Super Soldier

Chapter 1943: The terrible heritage of the Holy See

Xiao Bing is still attacking insanely, seeing the mask becoming more and more unstable, the whole world is holding his breath, and they are stunned.

Xiao Bing saw that the mask was about to break open, and he was relieved. At this moment, the Guguras was still calm, and it seemed that he was not worried at all.

Suddenly, his mouth floated with a smile and said: "Do you think that the evening of the angel is finished? I just want to see the despair after you see the hope! The meaning of the evening of the angel is not the word. Meaning, but another layer of meaning, the dusk that angels bring to the enemy!"

He took out his scepter from his arms. This is the artifact of the angel that only the pope can have, but now it is already in his hands.

Gugulus slammed his scepter on the ground and shouted: "The evening of the angel!"

And at this time, a winged angel actually flew out of the air, yes, it is an angel!

The whole world has seen this scene. All the people have picked up incredible eyes. Angels have come to the world. The leaders of some countries in the West have an impulse to worship, and some Western powerhouses on the island and the church members of the Holy See in the castle have collectively fallen to the ground.

The angel opened his arms, and the white light shone from the angel's hands toward the reticle. The mask that seemed to have collapsed began to become more and more stable, and not only that, the huge circular light that shrouded the city. The hood actually gave birth to two arms, two long arms that seemed to be hundreds of meters long and composed of white energy and a white giant palm.

These two palms seem to be enough to put a small building into it, and you can shoot a small hill with one palm down!

When the two long arms grew out, the two huge palms began to grab toward Xiao Bing, and the speed was so fast.

Xiao Bing was finally a little surprised. His body was flashing in the air. The speed of the two big hands was not only fast, but also very flexible. Xiao Bing was like moving in the middle of the two hills, casually. A big hand gave Xiao Bing a feeling of covering the sky.

Gagoras has been holding the scepter high, looking up at the sky above the two hands in the two hands of the constant flashing Xiaobing, watching it finally dispelled some of Yan Bing's arrogance, Gulalas proudly laughed and said: "Xiao Bing, I heard that in the mythical story, you have a monkey called Sun Wukong in China. It is suppressed under the Wuzhi Mountain of the Buddha. What can you do if you are a god? Do you think that you are the monkey that will be suppressed in the morning and evening?"

Xiao Bing snorted and dismissed: "I am a monkey, you are not a Buddha!"

Xiao Bing took out the chasing soul stick, and a stick smashed in the past, and squatted directly on one of the two big hands. Who knows that after even picking up, even such a finger did not give a burst, Xiao Bing instead It was bounced back by this force at an extremely fast speed. The force of the anti-seismic shock made Xiao Bing feel very uncomfortable.

Xiao Bing is trying to control his castration, and suddenly he feels that a big hand that covers the sky is directly photographed. With a loud bang, all the people who passed the live broadcast and on the island saw an enormous huge. The big hand was like a mosquito, and it was shot on Xiao Bing's body. Then he directly took Xiao Bing to the ground and rumbling. Many people on the island even sat down on the ground. The entire island is like an earthquake.

Some of the top powers flew in that direction, and then they widened their eyes, but they saw the giant hand lifted up. The ground was photographed with a handprint that was hundreds of meters long and wide. Xiao The soldier was in the middle of the huge handprint, and the whole person presented a big character and fell into the middle of the earth.

The sound of countless swallowing saliva, all of them are full of horror, this big hand is really terrible, no wonder the country is not willing to give the Holy See an urgent need, the most important thing is that this angel's dusk is not the angel's shield. The move is a big battle. The angel's stick is only the key to starting the battle. This array is said to last for three days and three nights!

At the beginning, Zhuang Shen was controlled by this formation. If it was not early, it would probably not be as simple as returning to nothing. If the army of the national army or the military of the country came over, it is estimated that these two Only a handful of palms can kill an army of thousands of people!

Of course, the Holy See does not dare to rely on such a large-scale law to have the authority to challenge the country without fear. It is necessary to know that a nuclear power of a few nuclear powers in the world has thrown a nuclear bomb, and it may not be the one they bear. After all, they have never tried to use a large array to withstand the experience of nuclear bombs.

The power of nuclear bombs can destroy everything. If a nuclear bomb is carried by them, then two? Therefore, the Holy See has become so low-key for so many years. They know that unless they are not wanting to destroy them, they will not be able to save their lives.

However, in a nuclear-free world, this array is a natural barrier, and any strong approaching the array is easy to be killed!

But after seeing the huge right hand lifted up, the left hand quickly patted it again, then the left hand raised it, and the right hand took another shot. The two hands took a crazy slap to Xiao Bing, and the whole island followed. Shaking, even centered on the place where Xiao Bing was beaten, the crack spread to all sides, and the widest crack even reached more than one meter! ..

"It's terrible, it's terrible!" A Chinese strongman trembled. "Even if it is a sage-level strongman, it is estimated that under such a terrible attack, it will already die."

"Well!" Another dark world powerhouse also swallowed a sip of water and said, "No one can survive to this extent, absolutely no one!"

"Even if it is a hill, it is estimated that it will be flattened?"

"That's not it, it's terrible!"

The believers of the Holy See and the Western residents have even successively bowed down, constantly gimmicks and shouted: "This is the power of the gods!!!"

Everyone who saw this scene in the hall of China was full of dignity, but Gao Fei was still relatively light, but the eyes were no longer calm.

The head of No. 1 asked a little nervously: "Xiao Bing... Nothing will happen?"

The old class breathing has also become a rush, and his face is very unsightly.

A military commander said: "This is incredible. This power is simply the strongest force under the nuclear weapons in the world. Their formation is really terrible. I am afraid that unless nuclear weapons are used, How many people will be sent to the crush of these two giants in the past!"

The old class kept pacing and muttered to himself: "There must be no things, there must be no things."

Another military commander said: "This is being smashed like this, the ground is cracked, can people still live?"

The old class said: "What is your nonsense, Commander Zhang?"

The commander of the military region also realized that he had made a mistake, and hurriedly closed his mouth, but everyone’s face was not very good, and the atmosphere had already reached its peak.

Gao Fei suddenly spoke at this time: "Do not worry, the boss can't die, if he can't do it, then he is not the boss."

Everyone else looked at Gao Fei, Gao Fei said with a cold smile: "This level of attack is indeed enough to be earth-shattering. If you change half of the half-powered strong, I am afraid I can't bear it, but the boss is not the average half. God level, even if it is me, they want to take my life with this, it can't be done!"

I heard Gao Fei say so, everyone is inexplicably relieved, but there is still some anxiety in the heart, after all, the movement inside the picture is really shocking.

Gu Gulas went to the edge of the formation, that is, at the gate of the city. He widened his eyes and looked at the earth-shattering scene outside. The two big hands were like the two big hands of the gods. Crazy like a rainy mad shot on Xiao Bing's body, at this moment some houses in the island have collapsed, but in the inner court of the Holy See, because of the reinforcement of the array, it is still stable.

There are cracks everywhere, I can imagine how terrible the power of Xiao Bing, Guggas haha ​​laughed: "Xiao Bing, let you be crazy here, let you help the **** traitor and I am right now You finally know that it is amazing. This is the real card of our Holy See. This is the twilight of our angels. Let's die, die! Even if you are a god, the evening of angels can kill your life!! ”

The people in the Holy See are all worshipping the gods in the mountains and tsunami.

Ggul's mouth floated with a sneer, Xiao Bing, and when you were dead, we could find an excuse to attack your Xiaofu, grab Ovkar back, and then I quietly killed him. I have never threatened anymore, and no one can compete with me for the position of the Pope.

The two big hands don’t know how many times they took the picture. They finally stopped. Half of the islands are about to be cracked by the cracks they beat. If they continue, they are expected to sink into the sea, but this At that time, no one would have thought that Xiao Bing was still alive. When I thought of this, countless people felt timid, and the decent level of the deities of the gods was actually killed like this. In that case, when the original Zhuang God came here, the Holy See should be deliberately not squatting, and it is estimated that it would like to borrow the power of Zhuang Shen to fight Xiao Bing.

But now no one has the heart to think about it, and now the most important thing is that Xiao Bing is dead!

"Dead, dead, finally dead!!!" Gagolas laughed, and some crazy screams, "Xiao Bing, are you half-god not very crazy, don't you want to be alone?" How do you die now in our township big group? Hahahahaha... This is the true power of our Holy See, except for the great powers of the world, no one can rival!!"

"I am dead..." In the depths of the ground, Xiao Bing’s voice suddenly came up.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and then I saw Xiao Bing, who was ragged, flying out of the ground. His body was full of blood, and even a left leg was deformed, but he did not die, but he could still be tall. Flying, not only that, his breath is more powerful, a flame-like coat is burning outside his body!

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