Super Soldier

Chapter 2243: Fear of chasing souls? (two more)

Xiao Bing rushed to the past, until now Xiao Bing did not use his own soul chasing stick, mainly because the chasing soul stick is good at mental attack, the most important point of mental attack is unexpected, so Xiao Bing does not want to use it too early.

His eyes were filled with blood red and golden light, and his body was soaring to the extreme. Even the power of horror almost tore the air around his body, forming a whirlwind of terror.

The abbot of Zhiming saw this scene, and his heart was faintly surprised. Such a force might have surpassed the ordinary pseudo-god category. Is this the combination of the blood of the Protoss and the Mozu?

"Drink!" At the same time that Xiao Bing punched out, the air seemed to have been hit by a black hole, and the fist instantly reached the head of the cracked sky.

The cracked sky opened his mouth directly, and a black force spurted out, hitting Xiao Bing's fist, and banging, Xiao Bing flew backwards by the force of terror.

Immediately after the tail of the cracked sky, it was directly drawn to the Zhiming abbot who also rushed to himself. The abbot of Zhiming erected the Zen stick and blocked the huge tail. The whole person was slipped out by this force.

"Go again!" Xiao Bing and Zhiming abbot once again rushed up. The two men fought together, the space collapsed, the ground trembled, and gradually, the clothes on Xiao Bing were broken, and the awkwardness of Zhiming’s abbot was broken. There were some scars on the cracked skin, but these scars were all insignificant. For him, the injury was too light and too light.

The head of the cracked sky was lowered, and the big eyes of the lantern looked at Xiao Bing with curiosity. He said: "After the combination of the Protoss and the Mozu, the toughness of the body will be so terrible? Even in the mythological era, except for the Yaozu. I have never seen anyone who will have your physical toughness before entering the gods."

Xiao Bing gasped slightly, rubbing the sweat on his head and sneered: "That is rare for you, so I said that the era that belongs to you is over, big reptile!"

The eyes of the cracked sky shone with anger, loudly: "The reptile? Next in the hands of my reptile, you must not die, be careful to evaporate!"

The cracked sky suddenly opened his mouth, and it was very big. A huge black energy ball was ejected from its mouth. The abbot of Zhiming exclaimed: "Hurry up to stop it!"

Xiao Bing and Zhi Ming abbot rushed up at the same time, but this time the split sky is in the blink of an eye. I don’t know how many meters, the energy ball expands rapidly in its mouth, and then it is directly directed by the energy ball to Xiao. Bing and Zhiming abbot sprayed the past.

Xiao Bing looked at such a huge energy ball, could not help but be a bit stunned, Zhiming abbot was also a little helpless, he quickly lifted the Zen stick, a mask blocked in front of him and Xiao Bing, the result was just black with the mask When the energy ball touched, the horrible explosion sounded, the mask quickly melted away, and everything around it evaporated instantly, and the horrible energy was stopped before it reached the kilometer.

"Ha ha ha ... ha ha ha ha ha ha ...." cracked the sky crazy laughed, shouted loudly: "the world, it is time to turn to the demon to conquer!"

The dust has not yet dissipated, but the body of the cracked sky can't help but stiffen. He even heard the voice of Buddha, the most screaming voice that he hated for many years.

When the dust dissipated, he saw that the Zhiming abbot was sitting on the ground with his knees at this time. Xiao Bing was blocked behind him. A huge golden Buddha shrouded the Zhiming abbot. The Buddha’s golden body would have just been the overbearing The power to destroy everything is blocked.

The golden body slowly dissipated, and the Zhiming abbot wowed out a blood, his face paled, and some of them panted back and looked at Xiao Bing, saying: "Xiao Shizhu, you are leaving, my Buddha golden body can only block Live it once, if it is used for the second time, we can't stop anyone."

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "Master Abbot, how can I leave you here? You should rest a little here first. All the time will be given to me. Let me teach you this big reptile. ""

At the moment, there were countless Buddha voices. The sorghums of Shaolin Temple collectively screamed at the top. The Buddha light of the single channel was poured through the ground. The momentum of the cracked sky became weaker. The face of Zhiming’s abbot was I saw a few points, but Xiao Bing saw it in my eyes, but I also know that it is impossible for Zhiming’s abbot to continue fighting today, and this split sky is obviously a force that has been accumulated for a long time, even if he has the opportunity to leave with the Zhiming Abbot. Without the wisdom of the abbot, it is difficult to continue to suppress the cracks here with the power of the god-level monument.

Seeing that the breath of the cracked sky is weaker, the power of the god-level monument is constraining the cracking of the sky, and the Dharma is also letting the cracked sky become weak. Such an opportunity, Xiao Bing naturally has to grasp it, and suddenly the Xiaobing’s eyes are lost. The figure, its tail glimpsed, the next second Xiao Bing had already punched his head on his head, slamming, the cracked sky before the fall, the tail was also drawn on the back of Xiao Bing One person and one demon are equivalent to being hit each other at the same time.

Xiao Bing’s body swelled in blood, forcibly swallowed a bloodful blood, and saw that the cracked sky had re-stabilized his body shape. Xiao Bing rushed up again, squatting, squatting, and two consecutive heavy blows. The sky fell again, and Xiao Bing flew out again.

The reason why the Yaozu and the Terran are stronger is because the body of the monsters is far more tough than humans. However, in this respect, Xiao Bing does not dare to say that he can be compared with the cracks, but it is infinitely close. Heaven, at least for the cracked sky, Xiao Bing is the only one that makes it feel that it is not easy to kill.

In the blink of an eye, one person and one monster have already played hundreds of rounds. The cracked sky is dizzy, and the heart has already felt a little uneasy feeling, but Xiao Bing is even worse. At this time, Xiao Bing looks like this. It has been weak, and there are scars everywhere. Even his chest is scratched by the barbs on his tail. It is almost deep and dirty. It looks shocking. I am afraid that other people will not be able to live.

The cracked sky looked at Xiao Bing, although it was also bruised and bruised, and the breath became weaker, but it was not fatal. Looking at the blood flowing by Xiao Bing, its eyes showed a greedy color.

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you want to eat me?"

"This demon wants to eat you!" said the split sky. "The demon is well-informed and has never seen a delicious existence like you. If you can eat it..."

Xiao Bing sneered: "Then you will try it."

The cracked open mouth, directly rushed up, Xiao Bing is at this moment, the eyes burst into a ray of light, the brain of the cracked sky moved a tingling, and then found that Xiao Bing has disappeared again, the next second, Xiao Bing appeared beside him, his palms patted the past, and this time he saw a black lacquered stick that fell directly into his palm.

The horrible spiritual power instantly entered his body, and the cracking day made a painful embarrassment. He hurried back and fled, and then once again discovered that Xiao Bing rushed over, it suddenly snorted: "You stop!"

Xiao Bing stopped a little and looked at the cracked sky and asked: "You ask for mercy?"

"This demon will lose to you? Just if you sneak attack, it is really a serious injury to my spiritual world, but I am afraid it is not easy to win."

Xiao Bing also had to admit that this split sky is now scarred, but obviously still dominates.

The eyes of the cracked sky fell on the chasing stick. The big eyes of the lantern showed a deep awe, and the trembling asked: "Where did you get this weapon?"

"You are asking for a soul-hunting stick?" Xiao Bing is somewhat curious as to why he is so afraid of chasing souls. Although it is a powerful artifact, but the powerful artifacts must be seen in who's hands. Adding a chasing stick to yourself should be able to continue with the cracks for a while, but it should not be enough to make the cracks so fearful.

"Yes, where did you come from!"

"I was robbed from the hands of the demon masters in the devil world. The demon master has been killed by me..."

"The devil master?" screamed in disdain and then said, "But this weapon is very compatible with you."

"That is natural, what do you want to say?"

After a split of words, I finally said disdainfully: "You can leave, I will not kill you."

"You don't kill me?" Xiao Bing smiled. "You don't kill me, but I still want to kill you!"

In the eyes of the cracked sky, there was anger, but then when I saw the chasing soul, my eyes showed a sense of fear. Some of them said uneasy: "You two can leave, you are not the opponent of the demon." If you are obsessed with it, you will only die in my hands."

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Xiao Shizhu, you should leave first, leave me here and deal with it. Now the first layer of enchantment has been broken. If you don't kill him today, it will break the second enchantment in two years. At that time, the world will face a new storm."

Xiao Bing said: "Master, you stay here, how can I sneak into it and steal it? It’s a big deal to fight with him."

"I don't know the dead guys!" The cracked sky was a little angry, but the surprising one did not start, but hesitated and said, "It's not as good as the two little guys sitting down, we can talk about the conditions."

Xiao Bing looked at the cracked sky and did not dare to slack off. He was full of caution: "I am standing and talking to you. You know the chasing stick in my hand? I see you seem to be afraid of it!"

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