Super Soldier

Chapter 1983: Xiao Sixia's challenge

Xiao Bing looked at the door and walked in from the outside of the cafeteria into a tall, energetic 20-year-old young man. The young man was handsome and dressed in white underwear. He had several places with Xiao Bing. There is a little bit of similarity with Xiao Bing. Of course, they are not brothers after all. Therefore, as long as the outsiders do not specifically observe and can not see it, Xiao Bing notices at a glance, and the heart is more certain that Bai Xiaosheng’s said wrong.

After the young people came in, the people who had been waiting in line for the meal all took the initiative to let the position go, let him go to the front, the only student in the whole school who can have this kind of treatment, that is, the son of the **** king, Xiao Sixia .

Xiao Bing took back his gaze and said in his heart: "In the middle of the saint, this Xiao Si Xia is really a rare genius."

Both Bai Yu and Jiang Shen are the top masters of the younger generation in the entire Protoss. They are two or three years older than Xiao Si Xia, but the strength is just the beginning of the saint. It can be seen that Xiao Si Xia is indeed a rare genius.

After a night of rest yesterday, Xiao Bing felt that his current strength could be restored to the point of the early days of the saint. According to the current degree of Xiao Bing, almost every day, almost a week, Xiao Bing can be fully restored. Your own peak strength, you can leave here, turn around in the Protoss, especially go to their mountain, and then return to the human world.

Of course, Xiao Bing is not in a hurry, otherwise the recovery can be faster than it is now. Now Xiao Bing mainly has a lot of things to learn in the school, such as these arrays, and even tens of thousands of books in the library. Even if Xiao Bing chooses the most important one, I am afraid that I can't finish it in a year or two. Now I can stay here for a few more days, and I can read more books and then leave.

After Xiao Sixia finished the meal, the position of sitting was far away from Xiao Bing. The eyes of the students who did not know much in the whole cafeteria fell on Xiao Sixia's body, but no one dared to disturb.

After waiting for Xiao Bing to stand up, someone suddenly said in the distance: "Isn't that Xiao Jun?"

"Yeah, Xiaojun of the first grade, I heard that he broke all the records? I have given Xiao Si Xia a good far."

"Oh, a little bit louder, but I heard that it is like this, saying that he is a genius that is even more powerful than Xiao Si Xia."

There are more and more voices of discussion, although they are very quiet, but Xiao Bing and Xiao Si Xia still hear clearly. Xiao Si Xia quickly looked up at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing has already reached the door at this time. Going out without stopping.

Xiao Sixia’s gaze flashed slightly and continued to bow down. After he stood up, several female students immediately took the courage to rush over and said, “His Royal Highness, can I take a hand with you?”

"Can I hold you?"

"Can you sign me a name..."

Xiao Sixia glanced at them, and the calm eyes swept over them. The girls hurriedly let the road open, letting Xiao Sixia walk past them.

Xiao Bing returned to his classroom. He was still thinking about Xiao Si Xia. The middle-aged strong man of the age of nearly 20 years old, Xiao Bing was unheard of before, but this is not unusual, the whole spirit of the gods It is much richer than the human world, and now the aura of the North District where you live is more than a dozen times the human world. As a family of the gods, the Xiao family is even more unimaginable. However, Xiao Si Xia almost enjoys the extraordinary treatment from the mother's womb, plus the blood of the Xiao family, the speed is not fast.

According to Xiao Bing's estimation, if he is also in a place where the aura is so rich after birth, it is estimated that the strength at the age of 20 is even worse than that of Xiao Si Xia. Of course, this is just an imagination. After all, no one can make history renew. At first, no one knows what it will be like after rebirth.

However, when I saw Xiao Si Xia, it was difficult for Xiao Bing to raise too much hatred. After all, many things were the things of the previous generation, and there was no relationship with Xiao Si Xia.

At this time, the students in the class also came one by one. The class teacher Dai Xueman also came. Xiao Bing immediately whispered and Dai Xueman heard: "Is Li Linger already okay?"

"I have already hanged up, I made breakfast this morning, I have eaten with me, she just went to school."

Xiao Bing spit out the gas and said: "It is really a trouble to wear a teacher."

Dai Xueman’s eyes are a bit more complicated. He said: “She discussed something with me this morning and wanted to go to class in our class. But this thing obviously has to go to the talent line. This kind of thing is easy to offend people, for her. It is not very good, I am still hesitating."

At this time, Zhang Xinxin came in from the outside. After hearing it, he touched it slightly, but still returned to his seat without making a sound.

Xiao Bing hesitated and said: "I suggest not to help her transfer to the class. I will talk to her about this matter."

Xiao Bing knows that Li Linger wants to change class. Maybe he has a relationship with himself, but he will not go away for many days. Even then he will leave the realm of the gods. It is not worthwhile for her to stay here for the sin of the teacher.

Dai Xueman said: "I think so too. Although I also like to teach this child, her potential is quite good, but this kind of thing is not very good, then you should find a chance to talk to her."

After Dai Xueman finished speaking, he went to the front of the podium. When Dai Xueman walked away, Zhang Xinxin looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Dr. Xiao, I was a little drunk last night, didn't I lose my mind?"

"No, no." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "You and Chu Bei are actually okay, although they are a bit too much, but they are not too drunk."

"Well, that's good." Zhang Xinxin smiled a little, and then said, "Xiao Big Brother, your strength is already much higher than me. Usually I always ask the teacher if everything is not good, if Sometimes I have a personal understanding of cultivation, I don’t know if I can ask you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Of course it can be."

Zhang Xinxin smiled happily: "Thank you, take time, I will ask you to eat alone."

Xiao Bing snorted and nodded slightly. He immediately thought of the words that Li Linger said after drinking drunk yesterday. Li Linger was a little afraid of Zhang Xinxin going to rob her. The girls’ feelings were the most sensitive. Is it Zhang Xinxin? Really interested in myself? But I don't want to provoke so many women!

But no matter what, I may have left in a few days. What she thinks has nothing to do with me. When she leaves, all her thoughts will naturally be dispelled.

Xiao Bing is thinking, at this time Xiao Si Xia suddenly came in from the door.

Xiao Sixia is a star student in the school. Before Xiao Bing appeared, Xiao Si Xia was the most eye-catching student in the school. Even those who did not enter the school heard the name of Xiao Xi Xia, even if it was really ignorant. I already heard about it, so when Xiao Sixia walked into the class, one of the classmates blurted out the name of Xiao Sixia, and immediately the whole class was blown up. Everyone’s eyes fell on Xiao Sixia’s body. Zhang Xinxin also watched involuntarily. In the past, the beauty of the eyes was gleaming.

Even the class teacher Dai Xueman has become a little nervous. She used to be Xiaosi Xia’s sister. Of course, she might be called a sister, because her age is much bigger than Xiao Si Xia, until Xiao Bing broke Xiao Xia. After the myth, her admiration for Xiao Si Xia was a little lighter. Even so, when Xiao Si Xia approached himself, Dai Xueman still felt some shortness of breath.

So handsome, too temperamental, and too powerful.

Xiao Sixia didn't go to see anyone. The only thing I saw was a Xiao Bing. When Xiao Si Xia walked in front of Xiao Bing, everyone's eyes were gathered on these two people. One is the first genius in the school, and it is the future **** of the future. In the future, everyone here will be his people, and the other is the genius who broke all the historical records, not just breaking Xiao Si Xia. The record is so simple, but it breaks all the history and is destined to leave its name in the annals of the history of the entire Protoss.

The two men gathered together at this time, as if all the brilliance had gathered on both of them, and then Xiao Bing looked up and looked at each other.

Xiao Sixia's tone is calm: "My name is Xiao Si Xia."

"I know, I am Xiao Jun."

"I know too."

Two people look at each other, and Xiao Sixia's gaze is as calm as ever. It is this calm that reveals how proud he is, as if anyone in the world could hardly make him rise.

Xiao Bing's eyes are also very calm, which makes Xiao Sisi feel very strange, but more interested.

Xiao Bing asked: "What are you doing for me?"

"I plan to challenge you. After three days, in the square outside your classroom, I don't care about the records you broke. I want to see if you have any genius and how powerful."

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled: "You want to challenge me? Then I may have to admit that your current realm is indeed higher than me."

Yes, other people’s minds are also thinking, although Xiao Bing has broken so many records, but the Protoss is to be respected by strength. The realm of Xiao Sisi is much higher than that of Xiao Bing, which proves Xiao Bing. It's still not as good as Xiao Si Xia, but from another point of view, it is a bit too much for the imperial court to challenge a student who is several layers lower than himself.

Xiao Sixia smiled and said: "No matter what realm you are, on the day of the real contest, I will suppress my cultivation and keep the same cultivation as you. How do you see it?"

Xiao Bing nodded: "Well, I accept your challenge!" y7 (https:)

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