Super Soldier

Chapter 1975: bet

Xiao Bing walked to the table of the person in charge of the Tongtian Tower, tapped the table gently, glanced at the work card of the person in charge, and said: "Robo predecessors, I want to challenge the Tongtian Tower."

This person in charge is called Luo Bian, breaking the strength of the Nether. He is currently in his 40s. He had seen Xiao Bing and Li Linger before. He saw that they were two new students, so they never wanted to take care of them. After disturbing, I still had to open my eyes. I immediately looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Is it going to challenge now?"

"OK." Xiao Bing promised.

Luo washed a voice and said: "The strength is still good, now the first-year freshman is very strong, oh, the age is almost thirty, it is no wonder. According to your strength, you can challenge two to three Layered."

Xiao Bing looked dissatisfied: "I want to go to the top to have a look."

Luo Bian’s face changed and he sneered directly: “I don’t know how important it is. Do you think you can climb to the top floor casually? Even Xiao Si Xia is only on the ninth floor.”

Xiao Bingdao: "A total of nineteen floors, he only climbed nine floors? Not that he is a genius, how so weak?"

Luo Bian’s face immediately gloomy, and even the Kang Xuan, who was originally ready to leave but walked back, could not help but sneer.

Li Linger looked at the expressions of the three of them and revealed a look that ‘you are really rare.’

Luo Bian was thoroughly laughed and said: "Well, since you think it's so easy, then I will allow you to challenge the Tongtian Tower now and see how many layers you can pass."

The two high-spirited students at the side of Kang Xuan said one by one: "I bet he can enter the third floor at most."

"I bet the second floor."

Kang Xuan smiled and said: "Don't be too young to see a new student. Maybe someone really has two brushes..."

After a careful look, Kang Xuan's face changed slightly and smiled: "Oh, it has already reached the peak of breaking the void, no wonder so arrogant, but don't think that Tongtian Tower is so easy, I am from I have challenged four times in the first year to now, and now I have been able to step into the top four. I am sure you will not exceed four floors."

Xiao Bing’s eyes turned and asked: “Do you want to gamble? Can we gamble on points? Can points be given?”

Kang Xuan's face changed and sneered: "It's really confident. Well, I will bet five thousand points. It is estimated that you can't afford to gamble."

Even if it is a third-grade student, the 5,000 points are definitely not a small number. I thought that Xiao Bing would feel embarrassed and could not bear it. As a result, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "A total of five thousand?"

Kang Xuan’s face changed and he snorted: “How many more can you get it? Not to mention I don’t want to bully the new life. I heard that you are the champion of the new student, then your points should be enough. However, you should not think that you have so many opportunities to earn so many points casually in the future. Some students who have just entered the second grade now have no five thousand points in their hands, or save some points. it is good."

Xiao Bing sneered a sneer, then looked at the other two second-year seniors, one of which is called the levy, one is Li Baoshan, all of them are the second-grade 巅 巅 peak students, should be regarded as the middle school students in the second grade The strength may be slightly higher.

Xiao Bing calculated that the two students may not have too many points at hand, but the five thousand points should still be obtained, so Xiao Bing immediately asked: "Do you both want to gamble? Five thousand points?"

The faces of these two people are ugly. They don't have five thousand points, but the five thousand points are almost equivalent to all of their family. When they entered the school, they were new, but their rankings were not bad, but they still haven't. To the extent that you can get rewards, the thousands of points you have now are all slowly coming out.

In the school, the points represent everything. To the library, you need points. You need to score points for the Tongtian Tower and the Flame Pool. You even need to deduct the points when you eat. The two of them hesitated, and the eyes suddenly turned bright. : "Do you have so many points?"

Kang Xuan impatiently said: "Do you have anything to do with him? He is the first place in the freshman ratio. He has at least 10,000 points in his hand. At least he can pay half of each of your points. In short, he will not lose. Buying and selling, if there is really no way to pay for it, big deal, let him owe it first, and then find him a little later."

Kang Xuan’s mind is another plan. If Xiao Bing finally loses, and the points can’t afford it, then let the two second grades go to Xiao Bing’s class every other day, when Xiao Bing is afraid. It’s not enough to lose this person. The new student is more than the debtor who lost, and the face will be lost.

These two people thought about it. Even Kangxuan couldn't break through to the fifth floor. Can Xiao Bing be a new student, even if it is even more powerful? To know that Kang Xuan is also a top student in the third grade, it is really a stable sale.

The two men glanced at each other, and they agreed in unison: "Okay, we are gambling!"

Kang Xuan said with a smile: "This is very simple. Let's all of them exist in the predecessors here. At that time, they will be directly controlled by Luo's predecessors according to winning or losing."

The two men nodded after listening, and Luo Bian did not object. He did not think that Xiao Bing could break through to the fifth floor, just giving Xiao Bing a lesson.

So Roche took the scores of several other people in the past, then each brushed away five thousand points, then returned the score cards to them three, and finally took away 15,000 from Xiao Bing’s score card. Points, unless you are allowed by the parties, otherwise no one can see how many points in the score card, when you see that you can really brush away 15,000 points from Xiao Bing's score card, Luo Bian 愣Kang Xuan's pupils contracted for a while, and the other two freshmen were all stunned. What is this? ? ? How did Xiao Bing earn so many points?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "By the way, help me to brush the five hundred points needed to challenge the tower."

After washing the complex complex, he returned the score card to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh, yes, don't be surprised, these points are all earned when you just challenged the fire pool and the Kailing building. If there is nothing, I will enter the tower!"

After Xiao Bing entered, Kang Xuan stabilized his emotions and then calmly said to the other two people: "Don't be too nervous, he can earn so many points in two days, it really has a lot of skills, but Tongtian Tower However, it is not so good, I can guarantee that Kailing Building and the Fire Pool have earned a little points, but they have not won the rankings, but even if they can get a lot of rewards, he can do the breaking of the virtual world. It’s hard to get to this point, but it’s not too unusual...”

Kang Xuan just finished, I saw a group of people who came here in a mighty way, and the person who was in front of it was the person in charge of the Kailing Building and the Fire Pool. Zhang Lao, the person in charge of the Fire Pool, was excited to ask: "Xiao Bing is coming? Oh, it looks like it is coming, this little girl is here... Is he going in?"

When Luo Bian saw so many people, he couldn't help but start a shock. He quickly asked: "What are you doing here? Is it for Xiao Jun?"

"Not coming to him, we are coming to see him."

"Oh, let's see him challenge... Hey? Look at his customs clearance? You are not kidding? Here is the Tongtian Tower!"

Kang Xuan smiled and said: "The old predecessors should not be excited. It may be that Zhang Lao is wrong."

"Yeah, that is, how can the Tongtian Tower be cleared by someone, even Xiaosi Xia Xuechang can't do it, let alone a new student." The levy also smiled. "It must be a mistake of Zhang's predecessors."

Zhang Lao turned his eyes and said: "The tower is so powerful, is it better than my fire pool?"

Luo Bian’s face is inexplicable: "What are you doing so excitedly? I am not saying that the two responsible fire pools and the Kailing Building are not working. The fire pool is a place where ordinary people can hardly take a step. The Linglou is a great test of the spirit and the sea. Of course, it is not as difficult as our Tongtian Tower."

Zhang Lao heard that Luo Bian said this, his face was alleviated, and he coldly said: "He can pass through my fire pool and win the first place in the history since the establishment of the college. He is in the Kailing Building. It took only 27 seconds, and it also set a historical record. He has won the first place in both of us. How can you pass the customs without you?"

Luo Bian's eyes widened. Kang Xuan, Bu Zheng and Li Baoshan even thought that their ears were wrong. It was ridiculous. It was simply ridiculous!

Luo Biao's words: "You two... I have come to tease me?"

Zhang Lao snorted and said: "You are a little brother in my place. I am already a 60-year-old old guy. Did you run over and tease you?"

Luo Biao still shook his head and couldn't believe it. Kang Xuan could not believe it, but the first time in his heart became less practical. Is it really that the three of them ran together and pranked? But can't you... Zhang Lao is so old, so old is not respected? Although I thought so in my heart, but let them believe that Xiao Bing can win the first place in history in the fire pool and Kai Ling Building, they still can not believe.

At this time, the white light flashed on the wall, and all the people looked at it, but saw the image of the miniature version of the Tongtian Tower, which is exactly the same as the Tongtian Tower, and Xiao Bing has appeared at this time. In the position of the second layer.

Luo Bian no longer goes to the truth, and the heart still refuses to believe it. The tone is calm: "Look at it and you will know."

At this moment, Xiao Bing is undergoing a different test in the Tongtian Tower!

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