Super Soldier

Chapter 2205: betray

Xiao Bing found himself in the hell, and there were countless ghosts around him. Xiao Bing sneered and shouted: "Do you think that this little illusion can control me now?"

Xiao Bing screamed in the sky, but the space was gradually distorted at this time, and then the illusion disappeared. He still stood in the woods, and the Buddha son was in front of himself.

Xiao Bing looked coldly at the Buddha's son, clenched his fist and said: "Do you still think that I can lose myself by such a small fantasy?"

The Buddha sighed softly and said: "It seems that you are more difficult to deal with than I thought. Your spiritual willpower has surpassed your normal state of the present."

"I can understand that you are complimenting me." Xiao Bing said, "So, don't use this boring illusion to control me in the future."

The Buddha’s son suddenly said with a deep smile: “I don’t need to control you, even if I and you will not become enemies in the future, because after you tonight, will you disappear from this world, I don’t know.”

Xiao Bing frowned and asked: "What do you mean by this?"

Suddenly, Xiao Bing felt a little, looked up at the sky, and then widened his eyes in a moment, his eyes showed a completely unbelievable color, and when he turned his head again, he saw the Buddha’s The figure has disappeared in front of his own eyes, but his voice has gradually spread: "Is it, this is the country you love and the people you want to protect, how they treat you now."

Xiao Bing is still in the woods just in the woods. After the words of the Buddha son, the countless missiles flew from a distance to them, hiding from hiding, and avoiding inevitable.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and his chest was like an explosion. There was an uncomfortable feeling of wanting to vomit blood. Why? Why are you treating me like this? Obviously I never thought about betraying this country. I have always guarded this country and guarded my compatriots. Why are you abandoning me?

This is in the territory of China. In addition to the release of missiles by China, Xiao Bing does not think there is a second possibility, and there is absolutely no possibility of a second possibility.

Xiao Bing released the cover to the strongest extent. The terrorist missile was bombarded on the hood, but it only made the shovel slightly trembled and did not break.

Xiao Bing has already seen what type of missile is this. It is the latest model of ground-to-ground missile of China. I have never thought that this missile has not been used in the real battle on the battlefield. The first time it was used in its own. Body.

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and then snarled loudly against the sky: "Why!!"

There are only a few countless missiles answering Xiao Bing. Those missiles flew one by one toward Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing slammed out with a punch and punch. But the missiles are too many, and most of them still fall. On Xiao Bing's body, Xiao Bing fell to the ground, and then even rolled a few rolls on the ground, followed by several missiles on Xiao Bing's body. This time, he finally injured Xiao Bing. .

Xiao Bing was injured so fast this time, in addition to the missile is too dense, but also because Xiao Bing this time the mood is not flat, the mind is lost, it will lead to the disorder of the body cover, and the missile will take advantage of it.

Xiao Bing screamed, the hood was re-aggregated, and several missiles fell on the body. He was awkward but not injured again, but the previous missiles had directly dropped his back. A few pieces of meat, blood is on the body.

"Why? Why is this?" Xiao Bing's heart is constantly madly screaming, tears in his eyes.

Rumble, there are countless fighters in the sky, dozens of fighters flew to Xiaobing here, while others shouted with a horn on the fighter plane: "Secretary Xiao, you are surrendering, you have made a national So many achievements, as long as you are willing to surrender, as long as you are willing to squander martial arts, temporarily being held by us, we will not want your life!"

"I don't accept it!" Xiao Bing looked up and yelled at the sky. "I don't accept it! I don't accept it!!"

Responding to Xiao Bing's is a missile that fell from the record and fell to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing ran, dodging, and the injury on his body was getting heavier and heavier, but there was no slight succumb in his eyes. He was constantly groaning in his heart, and there was grievance and anger in his heart. There is uncertainty, he is going to find the theoretical theory of the heads.

He madly plunged in the direction of the city center, but he saw that the fighters did not chase him. Instead, he flew in the direction of Xiaofu. Xiao Bing’s eyes widened and his heart raised his uneasiness. If you don't come, shout loudly: "No!!"

However, in the sky above Xiaofu, the missile fell from the plane. Xiao Bing flew in the direction of Xiaofu, thinking about the leaves, Su Xiaoxiao, Liu Kexin, Ayi Ding, etc. My own woman, I thought of Xia Hongyin, Maggie, Li Chunlan and other relatives, as well as other relatives and friends living in Xiaofu and brothers.

After all, Xiao Bing was a little far away from Xiao Fu. He watched the red roses, Xia Hong Yin and Ayi Ding rushed straight from the inside of Xiao Fu, greeted the missiles, and then one missile was taken by them. Shot down, then they were blown out by missiles.

Xiao Bing with tears in his eyes, shouted loudly: "Mom! Aydin!! Rose!!"

He flew crazy, but he did not know how many missiles landed in Xiaofu. When Xiao Bing finally appeared at the entrance of Xiaofu, Xiaofu had become a sea of ​​fire. The guards outside of Xiaofu all fell to the ground. Even the incomplete corpses were left, and Xiao Bing rushed into the sea of ​​fire, yelling wildly, yelling wildly, but no one could be found again.

The only thing Xiao Bing can find is a bone....

Xiao Bing came out from the inside, kneeling on the ground, holding his head, crying and crying, his eyes were not tears, but blood, and he was burning with red power. The horror of the horror made those missiles unable to hurt Xiao Bing.

In Xiao Bing’s mind, there is a clear voice that is clear: "They are all dead in Xiaofu."

"Really, hahahaha..."

"Hurry up and kill him. He is a demon. You can't allow the devil to live in this world."

"If he doesn't die, we can't live."

"Fighting him, you must kill him!"

There is even a strange face in Xiao Bing’s mind. They are ordinary people. Among them are men and women, old and young. They all live comfortably, but their comfortable life is their own and Other soldiers who guarded China were created for them, but they now want to kill themselves! !

I made so many contributions to China, and once I was born and died for their danger, but they even wanted to kill themselves, even killing all their relatives and friends without mercy! !

There was a suffocation in Xiao Bing’s eyes, and blood red light in his pupil began to burn. The red light became more and more prosperous, and gradually became bright red from the very pale red light.

His tears are still flowing, his mouth is constantly breathing.

In the end, he actually squatted on the ground, and his mouth screamed, and then he used his head to hit the ground with his head. The mouth shouted loudly: "Buddha, you give me a roll!!!" !"

Rumble, the heavens and the earth seem to have been torn, the missile disappeared, the sea of ​​fire disappeared, the body disappeared, Xiao Bing gasped, looked at everything around, he was still in the first forest, and there was no missile. Xiao Fu is also safe and sound, and the Buddha son is standing in front of himself.

The Buddha's son frowned slightly and said: "Your willpower seems to be beyond my imagination."

It turns out that everything just happened is still fake, and all of them are just illusions!

Xiao Bing smiled slightly, and his feet slightly stunned. After all, he stood still. His body was sweating, but after all, he came out from the illusion, and he found that the face of the Buddha’s son looked weaker than before. It seems that the series of illusions have just been applied, and the consumption of the Buddha son is not too small.

The Buddha asked: "How did you break my illusion?"

Xiao Bing said: "At first I didn't expect this to be just illusion, because it was so realistic. The illusion you just started is attracting my attention. I thought you just used a illusion for me. In fact, the appearance of the illusion just happened is an illusion. It is also an illusion that I hacked the illusion. I thought that I would hack your illusion that appeared in hell. Actually, I don’t know that I am still in illusion. All of them are fake."

The Buddha said: "So you are fooled."

"Yes, so I was fooled. This is the most illusory illusion I have ever seen."

The Buddha asked: "How did you crack it?"

"Because I know that China cannot treat me like this."

"How can you be sure of this?"

"I am sure." Xiao Bing said, "The old class is kind to me, I trust him, Huaxia is also kind to me, and I trust them. Although you have used the grievances of those netizens in my heart, you don't know. My love for my compatriots has transcended my grievances against them."

Buddha son sighed: "So I lost?"

"Yes, so you lost." Xiao Bing coughed and said.

The Buddha’s son sighed slightly: “It’s a pity. On the surface, you are winning, but in fact you are losing, and losing so thoroughly.”

Xiao Bing asked: "Where did I lose?"

"If you lose, you lose too much trust in this country and people. You won me once and lost to them. I originally wanted to remind you that they will betray you at any time, but after all, you have no Realizing this, you will plant them sooner or later."

"No!" Xiao Bing looked at the Buddha son, his eyes did not shake in the slightest, and he was very firm and said, "They are the source of my strength!"

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