Super Soldier

Chapter 2215: Great battles (two more)

The sky is full of strange eyes, more and more human top powers appear here, a squeak in his mouth, a series of languages ​​in his mouth, these languages ​​are automatically translated into human beings when they enter the ears of everyone. Language: "You shameless human beings, I don't think that martial arts has fallen, there are so many martial arts strong people, are you juniors planning to hunt me?"

Xiao Bing and others looked up and saw this strange appearance like a red cow. The hair was like a hedgehog, a pair of big wings, and his eyes were yellow.

Xiao Bing looked up at this big guy and said, "Why?"

"Exactly!" The strange size seems to be nearly a thousand pounds, huge in size, with the strongest evil atmosphere ever seen by Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing said loudly: "You have done too much evil, we will collect you today."

"Hahahaha, just rely on you juniors?" He laughed a lot, but he was not afraid at all, but when he saw Xiao Bing, it was obviously more taboo.

Xiao Bing has also seen this strange concrete strength. The poorness is definitely reaching the realm of demigod, but it is definitely much stronger than the semi-deity of human beings. I am afraid that even if the false **** wants to win it, It's hard.

However, Xiao Bing himself is facing a stranger, at least he can guarantee his invincibility, plus these people around him... can never be defeated to the end, but the only thing to be careful is if this is really true. The desperate attempt to escape, can you stop it.

"You want to accept me, but I don't know that your ancestors used to want to accept me. The result was that I swallowed it. I don't know how many heads of your human ancestors, um... and the Mozu and Protoss are the same. It’s also my food.” Poorly screaming loudly, “Even in mythology, you haven’t been able to kill me. Now you are too insignificant compared to those in mythology. With yours, can you kill me? But... I want to swallow your head, so delicious food, I have not tasted for thousands of years."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That depends on whether you have the ability, on!"

Xiao Bing flew up directly in the volley, and the chasing soul in his hand smashed out, and his mouth screamed like a big cockroach. When he raised his hand, he smashed the past. Xiao Bing used all his strength. He only felt that time and space were almost To tear, the blue veins on the arms are protruding, and the mouth is shouting: "Give me down!"

Xiao Bing wants to give it to the sky, it is more convenient for everyone to group, and the role of wings is reduced. This strange power will be greatly reduced.

The strange voice snorted: "Not self-reliant!"

The body suddenly burst into red light, and the red light wrapped it up. Xiao Bing was squatting on the red light. The poor body really fell down slowly, but it directly suffered Xiao. Eighty percent of the strength of the soldiers, otherwise it is not slowly falling down, but falling quickly.

Xiao Bing was also very surprised. This singularity broke out with such a powerful force in a flash, and then he suddenly found that he opened his mouth and had a strong sense of crisis.

Xiao Bing's hair was upright, Xiao Bing immediately flashed away quickly, and a red light burst out from the strange mouth. Although Xiao Bing was dodging fast, the speed of this light was too fast and too fast. Can be comparable to the speed of light, Xiao Bing's shoulders are still touched, and instantly disappeared a large piece of meat, bloody.

Xiao Bing’s mouth smashed, his right hand quickly pressed his left arm, temporarily slowing down the blood flow, and the strangeness suddenly stopped the momentum of falling at this time, and his mouth snorted: “Don’t think that the false **** can kill me!"

It went straight to Xiao Bing, and there was a sound like a dragon and a dragon in his mouth.

Its body just rushed to half, and suddenly turned back and turned back, but saw that Xu Mu and the Pope had already rushed to the back of it, and after it turned around, its body suddenly disappeared in place, and then the Pope was After a heavy blow, he fell to the ground and disappeared again and again. Then Xu Mu suddenly felt a dark sky. He raised his hands and supported the strange mouth. He didn’t know when he was already on the top. I opened a **** mouth and wanted to swallow Xu Mu’s head.

Xu Mu’s hands held the strange mouth, and a burst of screaming in his mouth, trying to tear the poor head, and the strange and crazy force, wanting to bite Xu Mu’s hands, Xu Mu’s whole person He quickly went down, and carried his poor mouth to fall, and then he raised his cockroaches high and slammed toward the ground.

Booming and banging, for four or five consecutive times, the singularity had to loosen Xu Mu’s hand, and the stunned and dizzy, just got up from the ground, was given a unique master.

The caduceus of the drunk gyro is the fastest one. When the head slams down, the eyes of the drunk gyro are rounded, but his scepter has not been able to break the red light on the surface of the body, and then his huge body. Directly flew out, and the Zen rod fell heavily on the ground.

The six fingers have a yellow light, and the crutches in their hands are directly punctured into the poor eyes. They are strange and strange: "You are a Protoss? Is the Protoss teaming up with humans again?"

With a bang, the six fingers also flew out.

Then Li Chaoyang, Li Chaoyang took a shot on top of the red light, and then he felt a sigh of anger that squats on his body and swelled toward him. He had a sweet throat and forcibly swallowed blood and poured it down. Fly back.

"I am coming!" Molong calmly said, he quickly issued a knife, this knife is almost the end.

And Chen Baijian, who is next to him, said calmly, "Bai Jianshu!"

But seeing hundreds of swords that can pierce the void go straight to the end.

The knives and swords light intersect to form a force that is almost comparable to the semi-god-level power. Finally, the blood-red power of the poor body begins to be torn and cut, and at this time, a horrible red light Spit out from the strange mouth, the light is too fast and too fast, swept to Chen Baijian and Molong, Chen Baijian and Molong looked at the escape, and suddenly there was another voice: "The guardian of the angel !"

A white wall of light blocked between them and the strange, and when the power of red hit the guardian of the angel, the wall trembled fiercely, but it eventually blocked the horrible light. , Molong and Chen Baijian turned their heads

The Pope, who was a long-song tone, looked up and nodded and said, "Thank you, Mr. Pope."

The Pope said with a dignified look: "The power of this guy is definitely far beyond the gods, it is terrible."

Jianguang and the knives continually smashed the red light of the outer layer of the strange body. When you look at the thin layer, you can completely smash the red light of the mask like the human warrior. Light and Jianguang finally disappeared at this time.

It’s just a big laugh, and suddenly I found a figure that crashed before the red light had re-formed a new protective cover, and instantly broke through the last layer of thin protection, which was not reflected in the poor. At that time, I directly ran into the poor head, and the odd side fell directly to the ground.

This black shadow is naturally Xiao Bing. After Xiao Bing stopped the blood, he has been observing the fighters. He knows that these people can bring some difficulties to the poor, but it must be killing and killing, even if they are seriously injured. It’s hard to do, and the poor performance is more treacherous than he imagined. If he finally finds out that he is really slain, he will definitely run away, so he has been holding a heavy injury next to him and waiting for a fatal blow. opportunity.

Although this is not dead, but it is almost stunned, the eyes are blurred, and then the chasing soul in the hands of Xiao Bing is like a raindrop, and the painful and angry screams in the mouth. Others are now swarming at the moment, besieging the past.

Rainfalls generally fall from the beginning of various attacks, even if they are extremely defensive, but it seems to be difficult to escape under the attack of these people.

Suddenly, the poor body quickly inflated, and at the same time let Xiao Bing feel the power of horror burning in the strange body, and the ink dragon suddenly shouted: "Not quite right, he seems to be blew, We are going back!"

Everyone flocked back, and Xiao Bing was originally planning to retreat. Such a terrible force, once an explosion occurred, was naturally impossible, but everyone else must follow the funeral.

However, when Xiao Bing was about to go back with other people, Xiao Bing faintly found a fascinating color in the eyes of the poor, and he immediately refused to retreat. Directly smashed into the huge head of the poor.

He was shocked and stunned. His head was slammed, his head was black, his body was shaking, and he slammed back to the side. At the same time, his mouth kept asking: "You are not afraid of death? Not afraid of me." Will the energy in your body kill you after the explosion?"

"Not afraid!" Xiao Bing's eyes looked unusually calm, while his eyes became wise and deep, and he said in a word, "Because my eyes have seen you, you will not commit suicide, you are not that. a beast that will commit suicide!"

The terrible force that burned in the body began to dissipate. It smashed and bruises on the body, with knife wounds, sword wounds, and other injuries. Although it was basically just some skin injuries, it also knew that it was today. I am afraid I can't please it, so I have a retreat in my heart, but after he has retired in his heart, he did not leave immediately, but the horrible breath continued to rise, and his mouth gathered more horrible red light, blood. The basin was directed at Xiao Bing.

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