Super Soldier

Chapter 2216: Buddha son came out (three more)

Poor seems to be desperate, but in fact Xiao Bing knows that the odds are going to escape, but knowing that it is too horrible to burst out of the energy of this big move, if it is not careful, I am afraid that I am not dead or disabled.

Xiao Bing quickly retreated backwards, the power of terror was ejected from the mouth of the strange, and Xiao Bing also retreated to the back of the angel's guard. The power of terror struck on the white wall, and the wall trembled fiercely. As soon as the Pope's face began to pale, when the horrible power was completely dissipated, the Pope wowed a spurt of blood and the wall disappeared.

Just two times, the two strange attacks broke the Pope’s ban. Of course, the singularity is certainly not good. At this time, it has already flew high and flew straight away. The breath is slightly weaker than before.

Xiao Bing sighed and looked at the Pope and said: "The Pope will rest here first, and others will chase with me!"

"No, I am together!" After the Pope finished, the first one took the lead and chased the past. Xiao Bing and others rushed to catch up. At this time, their speed was surprised. The Pope was the first. Chasing up, but Xiao Bing quickly flew to the front of everyone, Molong and Chen Baijian's speed is second only to Xiao Bing, followed by the Pope after the injury, and then the rest.

Poorly flying in the sky, Xiao Bing and others are chasing all the way on the ground, seeing that they are not able to get rid of Xiao Bing, they are angry and roaring: "Damn humans, chase down, I want you to be today. All died here!"

Xiao Bingfeng rushed to run on the land, haha ​​laughed: "Poor, you don't talk big, what about the four great beasts of mythology, it seems that your strength is not good, we are chased by these people Always running!"

He was very angry and said: "Damn, don't think that the realm of pseudo-god can help me. Even if you guys add up, if I want, I can fight with you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Why do you want to escape? Oh, because you are more afraid of death than us! Don't admit it, I know that it is not easy for us to kill you, maybe it will be worthy of your life, but you I am not sure to protect my life. You have been shrinking for thousands of years, have been hiding for thousands of years, and have been hiding, so you are more afraid of death than any of us, even if it is only one percent of the possibility, you also Not willing to be buried here."

Although Xiao Bing’s mouth kept talking, but his feet were full of enthusiasm, there was no pause.

Xiao Bing saw the strange and did not speak, and asked aloud: "Now why don't you continue to use your big move? Your big move is really amazing, I think if I am dodging, even if it is Release my cover, I am afraid I will be seriously injured."

Poor or not talking, is always flying forward, Xiao Bing and others rushing over the rolling mountains, the speed is invisibly slower than the odd, although Xiao Bing can also fly However, after all, it is different from the strange beast that has its wings.

Gradually, except for Xiao Bing, other people began to open some distances. Xiao Bing was able to keep up, and the nearest Chen Baijian and Molong were gradually falling nearly 100 meters away from Xiao Bing. .

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh, I understand, the big move you used is definitely an extremely prohibitive ban. I am afraid that after using it twice, you have already consumed more than half of it. Once again, it is estimated that only Can you kill anyone, I am right?"

Poorly looked down and shouted loudly: "Damn man, close your mouth!"

After that, the strange Qi suddenly turned a corner and flew in the other direction. Xiao Bing’s brow wrinkled slightly. If he flew for more than ten minutes, the front seemed to be a forest. Once there, it was poor. The best time to get rid of these people, you must not give it this opportunity!

Xiao Bing closed his eyes slightly, and the blood of the Mozu and Protoss in the body burned at the same time. In addition, the terrible power in the depths of Dantian began to extract a part. At this time, I went to see Xiao Bing. His whole person seemed to be a luminous energy body, and then he slammed it from the ground, and the speed was so fast that he went straight to the singularity.

I didn’t expect that Xiao Bing’s speed would have reached this point in a flash, and I was scared and screamed. It broke out of my own limit speed and rushed forward. At this moment, Xiao Bing brought it a kind of Very uneasy feeling.

One of Xiao Bing’s eyes is blood red, one eye is golden, and his eyes are staring at the strangeness in front. The speed is so incredible that he gradually begins to gradually narrow the distance between him and the poor.

At the same time, Molong and others were directly opened. Chen Baijian exclaimed: "The speed of Vice Minister Xiao..."

Molong said with emotion: "The current realm of the doorkeeper should be regarded as the first person below the **** level."

Chen Baijian sighed: "The strength of Vice Minister Xiao is really leading. I am more and more... I am afraid I will not be able to catch up in my life."

In the heart of the ink dragon, the rest of us are not so. We can only continue to chase the doorsteps in the back, and it is still getting farther and farther.

The speed of Xiao Bing gradually approached the strangeness. One person and one beast had already flown above the woods, and the distance between Xiao Bing and the singularity had approached to only a distance of more than ten meters. Suddenly Another figure flew up from the woods. This figure bears his hands, and the black robes hunted with the wind, and they rose directly from the ground. The blink of an eye was blocked in front of the strange.

Xiao Bing Shen Sheng: "Fozi son!"

The Buddha son still came, but he saw that the Buddha son was carrying his hands, so he stood casually in the sky, blocking in front of the strange, and then a pair of eyes that were also evil and evil, looked like a red, red, The tone of the understatement: "You are the one of the four legendary four beasts?"

The poor man was looked at by the Buddha, only to feel his inexplicable uneasiness and panic, just like when he had faced the feeling of the king in the mythology, when he escaped, he still feels awkward. .

The snarl of uneasiness said: "Who are you?"

The Buddha’s son said faintly: "Your master!"

"My master?" The singularity was completely irritated. Even in the age of mythology, no one had ever said it to him. Who is it? It is the four great beasts of the mythological era, but today he was chased by a group of young people, and even the guy who suddenly appeared in front of his eyes claimed to be his master. ”

I was so angry and angry that "The **** arrogant guy, even in the mythological era, I am also a great presence, you dare to humiliate me!"

“No.” said the Buddha’s tone calmly. “You are just a loser in the mythology. Although you have killed countless people, you have never been the real leader of the monsters, even after the dawn of the dragon era. The greatest living being is forced to swindle, and this is the lucky thing to live to today. So you are only a loser in the mythology, a weak person who has been dying."

A strange pair of big eyes dripping around, sneaked around, and the Buddha’s son angered it, but did not let it lose his mind. Just as Xiao Bing said before, it lived for thousands of years, and this It has also made it more cautious to do things for thousands of years, and it is even more afraid of death.

Poor and very awkward, it rarely encounters opponents even in the mythological era, but in the human world, it thinks that the martial arts has fallen, so it began to emerge and endured for thousands of years. It finally couldn't help but start to swallow humans. It has not had such a full meal for thousands of years. It has been trembled all the time, and now it can no longer stop after releasing the food.

It was thought that no one could make it, but did not think that it was only a few days before, the human powerhouse actually came to the door, even if the previous Xiao Bing and others only brought it a little threat, and The masked human in front of him gave it a sense of panic and panic.

The Buddha’s sorrow for one of the four great beasts in front of him is completely invisible. He looked at Xiao Bing and said, “Xiao Bing, go back, this is a wonderful thing for me.”

"How is this possible?" Xiao Bing smiled faintly. "If you want to kill it, I won't stop, but I have to watch it die."

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “I won’t kill it, but I have to take it away.”

Xiao Bing Shen Sheng: "Buddha son, don't you know how many humans it has eaten? In these few days, several villages have been slaughtered by it, and hundreds of people have died in its mouth. Underneath. Even in the case we don’t know, for thousands of years, I don’t know how many human beings have been secretly eaten by it. In the era of mythology, it is only arbitrarily raging, only more!"

The Buddha asked: "Are you finished? How about that?"

"How about that?" Xiao Bing's eyes were cold, saying, "That is only death, only one death can make up for countless souls."

Buddha's son smiled faintly: "You are wrong, like a pet that is so interesting, it means nothing will die, I will leave it with it, and I will be its owner from then on."

Xiao Bing asked: "Have you ever caught a lot of the same monsters?"

"Yes, but the basics are too weak, not interesting."

Xiao Bing said: "If it ran away, it would be a human disaster!"

"It can't run, let alone..." The Buddha's son smiled softly, and the casual attitude immediately angered Xiao Bing. "Human disasters have nothing to do with me."


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