Super Soldier

Chapter 2006: Heads-up shotgun team (three more)

When Xiao Bing was transferred to the first floor, the picture showed the words of customs clearance. Then the entire Tongtian Academy was boiling. All the people were shocked. This is the first time in the world. The students who passed the customs on the tower, for thousands of years, Xiao Bing is the first person in history!

Zhuge Yu is also the old tears: "The customs clearance, the real clearance, the fire pool, the Kailing building, the Tongtian tower, all the tests he is the first in history, he is the pride of the entire Tongtian College, is One of the best students in Tongtian College!!"

The old man drank two drinks, and he laughed. He rarely had such excitement. He could even say that he had never been so excited in the last few decades. At this time, his eyes were There is a strange brilliance in the flash.

The door of Tongtian Tower was opened automatically, and Xiao Bing came out from the inside. All the students of Tongtian College watched the first student of the ages. Their eyes were worshipped, admired, and even many female students’ eyes were still in their eyes. All with the color of love.

Beauty loves heroes, not only in the human world, but in any race.

Zhuge Yu, Li Wei, and Luo Bian all greeted them immediately. Xiao Bing saw so many people standing outside and said proudly: "From today, I am connected to the Three Passes, the Fire Pool, the Kailing Building, and the Tongtian Tower. My name is Xiao Jun!"

Among the crowd, the first vibration arm of Chubei shouted: "Xiao Jun! Xiao Jun!"

Then all the people began to shouted in unison: "Xiao Jun! Xiao Jun!"

The people of the Gunscream team saw this scene, and their hearts were very shocking. They couldn’t speak for a while.

Zhuge Yu smiled and said: "Xiao Jun, from today, you can move to the dormitory in the central area to live. If you like, I believe that the dean will personally accept you as a disciple, and the library and other schools in the college. All places, you can go in and out without any points."

I heard Zhuge Yu said that all the students in the college were also taken aback. Although they knew that with the talent of Xiao Bing, they have been the same school and Xiao Bing since then, but they are also two. People from all over the world, but still did not think that Xiao Jun’s position in the eyes of the school was so high that even if the general teacher in the school could not live in the central dormitory, wouldn’t that be in the eyes of the leader? The identity and status of Xiao Bing has even surpassed those teachers?

Zhuge Yu said: "Oh, of course, as a teacher who can discover the genius of Xiao Jun, the school plans to reward 100,000 points."

Many people are envious of their faces. The 100,000 points are not a small amount. Don’t look at Xiao Jun’s accumulation of hundreds of thousands of points so quickly, but that’s only after Xiao Jun passed through several levels. Others don't have the skills of Xiao Jun. For example, the fire pool, let alone the customs clearance, it is very difficult to take a step.

Dai Xueman said: "Actually... I have not made anything."

Zhuge Yu was happy at this time, and said with a smile: "Dai is too modest, and your eyesight is definitely not comparable to ordinary teachers."

The other teachers in the first grade regretted their death at this time. At the time, they were not optimistic about Xiao Jun. As a result, Xiao Jun became the first talented student in the history of Tongtian College. This face is simply embarrassing.

But at this moment, they can't take care of their faces and face, and some are just excited and excited. After all, they have the honor to see such a miracle this time.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is what Dai should deserve."

Hearing Xiao Bing said so, Dai Xueman would not speak.

At this time, Ouyang Tian and Bangna suddenly came over. Xiao Bing saw them both, and the strengths all reached the beginning of the saint, and the breath was extremely fierce. It was obvious that the attacker was a master, but for Xiao Bing. Said that these two people are nothing.

Ouyang Tian said: "Is Xiao Jun? We are the captain of the squadron under the account of the **** of the gods of the gods of the gods, I am Ouyang Tian, ​​he is Benner, this time dedicated to the king of the gods, invite you to go to the Tenjin Mountain ""

Although Ouyangtian said that he is a person from Tianshen Mountain, he is not too rude to face a potential stock that can be cleared in Tongtian Tower.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "No interest, I still don't want to go now."

Everyone looked at Xiao Bing and waited for Xiao Bing's answer. They suspected that Xiao Bing might find an excuse to push it. After all, Xiao Bing had just severely injured Xiao Sixia, and the old wine said it also makes sense. Xiao Bing's future potential is so great that he may even become the first strongest protoss. So where is the king of the gods?

The Protoss has always been a strong-going race. The reason why the Xiao family can lead the Protoss for thousands of years or even nearly 10,000 years is because the Xiao family has always been the strongest of the Protoss. The people who have the blood of the Xiao family will always be It is the most powerful existence of the Protoss, and now this Xiao Jun can have the opportunity to challenge this. Can Xiao Tiantian tolerate it?

So now almost everyone thinks that Xiao Bing can not go to the best. Of course, the order of the king of God can not be violated. If you want to not go, it is best to find a reason. For example, just say that these people are just challenging. When the Tongtian Tower was seriously injured, it will be delayed if it needs to be repaired recently, or it is just a matter of enlightenment in the Tongtian Tower, and it is also a good way to prepare for a retreat.

Almost everyone has helped Xiao Bing to think of a solution. Even the people of the Gunsmen team have already thought about how Xiao Bing will shirk their plans. They have already made plans to go back to Tianshen Mountain, but no one has thought of what excuses Xiao Bing actually has. Did not find it, just said a faint sentence, no interest, I still don't want to go.

Ouyang Tian’s face changed, and his face sank. Ouyang Tian screamed: “Boy, I admit that you are indeed a genius, but I see that you are a little too proud and arrogant, the invitation of the King of God, Did you even refuse to go with a casual sentence?"

Xiao Bing asked indifferently: "The legs are on my body, I don't want to go, what else can you do?"

Ouyang Tian made a gesture, the long gun team immediately ran over and surrounded Xiao Bing to the group. Zhuge Yu saw this scene, his face immediately, and roared: "What are you doing? I don't know where it is here? Here is the sky. College! At the Tongtian College created by the fifth king of the year, do you dare to use force to arrest people here?"

Ouyang Tian said faintly: "The deputy dean, you should not be too excited. We just want to invite Xiao Jun to come over. God King is not malicious, just want to see him, but if he refuses to be the king of God Kindly, we can only do it."

Xiao Bing smiled and asked: "It’s weird, do you think you are my opponent?"

Ouyang Tian looked at Xiao Bing and said: "I know that your strength is above us, but you feel that it is very wrong for us to deal with the sharks. It is a big mistake!"

The people of the sharp-gun team quickly dispersed, and twenty people put on a formation, and Xiao Bing was in the middle of the battle. Two of them were the two strongest captains. These were the people. The strength is not very strong, but after the formation of the law, the horror of the atmosphere even the Zhuge Yu and Li Wei frowned.

Zhuge Yu and Li Wei looked at each other. Zhu Geyu asked: "Is it for you, are you confident that you will break their formation?"

"Well... probably it is ok, I am now reaching the realm of demigod. After all, the realm is much stronger than them, but such a terrible atmosphere, I am afraid that people below the realm of the semi-god are hard to break through from the formation. Xiao Jun Although the talent is super strong, but it is difficult for him to break the formation without breaking through to the demigod, this is not a gift that can be made up."

Zhuge Yu nodded and suddenly stepped forward halfway. The old man smiled and said: "What's wrong, can't help but want to shoot? It seems that you are not so stubborn."

Zhuge Yu hesitated. On the one hand, he was afraid that the students would be hurt on the first day of the millennium. On the other hand, he did not want to offend the king. However, after hesitating, he still stepped forward and said: " If His Royal Highness wants to see Xiao Jun, after some time, when our dean will come back, I will personally bring Xiao Jun to see the king of God in the past. Now I hope that you can retreat first."

Ouyang Tian cold and cold road: "Deputy Dean Zhuge, are you going to fight against the King of God?"

Zhu Geyu took a deep breath and said: "I don't dare to be with God, but I still hope that you can bring this back to the King of God, I believe that the King of God can understand."

Ouyang Tian sneered and said: "Deputy Dean Zhuge, I respect you as the deputy dean of the college, but if you want to be against the king of God, you must be mentally prepared."

Xiao Bing proudly laughed: "The vice president does not have to intervene. I can solve this problem today. Can a district's formation be able to deal with me?"

"Oh, arrogant!" Ouyang Tian yelled, "Indiscriminate shooting!"

Everyone in the guns team screamed, countless guns aimed at Xiao Bing, and then the rotation of the array, everyone felt that Xiao Bing’s all sides seemed to be not human, but a huge grinding disc began to crush toward Xiao Bing. And the Tianluo network generally allows Xiao Bing to have nowhere to go, nowhere to go.

Li Yan took a deep breath and said: "I remembered it. This is the formation created by the gun **** Senna. It is said to hurt the gods!"

Can you hurt the god? All the teachers and students were in a daze, and Li Linger hurriedly said: "Dai Dai, you are thinking about ways. Their formation can hurt the gods. Xiaojun’s big brother didn’t even reach the gods. Isn’t he going to lose his life? ?"

Dai Xueman is also a helpless face: "I... I have no way, wait for me to ask for the vice president!"

Zhang Xinxin shook his head and sighed and said: "Xiao Jun's talent is extraordinary, but the only thing is that the heart is not quite stable. Even if he does not want to go to Tianshen Mountain, there is no need to directly reject it, maybe God. Wang is not malicious, but he does not give face, so the gods are not malicious, I am afraid it will not work. Hey, it seems that Xiao Jun is going to have a big loss today."

And when everyone thought that Xiao Bing would be defeated, suddenly the law was scattered, and all the members of the shrapnel team flew out in all directions, except that Xiao Bing alone stood with his hands on his back. Exalted!

Ps: Today is three more late, tomorrow will be as early as possible, and the day after tomorrow will be completely adjusted.

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