Super Soldier

Chapter 2237: Marriage proposal at the award ceremony (four more)

“We were the first to present the best documentary of the year...”

The awards show began, with some song and dance performances interspersed, and the awards were awarded one by one, but most of the awards were awarded at the end.

Seeing that time has passed, more than half of the time, an old artist who came to the stage as an awarding guest, holding a list in his hand, said: "The following is the best director award. Let's take a look at the big screen. ""

Immediately after the big screen began to appear: "The directors who won the Best Director Award this year have the director of "The Little Ghost" Ayre, the director of "Don't War", and the director of "Xiao Bingchuan" Coppola."

The following applause.

At this time, the award-winning guests looked at the list in their hands and smiled and said: "This year's awards guests are all heavyweights. Aier is a new director. Every movie has a good box office. The director's war trilogy is even more epoch-making, and the director of "Xiao Bing Chuan", Mr. Coppola, has been closing the mountain for a long time. This is a movie made by an exception. After the film is released, it sweeps the list. I am afraid that no one can break in the future. So who is the best director?"

"Well, let's reveal it. He is..." Xiao Bing Chuan, Coppola. I have Mr. Coppola on stage to receive the award!"

Everyone has stood up and applauded at this time. Coppola is highly respected in Hollywood. It is also true that he won this award.

Coppola calmly walked to the stage and took the trophy to the past. Then he said to the microphone: "First of all, I can film this movie. I want to thank Mr. Xiao Bing. He is the vice minister of China. I was so willing to come over personally as the starring act. I was very touched. I originally considered the thorough closure of the mountain. This movie may also be my work of closing the mountain. It is too old to be photographed. Ha ha……."

All the people below are quietly watching Coppola, and the heart is full of emotion.

Coppola continued: "The work of Feng Shan is this movie. I am satisfied. I know that this movie has created a lot of box office records and made a lot of money, haha... but for me this movie is the biggest. The charm is not the box office, but the film itself. The film has brought us a lot of thinking, what is justice, what is evil, so that the broad masses of the people can rejoin together, this is the charm of the film. Finally, I am very grateful to be able to give this old man this trophy, thank you!"

All the people stood up again and applauded. Coppola walked down with the trophy and sat down again.

The host said with emotion: "If Mr. Coppola really wants to completely withdraw from the film and television circle, this mountain closure will become a legend. We will once again be able to film "The Godfather" and "Xiao". The great director of the "Biography" is applauded!"

Applause is like thunder.

Coppola wiped his eyes quietly, and Xiao Bing was very touched. He used to like Coppola in particular. He didn't expect to have a chance to let Coppola shoot a movie about himself and watch the subject. Paula retired.

Then several awards were awarded. What makes Xiao Bing a bit surprised is that Bi Tingting got the best newcomer award, but it is understandable to think about it. Coppola is indeed a short time to come to Hollywood, although most The Jiaxinren Award is weaker than the Best Actress Award, but it is also a Hollywood award, and the gold content is also very high.

Linda relied on "Xiao Bing Chuan" to win the best supporting actress. She is the female No. 2 character in "Xiao Bing Chuan". Although the drama is also very heavy, it is normal to say that the supporting role is normal.

Soon after, it was the turn of Xiao Bing. The beautiful Linda went to the stage as an awarding guest. She smiled and glamourly conquered all the audience on the scene. She smiled and said: "I think everyone knows, most The important awards are coming soon. Our best actor award of the year, who will this award be awarded to? Well, let me sell the first one. Let’s first look at who the candidates are.”

The picture and sound began to appear on the big screen: "Xiao Bingchuan" male lead Xiao Bing..."

A total of four candidates, this is beyond the expectations of everyone, it is reasonable to say that since Bi Tingting is the best newcomer, then Xiao Bing should also be the best newcomer actor, the result turned out to be the best actor. Candidates for the grand prize, but everyone also feels that Xiao Bing is also a real name, so everyone began to applaud enthusiastically.

Bi Tingting whispered on the side: "In fact, it is a good thing to put me in the best newcomer. If it is the best actress, I am afraid I will be defeated this year."

Xiao Bing nodded, and he had to admit that he had no advantage in the best actress. This year, the selected ones are the most popular, and the acting skills may be better than Bi Tingting. It’s totally different to continue to hone in Hollywood for two years.

After the candidate’s name was finished, Linda smiled and said: “Oh, who should this grand prize be this year? To be honest, according to the truth, I should be the most inclined to Mr. Rohr and Mr. Xiao Bing. Because their films are all played by me, even if I let me choose, I am more inclined to Rohr, who let Xiao Bing hold in the movie."

Everyone sent a good smile, and Rohr was also a partner with Linda in his movie. Linda was the female starring actress.

Linda said: "But, in this movie of Mr. Xiao Bing, I am a positive image. I am a bad person in Mr. Rohr's movie. Oh, in this respect, I hope Xiao Bing can win the prize. It is."

Everyone laughed again.

"Well, I take a closer look at the name on this list. Wow, I know that I know, this person who won the prize is very bad, you guess."

"Right, I almost forgot. These four candidates are very great. How can I guess this? Let me say it. This year's best actor award winner is Xiao Bing from afar. !!"

The whole audience applauded and even cheered. It can be seen how strong Xiaobing’s popularity is now. Most people don’t think that Xiao Bing can get this award, not because of acting, mainly because Xiao Bing is a newcomer. Usually, few newcomers can get such a big prize directly, but Xiao Bing’s acting skills are also recognized by everyone. Therefore, seeing Xiao Bing’s award, although it is a little unexpected, no one will feel any objection.

After Xiao Bing stood up, he smiled and went to the stage. He took the trophy from Linda's hand and then smelled it on the trophy. Then he said with emotion: "I will go back to the trophy, oh, oh, You all guessed wrong. This award is very important to me, but there is a special meaning. This is the trophy that Miss Linda has touched."

Everyone laughed at once, and Linda also giggled and looked more attractive.

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "This time I can work with Miss Linda. Well, I feel particularly happy, especially the passionate play."

Here is another laugh.

Linda suddenly said next to her: "Bi Tingting is below!"

This has caused many people to start swearing, and at the same time, the heart is more curious. Is Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting really the kind of relationship?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Ha ha ha, that's right, thank you, thank you Linda for presenting this award to the awarding guests, thank you Miss Bi Tingting and me for playing the show, thank you to everyone in the crew, it is because of you, So this movie will be a great success. Most of you have no chance to stand here, but you should get no less praise than me. Finally, I am more grateful to Director Coppola..."

"Just the director Coppola said that when he won the award, thank you for being able to come out to shoot this movie in person. Wrong, thank you for the director of Coppola. Director Coppola has retired and is willing to shoot one. The Ministry is about my film, and I also invited me... This is my privilege, because it has already been a fan of Mr. Coppola, and I can work with Mr. Coppola. It is also a dream for me. ""

"In addition, in addition to this testimonial about the award, I have prepared another testimonial today."

Everyone in front of the scene and the TV has become highly concentrated.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The same is also a thank you, thank you Miss Bi Tingting for understanding my work, thank you Miss Bi Tingting for being able to live in the entertainment circle, and still give up on me, thank you Miss Bi Tingting for these years. Silently enduring the taste that often can't be met..."

All the people are in a state of utter disappointment. So, is it not that two people have come together?

Xiao Bing said: "I actually have a plan today. This plan is in my arms."

Xiao Bing took out a small box from his pocket. After opening it, there was a shiny diamond ring inside. Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is a 24 carat diamond ring, which means that my heart for you is twenty-four hours forever. Unchanging, Miss Bi Tingting, you are more shining in my eyes than this diamond ring, even more dazzling than the bright moon and the sun in the sky, I am afraid of loneliness, afraid of the night, I want to be forever and ever Stay with you, let you illuminate me, let me protect you."

Xiao Bing slowly slammed on one knee: "Would you like to marry me? Be my wife of Xiao Bing! Always behold, never give up!"

All the people in the audience stood up, all eyes fell on Bi Tingting's body, Bi Tingting did not think that Xiao Bing was actually preparing to propose, completely out of her expectations, she wiped the tears, moved the tears, also stood. Up, suddenly madly ran to Xiao Bing, regardless of any image, at this time any image in front of her is nothing but shit!

"I am willing, I am willing!!"

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