Super Soldier

Chapter 1986: Are you also a saint in the middle?

Xiao Bing’s violent Tang family’s **** captain and Tang Hao’s affairs spread throughout the college. Tang Hao was better than not looking for Xiao Bing’s revenge. Before he was slapped by Xiao Bing, only a few people knew it, but this time he It was the face that was thrown into the entire college. It was a typical stealing of a chicken that did not erode the rice, and it was a shame.

In the next two days, the frequency of Xiao Jun’s appearance in the college became even higher, even several times more than the number of Xiao Si Xia’s name. Although Xiao Si Xia is still in the eyes of many people. The first day was only after, but after all, Xiao Si Xia has been on fire for several years. Everyone mentioned that Xiao Si Xia is also numb, and Xiao Jun’s name is relatively new, so everyone is obviously more talked about.

However, Xiao Bing does not care about those. In addition to practicing in the residence every day, I go to the library to borrow books. There are too many books in the library, even if Xiao Bing is here from the first grade to the third. The grades are not likely to be finished, so Xiao Bing is only picking the books that he is most interested in. The intermediate selection is finished. The last two days are all selected on the third floor.

The books on the third floor are regarded as the highest-ranking books in the school. Xiao Bing seems to have opened a door. All the doors are all oceans of knowledge. These days, Xiao Bing’s incomparably rich and incomparable excitement, if not Considering the leaves, they will worry about themselves. Xiao Bing has no problem even if he lives here for more than a year and a half.

Five days passed quickly, and finally arrived at the day of the contest. The time for the contest was set at noon. When Xiao Bing was getting up in the morning, some people came outside the door. Xiao Bing walked over and opened the door. But I saw Dai Xueman.

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "The teacher is coming, it is a great honor to come in. Come on."

Dai Xue smiled slightly and walked into Xiao Bing’s residence. He glanced inside the hall and asked, “How is the preparation?”

"Oh, I’ve been learning all these days, I feel that I’ve got a lot of money, and I’m confident now.”

Dai Xue shook his head and smiled bitterly: "How much can be learned in five days."

"Oh." Xiao Bing’s heart is dark, don’t say, the five days have really learned a lot for me. After all, many aspects of this place are things I have not touched before. Actually, Xiao Bing Said that some of the martial arts ideas of the Mozu, Xiao Bing also know a little, because of the frequent exchanges with Gao Fei, but for the martial arts of the Protoss, Xiao Bing knows really is not too much.

Business forecast. However, although there is a slight difference between business people, no people, no people or saga, there are some similarities.

Dai Xue said with a relaxed tone: "I just came to see you, and talked to you by the way, I am afraid that you are too nervous. Although you say that your age is a little bigger than Xiao Si Xia, you have to know that you are just entering school. In the first year, you certainly didn't have such a good resource before, and you haven't had such a good systematic study, so your potential and space is still very, very big, you can see from the record that you can break so many records. It is."

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "I know."

Dai Xueman smiled and said: "So don disposed not to win or lose. Although he is younger than you, he has the best resources of the entire Protoss since he was a child. His father is the king of God, and you are different, the whole Protoss. In addition to the king of the gods, the best resources are all in Tongtian College. This is why everyone has broken their heads and wants to study in Tongtian College. I think that with such a good resource, you can rely on your talent. Your future may not even be under Xiao Si Xia."

Xiao Bing sighed and smiled. "Dai teacher, you came to comfort me."

"I am afraid that you are too nervous."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Reassured, I will not be nervous."

Dai Xueman looked at Xiao Bing. She saw that Xiao Bing’s words were not perfunctory. She did not feel any signs of nervousness from Xiao Bing’s body. It seems that this move is really a bit more. Dai Xueman couldn’t help but smiled: "It seems that I am worried too much. You, I feel more and more that you and this other student are really different. If you know others, you must be with God. The son of Wang is competing. It is estimated that I will not be able to sleep for several days. I mean, do you have a good heart, or do you think that you want to open better?"

"Nothing." Xiao Bing smiled bitterly. "Actually, I am too confident... Anyway, I will definitely win things. I am nervous about what to do."

Dai Xue snorted, looked at Xiao Bing with a strange look, and finally shook his head and said: "It looks like you are really too confident..."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "You don't believe me?"

"Well... not necessarily, I think your combat experience may be richer than him, but I must say that even if he suppresses the realm to the same extent as you, he still has an advantage, his weapon is Artifact, he also has blood power, his card is too much... To be honest, it is difficult for the entire school teacher to find out that the two strengths are stable on him."

Xiao Bing smiled and didn't explain anything. He thought about it in his heart. You only know his cards, but why did you really know my strength?

Dai Xueman glanced at the time and said: "Almost, is it better for us to pass now?"

"Wait for a while." Xiao Bing said, "It should be too late. I will read the book again. Teacher Dai, can't you see?"

Xiao Bing took out a few books from the table, picked up one of them and looked at it. Dai Xueman shook his head slightly, and when they got to the competition, they still had a leisurely reading. This calm, the people I know are really unique.

Dai Xueman saw Xiao Bing really look at it with his dedication. He also found a book and began to look at it. After Xiao Bing put the book down, the time was almost the same. He stood up and stretched out. I also put down the book and smiled bitterly: "You really can see it, let's go, time is almost up."

"Well, let's go, start!"

Two people walked out of the house and walked all the way to the place of the contest.

At this moment, there is already a lot of people on the playground of the contest. Even some seats are placed on the high platform. Those seats belong to the school leaders and teachers. The contest between Xiao Sixia and Xiao Bing has alarmed all the people in the school. The only person who is absent is the Dean of Tongtian College.

At this time, the third grade teacher at the beginning of a saint sitting next to Zhuge Yu, the vice president, asked: "Vice deputy, who do you think this war can win?"

Zhuge Yu said: "If it is a normal comparison, it is natural that Xiao Si Xia won. After all, Xiao Si Xia's realm is much higher than Xiao Jun, but according to their previous gambling, Xiao Si Xia also suppressed the realm to the same as Xiao Jun. Level, there is suspense in this contest."

The teacher next to a saint's peak said with confidence: "In my opinion, Xiao Xixia won, he is superfluous and general knowledge of this arrogant new life, although this Xiao Jun really broke the records, but we The one who really wants to compare is still stronger. If you don’t say anything else, just say that the blood power is strong, and Xiao Sixia can finish the Xiao Jun."

The person who spoke is Xiao Changxia’s class teacher, Gu Changzhen, who is also a very qualified teacher in the school. The strength belongs to the leader of the entire Tongtian College.

Gu Changzhen said that even some teachers who have competition between Ping and Gu Changzhen can't help but nod. This is indeed the case. No matter from which point of view, Xiao Bing has no possibility of winning.

At this time, Xiao Si Xia came. When Xiao Si Xia walked to the ground, the sound of the mountains and the tsunami sounded around.

At this time, the teacher who first spoke to the vice-president, the teacher said with a wry smile: "This kind of popularity is that these teachers can't compare with him."

Gu Changzhen looked at the teacher and said: "Mr. Jiang Bitian, do you have this realm at his age?"

Jiang Bitian’s face changed a bit and said: “I don’t even have his realm even now.”

"So, these students have a lot of fantasies about him. I have to say that the blood of the Xiao family is indeed the number one in the world!"

Although Jiang Bitian felt a little embarrassed, he had to admit that Gu Changzhen was right.

Waiting for a while, the discussion started around.

"How did Xiao Jun not arrive yet?"

"Yeah, it won't be afraid to come."

"Impossible, he dared to go to the fire pool before."

"Even if he dares to go to the fire pool, even if he has created so many records, but Xiao Sixia is the strongest person who has the blood of the gods, even the strongest of the saints is not sure that they can beat Xiaosi Xia, let alone A district is a Xiaojun."

"Well, you are right to say this, is it really not to come?"

At this time, Dai Xueman appeared, she flew directly to the high platform, sitting in a position on the edge.

Then, Xiao Bing appeared, leaping from the top of the crowd to the center of the field, surrounded by exclaimed: "He is really here!"

"He dares to come!"

Xiao Sixia looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Xiao Si Xia."

Xiao Bingdao: "Xiao Jun."

Xiao Sixia nodded and said: "I will suppress the realm in the early days of Tianzun..."

"No need."

“Oh?” Xiao Sixia frowned slightly and asked, “Are you a person in the early days of Tianzun dare to let me use your full strength and you? Then you are too arrogant, don’t you know that Tian Zun’s early distance from the saint How far is the distance?"

"That's not it, but I think, really don't need it... because I am also a saint in the middle."

After that, Xiao Bing’s body creaked, and then in the incredible eyes of everyone’s eyes, Xiao Bing’s momentum continued to rise and reached an incredible level. Even the students around the watch had a faint tremor. The feeling, then when Xiao Bing’s power was completely released, he made a long breath: “Oh, this power feels so good!”

Xiao Si Xia is also a stunned look: "Middle-age?"

There was a horror around, and even the leaders and teachers on the stand stood up, even if it was just with Xiao Bing, Dai Xueman’s eyes widened at this moment, and he showed his face. Believe in the color, followed by a dead silence! (https:)

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