Super Soldier

Chapter 2209: Press conference (one more)

The screen continued to switch, they began to fight with the organization of the gods, **** battles, countless times down, Xiao Bing and Longmen eight will stand up countless times.

The lens began to switch to the female No.1 played by Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting, who knew each other in Shanghai City. In the process of love between two people, Xiao Bing always put the country and the people in the first place and can give Bi Tingting Time is very rare, Bi Tingting from the beginning of the complaint, until later understanding, and finally with Xiao Bing bear the same kind of pressure.

Before the battle with the blasphemy organization, including Xiao Bing, there were other gantry eight generals. Everyone wrote down a suicide note. Xiao Bing put the suicide note under the pillow of Bi Tingting and kissed at the same time. Bi Tingting's forehead, then quietly left.

Bi Tingting just opened her eyes when Xiao Bing left, then took a look at the suicide note and picked up the pen and wrote a reply on a piece of stationery: If you die, I will not live!

When these words were written, her reply was placed under her own pillow.

When I saw this scene, countless people began to cry silently, even if Xiao Bing began to move.

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting looked at each other involuntarily in the cinema, and they all saw their affection for each other from the eyes of each other.

The picture continued to switch, and began a battle with the organization of the gods. After Xiao Bing destroyed the organization of the gods, Longmen Ba will leave alive. Xiao Bing alone blocked the army of the M country, fought **** battles, and later lost sight.

Everyone's heart is a bit heavy, although everyone knows that Xiao Bing in reality is not dead, but what about the movie?

Xiao Bing disappeared. All the people in the world who hate Xiao Bing are playing a crown, and soon Xiao Bing appeared in China, and then the world was shocked. Xiao Bing stood under the flag and swore that he would dedicate his blood and life to the whole. Human beings, even if they burn themselves, must illuminate the world.

The film began to end, and at the end of Xiao Bing’s oath, everyone stood up and applauded, and the applause was heard throughout the hall.

Many people began to silently wipe their tears, and then the movie theater did not know who was the first to yell: "Xiao Bing!"

"Xiao Bing!"

"Xiao Bing! Xiao Bing! Xiao Bing! Xiao Bing!"

Everyone shouted the name of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing looked at the director and was excited: "Thank you, this film was very successful. I can't even believe it was my own performance."

Director Coppola is also very excited: "I want to thank you, thank the whole team, thank you for being able to provide us with such a good material, I believe that after the film is released, there will be many people who will truly understand you. , moved for you."

Xiao Bing nodded hard and clenched his fist. This movie is Xiao Bing’s biggest fight against all those who are looking forward to their death!

This time, Xiao Bing's counterattack does not require a fist, and even does not need to go to the spray, but can instantly reverse the situation and help the body!

After leaving the cinema, Xiao Bing wrapped a hotel down. Everyone held a celebration feast in it, and they drunk until the middle of the night, and then everyone went home.

The next day, Xiao

The soldiers took a look at the news on the Internet. There are still a lot of people who spray themselves and swear by themselves, but there have been some other voices.

For example, the China Summer News published an article: "Is genetic theory really so important?"

The above elaborates how much Xiao Bing has paid to Huaxia and the people. Is the blood really so heavy? The article is thought-provoking.

Following other major media outlets, similar articles were published, including large-scale analysis from the perspective of the film.

Soon the movie box office also came out. The first day of the box office has already exceeded 300 million Chinese currency, and this is only the sales in China, and the foreign box office is not counted.

Some people who had said that they wanted to boycott Xiao Bing’s movie had asked each other. When I heard how beautiful the film was, I finally managed to stop myself and went to the cinema on the second day of the show.

In the next two days, Xiao Bing has never left Xiaofu. Every day, he will look at the box office record. On the first day, the box office broke 300 million. On the second day, the box office increased by 400 million. In two days, the total exceeded 700 million. Lost the record in the history of Chinese film, followed by the third day still holding 400 million box office, three days together to break one billion!

Xiao Bing’s film quickly ignited a whirlwind in China and even around the world, and other countries were watching it, and the situation began to reverse.

A post on the Internet began to be fired. This post was sent by a former person who had smashed Xiao Bing on the Internet. The title is called.

In the post, he explained in detail how he was enchanted by the fascination, how stupid he was, and how much he admired Xiao Bing after watching the movie, even the worship was even better. The identity of Xiao Bing was exposed before.

On the fourth day of the movie's release, Xiao Bing watched the news online, basically all of them had positive comments on themselves, and the following messages were all turned into support for themselves.

Xiao Bing gave it to one by one, and then immediately called the old class. The old class smiled and said in the phone: "Great, stinky boy, I have seen the news of these two days, you are now in the world." The posts that blame you are basically gone. If anyone dares to marry you, it is basically against the people."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I want to discuss something with you."

"Oh, what, you said directly."

Xiao Bing said: "I want to hold a press conference this afternoon to call all the face-to-face media in Kyoto."

"This still needs to discuss with me, this is a good thing. Rest assured, although the time has been a little hurry, but I dare say that according to the extent of your current fire, you only have one sentence, those media are smashed I want to come in and report you."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing smiled and said, "I don't want to go to indecent assault. I have said it before. I want to get rid of it, but I don't want it."

"You kid, even the country of M now has no way to take you, really is the person I am looking for. OK, I will inform the major media now, you tell me all the time and place.

After Xiao Bing and the old class said it, the two men ended the call, the old class was ready to inform the major media, and Xiao Bing was not.

It’s not as slow as it is in Xiao’s house.

In the afternoon, Xiao Bing drove away from Xiao Fu, and there were still a lot of paparazzi and media outside of Xiao Fu. Xiao Bing’s car did not stop, regardless of their blockade, all the way to the direction of the hotel.

When Xiao Bing got off the bus, he was immediately surrounded by many paparazzi outside the hotel. Some gossip media reporters held the microphone and said: "Mr. Xiao, what is the press conference this time? The purpose is to explain things about the video? Or do you want to promote the new movie you starred in?"

"Mr. Xiao, you know that you were collectively bombarded by netizens all over the world some time ago. There are even many demonstrations in various parts of the world. I hope that the Chinese government will kill you. What is your feeling in your heart?"

Xiao Bing did not have any expression from beginning to end, and walked into the hotel with firm steps. He did not even answer the questions of these paparazzi reporters.

After arriving at the hotel lobby, the old class waved at Xiao Bing on the podium. He said with a smile: "Well, I just can't answer the questions you asked me. Our hero is here, or Let him answer you."

At this time, the following hundreds of media have been shaken one by one, and there are even many foreign media. At this moment, this press conference is a global live broadcast conference, regardless of the identity of Xiao Bing. From the perspective of this big and big movie, Xiao Bing is currently hot, and the conference he held is the focus of the world.

Xiao Bing came to the rostrum and sat down with the old class.

There is also a host responsible for maintaining order on the stage. The host first silenced everyone, and then said: "This is the meeting that Vice Minister Xiao will personally convene. No matter who wants to ask questions, it must be Raise your hand first, then Vice Minister Xiao will allow anyone to ask questions, who will stand up and ask questions, and those who disturb the order will be immediately asked to go out."

At this time everyone was quiet, but many people were raising their hands.

Xiao Bing casually pointed to a female reporter from China. The female reporter stood up excitedly and said: "Mr. Xiao, the hope of the Chinese government to kill you or expel your voice, what do you think about it? ”

Xiao Bing smiled and nodded and said, "Sit down, I will answer in a moment, who else has a problem?"

Then Xiao Bing asked a Russian reporter to ask questions. The Russian reporter said: "I would like to ask Vice Minister Xiao. The video about your identity has been circulating in the network of all countries. Do you think this is a coincidence? Someone is pushing from it?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I will answer this later, please sit down."

Xiao Bing asked another Chinese reporter to ask questions. The Chinese reporter asked excitedly: "Mr. Xiao, this time, your movie has already achieved more than one billion box office. How do you compare it with your expectations? I would like to ask, this is The film reflects what you paid for China, but you have been bombarded by so many netizens during this time. What do you think?"

Xiao Bing sighed softly and slowly stood up and said: "I have basically understood the problem of everyone, and then I will tell you one by one!"

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