Super Soldier

Chapter 1990: Rolling down Xiao Si Xia

All the people around were quiet, watching this scene quietly, quietly watching Xiao Bing, who was stained with blood.

Xiao Bing seems to be scarred, but everyone has a strange feeling. No one in the world can knock this man down. Unless he is tired, he chooses to kneel down, otherwise he will always stand so.

Li Linger smiled on her face, but her tears flowed down.

In Zhang Xinxin's eyes, there is also a flash of light. She is active in this moment, not just the kind of mind that wants to rely on the strong, but really has a heart that has never been experienced before.

Dai Xue bites his lips and tears swirl in his eyes.

And Gu Changzheng said loudly: "It’s not over yet, and your Highness has not lost yet!"

The blood of the blood in Xiao Sisi's body is getting stronger and stronger. He is screaming, and the power is crazy and he is ravaged by him. The power of pale gold enriches the whole playground.

Xiao Bing faintly said: "Do you still have to resist? Do you think you can still win me?"

"Who can't say? Who can say it must not? I am a genius, I want to crush any of you! Put all of you under the soles of your feet!" Xiao Si Xia roared, suddenly bounced from the ground, faster and more direct Running Xiao Bing rushed over.

Xiao Bing smiled: "If you have a sword in your hand, you don't know how to use this sword in your hand. Unfortunately, the pearl is dusty."

Xiao Bing grabbed the hilt with one hand and gently swept a hand from the sword. The Acacia sword suddenly made a very loud joyous sound, just like finally finding his own master, then Jianguang was even more Dazzling, Xiao Bing and the long sword have directly reached the level of the integration of the human sword, and even the whole world is integrated into one.

A sword light went straight to Xiao Si Xia to welcome the past, but also could not tell whether it was a sword or a Xiao Bing. They were completely integrated into this sword light.

When Jianguang contacted Xiao Sixia, the power of terror spread to the surrounding areas. The enchantment even had a tendency to collapse, the ground quickly shattered, and even a deep pit appeared.

Everyone closed their eyes. When they opened their eyes, Xiao Bing stood outside the deep pit, and Xiao Sixia was lying in the deep pit. He didn’t know how many sword marks were on his body. He presented A large character, lying on the back of the center of the deep pit, looked at everything in the sky with no eyes.

He, the son of the king of God, was defeated!

Xiao Bing gasped slightly. He knew that Xiao Si Xia had a very serious injury this time. It was impossible to have a battle for a while. He glanced at the Acacia sword in his hand. He could feel the feelings of Acacia Sword. I really want to follow myself. He holds this Acacia sword, and he feels a kind of inexplicable feeling. This is the sword that his father held in the past, the sword he built by his father. He has a blood thick. The feeling of water.

He sighed secretly, communicated with the Acacia sword with his mental strength, and said softly: "Acacia sword, Acacia sword, I can't take you away now, but I promise that one day I will come back to you soon, you should belong Where and where will it belong in the future, no one in the future will take you away from our smashing days."

Acacia Sword seems to understand the general, issued two swords, as if to express consent.

Xiao Bing carefully looked at the Acacia sword, and his eyes showed a bit of reluctance, but he still threw the sword to the side of Xiao Si Xia and said: "You still don't deserve this sword, but I will give it to you... ""

Xiao Bing added another sentence in his heart, but I will take it away one day sooner or later.

Xiao Bing is not trying to take Acacia Sword at the moment, but is such an important Chinese sword. If he takes it away, Xiao Xiaotian knows that he will not let himself go, and will bring too much to himself. The trouble, and now Xiao Bing has not yet faced the psychological preparations for Xiao Tiantian, so for the time being can only be patient.

Everyone has their eyes on Xiao Bing's body, even though Xiao Si Xia is the son of the king of God, but this is respect for the generation of the strong.

The current Xiao Bing is not only a potential super genius for these people, but also a top-ranking strongman. In the middle of the saint, even in the entire realm of the gods, it is definitely the top power of the name.

Zhuge Yu and many teachers glanced at each other and lifted the enchantment together. Then Zhuge Yu said loudly: "This is just an ordinary fair contest. I hope everyone will not think too much, and... also hope Xiao The two soldiers, Xiao and Xia Xia, should not bury their hatred, and it is the most normal thing to exchange ideas."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you, Vice President, I will not have any resentment."

Xiao Bing’s gaze fell on the Acacia sword. My mind thought that I would take this Acacia sword away sooner or later. Also, stinky boy, one day I will let you know my identity and let you understand that you The son of the incompetent traitor in the mouth is stronger than the son of your current king!

Zhuge Yu sighed, then looked at Gu Changzhen and said: "Ancient teacher, you go to take the Xiao Sixia classmates to the infirmary."

Gu Chang really calmly said, and looked at Xiao Bing with a complicated look. Then he flew down from the stands and fell to Xiao Si Xia. He was going to help Xiao Si Xia. Xiao Si Xia suddenly struggled to stand up from the ground and said : "No, I can go by myself!"

Xiao Si Xia inserted the Acacia sword into the scabbard, and took a slight breath, and walked toward the distance. All the people looked at the back of Xiao Si Xia and could clearly feel that the defeat was directly broken. All the pride of Xiao Si Xia, all the madness, I am afraid that after this war, Xiao Si Xia will take some time to completely ease it.

Dai Xueman also flew down from the stands, and fell to Xiao Bing's side. Some complicated look at Xiao Bing, smiled bitterly: "I don't think you are so strong, you really feel that I am suffering, let's go, I will take you there. Infirmary."

"No, I can handle it myself. I have medicine in my residence." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "Sorry, teacher."

Xiao Bing means that he is embarrassed to conceal the cultivation.

Dai Xue said with a bitter smile: "Forget it, seeing your strength is so strong, I am very happy to be a teacher, just... According to your current realm, it is not suitable for the first grade class, although I am I am proud of you, but I am really not good at delaying your time. After a while, I will propose with the Vice Dean, let you jump directly, you can go directly to the third grade."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "No need, I think you are very good at teaching."

Dai Xue smiled a bit, and my heart, I am going to teach you a sage level in a realm of heaven. Isn't this a joke? However, seeing Xiao Bing now has injuries on his body, Dai Xueman does not say too much, and said: "Let's go, I will help you back."

Zhang Xinxin, Chu Bei and Li Linger rushed over and said, "We are also with us."

Dai Xueman looked at a few of them and sighed, and did not refuse.

The students all dispersed, but before leaving, everyone couldn't help but look at Xiao Bing's eyes. Everyone's eyes are different, but most of them are worship colors, not even I know how many girls have love at this moment, but there are also some girls with complex hatred. Those who used to admire Xiao Si Xia, this time Xiao Bing let their gods lose such a big person. Of course, there is hate in their hearts.

In any case, whether they are love, hate or worship, in short, Xiao Bing is going to be a fire now, and it is a big fire in the entire Tongtian Academy. Even because he defeated the son of the gods this time, it will not take long for his reputation. It will spread throughout the realm of the gods, and the fire is not only in the place of Tongtian College.

Xiao Bing returned to the residence under the help of Dai Xueman and Chu Bei, and Zhang Xinxin and Li Linger also followed. The two of them also wanted to help, but Dai Xueman and Chu Bei first started, Dai Xueman was the teacher, Chu Bei was Male, they are really inconvenient to grab, no way they have to follow silently.

After entering the house of Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing said: "You are waiting for me here first, I will go back to the room."

Dai Xueman asked: "Is it going to apply? Do you want me to help you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, the medicine is applied to the chest, I can do it myself."

Dai Xue said: "Well, then we are here waiting for you."

Xiao Bing sent them to the room first, and then they entered the room by themselves. The rest of the people suddenly did not know what to say in the room. The atmosphere was slightly embarrassing.

Li Linger likes Xiao Bing, and Zhang Xinxin is also interested in Xiao Bing. These people all look at it. Now even Dai Xueman has an inexplicable feeling for Xiao Bing. Although it is better to hide it, it is a teacher. Still not exposed, but after all, there is still a little subtle here.

Chu Bei looked in the side, secretly snickered in his heart, his old brother, not only strong and powerful, talented and scary, but also so attractive to girls, not to mention Li Linger, just started When I contacted Xiao Bing, Chu Bei found that Li Linger was very interested in Xiao Jun’s eldest brother. He said that Zhang Xinxin’s proud and indifferent girl began to be interested in Xiao Bing, but Xiao Jun’s best brother still chose Jingle, she It is really unconditional to like Xiao Da Ge, Zhang Xinxin's thoughts are still drawn, but how to choose is Xiao Jun's own brother's own affairs, anyway, the real world is not limited to a few women, like Xiao Jun big brother so promising The genius, even if it is all smashed, there is nothing!

There was a little bit of quiet inside the hall. Xiao Bing was in the room and began to apply medicine to himself. Especially the wound that was stabbed was disinfected first, then bandaged, and it took about ten minutes. I put on a clean set of clothes and walked out of the room. (https:)

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