Super Soldier

Chapter 2211: Poor (one more)

After Xiao Bing’s press conference, the major media began to madly launch an article or reprint the words that Xiao Bing said.

The words of Xiao Bing began to blow open in the world like the same whirlwind, and the film shot by Xiao Bing also set off a boom in the world. Even many people went to the cinema over and over again.

A week later, the film "Xiao Bing Chuan" has only broken through the box office of 4 billion in China. The global box office has accumulated more than 10 billion Chinese coins, and the momentum is still rising violently.

Bi Tingting really entered the world-class movie star with this film, and Linda and other actors are also closer. Of course, Xiao Bing is the focus of everyone’s discussion. Now Xiao Bing is really It has become a global idol, even if it was the one who once smashed Xiao Bing, at this moment, he began to regard Xiao Bing as a hero.

In this short period of one week, the attitude of the media has completely reversed. Even if the country wants to deal with Xiao Bing, there is no reason. They have held a press conference to attack China and Xiao Bing. Now it is thorough. Closed the mouth, not only that, they are still in the public relations, because now all the voices of the outside world say that there are so many bombardment of Xiao Bing’s voice on the Internet, that is, the m country is behind the ghosts, the m country can be said to be Stealing chicken does not eclipse the rice.

Just as the moment when everything was calm, the world was once again sensationalized by a stormy news. In a country in Africa, for three consecutive days, a total of more than 100 civilians’ heads were missing. A lucky escaped person told the police that all of them were eaten by a monster. The monsters were red, with huge wings and extremely sharp teeth. The heads of those people were all covered by this one. The beast is eaten!

In the past, these news were usually secrets. Now even the stories of the mythological era have not concealed the people. This is also the result of private consultations in various countries. The seal enchantment will be broken sooner or later, so we must let everyone do well in advance. Psychological preparation, otherwise, once you don't need to face the Protoss and the Mozu at that time, the human beings will fall into panic.

After the news came out, there was no sensation at the beginning. After all, Xiao Bing’s news was too hot recently, but after two days, more than 100 people in a certain village in Africa died. One person Did not survive, everyone lost their heads.

Then, the specific information of this monster was sent out on the Internet. The information at the beginning was sent on the Diablo World Forum, but it was spread all over the world.

At this time, Xiao Bing was sitting in the conference room at the base of Longmen. He looked at the information with a dignified look. While reading the specific information on the news, he read: "The strange, mythical legendary beast, looks like a tiger. It has a pair of wings, likes to eat people, and starts eating from the head of the person. It is a fierce alien. Later, when the era of the dragon came, it wanted to resist the rule of the dragon, but the result was unknown."

Xiao Bing looked up at the big scorpions of Longmen and said, "If it is really this strange thing, then it is really troublesome. I didn't expect it to survive to the present. The mythical era is definitely the monster. The top of the existence exists, and now it has been thousands of years..."

Molong asked: "Do we need to go out?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "We have to wait for the orders of our superiors. I think this matter should be carried out by the armed forces of various countries."

"Yeah." Liu Zhen said, "I can't rely on us for everything. The m countries and our fights are so powerful. They have such skills, and now they will eliminate the fierce beasts."

Xiao Bing said: "I feel that it is not necessary to rely on the power of the country to destroy the beasts. Let's wait for the news."

The eyes of the whole world are now focused on the land of Africa. At first, the people feel very curious, but they don’t have any panic feeling. After all, the beasts sound very scary, but in many people’s eyes, they are still too far away. It’s too far away.

The United Nations convened an emergency meeting, and all the five permanent members also issued a declaration of cooperation. They must send a team to each other to accurately attack the poor.

On the evening of the same day, a missile unit of China started. After two days, a land of land in Africa suddenly heard the sound of an earthquake. The overwhelming missiles began to burst, and the fire of the explosion even gave the night. Light up, a huge red monster roared into the sky. After being bombarded, he opened his wings and flew directly to the missile unit.

In this battle, the monsters were extremely angry and angered. The five-nation joint forces died and did not know how many people, and finally reluctantly withdrew.

The next day, after the news report came out, the world was sensational. A total of hundreds of missiles did not kill the singularity, and the human army still killed a lot of people, perhaps even for revenge. The people of a village were slaughtered.

The panic fell on the African continent.

The m-country began an emergency meeting and announced that it has begun to consider nuclear weapons attacks. Even if it is so strange, it is impossible to resist the attack of nuclear weapons. However, it is very embarrassing now, and it is surrounded by the location There will be human villages. If you use that kind of weapons of mass destruction, you will certainly not know how many human beings will be buried with them.

The world is silent. Most people are selfish. They prefer to let those people bury and do not want this beast to survive and kill more people. Now it is raging on the land of Africa and will go to Europe later. In the future, I will go to Asia... The world knows for the first time how terrible the mythical beasts are, and for the first time, I know how horrible the Xiao Bing has been facing, knowing that Xiao Bing used to be them. What I have undertaken.

At this time, after the emergency consultations, the high-level Chinese side of the party made a phone call with the president of the m country. The president of the m country finally promised not to use nuclear weapons for the time being, but first sent the dragon gate to annihilate the poor.

Xiao Bing once again became the focus of attention of all the people in the world. Once again, there are countless pressures. Those who had smashed Xiao Bing on the Internet at the moment are apologizing to Xiao Bing at the moment. prayer.

Xiao Bing once again held a Longmen meeting. After deliberation, he returned to Xiaofu.

Xiao Fu is very silent at this moment, but no one said anything.

When eating at night, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you thinking about?"

Su Xiaoxiao sighed: "The people in Africa are innocent, we support you. But, can't you do this without you in the world, every time this dangerous thing has to go? ?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is not the case. If the country of M really uses nuclear weapons, it will not be able to cope with it. But if they really use it, how many innocent civilians will be buried with them? How much of the radiation after the attack will bring disaster to the already troubled land?"

The leaves said: "Our, we still support my husband. Husband, we will pray for you at home."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Now your husband is not the same, the kind of little monster, I can just grab it, and then tie it up with a rope and bring it back to you as a pet."

Xiao Mingyue said: "Dad, I have to go with you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This can't be done. Um... This time Dad has something else. It was originally promised to take you to the country."

Xiao Mingyue said: "I want to go with my father."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That is a monster, you are still a child, not suitable for going with Dad."

Xiao Mingyue looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Don't think that I don't understand anything. Isn't I a monster?"

Xiao Bing stunned, then squinted and said, "Who said this to you?"

"I..." Xiao Mingyue’s grievance, "No one dares to say that I think so."

Everyone was surprised to see Xiao Mingyue, Xiao Mingyue succumbed: "Whoever grows up, the little flower aunt will grow up, and the aunt Aunt McGee will grow up, even the snow will grow up, and it will grow so fast, Only I will not grow up, isn't the moon a monster?"

Xiao Bing calmed his face and looked at Xiao Mingyue seriously. He said: "Mingyue, I don't want to hear you like this. I am your father. They are your mother. You are our daughter. If you are a monster, don't we? Is it a monster?"

Xiao Bing looked at Xiao Mingyue’s grievances and wanted to shed tears. He gently touched Xiao Mingyue’s head. The tone was just a little more relaxed. He said softly: “Mingyue, Mingyue, you are no longer the ghost king, you Forgot, now you can't grow up, you are the same human being as ours, the parents' favorite daughter."

"Yeah." Xiao Mingyue licked his mouth and nodded.

Xiao Bing said: "If you say this later, Dad will not buy ice cream for you."

"That won't work, I want to eat ice cream."

When I heard Xiao Mingyue, everyone finally laughed, and the former repressed mood became easier.

The leaves hugged Xiao Mingyue on his lap and said, "Your father is right, you said that your mother is also a monster? Mom is angry, hurry to kiss the mother."

Xiao Mingyue kissed the face of the leaf, Su Dao: "I have to kiss."

"And I."

"And I."


Xiao Mingyue kissed one after another and giggled.

Xiao Bing looked at them, his face finally showed a smile completely, then thought of going to Africa next time, his heart was a little nervous, some expectation, and he still had a feeling, this time I am afraid that I will probably encounter myself. An opponent since... Fogongzi!


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