Super Soldier

Chapter 2005: Value-for-money customs clearance

Even if it was Xiao Yuelong’s identity, he was shocked: “Is the enchantment between the gods and demons broken?”

"No." Xiao Bing said, "The process is too complicated. I don't know how to explain it."

"Then don't have to explain, let me take a look."

Xiao Bing suddenly found Xiao Yuelong disappeared, turned into countless golden stars, and floated toward himself. Xiao Bing continued to retreat and wanted to wave the Venus, but his two hands passed easily. These golden dots couldn't be photographed at all, and all these golden forces finally entered Xiao Bing's body and entered Xiao Bing's brain to understand the sea. Xiao Bing wanted to force them out with powerful force, but found that Can't do it either.

Xiao Bing’s heart was shocked and inexplicable: “What is this? What is this?”

Xiao Yuelong’s voice sounded from Xiao Bing’s brain at this time: “You don’t have to be afraid, don’t worry, I won’t hurt you, just read some of your memories...”

Just after a moment, countless golden lights flew out of Xiao Bing's body again, and then reunited Chen to come to the human form. Xiao Yuelong stood there again, looking at Xiao Bing in a complicated look.

Xiao Bing spit out the gas, thinking of the scene just now, there is still a feeling of helplessness and powerlessness, he asked: "You just read all my memories?"

"Yes." Xiao Yuelong said, "You don't have to worry about anything, even if I know your secret, but I will soon dissipate in this world."

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you have such a terrible level of gods?"

"No, that's because I'm just an energy body now, so you can't stop me... Of course, the gods level is really not something you can resist, even if you reach half a step, the gods can't resist it... Hey, I didn't think you would be the son of the 21st King and the Princess of the Devil. You have the royal blood of the Protoss and the Mozu, and this is something that has never happened in mythology."

Xiao Bing asked: "What do you think now? Will you treat me as a different kind, would you want to shoot me?"

Xiao Yuelong said in a calm tone: "I said, I am just an energy body, and it will soon dissipate. Of course, if I would rather dissipate immediately and want to make a fatal blow to you, I can do it. With the realm of your current saint's peak, I can still kill you."

Although Xiao Bing is not sure whether his ancestor has the possibility of bragging, he is immediately alert.

Xiao Yuelong said calmly: "You don't have to be too nervous. I will ask you a few questions. Which ethnic group do you think you are? Protoss? Mozu? Or human?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes showed a hint of confusion. Finally, he shook his head and said: "I am a **** in the blood, growing up in the human world. I also want to know where I belong. If humans know me. Identity, can you afford me? If the Protoss and the Mozu know my identity, can you let me down? Hehehehe...the world is big, where can I let me down."

Xiao Yuelong sighed and said: "Hey, this is the priest of this generation. I will come to you again, if the enchantment of the gods is open, there will be war in the two worlds, which side will you help?"

Xiao Bingdao: "I want to stop this war, because no matter whether it is the human world or the realm of God, I don't want to be a charcoal. I have a **** protoss on my body. My father used to be a **** king. Although he is gone, he is even a protoss. They betrayed, but I don't want his people to flow into the river. Although humans sealed my ancestors, I grew up among human beings. I know that although there are organs in humans, there are many kind people, I Women, my brothers and friends, they are all human."

Xiao Yuelong asked: "So your idea is to stop this war? Just rely on you?"

"I may not be able to do it now." Xiao Bing said, "But I will try my best to do this. I am 30 years old this year and have already entered the semi-god field. It is not a delusion to reach the **** level before the age of forty. Whenever you want to go to war, you must pass my pass first."

Xiao Yuelong asked: "Humans have sealed the Protoss for thousands of years. Can you stop this hatred?"

"Hate can be resolved." Xiao Bing said, "Not to mention that thousands of years have passed. In fact, many hatreds are now imposed on the upper class by ordinary people. Most people can't remember to hate."

Xiao Yuelong sighed, his figure began to become more and more blurred, and the golden light became more and more faded. Xiao Bing asked: "You want to disappear?"

"Yeah, I am going to disappear."

"You don't want to kill me?"

"I don't want to..." Xiao Yuelong smiled and smiled. "Thousands of years have passed. We are still thinking about how we can revenge. Now it is ridiculous to think about it, and it is getting weaker and weaker in enchantment. During the period, human martial arts began to return to the light. The human world warriors, who had already fallen, had become masters in recent years. Together with the high-tech military of mankind, even if the enchantment disappeared, the protoss wanted to destroy humans. An illusion, what does this mean...representing whether human beings, protoss or demons are at the mercy of fate, God is not going to let one of them weaken to the point where they will be destroyed, and only then can After years of war, blood flows into the river."

Xiao Bing excitedly said: "Can you understand me?"

"I can... If I didn't read your memory, I probably can't understand it... Unfortunately, I have to dissipate. I have become history. The fate of the Protoss can only be controlled by the current King of God, so I hope that you can Stop those tragedies from happening."

Xiao Yuelong sighed and said with a smile: "In fact, I didn't think about these problems in the past. All the people are thinking about revenge. But what I thought was that I still want to start the myth era? If one day The world has disappeared. Is it really necessary to revert to the level of killing and killing in the past? What is the point?"

Xiao Yuelong looked forward to Xiao Bing and said: "But I didn't dare to say these words in the past, I didn't dare to think deeply. I didn't expect that you will appear Xiao Qian after thousands of years. Maybe it is also the arrangement of fate. You become a savior, something I can't do, maybe it's really possible to achieve it in your body."

Xiao Bing excitedly asked: "Do you think I can do it?"

"If there is any existence in the world that can stop the tragedy, this existence can only be you... Do you know why?"


"Because you are the strange man born by the combination of the **** king and the demon princess, this existence has never been seen in history, so I can guess anyone, but I can't see your future. ... the future that people can't see through, this is the most worth looking forward to."

Xiao Yuelong’s figure was even more blurred. Suddenly he smiled and said: “I’m going to disappear, and the reward should be given to you. This is what I have learned all my life, and now it’s all passed to you.”

Xiao Yuelong extended his finger and gently pointed to Xiao Bing, and then Xiao Bing felt that there was a huge amount of information in his mind, which was all kinds of exercises.

Then I heard Xiao Yuelong smile and said: "I built the Fire Pool, Kailing Building, Tongtian Tower, and even Tongtian College. I also founded it with my support... Many of the contemporary gods felt that I was not doing business. Only the future generations will truly understand me... and the premise that I can build these is that I am the most thorough existence of the research on the formation of the Protoss in the history of the Protoss. In the realm of martial arts, although I barely cultivated to the gods The realm, but it is not very powerful among the kings of the past, even the countdown, but my research on the formation is unparalleled."

There are countless complicated arrays in Xiao Bing’s mind. Those arrays are flashing one by one, and then they are integrated with Xiao Bing’s memory.

"The formation of the method is disdain for many people, but in my opinion, the formation is profound and profound, and the most brilliant array can be killed even by the gods and devils, and even more sophisticated. The law can directly refine many countless cities, but now I will pass on all the rewards of these customs clearances, and I hope that you can make good use of these... The future Protoss will be handed over to you, remember, no matter you and your uncle What kind of grievances, you are the blood of the Protoss, you can’t watch the protoss’ life.”

"I will, even if I am not the blood of the Protoss, I will stop it."

"Good, good... haha, well, I can see the hope of the Protoss after thousands of years. I am so happy, so happy..."

The figure of Xiao Yuelong has finally disappeared completely, and all his everything has finally disappeared into the world, and it will never happen again.

Xiao Bing’s eyes are with a trace of respect. In any case, Xiao Yuelong’s ancestor has already had a half-teacher’s friendship, but he has taught him all his life.

In addition to this, Xiao Bing still has a very respect for Xiao Yuelong, that is, Xiao Yuelong is the most enlightened one of the Protoss people that Xiao Bing has seen. He can see it from his own hands. He tried to put the future of the Protoss into his own hands and he could see it. His idea is very similar to himself. This is absolutely not a fake. I must know that Xiao Yuelong actually put his main energy into studying other ethnic groups. In terms of disdain, I can imagine how open-minded Xiao Yuelong’s thoughts are.

Xiao Bing sat on the floor with his knees. He first passed Xiao Yuelong's life experience in his mind to the integration, and then slowly stood up and muttered to himself: "I should go out!"

At this time, a force suddenly tore over, Xiao Bing was directly torn into the time and space door, was transmitted to the first floor of the Tongtian Tower!

Outside the Tongtian Tower, all the people are boiling, and Xiao Bing passes! !


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