Super Soldier

Chapter 1944: The **** is broken!

Xiao Bing's body has a layer of flame coat burning in the madness, and even people far away can feel the heat on the flame suit.

All the people saw this scene all face each other, stunned.

"what is this?"

"I don't know, I have never heard of it."

"It’s terrible, it’s terrible."

The people who saw this scene in the live broadcast were all shocked.

But what really shocked them is still behind.

After Xiao Bing came out from the ground, the whole person's lightning flashed into the huge palm. When it was near, Xiao Bing screamed, and the soul chasing stick in his hand was directly on the finger of the right hand. One, the power of madness hit the top, and the finger actually blasted off.

The angels under the protection of the array of law actually uttered a cry, and the church members of the Holy See and the masters of the West were all stunned, thinking in one heart, God, what is this? Will the gods be hurt?

Although Xiao Bing gave everyone a feeling of one-person pressure, but Xiao Bing is powerful, but after all, it is still a human category. Angels are different. Angels are gods! !

What is the god? Strength is what people admire!

Now the **** is actually injured in the hand of Xiao Bing.

The huge palm has only four fingers at this moment, and the huge palm with one finger missing continues to grab Xiaobing.

The speed of the palm is still as terrible as ever, and the two palms are attacked by Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing is fast at the speed of dodging, but the two palms are too big, and the left is overwhelming. One right will take Xiao Bing to the middle of the two palms.

A Western master who watched the war sighed and said: "Xiao Bing can be considered dead. Although he said that strength is indeed beyond expectations, it is impossible to be an opponent of the gods."

"Yeah." Another Western master said, "The two huge palms seem to be part of the formation, but they are actually controlled by the angels in the formation. That angel should be the core of the formation. These two huge palms are not the palm of an angel, but they are the same as the palm of an angel. It is a miracle that he can break one of his fingers. He has never heard of a **** who can hurt. He has already made people respect enough, but it is still inevitable to die."

"Oh, unfortunately, the most powerful superpower in the history of China in the history of God, and finally fell."

Western masters all take it for granted, but they also feel a little regret, although they all hope that the Western hegemons can win, but the terrible performance before Xiao Bing still caused them enough respect, after all, Xiao Bing is a capable of giving the gods Injured human powerhouse!

The Eastern Powers sighed one by one.

The corner of Gurlas in the city pool floated a smile, although the previous process was somewhat unexpected, then the crazy attack did not kill Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing could still hurt the gods. But the result is still no accident, the **** is the god, Xiao Bing is still dead.


When Gu Gulas sighed and was about to stop the battle, the **** suddenly gave a very screaming scream. The screaming voice even made Gu Gulas tremble. He looked up. However, I saw the pain and incredible color of the angel who instilled the power in the Fa, which was always calm, and it was the first time that Gu Gulas had seen the summoned angel gathered by the aura. There will be human expressions, and it will be a painful expression.

Then Gagolas looked out to the outside and he took a breath.

Xiao Bing actually came out of the palm of his hand. The most important thing was that the palm was actually pulled out by a small hole in his Xiao Bing, and then he flew out and floated in the air, the layer of flame coat on the surface of Xiao Bing’s body. It was even mixed with the extremely horrible blood-red light, and his breath was several times higher than before.

Gu Gulas trembled: "This... this... this... how could it be!"

Xiao Bing’s man stood in the air. One of his eyes flashed with golden light, and the other eye shone with blood-red light. At this moment, he was in the air, and his body was like a Buddha. In general, it is also evil. I don’t know why. At this moment, Guguras felt a shudder from the heart, not only because the hands were pierced through a big hole, but also because Xiao Bing gave it at this moment. He is a completely invincible breath.

Xiao Bing looked down and proudly said: "I have already said that people will be released. Otherwise, I will be hard! This is the so-called angel's evening? It is just like this... give me a break!"

Under the gaze of everyone, Xiao Bing directly slammed into the battle, rumbling, and the island trembled.

The first impact, the reticle withstood, Gagolas just sighed, Xiao Bing smiled: "This is only the first, and then try again!"

Rumble, the second impact, the mask has cracked!

The entire island was screaming.

Countless people pointed to the city of the Holy See and shouted: "God, look, it is incredible, God, the evening of the angel will be broken by him!"

The believers shook each other one after another, and then screamed and screamed out of their weapons, shouting: "We fight the devil together!"

Gagolas muttered to himself: "The devil, he is definitely a devil, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to do this!"

The Western powerhouses were so scared that they shivered and trembled: "God, is this the power that human beings can have? The angel's dusk is almost impossible to hold?"

Xiao Bing once again hit, rumbling... oh... the mask was broken, and the phantom formed by energy in the array method gradually disappeared, and the angel’s dusk was broken by Xiao Bing. !

Inside the Diablo World Forum, there is a crazy screen, countless exclamation marks.

An oriental old man who saw this scene on the island with his own eyes slammed on the ground and squatted on the ground. The old tears swayed: "Oh, God, the Holy See was actually broken and was attacked by our strong East." I have seen this scene in my lifetime, and I am now dead!"

I don’t know how many people in the East are full of tears. After all, for thousands of years, everyone said that the world’s martial arts hegemony is the Western Holy See, and now this position has finally broken, and the Eastern Powers have found it again. Your own dignity!

In the hall of China, the head of the No. 1 head showed a smile and said: "Good boy, very powerful."

Everyone else is also excited and excited.

Maggie is proud of her arrogance: "I said, my brother is the best."

"Win, you have to win!" The tears in the eyes of the leaves.

Jiang Ziying and Ovkar also witnessed this scene in this hall. The two of them gripped each other's hands and saw the excitement of excitement from their respective eyes.

When the old class took a table, he shouted: "Great, I saw it, I saw it. This is the stinky boy I cultivated! Hahaha, cross the Holy See!!"

A commander sighed: "One person presses the Holy See, it is amazing, it is too powerful."

Ovkar sighed and said in English: "Although I am the Highness of the Holy See, I have to say that Vice Minister Xiao is the most powerful person I have ever seen. His peerless style is not in the world. People can compare with him!"

The whole world is sighing the strength of Xiao Bing. Then Xiao Bing finally rushed into the city after breaking the angel's twilight. He suspended in the sky above the castle and said, "If you don't want to be a charcoal, please put the Pope down. Hand it over."

"Impossible!" said the gold in the hands of Gagoras, pointing to Xiao Bing in the air. "The foundation of our Holy See is full for a thousand years. Do you think that after breaking the angel's twilight, will we yield?"

The members of the Holy See were still very confused, but after hearing the words of Gagolas, they all calmed down, and then they looked up to Xiao Bing with a lot of hostility.

There are thousands of people in the city, and the weakest of them are around Mingjin, but the strength has reached the innate realm. There are more than 700 people who have reached the congenital realm and reached The strongest who broke the virtual realm reached more than one hundred people. The strongest who had reached the top of the sky had more than 20 people. Most of them were the people of the holy armor wearing silver armor. In addition to Guguras, there are two people in the strong, one is the cardinal, and the other is also the person in the Holy Day.

So many strong people, if they are single-on-one, they are naturally not the opponents of Xiao Bing, but these people, even if they are a strong man in a semi-god realm, may not be able to benefit.

Xiao Bing sighed and nodded. The foundation of this Holy See was really deep. When he became a soldier, he thought he was invincible. It was only because the Guwumen were sealed, and the Holy See was forced to keep a low profile. Now, now that the ancient Wumen School was born, the Holy See began to have various actions. It was really nothing to break the void. It can only be regarded as the Cardinal level in the Holy See. It must be known that the Holy See has hundreds of reds. What is the cardinal?

But now... Xiao Bing’s strength has exceeded the imagination of these people in the Holy See. Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile and said: “In this world, far from being a lot of people, you can win. Then let me see you. Who can stop me!"

After that, Xiao Bing swooped down directly below!

Ps: I went to the hospital to prescribe medicine in the afternoon. I didn't dare to force the stool recently, otherwise the leg hurts a lot... The waist disc is aggravated. Immediately after returning, I will drive out the second chapter of today. There will be two chapters before 12 o'clock, which is equivalent to four chapters updated today. One of them is to make up for yesterday.

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