Super Soldier

Chapter 2204: The provocation of the Buddha son

In the next few days, the debate on Xiao Bing on the Internet became more and more fierce. There were some netizens who did not believe that Xiao Bing was a Mozu. At this time, they gradually began to be agitated. Gradually, the percentage More than 80% of them all protested on the Internet. I hope that the state will control Xiao Bing and not give such an important position to an alien. Even some more extreme people hope to wipe out Xiao Bing.

Xiao Binggang’s two days will occasionally look at the comments on the Internet, but basically it’s a smile. It’s no longer as emotional as the first day, but then it’s not even seen. Eyes are not seen as net.

While Xiao Bing was attacked by public opinion around the world, the film was also in the midst of post-production. Bi Tingting specially called Xiao Bing and cared about Xiao Bing’s situation. When he heard Xiao Bing, he could still talk to her. When she laughed, she was relieved. Before that, she was really worried. She was not worried that those people would be unfavorable to Xiao Bing, but she was a netizen who would only attack people on the Internet, but she I am worried that Xiao Bing has paid so much and will hurt his heart.

Later, when she found that Xiao Bing was not as sad as she thought, she also sighed and said: "You are fine, don't care about those who don't know how to be good. How about the Protoss? What about the Mozu? Is it normal? Those evil devils want to make things that endanger the people, isn’t you at the forefront?”

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Don't worry, I already want to understand, oh, yes, how long will it take to complete the post-production? When will the film be submitted, I will let them pass it immediately. ""

"Come on, the company knows that you are in a hurry, so I have already urged them to work overtime to get the post work done. It is estimated that it will be almost one week later, far beyond the previous expectations."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, let this be done earlier, even if it is the greatest help to me, as for those things, don't worry."

"Yeah." Bi Tingting sighed and said quietly. "To tell the truth, I really feel a little unbalanced for you."

"Haha, what's so unbalanced, isn't that just human nature? Don't think about it, you're not so vulnerable."

Xiao Bing was laughing. Suddenly, the pupil narrowed slightly and said: "I will go out first, and some guests will come."

"Oh, oh, well, you pay attention to your body."

"You too."

Xiao Bing hung up the phone in a hurry, and then rushed out of the room directly. At this time, it was dusk. After dinner, everyone chatted, rested, and played. .

When Xiao Bing rushed out of the hall, several women in the leaves were sitting in the yard chatting, and Xiao Bing rushed out in a hurry. The leaves curiously said: "What are you doing in such a hurry?"

"Nothing, you talk first, I will come back when I go out." Xiao Bing smiled slightly, then flew to the wall and suddenly disappeared.

Xia Hongyin saw this scene next to him, his brow wrinkled slightly, and his eyes showed a bit of complex color.

After Xiao Bing rushed out of Xiaofu, he rushed to the distant woods in the blink of an eye, then stopped, and the tone was calm: "Buddha, it should come out."

The Buddha son came out from the front of Xiao Bing and said with a smile: "You are becoming more and more sensitive."

"Not only that, one day I will uncover your mask one day, I want to see who you are, what you have to do."

Xiao Bing looked at the Buddha son, and the momentum on his body did not show weakness.

The Buddha's son said faintly: "Then you still need some time to do it. It seems that your strength is progressing very fast, and it is getting closer and closer to the **** level. It has already entered the realm of false gods."

Xiao Bing looked at the Buddha son and said: "If I don't expect it, you probably have reached the realm of today. A few years ago, why didn't you kill me?"

"Why should I kill you?" Buddha said with a smile. "Because your Dragon Gate is the biggest opponent of my Buddha's door?"

"Is not it?"

"It can be said, but strictly speaking, as long as I am the Lord of Buddhism, your Dragon Gate is not our biggest opponent."

"You are too arrogant!" Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said, "For the dignity of my Dragon Gate, I will fight with you!"

Xiao Bing strode forward, and there was a terrifying force on his fist. The left eye of the Buddha’s son flashed the **** red evil light, and the right eye flashed with the golden sacred light. The body’s breath was like a buddha, even if it was Now Xiao Xiao feels unfathomable, but looking at the light in the eyes of Buddha, his heart can not help but ask: "What is your identity?"

The Buddha’s son smiled faintly and said, “I am the Lord of Buddhism.”

"The power in your eyes..."

The Buddha said: "You mean the golden and blood red power that flashes in my eyes. It is too much like the power in your body. Am I right?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing’s heart jumped and said, "Why do you have the same strength as me? I never thought about this before, is it you..."

The Buddha sighed and said: "Does your realm have reached such a level, but still do not understand, our body is just a medium for power, not necessarily only the so-called blood can brew that kind of The power of your own blood and genes."

When the Buddha's son spoke slowly, he extended his hand slowly, but there was a more evil force on his palm. It was a pure black power.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "Dead? I have seen it before. This is the power of the Wraith...."

The Buddha son laughed and said: "Are you saying Xiao Mingyue?"

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you know?"

"There are very few things in the world that I don't know. Yes, this power can be said to come from the grievances, but also from the legendary ghosts, and Xiao Mingyue should be the most powerful of the ghosts. Ghost King, I am right?"

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said calmly: "She is a man!"

"It doesn't matter." The Buddha's son extended another hand, and the other hand had a light green glow. A very evil evil began to spread around.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "The smell of the beast?"

"Yes, this is the monster that will have it.

the power of. "The Buddha son took the two hands together and carried them behind him. The two forces disappeared at the same time. Then he said faintly. "Do you think it is incredible now?" ”

"Yes...." Xiao Bing said, "I have never heard of a person who has the four forces of God, the devil, the monster, and the ghost."

The Buddha said: "I have already said that our body is just a medium, and what power we have has the greatest relationship with our genes, but it is not 100% dependent on our genes and Blood, strength can be transformed into each other, for example..."

The breath of the gods in the eyes of the Buddha's sons disappeared, and the pupils of normal people were restored. The black and white is clear, and his tone is calm: "For example, my source of power can also become the power of mankind."

Xiao Bing suddenly found himself still unable to see through him. Every time he thought he could already see him, he would find that he was still far away from himself. It was like a fog, everything in him was I can't see through myself.

Xiao Bing dissipated the forces that had gathered before. He has not yet reached the point where he needs to die immediately, and he does not want to go to life without any confidence.

Xiao Bing said: "So the power in your eyes is all illusory?"

The Buddha did not answer Xiao Bing. His eyes looked at Xiao Bing calmly. This is the first time Xiao Bing saw his real eyes, so cold eyes, as if he was full of hatred for the whole world, and he is usually inside. The feeling of giving people is always unfathomable. It is impossible to let people know what kind of person he is. Only such a cold look, although it makes people feel terrible, but after all, people will feel that he is at least a person.

The Buddha son looked at Xiao Bing and said: "You have seen the news on the Internet recently? Those comments, you must have seen it."

"Yes, I have all seen it." Xiao Bing did not deny that Xiao Bing did not want to deceive himself.

"Then you will feel heartache? The heartache of betrayal and abandonment by the whole world." said the Buddha, "Even if you quit the dragon tooth and enter the dark world, the tasks that you have received in the gantry also have a guideline. You can't hurt the lives of innocent people, you can't violate the interests of China, but look at the present? Those people who you want to maintain in the past, they all cursed you crazy on the Internet, cursing you to die immediately, I hope that this country will completely eliminate you from the earth."

The Buddha smiled faintly: "Do you feel angry? Do you feel resentful in your heart? You treat them so well, but they treat you in this way. Is there no flame burning in your heart?"

Xiao Bing looked at the Buddha son and asked: "What do you want to say? People are sexually good at first, they are only temporarily stunned by the unknown fear, I can understand them."

"Oh? Can you understand? The thought of the lord of the Dragon Gate has become so hypocritical, and even good at deceiving yourself. Since you said that you really can understand, let me see if it is true!"

Xiao Bing stunned and looked up. He wondered: "What?"

Suddenly, Xiao Bing discovered that the world seemed to change in an instant!

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