Super Soldier

Chapter 1982: Storm Smith

When Xiao Bing came back from the restaurant, all four people drank a lot. Xiao Bing had the best amount of alcohol, but Xiao Bing had been drinking two meals in a row. The three people of Li Linger were all in average.

Xiao Bing and Li Linger sent Chu Bei and Zhang Xinxin back to the first one. Then Xiao Bing helped Li Linger to go in the direction of the Southern District. Li Linger walked along with Xiao Bing while still holding Xiao Bing’s arm and his face. Posted on Xiao Bing's arm, smiled and said: "Xiao Jun big brother ... you said you ... you said how you are so powerful."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "I don't know how powerful I am. Don't praise me, or I will float in a while."

"I don't want to... I don't want to praise you, I am afraid... You are so powerful, all other women like you, then what should I do?"

Xiao Bing stunned, then looked at Li Linger's face with red fluttering, and closed his eyes on his arm. Xiao Bing knew that this was not because of the shy red face, because Li Linger really had some drinks.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you talking about, I am a bit confused."

"People... People say, I think even Xinxin sister likes you now, other girls are not even more fascinated by you... die to live? When people arrive... you don't even like people. ”

"I like it, I am not like you, you are the cutest and kindest little sister I have ever seen." Xiao Bing softly said, "Go, I will send you back to your accommodation."

Walking to the enchantment of the Eastern District, Xiao Bing found that he could not enter. When Xiao Bing wanted Li Linger to open the enchantment, Li Linger had already fallen asleep on Xiao Bing’s arm. Xiao Bing could not help but smile. It seems that I can only let her go there tonight for a night. Fortunately, the place where I live is big enough, and there are so many rooms that she can accommodate her.

Xiao Bing took Li Linger directly to the waist and hugged him. He walked into the North District and saw that he would go to his place of residence not far from the front. He saw a shadow directly rushing toward himself.

Xiao Bing looked back and saw a black man rushing directly toward himself.

The strength of the other side is very strong. On the current Xiao Bing, plus Xiao Bing drank more and still holding a person, Xiao Bing’s shoulder immediately took a hand, directly to the back, and almost fell to the ground. .

"Nima!" Xiao Bing was a little angry. For so many years, Xiao Bing rarely ate such a sneak attack, and saw that the other party rushed up again. Xiao Bing immediately flew past and kicked his fists. Xiao Bing was directly kicked out by a punch, then quickly placed Li Linger on the ground and stood up.

The other party thought that this fist would go down. Xiao Bing would not be able to use a leg for a short period of time. At least he would be paralyzed for a while, but he did not expect Xiao Bing to be able to stand there in a hurry. He could not help but slightly stunned. a bit.

Xiao Bing shouted: "Come, some people want to kill!!"

Generally, the masters are rarely going to call people, let alone their level. After breaking the level of the void, they will regard the face as everything, but Xiao Bing is a shameless person who shouts loudly, black. The clothing man was stupid, and he turned and ran.

And Xiao Bing is waiting for such an opportunity. Xiao Bing has already seen that the strength of the other party is higher than himself. It is probably the middle of the Tianzun, even the true identity of the black man has been seen. It was the second-year Smith teacher who had a conflict with Xiao Bing.

This Smith teacher played Dai Xueman's idea. Before seeing Xiao Bing, Dai Xueman was thrown into his arms, and his heart hated it so much, so this was a revenge.

But Xiao Bing is the kind of good talk, you dare to come to me trouble, then I will not let you.

The black man just turned and fled, Xiao Bing directly chased the past, Xiao Bing's speed is too fast, far beyond the normal degree of the early Tianzun, scared the black man hurriedly turned and wanted to parry, but see Xiao Bing already He rushed to his face and punched his face in a punch.

With a bang, the black man could not fall down to the ground without the good defense power of Xiao Bing, and then Xiao Bing directly slammed on him, oh, a burst of fists squatting in the black man On the face, the black man had no chance to resist, and he was directly screamed in his mouth.

At this time, someone came in the distance. One of them was Dai Xueman. In addition to Dai Xueman, there were several senior students and teachers in the school. They rushed over and shouted: "What is it? That person is Killer? Don't worry, we are here!"

The black man was frightened and stupid. He pushed Xiao Bing away and then ran out. Xiao Bing actually didn’t want to stop him. Otherwise, if he had the chance to escape, he would never think about it. Breaking away, when the people ran to the front, the black man had disappeared.

Dai Xueman glanced at Li Linger lying on the ground and looked at Xiao Bing again. He asked, "What happened? What happened?"

Xiao Bing explained: "Tonight, Zhang Xinxin invited guests to dinner, invited me to eat with Chu Bei and Li Linger. Li Linger drank a little more. I had to take her to me and find a room for her to live in. As a result, I was about to see it. When I lived, the black man suddenly rushed over to attack me. The black man’s strength is very strong, and his hands are also hot. I have already drunk too much. If it’s not because of your time, he won’t panic. I was taught a lesson."

Zhao Qing, the examiner of the next-generation freshman, said with a cold voice: "It’s a pity that he was escaped. It’s too awful to dare to go to Tongtian College to hurt people."

Dai Xueman hesitated for a moment and said: "Mr. Zhao, do you think that if the other person is a person outside the school, will he have the ability to enter and leave the North District enchantment freely?"

Zhao Qing’s face changed a bit and asked: “What do you mean, is this wicked person living in the North District?”

"Yeah." Dai Xue smiled bitterly. "I thought of a person, but... there is no evidence, forget it."

Zhao Qing is also a relatively calm person. Hearing Dai Xueman said, he did not ask who he was, but said to others: "Everyone is all scattered, this matter will be investigated slowly."

The students who came over heard this one by one, and all of them were scattered. At this time, there were only three people, Dai Xueman, Zhao Qingjie and Xiao Bing, and Li Linger, who was lying on the ground and sleeping.

Zhao Qing looked at Dai Xueman and asked: "Do you mean the teacher who lives in the North District?"

"Well..." Dai Xue said with a bitter smile, "There are still a few people in the middle of the school who are in the middle of the day?"

Zhao Qing asked: "Who is it, you will say it."

"I don't know, I just guessed that it might be Smith's teacher..."

"Oh." Zhao Qing nodded, then looked at Xiao Bing and said, "We will investigate this matter clearly, but it is still not good enough to speculate."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know what is going on, I am relieved. I will not go out and talk about this matter. Anyway, I have been scared and I have not suffered any loss. If it is true. It’s the words of Mr. Smith’s teacher. I think he must have misunderstood me. It’s just that.”

Zhao Qing couldn't help but be moved by Xiao Bing's magnanimity. Dai Xueman also looked at Xiao Bing more closely. Only Xiao Bingxin knew that he had just lost a little bit of money. Xiao Bing has been in the fire pool. After a lap, the physical toughness has become more and more exaggerated. I haven’t been hurt before, and it’s estimated that it’s enough for Smith to get a few punches. Even if Smith has a panacea after going back, it’s absolutely within three or five days. It is impossible to get out of the door.

Xiao Bing walked over and took Li Linger from the ground and looked at Dai Xueman. "Dai teacher, I met you here. I will take care of you tonight. I can also bring her to my residence. Anyway, there are so many houses, I am afraid that I can’t say it well. If someone sees it, I will think more. It’s not so good to let the girls be pointed at by others.”

Dai Xueman’s eyes lit up slightly. I don’t know why, my heart suddenly became very comfortable. She smiled and nodded and said, “Reassure, give me the person, go back to rest.”

Dai Xueman took the initiative to pick up Li Linger. Xiao Bing said with gratitude: "That would be a trouble to wear a teacher."

"Nothing, remember to drink a little less next time, especially the little girl."

"Well, the next time I will." Xiao Bing quickly agreed.

Xiao Bing first sent Dai Xueman back, and then he returned home, tired for a day, Xiao Bing was lying in bed and screamed and fell asleep.

The next morning, Xiao Bing woke up very early, and looked at it. The sky was just a little lit. There was still a period of time from class. The books that Xiao Bing would bring back were found out. Regarding the formation method, Xiao Bing began to focus on it again. This time is a more advanced intermediate formation method than before. There are more things that Xiao Bing can learn and learn from now. Xiao Bing is a moment. Immersed in between, and my mind constantly interprets one after another. These arrays do not belong to the human world, do not belong to the realm of the gods, do not belong to the devil world, and Xiao Bing integrates the array of human and the real world. The formation of the array.

Although it is a mid-level method, the power is comparable to the top-level array!

When Xiao Bing turned all these methods into their minds, they vomited their breath and smiled and said to themselves: "This book is finished, not good, it is time to go to breakfast, come back today at noon. I have a look at a few other books. This time I came to the realm of the gods and it was full of harvest."

Xiao Bing will catch the soul stick in his hand and ask: "How, you still have to stay here?"

After Xiao Bing asked, he saw that there was no movement to chase the soul. Xiao Bing tried to communicate with the soul chasing spirit several times. Still, there was no movement. It seemed that the chasing soul began to fall asleep again.

Xiao Bing thought, since it is sleeping, it is better to bring it around, so I will bring the soul chasing on the body, go out from the room, first go inside the cafeteria, eat breakfast, I heard that many people in the cafeteria were talking about it.

"Isn't that your Highness?"

"Yeah, Brother Xiao, our future god."

"Wow, Xiao Si Xia is so handsome, and it is still the future king of God, I want to marry him."

Xiao Bing raised his head and looked over in the direction of the door. (https:)

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