Super Soldier

Chapter 1985: Tang family looking for trouble

After Xiao Bing returned, he began to study various books, and the martial arts, formations, illusions, etc. among the Protoss and the human beings were integrated. In the following time, Xiao Bing went to the class less, and Dai Xueman also I don't care much about this. The students here are not particularly constrained in this respect. As long as you can get good grades every time you are born, you will not come to class and there will be no one to control. The realm of strength is flush with Dai Xueman, and Dai Xueman really does not have much to teach Xiao Bing.

Fortunately, Xiao Bing sometimes encounters some problems in some books, and will still find opportunities to ask Dai Xueman, which makes Dai Xueman also have some psychological comfort. At least, this teacher is not a little bit of a role.

Three days later, Xiao Bing had just walked out of the North District. It was not far away. He met several classmates who were familiar with the class. After seeing Xiao Bing, the two students hurriedly said: "Xiao Jun, what do you want to do? Going? Don't go out of school, is someone outside the school trying to block you?"

Xiao Bing stunned: "What do I do to block me? Is it a crazy little girl? You didn't tell me, I don't want to be an object now?"

This is not Xiao Bing’s own narcissism. It’s really because Xiao Bing’s limelight is too strong. First, the new students are bigger than the first one. Then they break through various records. Now even Xiao Si Xia can’t sit still, take the initiative and Xiao Bing. In the showdown, you must know that only Xiao Sixia had challenged others in the first grade. At that time, the challenge was for the second and third grade students. Since he entered the second grade, he could not find an opponent in the whole school. Who Have you seen Xiao Sixia actively challenged a person after that?

Since entering the school, even with the grade students, Xiao Sixia has not bothered to challenge. Now he has challenged a freshman who is two years lower than him. Xiao Bing is even more angry in the school. The outside world is rumored because Xiao Xixia felt Xiao. The strong pressure brought by the soldiers.

Because of these various reasons, now there are many fans in Xiao Bing. Although the number of fans is not as good as that of Xiao Si Xia, Xiao Bing has become the second most popular figure in the school. Xiao Bing has encountered this few days. After arriving at several beautiful girls who expressed their confession, they all refused.

The two students said: "No, some people want to teach you. Have you ever played Tang Hao before? The Tang family is still very powerful in our real Wucheng city. It belongs to the fifth family in the city. He is the Tang family. The son of the second family, the relatives of the Tang family, you played him so badly, how could his family count this way?"

Xiao Bing looked down on his face: "I was beaten at school and still looking for a parent? It is not too shameful!"

One of the classmates also had some disdainful words: "I also feel very shameful, but there is no way, the situation is stronger than the people, and he did not find a parent, but found the guardian of the Tang family, the Tang family and the The first master outside the second home, it is said that the strength has reached the early days of Tianzun. If you are alone, you certainly don’t need to be afraid, but he also brought a group of guards, and the strength of those guards has reached a period of enthusiasm. Plus Tang Hao himself, if you go out, you will definitely not be able to get it."

Xiao Bing asked: "Does the school leave?"

The classmate said: "If these people enter the school, the school will definitely manage it, but now these people are just outside the college, and the college can't control it!"

"It’s also true." Xiao Bing said, "It’s not good to keep them outside. After all, it’s the trouble I am getting, or I will go out and solve it myself."

Originally, these two students listened to Dai Xueman’s instructions and came over to inform Xiao Bing not to go out. I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to go out and solve it myself. The two of them were shocked and said: “But...”

"Reassured, I am a civilized person. I will go out and talk to them. You don't have to worry about it. I will go back when I go. Oh, yes, thank you for telling me, what is your name?"


"Zhang Qi."

"Oh, I remember you, I am leaving, bye."

"Oh, bye."

Seeing Xiao Bing walked toward the entrance of the hospital, Ouyang and Zhang Qi looked at each other. Ouyang asked: "What should I do?"

"How do I know, let's go, let's tell the teacher, let's hurry up..."

At this time, at the entrance of the college, many people already know that Tang Hao brought people to block Xiaobing. Many people at the entrance of the hospital are watching the excitement. While they are talking about it, they speculate that Xiao Bing dare not come out.

Of course, in the eyes of most people, Xiao Bing is absolutely afraid to go out. After all, the lineup outside is really too strong. In the early days of Tianzun, one breaks the peak of the void, and there are five other classes that have reached the stage of enthusiasm. Although Xiao Bing is powerful, Xiao Bing is now the beginning of Tian Zun. A person facing a six or seven person must also be abused.

Those people were talking about it, Xiao Bing suddenly appeared, and then everyone calmed down, and each one showed a look of optimistic play.

"This Xiao Jun really dare to come."

"Yeah, courage is really big."

"Oh, I don’t think it’s too big to know."

"Who are you talking about? This is called courage and courage. What do you know?"

"Haha, I think you are a madman. What kind of courage is this? Isn't that looking for death? And in a few days he will fight with Xiao Sixia. It is not wise to come out at this time."

"It is not very sensible. His own realm is much worse than that of Xiao Si Xia. If he is injured at this time, the chance of winning will be even smaller."

"Oh, I think he didn't plan to win at all, and he knew he couldn't win."

Apparently most people think that Xiao Bing is too unwise to do so, and feel that Xiao Bing is being abused, and he is not even optimistic about the duel between Xiao Bing and Xiao Si Xia two days later.

Xiao Bing walked to the door of the college. At this time, someone ran over and shouted: "Dr. Xiao, don't go out!"

Xiao Bing looked back at Li Linger, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will come back when I go."

Zhang Xinxin also rushed from a distance at this time. When she saw Xiao Bing going out from the gate, her beautiful eyebrows were slightly wrinkled. In her opinion, Xiao Bing’s move was too unwise. And she is also secretly pondering that it is worthwhile to put all the bets on Xiao Bing. To know that a person wants to achieve great cause, in addition to the potential of all aspects, he must also have a very calm personality. And Xiao Bing is too unsettled to do things, too disregarding the consequences.

Zhang Xinxin sighed. Since I have already reached this step, I will stand firmly beside Xiao Bing, otherwise I will not get anything if the bamboo basket is watered.

Zhang Xinxin walked to the side of Li Linger and patted Li Linger’s shoulder and said, “I believe Xiaojun’s brother.”

Xiao Bing walked out of the college at this time. Originally, Tang Hao planned to scare Xiao Bing with people. When he was looking for a few faces, he felt that Xiao Bing dared to go out, so when he saw it, Business from the back of Shi Xiao, I was shocked and sneered. "I am very greeted. "I am still very happy. I really did not know that I am still worried. ”

Xiao Bing looked at Tang Hao, but he saw that Tang Hao’s half of his face was swollen. He couldn’t help but be curious and asked: “You are the library and the Tang Hao I met? How is your face swollen?”

"You!" Tang Hao was simply going to be mad. On that day, he was going to reconcile with Xiao Bing. As a result, he just said a few words and was sent to Xiao Bing by his face. Soaring, now Xiao Bing actually asked this question, clearly is to stimulate the mocking of himself, but he misunderstood Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing really did not notice who he was.

Tang Hao took a deep breath and calmed his face and said: "You don't need to be arrogant, and soon you will know what it costs to offend me."

Xiao Bingxin is also annoyed in the heart. Isn’t he offended in the library? As for this, he still took someone to stop me, knowing that I didn’t know you at the time.

Xiao Bing said coldly: "I just want to teach me if you want to? I am afraid it is not enough."

At this time, the guardian of the early Tianzun came out and smiled: "The kid, the strength is good, but it is also the beginning of Tianzun, but with this strength, I dare to offend our Tang family, I am afraid it is not enough! Second Master, You can rest assured that I will teach you lessons for you!"

Tang Hao nodded, then he heard the captain of the **** holding a long squat, and said proudly: "I will tell you first, who is the one who taught you today! I am the captain of the Tang Guard..."

His name had not yet had time to say it, and he saw that Xiao Bing had already rushed to him. He also punched his face with an impatient punch. The guard captain snorted and was about to dodge. However, I saw that Xiao Bing’s fist suddenly extended a few points, and then he slammed directly on his face.

The captain of the **** fell to the ground with a sigh, his mouth bleed, and he had not had time to get up. Xiao Bing had already rode on him, punched it with a punch and a punch, and directly hit the **** captain. I was willing to stop, as for the onlookers outside the school, all of them were stunned.

This is completely different from the scene they had expected. Hello, do you have the same two realms? How is the difference in strength so much? ?

Xiao Bing climbed down from the captain of the **** and clap his hands. He said, "Who is going to listen to your name?"

Xiao Bing looked at Tang Hao and the rest of the people. They all shuddered. Tang Hao trembled: "You... you can't move me. I am the second son of the Tang family. My uncle is the Tang family." Homeowner."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is the Tang family a family named Tang?"

"Ah? Right... right."

"Oh." Xiao Bing nodded. When Tang Hao sighed, he heard Xiao Bing say, "I have never heard of it!"

Tang Hao’s face was even more ugly, and then he saw a slap directly pulled over. The heavy fan was on his face. He flew out and fell to the ground. The half face that had swollen before. At this time, the swelling is even higher.

The guards hurriedly ran one by one and hurried Tang Hao. Another **** rushed over to help the captain of the escort. They were scared to stay for a minute, and they didn’t even dare to kneel down. One by one, they fled in a hurry. When they left, they could only hear Tang Hao being carried away by the guards. They cried when they cried: "Why... why do you smoke the same half face every time? ...."

Xiao Bing turned back to the campus indifferently, and all the people watching the whole campus were holding their breath, silent and silent! (https:)

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