Super Soldier

Chapter 1946: For the world peace

The Pope's eyes looked indifferently to the deputy head of the Holy Day group, Gu Gulas, and said coldly: "What benefits have you given to the country of M, have you colluded with them to harm me?"

Gulalas knew that he could not hide. He climbed up from the ground and said with a sigh of relief: "I am good for my country. I promised to be a country. As long as they can help me become a pope, I will Do things for them."

The Pope sighed: "You are too disappointing."

Gulalas haha ​​laughed and said: "You are too self-righteous. Although the Holy See has been understated for so many years, you think that the M country will let us go. How strong is our Holy See, can we resist the m country? Don't think about it. Now, it is the world of the great powers of the world. Whether we are or Kunlun of China, we must do things in a low-key way. Only by relying on a strong country can we make great progress. And you want to keep the Holy See independent. The country doesn't want you to die, it's blame!"

The Pope snorted and said: "We can be low-key, but we must not be a vassal of any country."

Gagolas said: "So, you have paid the price because of your arrogance. The country has long wanted to find someone to replace you, and I am the best choice. We hit it off. Now I am really defeated. However, the thoughts of the M countries that want to control the Holy See will not be eliminated. If they finally have no way to control the Holy See, they will destroy the Holy See!"

The Pope’s tone is calm: “In any case, you are a traitor to our Holy See, and even conceal the contemporary Pope, and add a sin.”

The Pope’s cold words: "Kill him!"

All the powerful members of the Holy Day group collectively rushed toward Gagolas. Gagoras had no time to react, and was directly torn into pieces. The super strong man in the middle of the sage was dead in the blink of an eye. It is.

The Pope breathed a sigh of relief, then turned his head and looked at Xiao Bing. He said, "Thank you, good friend from the East. If this is not your helper, I am afraid I will be a big one."

Xiao Bing faintly said: "He is right, you have to be careful later."

The Pope shook his head and said: "There is no next time. This time, I was judged to be successful by him. On the one hand, because he was too trusting, and because I just entered with you just now. The world of the beast, and the power in it is too much to consume, and suffered some injuries. After returning, I have not had time to recover completely. Gagolas will count me when I am the weakest. Despicable guy!"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "This time you are being counted, your son will almost be unlucky, but you really want to thank your son. If it is not that he appears in time, you must have already died, and this Once again, he went to China to bring me over."

“Yeah.” The Pope asked: “It’s convenient and inconvenient to stay and talk to me?”

Xiao Bing looked around and smiled and said: "I just injured a lot of you, and it also ruined the big array of your angels at dusk."

The Pope smiled and said: "An angel's twilight cannot be completely destroyed. It is only estimated that it will take several months to recover completely. At that time, it will still be able to exert its power."

Douglas stood up and said: "As for the people who have hurt us, we don't know the people, we are very embarrassed, we can't blame you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "If I say this, then I will stay and talk to the Pope."

The Pope pointed to the old castle and said, "Please."

"it is good!"

The people above the island saw this scene all stunned. I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to not only suppress one person, but also even saved the Pope, and it was not the Ovkar that the Pope was really alive. Xiao Bing is not behind the scenes. So, this time Xiao Bing came over to the Holy See to fight so badly, even because of the need to save the Pope, this subordinate Holy See owes Xiao Bing's great human feelings.

The leaders of the countries all over the world who saw this scene through live broadcasts were shocked and unable to add up. One by one, the status of Xiao Bing was directly raised to an incredible level, and even the general non-nuclear can be compared with the world. The level of a big country.

Not only because Xiao Bing showed the terrible power of the gods, but also because Xiao Bing saved the Pope this time and got the friendship of the Pope. I can imagine that the Holy See could not deal with Xiao Bing again. All the world will swear by the Holy See, and if there are any people and forces to start with Xiao Bing, the Holy See will not leave it alone. After Xiao Bing won the friendship of the Holy See, the energy suddenly rose to a terrible degree.

On the island, a person who witnessed this scene constantly said: "It’s terrible, it’s terrible. Not only is one person under pressure, but now the Holy See must be his most powerful ally, except in the world. Who else is threatened by a nuclear-armed country? It’s terrible, it’s terrible!”

The Diablo World Forum is also in the crazy screen, Xiao Bing is directly known as the first person in the history of the dark world!

From ancient times to the present, from the existence of the dark world, there has never been a strong person like Xiao Bing. Those dark world powers who had doubts about Xiao Bing in the past are all full of admiration for Xiao Bing at this moment. feel.

At this time, Fogongzi and Xia Hongyin were also on the island. The two of them were preparing to leave. The Buddha’s son smiled faintly: “I just told you that you don’t need to worry, didn’t you make a mistake?”

Xia Hongyin said with emotion: "I didn't expect him to grow to this point, not only him, but also you... If your father is still alive in this world, he will be very proud of both of you."

The Buddha said faintly: "What I want to do is that even if he died, the spring knows that he must be proud of us. At that time, everyone who killed him will all go down to **** one by one. He will definitely Feeling very happy?"

Xia Hongyin said: "Those people are already dead, including Duan Tian also died in the hands of your brother."

"Not enough, it's still too far." Buddha's son smiled faintly. "Duan Tian, ​​they are just some small people. They are all instructed by people, not the real mastermind."

Xia Hongyin said: "You want to break the sky with Xiao? He is the **** of the present, the first person of the Protoss, how can you fight him, how many of the protoss are not mentioned, just say Xiao Xiaotian Thirty years ago, he was already the second person of the Protoss. After your father died, he was the first person to be deserved. Now 30 years have passed, who knows what his realm has reached. Already?"

The Buddha son laughed and said: "My father's strength was able to hold him back, and I could do the same."

Xia Hongyin looked at his son, and the Buddha son carried his hands, his feet were already on the sea, and then he went straight to the waves and went straight to the opposite side of the coast.

Xiao Bing followed the Pope to the study room. Xiao Bing sat down on the chair and glanced at his broken clothes. He smiled and the Pope immediately picked up the landline and called and said: "I will give Mr. Xiao immediately. Prepare a suit."

When the Pope hangs up, Xiao Bing bends down and straightens his right leg, which is somewhat frustrated, and then mutters a real pain.

This time, Xiao Bing suffered a lot of injuries, but they were all minor injuries and finally no longer need to go to the hospital.

After Xiao Bing straightened up, the Pope looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Mr. Xiao, thank you for this time."

“Politely polite.”

The Pope smiled and said: "Let's say, my son has promised you what conditions. Don't be embarrassed to say that this time is not only the equivalent of our father and son being saved by you, but also the salvation of our entire Holy See. You are the benefactor of our Holy See. If it is not for you, it will take a long time, I am afraid that the country of M can control our Holy See."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Do you think that I am as embarrassed to say?"

Immediately, Xiao Bing said that Ovkar promised his own conditions. When he heard it, the Pope’s eyes flashed, and his eyes were completely deeply admired. He said: "Mr. Xiao, you really can count. It’s the real person I’ve met. No one can compare with you. The conditions you put forward are not only high, but even low and somewhat outrageous. I can see it, you are a real eye. It’s all about the big picture of the Terran. You are thinking about the rise and fall of the Terran. Compared with you, these other so-called old guys standing at the top of the world pyramid are too superficial, including m countries are superficial.”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The Pope is too polite. If you want to boast, I think I can boast a few more words."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, both the Pope and Xiao Bing laughed.

The Pope exclaimed: "I heard that the enchantment between the two gods and the deities has become weaker and weaker. It is more and more unstable. In fact, you are thinking about it. Your overall situation is not comparable to us. The Terran should not be If we continue to fight each other, we should unite. Otherwise, once the gods and the demons come out, what do we take to compete?"

Xiao Bing snorted and looked serious: "I just think so."

The Pope said: "Then tell you the truth, have you unified the Diablo World and the Ancient World in the past few years, is it to guard against the day when the gods and the demons were born?"

Xiao Bing smiled and shook his head and said: "A few years ago, I was not qualified to know this. My real purpose is only the same...that is, the Terran can be safe and peaceful, and one day can truly achieve the world peace. !"

The Pope was surprised: "The world is peaceful?"

"Yes, for the sake of the world."

The Pope bowed his head and shook his head, saying with deep emotion: "I am not wrong, you are the real person..."

Ps: Four chapters have been updated. One of them is for yesterday's. Everyone can take a break. I will code a little more tomorrow.

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