Super Soldier

Chapter 2210: The reaction of the world (two more)

Xiao Bing looked around and said slowly: "I think everyone knows that I am an orphan. There may be many people who sympathize with me. I am the same from childhood to age. Although the aunts of the orphanages hurt me, but I I will also think about why my mom and dad don't want me... can I see them again? Oh, but now I see it, and as a result, you all want to kill me and kill my mother."

There was some silence around.

Xiao Bing continued: "Everyone knows the things I have done, I am also lucky. Otherwise, I don't need everyone to kill me. Normally, even if I have nine lives, I will die. I can live to the present. It’s my blessing.”

Xiao Bing did not say that he had done anything before, but his words made everyone's heart heavy, not only the reporters present, but also the people watching the live broadcast in front of the TV. I also felt the heavy weight of it, and the embarrassment from the heart.

"Many people use the intercepted video to attack me online, saying that my mother is a Mozu, saying that I am a Mozu, I am here to explain, I am! I am a native with a demon bloodline. The people, my mother is also! But my Mozu in your mouth has been guarding you, I always want you to live in peace, I can have no parents around, but I hope that you can be accompanied by your parents, there are My daughter is under the hood, and now my mother has finally found it, but you want to kill her and want to kill me."

"Many netizens are saying that they want to expel me from China. There are even many people who say that they want to kill me and say that the people of my demon should not live in the human world! You Just asked me what I should think, then I ask you, if you change to be you, what do you think?"

All the people are silent. They feel that if they change to be them, they will hate those people. After all, Xiao Bing has paid too much in the past, especially after the film was released, and he really reminded everyone. This point, now, unless it is a very extreme person, other people will never say that Xiao Bing is a Mozu, and so on.

Xiao Bing continued: "You can't say it? Then let me tell you, I

What is the feeling in the heart. ”

"I am sad, but no resentment!"

After the eight words were spoken, countless people trembled in their hearts, and they all bowed their heads. Some people even cried out at the scene or in front of the TV.

Xiao Bing said: "This is what I want to say today. As for who is the initiator of this matter, it doesn't matter, because even if there are people behind the scenes, it is just a role to play."

After Xiao Bing’s words were finished, many people pondered. Apart from their own feelings, they also vaguely felt that there was a behind-the-scenes black hand behind them, and most people who were slightly smarter could basically think of the black hands behind them. .

"As for this movie, I am very grateful to all the creative teams, and it is my pleasure to cooperate with the director of Coppola. Besides, I have nothing else to say at this conference. Goodbye."

Xiao Bing walked out of the hall, and almost no one stopped. Because everyone was still immersed in the words of Xiao Bing, they must know that some media people who were clamoring to expel Xiao Bing were also present. At this moment, they are embarrassed except for being moved. No one is willing to catch up and ask more questions.

Xiao Bing has been out of the hotel and drove back to Xiao Fu. From start to finish, he has no triumphant expression on his face from start to finish. He knows that this battle is his own victory, but he is simply not happy because he just Is it true that what is said?

Sad in my heart, but no resentment!

At this time, around the world, there have been waves everywhere.

In the presidential office of the m country, the president is watching the live broadcast. When he finished reading, he lit a cigar, gloomy face, and after taking a shot, he slammed the table and shouted: "The Chinese people are really Too bad!"

In the military department of the m country, after watching the live video, the big ones all looked gloomy and terrible.

At this time, a subordinate asked: "He is because he can shoot this movie, do we have to deal with Coppola?"

"Idiot!" said a general with his eyes open. "The reputation of Director Coppola is so high, do you want to deal with it? This is what you want to give.

Do we have trouble with the government of the m country? ”

The man hurriedly closed his mouth.

At this moment, almost all parts of the world know that the m country has lost, and the loss is completely thorough. Before the m country, there may be many follow-up actions that you want to do, but those follow-up actions are still not done. Already lost, the loss is completely down.

In the Buddha Mountain Villa, the Buddha son slowly stood up on the mountain peak. He has been closed for many days, but now he has finally cleared the customs. The head of the Gongbei is respectful and is next to the Buddha’s son. : "Is there still no harvest?"

The Buddha son shook his head and said calmly: "In this world, there are too few people who can inspire my potential."

The general manager of Gongbei said: "Then your plan..."

"We must continue to implement step by step," said the Buddha. "Continue to watch Xiaobing, and watch his movements at all times. He is the key to the key."

"Yes." Gongbei's general manager agreed, and then said, "Right, according to my news, Gao Fei is probably already back to the devil."

"Is it going back... I have already guessed it." Buddha’s faint voice, "Gaofei has encountered the same difficulties. It is very difficult for him to improve his realm. And since he intends to return to the devil to improve the realm, then I think he must have any solution."

The general manager of Gongbei said: "The second son adds a high flying, if you add..."

"Not enough!" said the Buddha son. "Not to mention, Gao Fei is Gao Fei, Xiao Bing is Xiao Bing, I am me... They will not obey my orders, no one will."

The general manager of Gongbei said: "You are a brother..."

The Buddha’s son said faintly: "What about it? He is not the same person as me. It can be the same in some respects. We will only listen to our own heart. No one else will obey, like him. I can't control such a person, even if I am his brother. Wait patiently, his growth rate is fast enough faster than I expected..."

Ps: I will start adding more tomorrow, and it is not limited to four chapters. I have encountered something in these two days. I will not explain it in detail... or add more than anything else.

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