Super Soldier

Chapter 2236: Awards Ceremony (three more)

A group of makeup artists and stylists were busy around the dressing table. Bi Tingting sat in front of the dressing table. Xu Ting had nothing to do next to him. She carefully walked to Xiao Bing and said: "Secretary Xiao, say something later. Does it affect you?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What is the impact? Hurry up and sit down, just that I don't mean anything."

Xu Ting sat down next to him and saw Xiao Bing’s good speech. Immediately, the tension was relieved a lot. He laughed: "Mr. Xiao, you have more contact than on TV."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "I look very difficult to touch on TV?"

"Well... ah, it's not right." Xu Ting hurriedly waved his hand and said, "It's not that you have a hard time touching it. I feel that the feeling of giving people on TV is not so real in reality."

"Well, that's for sure. Actually, most people don't see the same when watching Tingting on TV."

"That is also true." Xu Ting complained, "This Bi Tingting, I lost her as a good sister, Xiao Jun and you are a person, she actually did not tell me."

Bi Tingting, who was sitting there in the mirror, smiled and said: "Well, okay, Xu Ting, you should not complain, I know the wrong, I take time to invite you to dinner, apologize with the wine?"

"Hey, this is almost the same." Xu Ting looked at Xiao Bing and smiled. "Deputy Minister Xiao, how long have you been with Xu Ting? Shouldn't it be two days a day?"

"Well... this time can be long, for years."

"Wow, how long has it been?" Xu Ting asked excitedly. "How do you know that?"

"A lot of years ago, I met her when I was on the mission."

"Oh, it sounds simple, but there should be a lot of romance in it. Saying, Vice Minister Xiao, I am really serving you. You said that you have so many daughter-in-laws, each one is a national fragrance, now it is Even our family Tingting has won, and we are the first beauty of the Chinese entertainment circle."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Actually, she took me down."

Xiao Bing lowered his voice and said: "You don't know how crazy she was when I chased me..."

Bi Tingting had no way to move there, but the ear was a good thing. After listening to it, I immediately gnashed my teeth: "Xiao Bing!"

"Haha, joking, joking." Xiao Bing said with a smile, "We are the equivalent of two emotions."

"Well, Vice Minister Xiao, you said how powerful you are, I see you can fly to the sky, how much is the world like you?"

"There are a lot more, but compared with the number of ordinary people, there are not so many. As you said, there are not many people who can fly."

"Oh, then you are so powerful, it is more powerful than Batman on TV."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Batman is a Hollywood movie, there is no comparability, but if you want to learn Kung Fu, I can teach you a few simple tricks, which is equivalent to women's self-defense."

"Really? That's great, Vice Minister Xiao, I will trouble you to teach me a few tricks."

Xiao Bing immediately gave Xu Ting a few tricks, which was ordinary fighting techniques, but was simplified by Xiao Bing, and ordinary people could learn. Xu Ting quickly mastered the essentials, and then repeated actions alongside, one face. Excitement.

Xiao Bing began to sit on the bed and play with his mobile phone. Into the group, he reminded Xiaofu to look at the awards ceremony today, and then watched the news without any boring, and the film starring himself continued to create new world records.

An hour later, Bi Tingting stood up. At this time, she wore a golden tight-fitting dress, which looked **** and noble. With a delicate makeup on her face, Xiao Bing stayed for a while, and Xu Ting stole it. Stolen.

Bi Tingting said: "Dr. Xiao, let's go together, let's walk the red carpet together."

"Okay." Xiao Bing stood up and walked over to hold Bi Tingting's arm. The two men walked out of the room together, and everyone else followed. After the hotel, a lot of fans gathered around, but they were all Bi Tingting. The bodyguard stopped, Bi Tingting waved with a smile and then waved into the car and headed for the party.

When I got out of the car and walked into the hall, the receptionist immediately greeted me and said, "Mr. Xiao, Miss Bi Tingting, let's go to the red carpet first."

"it is good!"

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting took their arms and appeared on the red carpet. They then walked toward the inside. The host in front was reporting live. After seeing Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting, she immediately explained in a fluent English: "Now, like us, the stars from China, Bi Tingting and Xiao Bing, the "Xiao Bing Chuan" starring them is a film based on reality. After the film was released, it has been a record. It is already the world. The first in the history of the film, and starring Xiao Bing is the prototype of the male protagonist of the film. He personally plays his own prototype, and the acting has been highly recognized by the whole industry. It is a strong contender for this evening's award, and the female starring Bi Tingting is now It is also a hot filmmaker and is also known as the first beauty in China."

Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting walked over and waved to the screaming fans on both sides. When they walked to the front of the owner, the two stopped and waved to the four sides, then looked at the host.

The beautiful country's famous female host handed the microphone over and said with a smile: "Mr. Xiao, may you be so sensational in the first movie in Hollywood, creating such a big miracle, what are you going to do next?"

Xiao Bing said to the microphone: "This film tells a small piece of my life. I didn't expect it to have such a big sensation and success. I sincerely thank you. In addition, the success of this film. Can't leave the whole team, can't do without our director and all the actors and lighting, art, etc... Thank you very much. As for myself, I think it is trivial, and I am not ready to stay in Hollywood, everyone I know that I am actually a soldier. Well, although I am now a deputy minister of China, I still think that I am a soldier."

The hostess was surprised: "God, such a good opportunity, Mr. Xiao gave up like this. For you, the soldiers are higher than the actors, are you?"

"No, I respect the actor's career, but each of us must have our own position. We must know what we should do. I think the country needs me to protect the country. This is what I should do, and the actor. Just hand it over to the beautiful lady next to me."

The host smiled and said: "Miss Bi Tingting, this does not seem to be the first time you have cooperated with Mr. Xiao Bing. How do you feel about this?"

Bi Tingting said: "Xiao Xiaoge is a genius in acting, and everyone must have seen it. Hey, it is a good thing that he does not enter this circle, otherwise I will have no food."

The people in front of the TV began to laugh when they heard this.

The host said: "I have been watching some recent reports about you. I said that your boyfriend was called Xiao Jun a few days ago. Today, there are reports that you are in love with Mr. Xiao Bing. I don't know if it is true or hype. what?"

Bi Tingting smiled and said: "I will give you a reply this evening."

This sentence directly evokes the appetite of all people. The host immediately realized that there is something big to happen tonight. Everyone is excited about it, and even everyone in front of the TV is starting to get more and more. I am looking forward to it. Some people who were not watching the live broadcast have turned on the TV or the computer after hearing about it. They are ready to watch this feast about Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting, even for most people. The biggest point of view of this award ceremony is whether Bi Tingting is the girlfriend of Xiao Bing.

One is to enter the Hollywood summer in China, one is the Deputy Minister of the Ministry of National Security, the two most popular characters in China, is it really a relationship between men and women?

Soon Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting’s interview was over. Two people walked into the venue together, and then sat down in the first row with their name. Xiao Bing’s side was directed by Coppola, and Bi Ting’s position next to it was Linda.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mr. Coppola, congratulations to you in advance tonight, the best director award is definitely not yours."

Coppola smiled and said: "I am now a retired person. This may be my work of closing the mountain. It is good to win the prize, but it is more important than the young people."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "In fact, I don't need it. I will not develop in the entertainment industry in the future."

Coppola said: "Do you really have no plan in the future? According to your acting and talent, if you are not in Hollywood, it is a pity."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Do you think the people need a deputy minister, or do you need a Hollywood star Xiao Bing?"

Coppola sighed: "You are right, the country and the people may need you to maintain security. This is indeed more important."

Xiao Bing said: "Yes, so this award is affirmation for me, but if it is not available, there is nothing."

Coppola said: "Do not worry, I think you still have hope."

"Also possible." Xiao Bingxin knows that Coppola is actually comforting himself. He is a newcomer. From this perspective, the chance of getting the best actor tonight is not too big.

In some cases, movies that are not necessarily box-high will definitely win all the awards. In many cases, the awards are not selected according to the box office.

Soon, all the film and television characters came in, and the host also went to the stage. There were two hosts, one male and one female, and the female host smiled and said: "Gentlemen, ladies, good evening everyone. !"

The following applause, Xiao Bing also symbolically applauded, and after the camera was aligned with the two hosts, the camera was specially given to Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting. The audience in front of the TV all became nervous and looked forward to it. stand up.

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