Super Soldier

Chapter 1974: Customs clearance? (three more)

Sitting inside the Kailing Building is a 40-year-old middle-aged man who also graduated from the school and was arranged to be responsible for the operation of the Kailing Building, but his treatment is much better. In addition to him, there are also two deputies who are here, all of whom are just 30 years old who have just graduated.

After Xiao Bing walked in from the outside, he immediately said, "I want to go to the Kailing Building."

The middle-aged man was reading in the counter, and after listening to Xiao Bing’s voice, he looked up and gave his two deputies a look, meaning that you two entertained, and then the middle-aged man began to continue to boring. Read the book.

One of the deputies coughed and looked at Xiao Bing up and down and said, "Oh, freshman? You can call me to learn from my brother. I just graduated this year, or Xiao Xixia’s brother."

It seems that it is a mention that Xiao Si Xia can look like himself.

Xiao Bing glanced at each other's badge: Li Jiu, 28 years old, broke the realm of the early days of the void.

Xiao Bing gave his score card to the past. Li Jiu saw Xiao Bing and Li Linger, and his heart was secretly angry. Xiao Bing actually saw that he did not have a bit of politeness, and he took the score card with a cold face. Brushed on the instrument and said: "The five hundred points have been deducted and returned to you."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is it upstairs?"


Xiao Bing looked back at Li Linger and said, "You are waiting here. I will go down when I go up."

Li Linger agreed very well.

Xiao Bing walked upstairs and went upstairs. When he reached the upper floor, there was an enchantment. Li Jiu opened the switch and the enchantment disappeared immediately. After Xiao Bing, the enchantment reappeared.

Another young man who is also a deputy here is a little angry and asks: "Li Jiu, you don't tell him the rules, just let him go up? I think he is still a freshman, it seems that he is not qualified enough to go to Kailing Building, Kai Linglou does not look so terrible as a fire pool. In fact, once the Kailing Building has been plunged into it for a long time, it is very likely to be a huge harm to the spirit of the sea. Once the spirit is destroyed, it is only possible to stay in this life. I stopped at this level."

This deputy is called Zhou Hengyuan, who is Li Jiu’s schoolmaster. He came here two years earlier than Li Jiu. After listening to Zhou Hengyuan’s words, Li Jiu said: “This new student is disrespectful to us. Now the young people are so arrogant. If you don’t give some lessons, I am afraid it is..."

After Li Jiu had just finished speaking, suddenly the enchantment disappeared. Xiao Bing walked up from above. Li Jiu’s originally opened mouth could no longer be met. Zhou Hengyuan also widened his eyes, as if he was ghostly, and Qi Ling The landlord of the building jumped out of the chair like a spring, as if he had encountered something incredible, and looked at Xiao Bing with a stunned look.

When Li Linger saw Xiao Bing so fast, he was shocked and hurried to comfort: "It doesn't matter, Xiao Xiao Ge, even if it fails, it doesn't matter, big deal will come again next challenge!"

"Lost...Failed?" The head of Kailing Building said with a strange look.

Then there was a flash of light on the wall above, followed by a list of the top, with a few characters at the top of the leaderboard, the history of the Kailing Building, and the name of the second place on the leaderboard. : 1 minute and 12 seconds.

There are a total of fifty people in the history list of Kailing Building. The 50th name is called Xiao Si Xia. The name is followed by a record of 12 minutes and 36 seconds.

The name of Xiao Bing appeared in the first place. The person in charge of Qiling Building looked at the name above with a stunned voice and muttered to himself: "Xiao Jun, 0:27..."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "What challenge are you? How can I get down so soon?"

The person in charge of Qiling Building gasped and sighed. He almost sighed in the air and the two deputies rushed up to the monks. Xiao Bing frowned and said: "The heads of your levels." What are the problems, why do colleges like to use your heart is not good .... No matter, hurry up and give me the points, how many points?"

The person in charge of Qiling Building slowed down and took the score card. It was totally different from Xiao Bing’s when he first came in. When he first saw Xiao Bing coming in, his attitude was very slow, but now it is clear. With a respectful attitude, he took a look at the time and calculated it. He said, "Your points will be recorded for you now, and a total of 180,000 points will be awarded."

Xiao Bing was shocked and widened his eyes and asked: "The 180,000? More points than the clearance in the fire pool?"

" you cleared the fire pool?" The person in charge of the Kailing Building seems to be dying again.

"Yeah." Xiao Bing angrily said, "But the time spent in the fire pool is much more than yours. You go up here, and then go down and get 180,000 points directly? So easy. Or else I will go up again!"

Xiao Bing said that he would raise his leg to go upstairs, and the person in charge hurriedly stopped. "Don't, don't, Kai Ling Lou has regulations. You can only go up once a day, and you must break today's record after you go up next time. Only get points."

"Oh, it turned out to be the case, then give me points to increase."

The person in charge of Qiling Building promised to rush to increase the points to help Xiao Bing, and then returned the score card to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing took Li Linger’s arm and said, “Let’s go, let’s go to Tongtian Tower again. ""

After Xiao Bing left, Zhou Hengyuan looked at Li Jiu and said: "Fortunately, he does not have a general knowledge of you, otherwise you will see what kind of monster you have offended."

Li Jiu couldn't believe it: "Is it... Is it wrong with Kailing House? It is impossible according to the truth. He is a new student. Even the genius of Xiao Xixia is in the second grade." Into the history of the Kailing Building, the ranking is still in the end, how can he go directly to the first, and is the first in history!"

The head of Qiling Building and Zhou Hengyuan looked at Li Jiu like an idiot, and then sneered: "Have you just heard that? He has already cleared the fire pool. Is it that the Kailing Building is broken? The fire pool is also broken?"

"This..." Li Jiu was speechless.

The person in charge of Kailing Building said with emotion: "It seems that we are fortunate enough to see a peerless genius who has only one generation in a thousand years!"

At this time, a group of people swarmed into the Kailing Building and directly shocked the three of them. When they saw the person who rushed in, there was another person in charge of the fire pool, Zhang Lao, Kai Ling. The person in charge of the building was about to talk. I saw Zhang Lao go around and asked, while looking at it and asking: "Xiao Jun? Xiao Jun? Where is Xiao Jun? Is he not challenging?"

"That... has gone." said the person in charge of the Kailing Building.

"Walk?" Zhang Laojiao widened his eyes and asked, "I left without challenge?"

"No." The person in charge of the Kailing Building said with a smile, "It has already passed customs."

Zhang Lao’s body swayed, and several students next to him hurried around and asked, “Zhang Lao, are you okay? This time, don’t you have to swear?”

Zhang Lao shook his head and smiled bitterly: "Genius!"

At this time, a first-year freshman next to him couldn’t help but wonder: "How can he clear the customs so quickly? Is it determined that it is not eliminated in such a short time?"

Zhang Laobai glanced at him and said: "You have never heard of Kailing House? The customs clearance and fire pool of Kailing Building are different. The second floor here is a very terrible illusion. Once you log in to the second floor, it will be immediately In the illusion, you can get rid of the illusion to be a pass. Most people can't get rid of it when they go in. In the end, they are all saved. Only those who can walk from above can get points. And the shorter the time spent, the more powerful his spiritual world is. I remember that Xiao Sixia had come once in school just now, how much time did he spend?"

The person in charge of Kailing Building smiled bitterly: "Twenty minutes."

Zhang Lao asked: "How much time did Xiao Jun use?"

"The first place in history, he created the history of the Kailing Building, only 27 seconds!"

"Genius, a genius I have never seen..." Zhang Lao muttered to himself.

The person in charge of the Kailing Building asked: "I really cleared the customs at you?"


The person in charge of Kailing Building took a breath and said: "I heard that in the history of the entire Protoss, only that person passed the customs."

“Yes.” Zhang Lao asked. “Where is he going now?”

The person in charge of Kailing Building said: "Tongtian Tower!"

Zhang Lao smiled and said: "He has to pass all the checkpoints all over again, and he will be willing to give up! If he has created history in all three places, the face of those old people can be put." This situation is the first time in history. I am going first. I will go to Tongtian Tower first and have a good look. Right, if the deputy dean comes, tell him to go to Tongtian Tower!"

When Zhang Lao led the people to go, the head of Kailing House said to his two deputies: "Remember, wait until the vice president comes, let him go to the tower!" Flying out.

Zhou Hengyuan looked at Li Jiu and said, "You are my schoolmate? You are a newcomer just here? I am taking care of you? Remember, the vice president came and let him go to the tower!"

After that, Zhou Hengyuan also chased it out!

At this moment, Xiao Bing and Li Linger have come to the downstairs of Tongtian Tower, looking at the gold plaque of Tongtian Tower, and then looking up and looking up, a total of nineteen high.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The 19-story Tongtian Tower? If it is so high... it should be a little bit challenging."

On the outside of the Tongtian Tower, there are three young people standing next to the tower master of the Tongtian Tower. The boys on the left and right sides are taking the male fare in the middle: "Schoolmaster, you are really amazing, you At the beginning of the third grade, I will be able to climb to the fourth floor. I guess it is absolutely impossible to wait until you graduate from the fifth floor before graduation."

The middle student said with a smug look: "You are all second-year students, and you have to work harder, but don't be overtaken by those first-year students. That would be shameful."

The middle student is the third-grade student here, called Kang Xuan, breaking the peak of the void, which is considered to be the higher ranked one in the third grade. After he just finished speaking, he heard Xiao Bing’s self-talk at the door, Kang Xuan. Immediately, his face was stiff, and the other two sophomores were all changed. They looked at Xiao Bing.

After seeing the student cards on Xiao Bing's chest, Kang Xuan couldn't help but smile: "You are the first-year freshman who just gave Yu Feng a slap? It really is a bit of a power, but unfortunately it is too mad, not self-reliant. ""

The second-year student on the left, called the levy, immediately dismissed Xiao Bing's remark: "Do you know that Tongtian Tower is one of the three difficult levels of the school? The fire pool, the Kailing building, the Tongtian tower are not casually Now you can challenge, first-year freshmen don't think that the strength is not bad, just think it is here, don't you retreat quickly?"

Xiao Bing turned a deaf ear to the words of the three of them. He looked up at the golden signboard of Tongtian Tower and walked directly toward the tower owner in the chair at the entrance of Tongtian Tower. Li Linger saw them. After three eyes, I hurried to the past.

These three people saw Xiao Bing several people who even ignored themselves, especially the Kang Xuan in the middle of the face turned out to be very ugly, his face changed and changed, and then sneered: "I heard that he had offended Tang Hao, I still What kind of character is wondering, it turns out to be a arrogant, uninformed freshman, just let us stay and see his jokes!"

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