Super Soldier

Chapter 1989: You can't crush me.

Xiao Sixia waved the sword in his hand, and the power of Acacia Sword became more and more horrible. Even if Xiao Bing had the same level of chasing soul in his hand, he was repeatedly defeated and was completely suppressed.

"You are a new genius, what do you know is the real power? This is the power of my blood, this is the true talent, the talent that no force in the world can surpass!"

"My talent is already destined to let me in the same level, can crush any existence, no one can be my opponent. People, gods, demons, monsters, any existence can not be my opponent! ”

Xiao Si Xia’s words are very arrogant and domineering, but all people see such a terrible force, and all of them know that these words are facts and cannot be refuted.

Zhang Xinxin shook his head and sighed: "Xiao Jun's big brother is going to be defeated!"

"How can it be defeated." Li Linger bite her lip with some loss.

Zhang Xinxin looked at the scene on the playground and looked at Xiaosi Xia, who was the hegemony. Although he is in the third grade, he is only 20 years old this year. In the middle of the 20-year-old saint, he is simply the perfect heir to the gods, even if it is Xiao Bing, who had broken the school’s multiple records in a row, was eclipsed in front of him, but this Xiaosi Xia...

Zhang Xinxin sighed secretly. Her heart was thoughtful. She knew that it was very difficult to contact Xiao Si Xia. It was even harder than Xiao Bing to know how many times. Although Xiao Bing said that he also had arrogance, but it was also very Good talk, but Xiao Sixia's arrogance is too strong, not to mention the people of the Protoss who want to contact Xiao Si Xia do not know how many, facing so many competitors, Zhang Xinxin did not have any grasp.

Zhang Xinxin secretly said: "It seems that only the next best thing is to retreat."

It was also a sword that fell heavily on Xiao Bing's chasing stick. Xiao Bing's leg directly smashed the ground and fell into it.

Xiao Sixia's condescending laughter said: "Xiao Jun, do you know what the real genius looks like now? You are not, the two sons of the incompetent traitor are not the same, only I am the true genius!"

Incompetent traitor...

In Xiao Bing’s eyes, there was a sudden strong anger, and even the murderous murder began to flash. This incompetent traitor directly angered Xiao Bing, and the blood red power and the golden power almost came out. Then he heard the horrible sound of the chasing soul sticking in his brain: "You are crazy? Don't you want to live out of the gods?"

Hearing the sound of chasing souls, Xiao Bing calmed down. Yes, if you reveal your identity now, then no matter whether it’s Xiao Xiaotian or the college, these people will not tolerate that they are alive and leave. I really can't go out from here.

With Xiao Bing's semi-god level training plus blood power, of course, no one can stop Xiao Bing, but the ants are more like elephants, not to mention the Tongtian Academy is also unfathomable, vice president and library. The old age of wine has reached the level of demigod, and I don’t even know if there are any hidden old monsters.

Xiao Bing forced the reinforcement of the power of the gods that had already been activated, and in the process, Xiao Bing fell into the wind.

Xiao Bing began to calm down and studied how to deal with Xiao Si Xia's countermeasures. Blood power is not available. It is not easy to deal with Xiao Si Xia, who has the blood power of the **** king. Of course, this also inspired Xiao Bing's innermost heart. Fighting spirits, the harder the battle, the better it is for tempering one's own cultivation. The son of Xiao Sixia, the enemy of the enemy, is just a stepping stone for his own progress.

Xiao Bing was placed on the body by a sword. Even if Xiao Bing’s tough body appeared a blood mark, Xiao Bing was thrown out by this force, directly hit the enchantment and then landed on the ground. .

Although Xiao Sixia gave Xiao Bing a sword, but he frowned, this is a Chinese artifact, although it was just that Yu Wei fell on Xiao Bing's body, most of the power was Xiao Bing's The hood is offset, but even if it is, it should be given a huge deep wound on Xiao Bing's body. How is this blood mark? What kind of physical quality is this Xiao Bing, is this the flesh and blood?

Apparently, people in the stands also found this. Gu Changzhen was shocked and said: "Isn't that sword able to seriously hurt him?"

The light in the eyes of Zhu Geyu, the vice president, flashed a little and said: "That is the harvest he got through the fire pool. The biggest gain brought by the fire pool is not only the 150,000 points, but the real harvest is After the burning of the fiery flame, his body became a diamond of the quintessence, even if my body is far less tough than him."

Dai Xueman said: "Since there is such a big advantage, the vice president, is it still impossible to pass the fire pool with your cultivation? Why don't you go inside the fire pool?"

Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "Do you really think that if you are high, you will be able to pass through the fire pool? It is not the case. It is not only repairing, but more perseverance and physicality. Toughness, I have tried, the dark fire inside will almost destroy my body from the inside, and more importantly, the pain is even difficult for me to fully bear."

Zhuge Yu deeply admired: "So from the above, he is actually above Xiao Si Xia. It is hard to find a few people in this world who are stronger than him."

Others listened and nodded secretly.

Xiao Sixia saw that Xiao Bing had nothing to do with sneer: "Even if your body is tough, even if it is a pig iron, I can pierce you as much!"

Said, Xiao Si Xia suddenly sprints, his speed is like a laser, holding a long sword directly stabbed in Xiao Bing's body, Xiao Bing is only a little to hide aside, then the chest is directly by this handle The sword runs through.

Li Linger screamed in his mouth and shouted: "Xiao Jun big brother!"

Li Linger was about to rush out, but was given a hold by Zhang Xinxin. Zhang Xinxin shook his head and said: "Life and death have a life. If they don't have a victory, even our teachers have no right to stop, but if now, Xiao Jun Big brother will not be the same."

Li Linger shouted: "Xiao Jun, brother, let's lose!"

Dai Xueman could not sit still. She stood up and walked to the edge of the stands. Gu Changzhen said: "Dai teacher, if your students don't admit defeat, as long as he can still stand up, you have no right to go in and save people. ""

Dai Xue was cold and cold, this is the first time she spoke to Gu Changzhen with an extremely indifferent attitude: "I don't know if you are going to be your student, will you say the same sentence?"

Gu Changzhen was so angry that he said: "You... you are..."

Dai Xue turned his head and looked at Gu Changzhen with a cold look. He said: "Ancient teacher, I respect you as my predecessor, but you must remember that the following is not only a student, but also a genius, our Protoss The fire of hope in the future!"

Seeing that the two men began to confront each other, the vice president Zhuge Yu sighed and said: "You should not fight first, let's take a look at the following."

The two men looked at it at this time. As a result, both of them were stunned. Gu Changzhen’s face was shocked. Dai Xueman was admired and distressed.

However, I saw that the sword was inserted into the chest of Xiao Bing, but it was not in the critical position. Xiao Si Xia grasped the hilt, and said coldly: "I said, I just want to enjoy the happiness of crushing genius, in front of me. No matter who you are, or who you are, you can't talk about genius."

Xiao Bing suddenly grabbed Jian Feng and then grinned. When he smiled, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, but he smiled very happy and happy, and said it was full of confidence and ridicule: "I It seems to have been said, you can't even crush me, how can I talk about the two children who crushed Xiao Xiaotian!"

Xiao Bing suddenly screamed, and then the whole body was rotated like a gyro. Xiao Si Xia was completely unprepared. The two feet were directly out of the ground, and the belt was floated like a kite. He wanted to force. The sword was taken out from the body of Xiao Bing, but Xiao Bing deliberately used the bones to stab the sword in the body, and he could not pull it out.

Xiao Sixia hurriedly tried to turn the long sword, but with enough strength, Jianfeng turned a little bit, and made a squeaky voice in Xiao Bing’s body. Xiao Bing snorted slightly and his brow slightly wrinkled. He could feel his bones seem to be split by the sword, but he still did not let the sword go out of the body.

Xiao Si Xia widened his eyes, and all the people around him widened their eyes. Then Xiao Si Xia asked everyone who wanted to ask: "Do you not hurt?"

"Pain!" Xiao Bing screamed, "What is the comparison with the pain in the fire pool?"

A burst of embarrassment, shocking everyone's heart, Xiao Bing at this moment even if it is full of blood, even if it is all over the body, but like a **** of war, perseverance is there, at this moment, Xiao Sixia actually felt a little fear.

It was at this moment that Xiao Bing suddenly roared: "I have the ability to look at my eyes!"

Xiao Sixia almost conditioned and looked at Xiao Bing’s eyes. Then he saw that he was stepped under his feet by Xiao Bing and saw thousands of Protoss being spurned and mocked at him. Everyone gradually drifted away from him. He was afraid. He was helpless. He became mad, but the more he shouted, the more people went away from him, and his voice gradually changed. It is getting weaker and weaker.

At this time, he suddenly felt a pain in his chest. Xiao Bing pierced his heart, then grinned and said with a big smile: "You can't even crush me, how to crush Xiao The two sons who broke the sky?"

Xiao Sixia screamed angrily: "He doesn't have two sons. His two sons are no longer in this world. They have already traveled to the world, and may have already died."

Xiao Bing didn't care what he shouted, he kept laughing, kept laughing at him, and then he felt that his life was gradually losing, and his feelings were getting weaker and weaker.

With a bang, his half face directly hit a punch. Suddenly he was awake at this moment. All the original things were all illusions. He even had the illusion of the other party. The son of the gods and gods would have illusion. It was so ridiculous that he could even feel his face swollen, his body was drifting backwards, and his chest was really pierced, and the blood was flowing outside the body.

With a bang, Xiao Si Xia fell to the ground, surrounded by silence, dead silence.

Xiao Bing grabbed his chest that had been stabbed before, and put the chasing stick on his trousers. He held the Acacia sword in one hand and looked down at Xiao Si Xia, who fell to the ground in the distance. He said, "I said, You can't crush me!"

The old man saw this scene in the distance, suddenly laughed and laughed, and even his tears were about to laugh out. After the laughter, he shook his head and said: "Xiao broken the sky, your baby son actually lost!" Https:)

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