. Your Royal Highness!"

Xiao Bing proudly smiled: "You said that the traitor is a traitor, who gives you the right!"

After Xiao Bing finished, the whole man suddenly flew like a cannonball to the huge castle in the city. At this time, countless missiles immediately continued to bomb the Xiaobing, and several lasers simultaneously spurred toward Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing's whole people are constantly flipping in the air. The most important thing is that the speed of the lasers is too fast. Even Xiao Bing does not dare to neglect. After finally avoiding those missiles and lasers, he will see that Xiao Bing is approaching. In the castle, suddenly there was a sound of words in the city, and countless church disciples were all thinking about words at this time. More than a dozen cardinalists stood in the shape of the castle, surrounded by a circle, and then centered on them. The radiant light blossomed in all directions, and a mask was raised in an instant. The huge masks shrouded the entire city!

With a bang, Xiao Bing hit the reticle, and the reticle was intact, so it could not be broken.

Xiao Bing’s pupils shrank slightly, and raised the chasing stick in his hand. He shouted in his mouth. This loud drink made the people on the whole island chill, and then saw Xiao Bing as a **** of war. The general hand-held soul-hunting stick is directly on the reticle. Finally, the reticle is only slightly smashed, and it is not broken!

Then I heard those cardinals shouting: "The evening of the angel!"

Xiao Bing's pupil narrowed slightly and said: "This is your guardian array, the angel's evening!"

"Not so!" At this time, a tall man wearing silver-white armor flew out of the castle. The strength of this tall man has reached the middle of the saint, so Xiao Bing can not help but be slightly surprised.

The man is already around 50 years old, his hair is flying, his body is incomparably strong, and he holds a golden spear in his hand. He stands outside the castle like a **** of war and looks up at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing looked down at the man in midair and asked, "Are you Gu Gulas?"

"It's me!" Xiao Bing said, "Gurulas, if you bind yourself now, and then release the Pope, I can still spare you a life. Now I am already an ally of the Pope, absolutely not Will allow you to be a traitor to murder the Pope's life!"

Once the Pope died, Xiao Bing offended the powerful Holy See without any reason, and there was no gain. It was really worth the loss, so now Xiao Bing must bring the Pope out.

Gagoras's face changed, his hand pointed his finger at Xiao Bing and shouted: "China's juniors, don't think that we have no one in the church. You know that even if you are promoted to the realm of demigod, today we are here. Is this also a self-seeking dead end?"

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Okay, I want to see what you have to do to save my life!"

Xiao Bing’s chasing soul sticks crazyly toward the mask, and the mask trembles constantly. Xiao Bing’s heart is faintly surprised. With his own semi-god power, he still can’t break the mask. This mask can actually Resisting the mad attack of your own, the angel's twilight really is a well-deserved reputation!

Everyone on the whole island is looking up at this scene. Countless people are sighing the power of Xiao Bing. They dare to kill the Holy See alone and attack the Holy See’s house in madness. I am afraid that apart from the M countries, It is hard to find who dares to do this.

However, they also expressed their deep feelings about the depths of the Holy See. One of Europe’s hidden worlds that broke the void level, while feeling the beard, said: "The strength of this Xiaobing is really terrible, but he If you consume it, I am afraid that he will be exhausted after he has broken the formation. When he is dying, the people of the Holy See can start with him."

"Yes." Another European powerhouse on the side also agreed. "Even if it is a half-god, it is impossible to breathe forever."

The strong person from the East disdained the road: "Hey, everyone knows that it will be lost for a long time. Who knows how long this angel's twilight can last? Maybe it will soon be broken by the dragon son. When is it, I don’t think the people of the Holy See can stop the Dragon King!"

It seems that this Eastern powerhouse is still a strong player in the dark world.

"Yes, Vice Minister Xiao will certainly win. He has already played so many times. He has never been defeated. I have never seen him defeated. Our Guwumen faction has been defeated by Vice Minister Xiao. Going up, with such a mask, you can resist Vice Minister Xiao, don't dream!" This speaker is the strongest of the ancient Wumen.

The Eastern Powers and the Western Powers have their own opinions. The Western Powers have been ruled by the powerful Holy See for thousands of years. Therefore, the depths of the heart are a belief. The Holy See is invincible, and the Eastern Powers feel that they are also in the heart. It is very difficult for the Holy See to deal with, but now the East is not likely to have a super strong who dares to confront the Holy See. They naturally do not want to be soft, but no matter who is inside, they are actually worried about Xiao Bing.

The Diablo World Forum has already started to go crazy, and countless people are brushing the screen. Everyone is screaming for Xiao Bing in a crazy way, no matter whether they win or lose, but at least it seems that Xiao Bing is too domineering, too unfortunate. And this crazy attack is simply too enjoyable. At least the people in the Holy See are now hiding from the front and facing the battle. One person is under pressure. Who is not convinced?

The voices in the Diablo World Forum are incomparable fanaticism, and the screens are incomparably fanatical. At this moment, their worship of Xiao Bing has reached its peak.

In a certain hall of China, at this time, people in Xiaofu are also inside, the old class is inside, and even the head of the No. 1 head and the leaders of several military regions are also inside. They are very nervous watching this one by one. In one scene, Maggie tightened her hand and excitedly said: "Brother brother, come on, brother Bing!"

The commander of a certain military region squatted on his chest, tears and tears, and excitedly said: "One person presses one, this is really one person. In the world of martial arts, the Holy See has been leading the world for too long. Although we have never been supervised by Huaxia, everyone knows that all the martial art schools in China cannot unite with the Holy See unless they are united. The Holy See is too strong. It can even suppress the Western powers. Exist, but now it has been suppressed by Xiao Bing!"

Another military commander was even more excited: "I don't think I can see this scene in my lifetime. Seeing that our Chinese people are so prestige, I am worthy of being dead now!"

The head of the No. 1 nodded and said: "It is really enjoyable to be addicted. This is the new Chinese pillar of our future. This is the future of our China!"

The old class wiped their eyes, and all the eyes were full of pride. Finally, they raised their heads and kept saying: "Have you seen it? This is Xiao Bing, this is the man I saw from a young age!"

The leaves, Su Xiaoxiao, Liu Kexin, and the red roses all hold their own hands, and they are all nervous.

At this time, Xiao Bing will smash the soul stick and then clench his fists. The fists are full of endless power, and the madness is like a raindrop on the mask. His eyes are completely It’s all crazy light, and the strength of the fist is better than a punch, and the sound of the explosion is constantly coming out of the mouth.

"Angel's dusk! Lao Tzu let you know that you have used this trick, and you have to face the evening in front of me! You are the twilight that has already fallen, Laozi is the thriving sun! Even if it is a strong array Lao Tzu has to burn a hole!"

Rumble, the mask trembled, and there was a sign of collapse.

At this moment, the city pool has been filled with the top masters of the Holy See. They all looked up at this scene, and they were surprised to see this scene. Some of the cardinals even muttered to themselves. "This man's power is too strong... Is this the power of the demigod? Is this the power of the demigod?"

Through satellite live broadcasts, the Diablo World Forum and the top officials from all over the world can clearly see the stunned appearance of those in the Holy See. The President of the Republic of M has some trembling, muttering to himself: "Impossible... impossible... ... How can this Xiao Bing be bigger than the threat of the Holy See?"

And the oldest Eastern strongman on the island who seems to have been in his 100s is directly falling into tears. He is excited: "The old man can see this scene in his lifetime. Is this a one-person press? This is our Chinese powerhouse!"


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