Super Soldier

Chapter 2003: Tianshen Mountain is coming! (five more)

When the people outside are still nervous, Xiao Bing has already been able to navigate the battle.

Xiao Bing’s accomplishments in the realm of martial arts, there may be several people in Tongtian College who are above Xiao Bing at this time, such as Zhuge Yu and Li Wei, and the dean who has not yet appeared, and the old wine brought to Xiao Bing The feeling is even more terrible than Zhuge Yu and Li Wei, but on the battle, Xiao Bing is confident that no one is above himself.

For example, Han Huabin, his accomplishments in the formation of law can be shocking to heaven, but in martial arts, it is more moderate. Of course, it can be said that he is indeed a gift in martial arts, but one's energy. It’s always limited. It’s very difficult to achieve top-notch water accuracy in many ways. Sometimes, Xiao Bing doesn’t know how his head grows. How is it smarter than everyone else? And it is more handsome than others...

Xiao Bing is still in the horrible killing position for the time being. There are flames, wind blades, swords and swords, and lightning bolts in the array. It is enough to drop a person into two. Half, of course, according to Xiao Bing's King Kong is not bad, you may be able to stick to it a few times, but certainly will not feel good.

The power of this array is the most powerful of all the formations that Xiao Bing has seen. However, although the people who arrange the array are deeply involved in this aspect, they are not necessarily well-planned. Xiao Bing still feels vaguely inside. There are obvious loopholes. Perhaps this is because the other party has neglected this point, or it may be that the other party has intentionally left a loophole and other people to break it.

Xiao Bing walked and observed while finally finding out where the loophole was, and then punching it out, slamming, the whole space seemed to tremble in an instant, and then it became still, murderous and dissipated in nothing, everything Restored calm.

Xiao Bing sighed and was about to continue on the 19th floor. Suddenly he saw a word on the ground. It was the word that was engraved. Xiao Bing walked over and glanced at it, but he saw it on it: "Xiao Broken Come here, see the stupid boy of these words, congratulations on the 18th floor of the Tongtian Tower. I am almost ignorant of the formation of the Fa, and I am breaking the 18th floor, so I don’t want to admit that I broke this line. Therefore, the 19th floor honor will be given to later people."

Xiao Bing looked at these words, and it was difficult to hide the excitement in his heart. This is the word left by his father!

Xiao Bing said to himself: "The father has the energy and time to leave so many words. It seems that after his father broke into the 18th floor, he actually passed the 18th floor. According to his words, he It should be broken within four minutes with brute force, it seems that his real combat power is still above me, but it is not excluded because of the top artifacts, in short, my father The look is really good for people."

The chasing soul stick is also sighing: "Your dad is really a character. No matter what means, the method is broken, it is broken. For anyone, I am afraid that I will only care about the result and not care about the process. Your father actually only because he did not find the flaws of the formation, and he voluntarily withdrew from the 18th floor. It is obvious that he can climb to the 19th floor and not go up. Oh, from a young age, your father has been counted in history. a character."

Xiao Bing imagined his father’s style in the past, and his heart was proud and excited. However, he thought that his father was killed so badly, and his brother and his subordinates died in partnership. Xiao Bing’s heart is difficult. Cover the anger.

Xiao Bing said: "I don't have much effort to get to this level, let's go, go on the 19th floor!"

Xiao Bing looked up and looked up at the 19th floor on the top of his head.

Outside the Tongtian Tower, everyone is talking about whether Xiao Bing has a chance to reach the 19th floor. When the red dot really appears on the 19th floor, all the people are still, only one by one. I can hear the sound of breathing and heartbeat, and no one speaks.

After waiting for more than ten seconds, Zhuge Yu suddenly fell into tears: "The first person, he is the first of the students in our history, no one student can compare with him... ""

Li Wei said with excitement: "And, this student is not a surname, Xiao, not the blood of the god. Proud, this is purely the pride of our Tongtian Academy!"

Zhuge Yu said: "I am afraid that even after thousands of years, the Protoss may not be able to appear the second Xiaojun. What Xiao Xiaotian could not do in the past, he has already done it."

Li said: "Yes, no matter whether he can pass the 19th floor, he is already the first person in the history of Tongtian College and the pride of the entire Tongtian College."

The old man drank a swig of wine, a faint saying: "The pride of Tongtian College, you can see that you can't protect you."

Li Wei and Zhu Geyu looked at the distance at the same time, but they saw twenty teams wearing silver armor and holding silver rifles in the distance neatly rushing toward this side. The pace of these people was extremely neat and more difficult. Confidence is that the twenty people's fierce momentum is integrated into one, they are divided into two rows of neatly running here, like two sharp and unmatched rifles.

Li Wei was surprised: "Shrimp team? Isn't this the gun **** Senna? They are not guarding the Tianshen Mountain, what are they going to do here?"

The old man snorted, and there was a hint of worries in his eyes. He said with a sneer in his mouth: "These people are so eager to come over at this time. You think that besides being Xiao Jun, who can you be? ?"

The students who were ignorant and ignorant asked loudly: "Who is the old man, who is the guns?"

At this time, the old wine has not spoken yet. Someone in the student said: "You don't know this? Is it not the people in our gods? The guns are the shackles of the gun **** Senna, all of them are obeying the orders of Senna, and Senna. It is one of the top powerhouses of Tenjin Mountain. It has always been guarded by Tianshen Mountain with the guns. It is said that the people of the Gunstrap team will not appear easily, even if they are in the Tenjin Mountain, they will not easily appear, only the real key moments. Will come out."

"Does that mean that their status is very high and very powerful?"

"That is of course. Every member of the Gunsmen team is taught by the hand of the sergeant Senna. The strength of each team member has at least reached the level of breaking the void. Are you horrible?"

"That is really too much."

"This is still a member of the ordinary guns team. If it is a small captain, at least it must reach the realm of the gods or the sacred, and the realm of the gun **** has already entered the half-step god. ""

"Oh my God, that's too great."

"Well, look at the twenty people who ran over. They are not two rows. The two leaders are generally the captains."

"How do you know so much?"

"My family is very close to Tenjin Mountain, and my family happens to have a relative who is also a member of the Gunsling Team, but it has not come today."

"That is too powerful, but if they really come to find Xiao Jun's trouble, Xiao Jun is not a big trouble?"

"Hey, who knows, but Xiao Jun did not commit any crimes, but it was only when he was beaten by Xiao Sixia, but even if Xiao Si Xia is the son of the **** king, it is a fair match, and the king of God cannot make Xiao Jun. How about it? So don't worry."

Everyone heard him say that, one by one, they were all relieved. This is actually true. Xiao Jun has not committed anything. Generally, people with the potential of Xiao Jun are really doing something big. Basically, all of them are closed with one eye, although the old man hinted that the rise of Xiao Jun was a threat to the king of the gods, but there are not too many people here to take the same thing. Even if the king of God really thinks so, but can not take the world's big and big, there is no reason to be sure that it is impossible to deal with such a genius, so that everyone should say it in the back?

The people of the Gunsling Team ran to the front of everyone at this time. They stood in two rows neatly, facing Zhuge Yu and others. At this time, the two leaders in the team stood up with long guns. Both of them were all The face is cold, the breath is fierce, and the strength has reached the initial state of the saint.

The person on the left looked at Zhuge Yu and said: "The deputy dean of Zhuge, I am the second team leader under the gun god, Benner, this is the fourth team leader Ouyang Tian under our gun."

Although Zhuge Yu is paying attention to the trend of the 19th floor, he nodded absently and asked: "I don't know what the purpose of the two is?"

Ouyang Tian’s speech was straightforward: “We came to find Xiao Jun, and the king of God asked us to take him to Tianshen Mountain, and the king of God wanted to see him.”

Ouyang Tian said that the whole school was all blown up.

"Can't go, what does the king of God want to see Xiao Jun do?"

"Yeah, why do you want to see Xiao Jun for no reason? He is just a student."

Zhuge Yu also frowned slightly and said: "I must consult Xiao Jun for this matter."

Ouyang Tian’s face was unpleasant and said: “There are people who want to see God, do you need to consult? That’s good, I personally ask, where is Xiao Jun’s?”

Zhuge Yu pointed to the Tongtian Tower and said: "On the Tongtian Tower... the 19th floor."

Ouyang Tian’s face changed and became extremely ugly. At the same time, his face looked incredulous. He was surprised and asked: “The 19th floor of Tongtian Tower? Are you lying to me?”

Zhuge Yu’s face is gloomy. Although the other party is from Tianshen Mountain, the position of Tongtian College in the realm of the gods is also detached. It is second only to the existence of Tianshen Mountain, and Zhuge Yu is the vice president of Tongtian College. Ouyang Tian dared to talk to himself like this?

Ouyang Tian apparently realized that he had just been too excited, and hurriedly changed his mouth and said: "I mean... this kind of thing is unlikely to happen."

"Are you questioning me?" Zhuge Yu sneered. "Or do you think we are all standing here? Is it enough to eat?"

Ouyang Tian turned his head. At this time, he also saw the image of the miniature version of the Tongtian Tower. On the 19th floor, there was a red dot flashing. He really believed it. He swallowed a slobber and was dumbfounded. Road: "19th floor..."

Ps: I finally got the five chapters before zero, and I will resume normal three chapters tomorrow. I hope everyone will see it very cool today. Oh, everyone, good night.

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