Super Soldier

Chapter 1988: Xiao Sixia's blood power

Xiao Bing will also catch the soul stick in his hand, and then he will hear the soul of the chasing soul is communicating with himself: "Stinky boy, I just woke up, you have to let me work again!"

The chasing stick has already woke up this morning, and now the time of waking up the soul has become more and more, facing the Acacia sword, chasing the soul is not to be outdone, the horrible atmosphere is surrounded by the chasing soul. At the beginning, when Xiao Bing broke through to the demigod, the chasing stick had been promoted to the Chinese artifact, so now that the power is concerned, the chasing stick is not weak compared with the Acacia sword.

I felt the terror power above the chasing stick. The teachers on the stand stood up excitedly at this time. Xiao Si Xia was slightly surprised. He said: "No wonder I heard that you don't even have a rare spirit. It turns out that there is a Chinese artifact in your hand, and I am stunned."

In the crowd, Zhang Xinxin was slightly relieved. Originally, she still felt that she was behind Li Linger. Now it seems that Xiao Bing originally gave the middleware to Li Linger because Xiao Bingzhen No need, but even so, she also saw that Xiao Bing is not the same for Li Linger, so she still dare not care too much.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You have a lot of places for me, but to be honest, I am very interested in this Acacia sword in your hands. It is better to let me give it!"


Xiao Si Xia finally got out of the sword, Jianguang cut through the void, forming a huge semi-circle, and went to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing sneaked away from this fast-slung sword light, and Jianguang’s eyes were on the students who watched the battle behind Xiao Bing. Suddenly, they were blocked by enchantment, and the enchantment was slightly The rise of a wave, then Jianguang disappeared.

Before the contest, the vice president and the teachers had already arranged the enchantment in the venue. This is also to prevent the power of the two battles from being too great, and it will affect the people watching the battle.

Zhu Geyu, the deputy dean, nodded and said: "This Xiao Sisi's accomplishment in the sword method has reached a very high standard. It seems that he has not used all the strengths in the previous years."

Gu Changzheng smiled and said: "So I said that Xiao Jun will be defeated. Xiao Si Xia's strength is far beyond his imagination. Even if it is me, it is not easy to win Xiao Si Xia."

The ancient long story made the whole college people look awkward. Before, they only knew that Xiao Si Xia was a genius. No one among all the students could compare with him, but the specific genius went to which step, who said no? Ok, now everyone really understands something. Gu Changzhen is a top teacher in the school. Even if he wants to win Xiao Si Xia, it is not easy. How terrible is the strength of Xiao Sixia?

The Acacia sword in the hands of Xiao Sixia draws a ray of light, and completely envelops Xiao Bing in it. The chasing soul stick in Xiao Bing’s hand becomes a mysterious phantom in Xiao Bing’s body in all directions, and then he hears Jing Dang. When the sound of the collision is endless, the sparks are splashing, and the speed of both people has reached the limit. No one is weaker than anyone else.

Lu Laoliu excitedly said: "This speed... fast!"

Dai Xueman swallowed a sip of water and nodded.

As for the students who watched the battle in the distance, they could not even see the movements in the field at all, and they could only hear the incomprehensible sound of jingling.

Zhang Yanqi tightened his fist and excitedly said: "How fast is this speed? When he was born, he didn't have enough strength. If he took half the power, I am afraid that even one move. Can't take it!"

Everyone else is also amazed by the color, one by one is happy to yearn for, even if they don’t even dare to look at each other, they are all thinking about when they should be able to achieve the same strength.

At this time, Lu Laoliu looked at the vice president and asked: "When is the vice president, when will the dean come back? It is a pity that he can't see such an exciting scene. It is estimated that a thousand years may not be able to I met once!"

Dai Xue said: "More than that, and Xiao Jun broke the records of the Fire Pool, Kailing Building and Tongtian Tower, and should let the Dean look."

Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "If the dean can know this, he will certainly not be able to sleep, but he is now in a retreat, so I am afraid that I will not return to school in a short time. It is a pity."

"Well, that's really a pity." Lu Laoliu said: "Fortunately, they are all students in the school. Even if the principal is retiring for three or five months, he will have time to wait until the customs clearance."

Zhuge Yu said: "Yes, this Xiaojun is still a freshman. There are still three years in the school, no need to worry."

They are discussing here, but they don’t dare to leave the two people fighting in the field from start to finish. This battle is too fierce. If Zhuge Yu and many teachers have arranged for the enchantment, I am afraid that the surrounding teaching buildings They must be razed to the ground.

Xiao Bing and Xiao Si Xia’s battles are endless. The voice of the chasing soul is hovering in Xiao Bing’s mind: “Hey, this kid is really a bit of a skill, I feel that his blood has a similar power to you. ”

Even the soul chasing stick said that Xiao Bing could confirm that he was the second son of Xiao Biantian.

Xiao Bing snorted and thought secretly in his mind. Today I must put this Xiao Xixia on my feet and prove that I will not lose face to my father.

Xiao Bing screamed, the power was even more violent, and the power of Xiao Si Xia was also unwilling to show weakness. At this moment, all the two people have the strength of the mid-level of the saints, which is basically equal and difficult to distinguish.

Shi Changle snorted and muttered: "It's too powerful, it's too powerful. This is called power... If I can have this power one day."

Chu Bei smiled and said: "That is not easy, I am afraid that our class teacher can not participate in this level of fighting!"

Shi Changle smiled bitterly: "Who said no, I was not convinced before, I think Xiao Jun is relying on his senior age, but now it seems that even if it is more than ten years, I am afraid I will not reach his present. degree."

Chu Beidao: "I don't think so. At first I think my talent is better than him, but now it seems that I don't even have one of his toes!"

Li Linger snorted and said: "Don't talk, let me distract."

Chu Bei and Shi Changle smiled and began to focus on this battle.

The strength of the two people became more and more horrible. At this time, the earth even shook with the ground. The four sides of the center began to crack. Because of the enchantment, there was nothing outside the venue, but the situation on the playground was also It’s all clear, I saw that the entire playground was broken at the moment, and even this was only affected by power, not by Xiao Bing and Xiao Sixia. They felt a chill. .

"Xiao Jun, your strength has finally been recognized by me. Now I will let you see and see the true strength of my Xiao family. Wrong, this is the real power of our stagnation, the Xiao Xiao Tian Yi Compared with us, it’s not even fart!"

The power of Xiao Si Xia suddenly became more powerful. Xiao Bing began to be gradually suppressed. All of them were surprised to find that Xiao Si Xia’s eyes flashed with pale golden light, and the outside of the body began to be surrounded by golden power. Even the infuriating sent by Xiao Si Xia is all pale gold, and this power is more pure, more cohesive, and more powerful than the infuriating.

Gu Changzhen’s voice was a little trembling, and his voice shouted with excitement: “I saw it, this is the power of the gods. Since the mythology, the Xiao family is the **** of our protoss because of their blood power. No one can match, it is the most expensive and powerful blood in the world!"

At this moment, no matter the teacher or the student, all the people stood up. They all looked at the scene with excitement and looked at this exciting scene.

The king of the gods is the supreme being of the whole godland. They may not be able to see the battle of the king of God for a lifetime, so they cannot see how powerful the blood is, and now they see it, even if it is separated. Enchantment, the power of the pale gold also makes them feel a little suffocating, they even have a little bit of want to go directly to worship.

The soul of the chasing soul is communicating with Xiao Bing: "Xiao Bing, the blood of the boy opposite you is the same as the blood of half of your body."


"But it's not as powerful as you are."

"Oh?" Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed in faint light. "Are you sure?"

"I am sure that you should come from different sources."

"My father is his uncle."

"It's no wonder that it's no wonder that your father's blood power is stronger than his father's blood power... and you have inherited your father, so it's naturally stronger."

Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile, and communicated in his heart: “I have said that my father is stronger than his father!”

Xiao Sixia did not know that Xiao Bing was in the heart of the heart and communicated with the soul of the chasing soul. When he saw the smile of Xiao Bing’s mouth, he was completely irritated and could not remain calm. He clenched his fist and said one word at a time: "You dare to laugh at my blood power!"

Xiao Bing said calmly: "I didn't laugh at it. I just thought that as the first person in the history of the Protoss, perhaps if the children of Xiao Biantian still live in this world, their blood power should be stronger than you. What?"

"Don't compare those ants and traitors with me, talk less nonsense, Xiao Jun, I will let you see and see the power of our gods!"

The bang, the horror of the atmosphere even caused the enchantment to tremble slightly. Zhuge Yu’s tone was dignified: “At this moment, Xiao Si Xia can already fight the sages!”

All the people saw this scene, some people were excited, some people were dignified, some people were worried, of course, those who were worried about all those who had a good relationship with Xiao Bing were worried about Xiao Bing! (https:)

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