Super Soldier

Chapter 1991: How did you blush?

Seeing Xiao Bing coming out of the room, the three women almost asked in unison: "Are you okay?"

Then several people were silent, slightly squatted, Xiao Bing stunned, how do you feel the atmosphere is a bit wrong?

However, Xiao Bing did not agree, shrugged his shoulders: "No big deal, it is estimated that Xiao Si Xia really has to rest for a few days, I have nothing to do."

"That's good." This time, Dai Xueman was talking, Dai Xue said with a sigh of relief. "But this time you have completely offended Xiao Sixia. Since he entered the school, he has always had a genius aura, and he has never encountered it. After any opponent, even in the early years, those senior seniors were not his opponents. I did not expect this time to be defeated in your hands."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Nothing, luckily."

Dai Xueman has some complicated roads: "Every time I feel that I have really seen you clearly, I will finally find that you still have some things that I have not seen clearly. Xiao Jun, you really brought us too much surprise."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There are some good surprises. For me, I am already used to it."

Because Xiao Bing has a little more to protect himself after entering the realm of the gods, there is always a layer of protection in front of anyone, and the words and things are not completely open, so this time Xiao Bing A joke, everyone laughed, and then I feel that Xiao Bing seems to be a bit different today.

Xiao Bing also defeated the son of the enemy. The heart was so happy, so he smiled and said: "So, don't go out today, I will do something, how about we celebrate?"

Chubei smiled and said: "Xiao Sixia lost so badly, let's celebrate here. If he is known, it is estimated that he must be mad."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then you dare not stay?"

"Who said that, just because you are so big here, if you accidentally drink too much, I can live here for a good night, and enjoy it." Chu Bei enviously said, "You have so much aura here. Even if it is not cultivation, it is just comfortable to sleep here for one night."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That would be so good. No one should go back to live this evening. Anyway, my space here is very big. I have your place to live."

Li Linger said with excitement: "Okay, okay, Xiao Brother, will you cook?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "It will be some."

"Then you...what did you learn from? The men will cook less."

Zhang Xinxin smiled and said: "It is rare."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not losing my memory. These things can't be remembered."

Dai Xueman said: "Yes, what amnestic you are... I may not be able to help you. After all, your realm is much higher than me. The spiritual strength is definitely more powerful than me, but now The deputy dean is very valued. I will let the vice president come to help you to see it tomorrow. If the vice president has no way to help you recover your memory, the dean may come back in two months, and the dean will be able to help you. Off, the dean is a strong god!"

Xiao Bing did not expect that they are still entangled in this matter. If the vice president is allowed to go to see the spirit and know the sea, it is difficult to prevent the flaws from being discovered. Xiao Bing can not take this risk, let alone the so-called amnesia is only his own. A pretext, Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "I still don't have to, I feel very good now, the previous things are not expected to think of it."

Seeing Dai Xueman also persuaded himself, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Isn't life the most important thing to be happy? So don't worry about these problems, let alone if the vice president and the dean can't help me look good, then I am still disappointed. Ok, I will go and help you all cook, oh, yes, who will help me buy food?"

"I will go." Zhang Xinxin smiled. "I am going with the bell."

"Well, okay." Xiao Bing smiled. "Then you go together."

Zhang Xinxin took Li Linger's hand and smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go out together, right, what to buy, tell us."

Xiao Bing also probably learned about their cuisine here, and there is no difference between them and the human world. The only difference is cooking. The Protoss mainly put their energy on cultivation, so it is not strong in cooking. Xiao Bing After the tasting, I felt that I was doing it very well. Today I just cook to show my craft.

Xiao Bing probably said a few dishes, and then told them to buy the wine back. Chu Bei immediately said: "Then I will follow, I guess they can't take so many things, the wine is quite heavy."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and made sense, so he said: "That would trouble you to follow it, teacher, you will stay and rest."

The teacher naturally did not help the students to run the leg. Xiao Bing will be able to enter and leave the room card for them. After a few of them, Zhang Xinxin walked together. Xiao Bing greeted Dai Xueman sitting down on the chair, then Xiao The soldiers also sat down.

Dai Xueman said: "Xiao Jun, no one is now, what I told you before..."

Xiao Bing smiled: "I just did not hear it."

Dai Xueman said with a puzzled face: "Actually, you don't have to worry about my face, although I also want to have a strong person under your hand, but I really have nothing to teach you, even as a teacher. Not as good as the cultivation of your own students, do you think I have any face to be your teacher?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Do I have a teacher who has some embarrassment?"

"No, it doesn't matter to you, mainly because of the teacher's own reasons... The teacher's own repair is not enough." Dai Xueman sighed. "In fact, I don't care, I just don't want to delay you."

Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "So, do you think it is more appropriate to teach me?"

Dai Xueman said: "There are two teachers of the sages in the third grade..."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "To tell the truth, I don't think they have anything to teach me."

Dai Xueman hesitated and said: "In fact, if you are willing, I believe the Dean will be willing to accept you as a disciple."

When I saw Dai Xueman’s move out of the dean, Xiao Bing didn’t know how to refuse it, but when he thought about it, he immediately thought of the way to refuse. He immediately smiled and said: “In fact, I am not willing to be restrained. Types, teachers, to be honest, the college’s biggest attraction to me is the library, so I’m so anxious to break those records and get so many points, all in order to be able to have a qualification to read in the library. ""

Dai Xue nodded and said that he understood.

Xiao Bing confidently said: "So even if there is no teacher to teach, I can learn by myself, Dai teacher, I think the relationship between me and you should be the relationship between teachers and friends. At the beginning, other teachers were optimistic about other students. At the time, your first choice was me. From that time on, I was already destined to be your own student."

Dai Xueman listened a little excited, some moved, opened his mouth and said with a smile: "I just felt that you are a little different, and I can't say why."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This may be the fate between us."

"That's okay." Dai Xue saw that Xiao Bing had said this, and he had no longer to persuade. "I will not persuade you, but if you change your mind later, you can always tell me, don't feel embarrassed. I went to say hello to the vice president. I believe he will be happy to accept you as a disciple. Even the dean will want this opportunity."

Dai Xueman said that it was right. Xiao Bing first was the first freshman, and then broke the records of the fire pool, Qiling Building and Tongtian Tower. In the end, he even won the first day of the recent years, Xiao Sixia. Even if the dean is estimated to be rushing to accept Xiao Bing as a disciple, now that Dai Xueman is Xiao Bing's teacher, it is estimated that the entire school does not know how many teachers are jealous.

And Dai Xueman’s status must be skyrocketing. It’s a simple truth. The gods have always been respected by the strong. The students may not be too deep because of the competition, but the protoss are more dependent on inheritance. Therefore, although respecting the teacher, this point is not as harsh as the human world, but it is also more respectful to the teacher. Under the hands of a teacher, it is possible to get out of a student like Xiao Bing. Can the teacher's energy in the future be small?

And to talk about it, this is Xiao Jun’s teacher. Even if this teacher does not actually teach Xiao Jun, it is equivalent to having a high enough aura. At that time, Dai Xueman’s status is destined to skyrocket and influence the college. Several of the most qualified old teachers.

Xiao Bingxin understands this, so when Dai Xueman still persuaded him to switch to the vice president or dean as a teacher, Xiao Bing’s heart was really touched. He smiled and said: “Dai teacher, did you like it before? That Xiao Si Xia, this time I defeated him, don’t you blame me?"

Dai Xueman’s face was red, and he said, “When do I like Xiao Si Xia? Don’t just say it... even if I like it... it’s just that I just started to worship him. Who made him create a lot of records. The genius, and at that time just felt like an idol, not the kind you like."

Xiao Bing snorted and smiled: "That is what you said, now I have broken his records. Do you want to like me now?"

Dai Xueman’s face is redder. At this time, there is still a teacher’s appearance. It’s like a little girl with a shyness. She is screaming and talking. Some people in Chubei came in from the outside and saw it. After Dai Xue’s face was red and red, Li Linger was surprised: “Teacher, are you fever?”

Zhang Xinxin glanced at Dai Xueman and glanced at Xiao Bing, but revealed a bit of doubt. (https:)

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