Super Soldier

Chapter 2244: Sleeping for a hundred years (three more)

Hesitated for a moment and asked: "Do you know what is in your hand?"

Xiao Bing waved twice and said: "It’s a chasing soul. Now I have a spirit of chasing souls. I have a good understanding of each other, but it seems to have lost many memories of the past. I don’t remember who I am. Do you know the origins of it?"

The cracked sky took a deep breath and said: "No wonder you don't know, it is actually treated as an ordinary artifact. I tell you that its level should be in the artifact."

Xiao Bing’s pupil contracted slightly and asked: “What is the level of artifact? And you have been locked up here for thousands of years. Has it existed thousands of years ago?”

The sky is cold and cold: "This demon can't tell you, let's talk about it."

Xiao Bing said: "Well, what are you talking about?"

Splitting the sky said: "I have also been seriously injured in this battle. Although it is not fatal, I have to sleep for a while. Let's talk about it, you two little guys leave, I am here to sleep, sleep for a hundred years. If you don't wake up in a hundred years, how do you feel?"

Xiao Bing’s heart began to work. If it can really sleep for a hundred years, this time it’s not worth killing it. It’s definitely worth it. At least it will not pose a threat to human beings within a hundred years. I left here, and after a hundred years, my realm has already broken through the **** level. Even if I have not broken through the **** level, there will definitely be a new god-level powerhouse. At that time, I can naturally defeat this talented demon. beast.

There are some impatient words in the cracking day: "Is it OK? You two young guys are now so heavy, continue to fight, absolutely you will die, and the demon will also sleep after serious injury, the demon will kill you two The little guys are not very interested, saying no, no!"

"Okay." Xiao Bing said, "Just how can I believe in you? You know, if we leave here, once you save your strength and once again impact the enchantment, I am afraid that stopping you is not that simple, plus We may also leave the mountain to do something, and we can't rest assured to leave you here."

"Hey, the reputation of our monsters is far more important than your other races, not to mention sleeping for a hundred years for humans or protoss, demons may be a lifetime or a half-life, but for our monsters, it is only It’s just a sleep, it’s not a loss, and my body naturally recovers completely.”

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I still can't believe it. If you really can't make me believe it, we can only fight you and die with you today. If we are not your opponent, try it."

"Damn!" The sky was angry and said, "You are almost dying now, and dare to say that you can fight with me?"

Xiao Bing calmly looked at the cracked sky. He was betting that he had become nervous and nervous since he saw the chasing soul in his hand. He even couldn’t hide his fear. He was betting that this crack will surely be soft.

Sure enough, Xiao Bing won, and the screaming annoyed, then the black Nedan flew out of its body. Nei Dan floated on top of it. It said loudly: "I made a contract with the demon god, a hundred years. Within this, if you are sleeping, if no human beings are counted on me, you should not wake up within a hundred years, or you will immediately drop the thunder, and the smoke will not die."

When the sky was talking, the air trembled faintly, and then a ray of light descended from the sky and landed directly in the demon, and then the demon dan re-fly back into the body of the cracked sky.

Looking at Xiao Bing, he asked: "Is this time going to the head office?"

The eyes of Zhiming’s abbot showed a bit of confusion. Xiao Bing was relieved. He turned his head and looked at the abbot of Zhiming. He said: “Master of the abbot, this is the soul contract of the Yaozu. The light that has just come down from the sky is called the demon. The spiritual spell is a curse of the soul that they themselves impose on themselves. If it violates the contract, the curse will take effect, and then its demon will explode immediately. From then on, the smog will be destroyed, and the gods of Dalu will not be able to save it."

The abbot of Zhiming was surprised: "So, it must be a hundred years of sleep, can't it be violated?"

"Yes." Xiao Bing said, "But it also said that if no one counts it, it should not wake up within a hundred years. If someone concedes it, its curse is naturally invalid, it does not need to fulfill any promise. It is."

At this time, I saw a sudden bang, my body slammed into the ground, and my eyelids gradually could not be lifted. Before I fell asleep, it asked, "How do you know this?"

Xiao Bing said: "I saw it in the Protoss library. You can rest assured that since you are willing to fulfill your promise, we will naturally leave and will not count on you."

The cracked sky finally closed his eyes and snorted and fell asleep.

Xiao Bing was relieved and sat down on the ground, gasping a little, and said: "Master Abbot, I need to rest for two minutes here."

The abbot master sat down and said: "Since we have promised, we will not start with it, we can't speak without trust."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is we want to start, but now it is just looking for uncomfortable. This split sky does not know what compromises because of what, otherwise, you and I are absolutely alive today and can’t get out of here. The beasts are really right and wrong. In the same way, it is also a pseudo-realistic realm. It is so powerful. Of course, this has something to do with its race and its life. It has been deposited for thousands of years, although it is also a pseudo-reality. It is already close to the realm of God, but it has not been able to take that step."

The abbot master worried: "Now there is no need to worry about it. It is only a hundred years later, once it wakes up, its injury has also recovered, and it will even completely recover to the peak realm. Now it is still strong, how should it be at that time? What about disposal?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Let's take a step and see one step. In fact, the masters don't have to worry too much. On the one hand, we are now a master of the Terran. I will definitely be a **** level, you should also be a god-level realm, and there will be other gods. Level, plus the god-level monument, can't you still pick up a cracked sky? This is only one of them."

"The second one?"

"Secondly, human science and technology are more and more developed, and military development is so fast. At that time, naturally, there will be more powerful weapons for laser weapons, and it may not be impossible to settle this crack."

The abbot of Zhiming sighed and unloaded a huge stone in his heart and said: "Xiao Shi’s main words are reasonable, Amito Buddha, thank you for the help of Xiao Shizhu, and it is also a temporary relief for Shaolin."

Xiao Bing looked serious: "The abbot masters and the Shaolin Temple sorghums can be guarded here for generations to protect the safety of the people. This spirit itself deserves my admiration. It is me and all the people who live in peace and safety to thank you. Yes."

Xiao Bing stood up and said: "Master, let's go first."

"Well, the injury of Xiao Shizhu is so serious, it is time to pay close attention to healing."

Xiao Bing sighed, but found that he wanted to vacate and was almost gone. Zhiming abbot grabbed Xiao Bing, flew with Xiao Bing, flew out from the gap, and then the gap was automatically closed.

When Zhiming abbot and Xiao Bing went out, many of the sorghums of Shaolin Temple stopped to sing, and then they came together one by one. Zhiming abbot said: "The beast is not dead, but although everyone is relieved, it will not wake up within a hundred years. This is a good thing for us. We Shaolin have not dared to slack off for a thousand years. The monks who died in the hands of this monster do not know how many, and now they are finally owned. A rare century of peace, we are not happy to thank Xiao Shizhu."

"Amiton Buddha, thank you Xiao Shizhu."

Everyone went to Xiao Bing together.

Xiao Bing hurriedly said: "Don't do this, don't do this. I should thank you all for your sorghum. I and all the outsiders should thank everyone who has been quietly paying for it. From today, everyone can rest assured that within a hundred years. There will be no more troubles anymore. It has completely fallen asleep and will never wake up within a hundred years."

All the faces of the monks showed a happy color. These years are really too tired and tired for them, and now they can finally sleep a little well for two days.

Xiao Bing looked at the abbot of Zhiming and said: "Master Abbot, if there is any movement in the outside world, I will contact you as soon as I need it. I will leave without leaving."

The abbot of Zhiming shook his head and said: "This time I will leave with some proud disciples with you, and then my brothers and other children will stay here, but you must wait for your injury to heal a little."

Xiao Bing said: "But the outside world..."

The abbot of Zhiming said seriously: "Your injury is now life-threatening at any time. Now you go out, you can't help anyone."

"Okay." Xiao Bing also knows that the abbot of Zhiming is talking about things. This time, his injury is very serious. Although life-threatening should not be enough, it is very close to that level. If you don't handle the injury, don't say yes. In the face of the Buddha, even if you face the Buddha, you may lose your life.

The abbot of Zhiming said: "Please go with me. For the medical path, Laojiao has some research. I will help you to handle the wound first, and then send a disciple to accompany you down to the hospital in the city for suturing."

"Okay, then I am troubled by the master." Xiao Bing did not quit, and thanked him, and then agreed.

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