Super Soldier

Chapter 1947: Enter the gods

Xiao Bing picked an eyebrow and praised the Pope for his praise. He accepted it with pleasure.

The Pope reached out and said: "From now on, we are allies."

Xiao Bing hurriedly extended his hand and held both hands together. Xiao Bing knew that Xiao Fu was safe afterwards. Unless it was a **** or two people, the strongest forces in the East and West except the great powers were strong. Strongly united, who dares to find the trouble of the people of Xiaofu? Now, Xiao Bing can be assured that he can go to the world of God in a bold and bold way.

At this time, the Pope suddenly asked: "Xiao Bing, do you know why I am united with you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In this case, this is itself a commitment of your son to me."

"Yes, this is what our father and son owe you, and we should keep our promises, so this is definitely the most important reason. But there is another important reason for me to be willing to cooperate with you because I see Come out, you are a big man, I don't want to cooperate with m, don't want to be a vassal of m, then I have to find a strong ally, and you are the most reliable candidate. ”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you for telling me this."

"No, stay here today?"

"Still forget it." Xiao Bing smiled and smiled. "Today I almost removed you from here. Although it is a good heart, I don't bother here. Not to mention if I am not mistaken, this time you The injury should not be light, Mr. Pope still continues to heal, now you are my strongest ally, I hope that you are all good!"

The Pope promised, when the outsiders sent the clothes in, Xiao Bing put on a new set of clothes, and then the Pope personally sent Xiao Bing to the city of the Holy See, after the gate of the city, the helicopter Flying from a distance, Xiao Bing stepped on the ground and flew directly high, flew directly into the helicopter, and then left under the stunned eyes of everyone.

The people watching the game on the island are also ready to leave at this time, but all of them are clear in their hearts. After this battle, Xiao Bing basically established the image of the most powerful warrior among human beings.

After returning to China, the old class and several military commanders came in person. The Xiaofu people and the Ovkar couple also came over. When Xiao Bing jumped off the plane and landed on the ground, these moments. People all greeted them.

The old class glared at Xiao Bing and took a picture of Xiao Bing's back. Haha laughed and said: "Okay, okay, decent! You really gave me a long face."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Are you starting to go out and bragging, saying that I was trained by you?"

The old class board said: "What is bragging? Are you not trained by me? You have a bad boy!"

"Of course, it is cultivated by your old man. I just said that everything should be low-key!" Xiao Bing laughed.

After listening to the old class, he smiled and said: "Do you think if I am a low-key person, can you cultivate this like this?"

When I heard the old class say this, everyone laughed. Indeed, it’s rare to see people like Xiao Bing who are so high-profile. I think that the old class that cultivated him will definitely not be much low-key. !

The leaves said: "Xiao Xiaoge, I have seen the whole process."

"You also saw it? Khan... didn't you scare it?"

"There is a little bit." The leaves smiled. "Fortunately, you didn't lie to me this time. You said that you are fine. It really is fine. Otherwise, you will be cleaned up after waiting for it. I have thought about it with several sisters." If you still hurt like the last time, we can't spare you!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, this time I am mentally prepared."

Ovkar looked at Xiao Bing, with awe and attitude, and said with gratitude: "Thank you, Mr. Xiao, this time our Pope owes you."

Xiao Bing shook his head with a smile and said: "Don't mind, this time is exchanged, so you don't owe me anything, just promise me, always remember it in your heart, this thing I have and Your father also said that he has no opinions, you don't have to worry."

Ovkar sighed with relief. He said, "That would be fine, but even if my father has objections, I will definitely try my best to let him agree."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I believe that you are a man of integrity, so it doesn't matter, stay with us for a few more days? Let me take you everywhere to play, relax, and then go back." ”

"No," said Ovkar. "I have booked my ticket and I will go back today."

"This way, that's okay, your father is in a coma for so long, I guess you are worried, then go back and have a look." Xiao Bing looked at Jiang Ziying again and smiled. "Now we are all friends. If there is any time to come to Kyoto in the future, remember to say hello."

Jiang Ziying did not have the kind of burden and strange thoughts of the past. He smiled and said: "Okay, I must."

Ovkar looked in his eyes and smiled on his face. He saw that his wife’s heart was actually put down. In the heart of Jiang Ziying, there was always Xiao Bing. He said that it doesn’t matter. However, no man in this world will not care about these things, and there will be some emotions in his heart, and now everything has passed.

After Xiao Bing and other people watched the Ovkar couple go, everyone went to the Kyoto Hotel to have a meal, and then Xiao Bing and the old class said that they had to go out and have them go out for a while. A lot of help to take care of Xiao Fu, then everyone will be scattered.

The next day, Xiao Bing went to Lingshan with a low-key, but met Xu Mu, a Chinese god, and lived in Lingshan for a day. He talked with Xu Mu for a long night. Immediately after dawn, Xiao Bing quit Xu Mu. He went to Kunlun, Baijianmen, Fairy Gate and other martial art. In the end, Xiao Bing went to Shaolin Temple and lived in Shaolin Temple for one night. This time, Xiao Bing used it directly for more than half a month. Especially in the fairy door, I stayed for a few more days, and accompanied Ayi Ding before leaving.

After spending more than half a month, no one knows what Xiao Bing has gone to so many martial arts superpowers. Xiao Bing then went outside the enchantment of the gods.

At this time, some people reported this matter to the old class. The coalition forces of various countries were placed outside the realm of the gods and the devil world, and the satellites were under surveillance for 24 hours, so when Xiao Bing came to the knot of the gods. When they were out of bounds, the security departments of several superpowers all told this to their heads.

Every country was surprised after getting this news. The old class was even shocked. When she thought of Xiao Bing before saying that she had to disappear for a while, the old class was not calm. He stood up and changed his face. Said: "This bastard, no wonder he said to leave for a while, I see that he wants to enter the realm of the gods, he really thought that the gods are the back garden of his family? He wants to enter and go in? This stinky boy is simply I don’t know how to live or die, but the Protoss, the strong do not know how many Protoss! No, I will immediately stop to stop him..."

At this time, another person came in from outside the office, panting and saying: "The minister, the deputy minister has already entered...."

The old class was a little lost, and the whole person was stunned. He sighed deeply and said helplessly: "It’s late."

It was indeed late, Xiao Bing also activated his own body of the demon, and then the secret technique has entered the realm of the gods. When he crossed the enchantment, he felt that numerous blades were continuously cutting on his body, and immediately There were countless scars, and the whole person was flustered, and the pain was even worse than when he was in the Holy See.

When he fell into the realm of the gods, he immediately fell to the ground, and all of his body was soaked with blood. If he was in the weakest enchantment, it might be better, but Xiao Bing was looking for it this time. One time broke in, so this time he came in and suffered more injuries than ever before.

Xiao Bing took a slight breath and lay on the ground. He took out all the powder from his arms and sprinkled it on his own wounds. These were all the elixir that was obtained from the Mozu. The effect was very magical. On the one hand, it was the spirit. The role of medicine, on the other hand, is the abnormal recovery of Xiao Bing's body. The wound has gradually healed somewhat, but Xiao Bing still feels that he has just been using the means and then crossing the enchantment. At this moment, the injury is still very heavy. At this moment, the strength is the ability to recover to the enthusiasm.

damn it! During the period of enthusiasm, I am not looking for death in the realm of God!

However, this is also a no-brainer. Whoever lets me find a time to break in, if it is in the most debilitating enchantment, the situation may be much better, and for this reason, so recently Two protoss strong people broke into human society and chose to go to a special time period, instead of going out anytime, anywhere.

Xiao Bing was lying on the ground and rested for a few hours. It was a forest. There weren't even one person in these hours. Looking at the sky is getting late, Xiao Bing's wounds have recovered almost. As for the realm. Only slowly recover, just like the last time in the Devil.

Xiao Bing got up and walked towards the woods. He hadn’t left in the woods. Xiao Bing heard a girl’s scream. Xiao B Lam turned his head and looked at it. He quickly walked over and finally saw the front not far away. There are two women and one man who are squatting with the two monsters!

Although the strength of these two monsters is not strong, but let Xiao Bing reveal a look of surprise, there are monsters in the gods? Nt

:. :

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