Super Soldier

Chapter 2004: Ancestor, Xiao Yuelong

On the 19th floor, this is a level that no one can reach after the founding of Tongtian College. Even the current manager of the connected tower, Luo Bian, does not know what the 19th floor is.

The 19th floor has always been a secret, a secret that is unknown, even if the current dean is not clear what the 19th floor is, because no one has ever been to the 19th floor, except for the current year. No one knows what is happening on the 19th floor, except for the many gods who set up the tower. Even the current king of God does not know this.

So at this moment, all the people are staring at the Tongtian Tower, all with a look of expectation.

Dai Xueman asked: "Wine, do you think Xiao Jun can pass the 19th floor?"

The old man shook his head and said: "I don't know. No one knows what the 19th floor is. I don't know what the customs rules of the 19th floor are. I don't know what the 19th floor is...."

Zhuge Yu said: "No one can pass the 18th floor, let alone the 19th floor. No one knows what is in it. It can only be said that since it is the last level, then it is sure to pass that level. Difficult. Pray, I hope that Xiao Jun can be the first person in history to successfully pass the Tongtian Tower!"

Zhu Geyu then looked at the two captains of the shrapnel team and said: "Now he is on the 19th floor. We have no way to bring him down, so if you want to ask him to go to Tenjin Mountain, Just wait for him to come down from the 19th floor, but if he doesn't want to go now, then no one can let him go."

The two captains did not speak, and both of them were shocked. The two captains did not graduate from Tongtian College, but they were always following the gun **** Senna. They were carefully trained by Senna and finally reached today. One step, even if it is, they may not know about the various legends of Tongtian College.

The gun **** of that year graduated from the college, and once also challenged the Tongtian Tower, the highest record is the challenge to the eleventh floor.

Everyone in the guns team treated the gun **** as a god, but at this time, it was discovered that someone directly broke into the 19th floor and completed the achievements that the gun **** could not achieve in the past. These two team leaders Suddenly shocked, Ouyang Tian’s eyes stared at the picture and said: “People must take it away, but we can wait here until he comes out of the Tongtian Tower.”

After Xiaobing’s rest on the 18th floor, he went to the 19th floor. Before entering the 19th floor, Xiao Bing was well prepared. No matter what kind of monster or formation, Xiao Bing has Faced with confidence, but the hand is also grasping the Fu, if it is really impossible to compete against it, Xiao Bing will naturally not be stupid, have to wait here to die, or to save his life.

However, when Xiao Bing really stepped into the 19th floor, he couldn't help but stunned. The 19th floor was nothing. Xiao Bing walked carefully here and found that there was no way to do it. There is no danger of even a little bit. The entire 19th floor is empty.

When Xiao Bing breathed a sigh of relief, he couldn’t help but wonder a bit. If it is empty, isn’t it necessary to say that there is no need for the 19th floor? Is it already a customs clearance?

Xiao Bing is hesitating about how he counts customs clearance. Suddenly a voice thinks out loud: "Little guy... After thousands of years, finally a little guy like you has reached the 19th of Tongtian Tower. Layers, it seems that your talent is the best of the Protoss in these thousands of years, the future of our Protoss."

Xiao Bing looked around and suddenly found the golden Venus flickering behind him. These little Venus slowly gathered together, and finally turned into a human figure. The man was wearing golden armor and carrying his hands. Among the eyes, there is a hot sun that keeps turning in the eyelids, but his eyes are soft, and when he shines on Xiao Bing's body, Xiao Bing feels very comfortable.

Xiao Bing stunned and asked, "Are you?"

"I am the fifth king of the gods, Xiao Yuelong!"

The fifth king of God? Xiao Bing was shocked. Then he recalled that he once saw the record in the history books of the Tongtian College Library. The fifth king of the **** Xiao Yuelong is one of the most famous gods in the history of the Protoss. He is the Tongtian College. The real builder, of course, he is not the dean of the college, but the college was established with his support, and at that time he summoned all the gods to create the fire pool, the Kailing building and the Tongtian tower. I did not expect one of the first generation of the founders of this college to stand in front of themselves.

Xiao Bing wiped his eyes and asked, "How are you still alive?"

"Haha... Hahahahahaha... You have been able to step into it here, how can you ask such stupid questions? Um... but it’s no wonder you can’t understand, let me explain it to you, reach the gods. After that, you can have the ability to condense into a spirit with your own divine power and ideas. This spirit can stay here through this form of my present, and emerge under certain conditions."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "I understand that when you used your power and ideas to condense into a spirit, once someone successfully reached the 19th floor, your spirit will be resurrected?"

"Yes, that's it." Xiao Yuelong sighed and said, "But strictly speaking, this is not called resurrection. This is called activation... and it can only be activated once, and once again, there will be new customs clearance. Nineteenth floor, my spirit is no longer there. Because today, after communicating with you, my spirit will disappear completely from this world like my life."

There is a sad feeling in Xiao Bing’s heart.

Xiao Yuelong didn't mind laughing happily: "You don't have to be sad. In fact, I have already passed away. My life has disappeared in this world thousands of years ago, and I should thank you for this small one. Guy, because if you don't arrive here, my spirit will not be motivated, then I can't live more than a few minutes."

Xiao Bing also figured this out and said with emotion: "It's so amazing, so mysterious..."

"Yes, it is really mysterious... But it is very difficult to keep the spirit for thousands of years. Fortunately, this Tongtian Tower has this condition. The 19th floor of this tower is given by many gods. I have to make special arrangements, so my spirit can stay so long... Well, if I don’t have too much, I won’t talk to you more. The reason why I wait here is to reward you with customs clearance.”

Xiao Bing stunned and asked: "The customs clearance reward? I have challenged the fire pool and the Kailing building before, is the customs clearance reward not the point?"

Xiao Yuelong was amazed and asked: "You also cleared the fire pool and the Kailing building?"


Xiao Yuelong said with emotion: "Genius, you are really a genius that has never existed in the ages, very good... Protoss can appear like you, prove that the number of the protoss will be more brilliant. Before I reward you, I will ask again. You have a few questions, is the seal of the gods broken now?"

"Not yet." Xiao Bing said, "The Protoss is still sealed in this god."

"Hey." Xiao Yuelong sighed.

Xiao Bing hesitated for a moment, thinking that the other person’s life would soon disappear completely. He could not let him dissipate with regret, so he immediately added: "But the enchantment has become more and more unstable, I am afraid it will not take long. The enchantment will dissipate."

Xiao Yuelong’s pupil burst into the light and asked: “Then I will ask you again, how much is the gods in the enchantment?”

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I don't know this, I know that the deity of the **** king and the Tongtian Academy is the **** level."

"Oh, this little guy is estimated to be a **** level sooner or later, and it is probably the most powerful **** in history. In fact, a few decades ago, I was almost activated once, I was able to feel the eighteenth floor. It has already been passed, but I don’t know why, the man did not board the 19th floor, and the result is cheaper."

Xiao Bing said: "That is my father, Xiao Biantian."

"Your father? Very good, very good... What is your name?"

"The younger generation Xiao Bing."

"Well, Xiao Bing." Xiao Yuelong asked. "If the enchantment disappears completely one day, what do you think the Protoss will do?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "The contemporary king of the gods is called Xiao Tiantian. That is what he needs to think about. If I have an idea, I will say no."

"Hahahaha... Are you also a surname Xiao? With your current talent and potential, you will be able to become a new **** one day sooner or later."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But Xiao Jia does not necessarily recognize me, not to mention Xiao Xiaotian is the enemy of Xiao Bing."

"Oh? The Protoss have become like this now. How can we reproduce the contradictions by uniting with each other?"

Xiao Bing said: "Many things I can't explain with my predecessors in one sentence and two sentences... In fact, my identity is not entirely a Protoss."

"This is what I said..." Xiao Yuelong stunned, and then looked at Xiao Bing with his eyes and eyes, and then his face changed, shocked. "Do you have the blood of both gods and gods? Are the blood of the royal family!!"

Ps: Today, the normal three chapters are updated. This is the first chapter.

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