Super Soldier

Chapter 2245: Renyi and Maggie

After briefly handling the wound and letting the blood no longer flow out, Xiao Bing immediately came to the municipal hospital of the nearest city under the protection of a Shaolin master and two Shaolin disciples, using several hours. Time moved the operation and stitched the needle for Xiao Bing's wound.

After Xiao Bing returned to the ward, the nurse walked in and said: "There is no need for the care of so many people in the ward. Leave one alone. You are all Shaolin... What is the relationship with this gentleman?"

Shaolin’s Master Zhifeng said: “This is Xiao Shi’s friend is our friend.”

Xiao Bing has now begun to transform into the appearance of Xiao Jun, in order to avoid causing outside attention.

"Oh," said the nurse. "Well, let's leave a little monk first. The rest will go back. In addition, Mr. Xiao Jun, can you contact your family?"

Xiao Bing said: "This... yes, wait a moment."

Xiao Bing took out his mobile phone and thought about it. He sent a text message to Rouge and explained the situation.

Master Zhifeng said: "Xiao Shizhu, in this case, we will go back first, let Renyi Shiyi take care of your daily life here, and wait until your injury is healed a little, then let Renyi return to the mountains."

"Okay, thank you Master and everyone."

Zhifeng quickly said: "Yes, it should be, Xiao Shi Lord has the grace of our Shaolin, we must take good care of our body, we will go first."

Zhifeng left with two other young monks, leaving only one benevolent monk here. The nurse was about to go out at this time. Xiao Bing asked: "I can be discharged in a few days?"

“A few days?” the nurse said. “According to your injury, you don’t want to leave the hospital within a month.”

Xiao Bing snorted and smiled and said: "I know, Miss Nurse, I am in trouble."

The nurse walked out of the ward and muttered in his mouth: "For more than a month, he laughed. This person is really strange, but his smile looks really good... long is like those in the idol drama. Like fresh meat."

The Yiyi small monk stood there, erected with one hand and said: "Amitabha, what can Xiao Shizhu have to order?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Thank you for the little monk. Next to accompany this bed, you will rest there. I will say it whenever I need it."


The benevolent monk went to the bed where he was accompanying, sitting on the bed and meditation, and Xiao Bing looked at him. He also admired Shaolin’s bitterness in his heart. It’s no wonder that Shaolin’s willpower is so firm, this is Their perennial perseverance is inseparable, and a disciple is willing to be so tough.

Xiao Bing regained his gaze and began to communicate with the chasing soul. It was a bit strange to chase the soul stick. There was never a spiritual exchange with him on this road.

"Chasing the soul, just that cracked sky seems to recognize you, do you have an impression of it?"


Xiao Bing: "Oh, but it's no wonder, it certainly can't be your master, but from its attitude, you must have a lot of people, I am afraid that your master was also a person who made it fearful."


This chasing soul does not seem to want to talk? Xiao Bing faintly thinks that the chasing soul must be remembered, but does not want to say, but Xiao Bing will no longer ask.

The chasing soul suddenly said this time: "Xiao Bing."


"I did remember a bit, and I was a little bit impressed with this split. I remember that my master seems to be a very evil and evil existence. It is more evil and more powerful than this cracked sky... even a cracking sky. I will groan in front of my master and shiver."

Xiao Bing's eyes are condensed, and breathing has become a little more urgent. Is there such a strong presence in this world? I am afraid that among the gods, it is considered to be the top powerhouse inside? After all, this cracked sky is already a realm of false gods. Even the ordinary god-level powerhouse is at best letting it escape, but it does not let it have no resistance, let alone let it tremble.

However, Xiao Bing quickly thought of a few key times. Evil is evil than a cracked sky. Is it true that the owner of the chasing soul is actually a monster?

Xiao Bing is simply unimaginable. Such a peerless soldier is actually a weapon in the hands of a monster.

Xiao Bing then thought of a possibility. Since the cracked sky is not dead, is the monster that makes the cracking sky tremble still alive? If you die, it’s better to say that if you are still alive, isn’t there anyone in the world? And when you chase the soul to restore your memory, what should you do?

The bell of Xiao Bing’s mobile phone rang, and Xiao Bing put the answer button on his ear and said, “Hey.”

"Husband, what happened to you? How to live in the hospital?"

Xiao Bing said: "Hey, don't let other people know, lest they worry."

"I know, so I am hiding in the room to call you."

"Well, then you have to find a reason to come out. I didn't want you to come over, but the Shaolin little monk here took care of me. I didn't want to bother with others, so I wanted to call you over..."

"Well, I said that I have to go back to the Pink Lady Club for a few days, and then I will take care of you."

"Remember, keep secret."

"Well, I know, my husband. What?"


Hanging up the phone, the Yiyiyi monk opened his eyes and said: "In fact, you don't need to bother with your family. I can do it here. I usually take care of the master on weekdays."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I know that you can take good care of you, and you are very relieved, but you don't want to bother you."

Renyi said: "When I went back, the abbot masters have already said that you are the benefactor of our Shaolin, and we have exchanged the tranquility of our Shaolin for a hundred years. I will take care of my whole life."

"Don't, if you are a beautiful woman, I don't mind, you don't mind thinking about taking care of me for a lifetime." Xiao Bing laughed. "Yes, I see that your relationship with my sister is good."

"Your sister?" Renyi stunned, and then some unnaturally asked, "Is it a Maggie woman?"

"It is exactly." Xiao Bing said with a smile, "Maggie is my sister, strictly speaking my cousin."

Renyi said: "Oh, what is the daily life of Maggie's female donor?"

Xiao Bing looked at Renyi with curiosity, but still smiled and responded: "Every day, study at school, or at home with my daughter and my other sister, she is a little crazy girl, can not sleep for a day. That kind."

Renyi said: "Amitabha, Maggie female donor is very clever, talented and intelligent, even our masters are very admired."

"Yeah, this little girl has no talent in martial arts. It is not even good for ordinary people, but she is smart and a bit disremarkable. Most people want to calculate it is definitely not her. I am not as good as you." Talk about some interesting things she has done before?"

"Okay, okay." Renyi was excited a bit, then reacted and immediately returned to calmness. "Small and sly."

Xiao Bing was secretly funny, but he still pretended not to see anything. He told some of the interesting things in Maggie's life to Renyi. He listened with enthusiasm and sincerity, and his eyes were shining from time to time.

Xiao Bing’s body is indeed a little weaker. With Renyi’s morning, he started to sleep in the afternoon, and he woke up until he slept for dinner.

Normally, Xiao Bing still can't get out of bed these few days, so he can only use the catheter. As for the stool, Xiao Bing said that he would not be willing to help others. He had to wait for two days, anyway, before Xiao Bing performed the task. I have never eaten, drink, sleep, or sleep, for three days and three nights, so I am used to it.

At noon the next day, Xiao Bing was watching the mobile phone there. He heard someone knocking at the ward, and then the big one and the small two heads came in. It turned out to be Rouge and Maggie. The two of them came together.

After seeing Xiao Bing, Maggie immediately ran in and smiled and said: "Well, my brother, I still want to tell me."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How come you come? Do other people in the family know?"

Rouge reluctantly said: "This is not what I told her, she has to follow, I have no way, to avoid other people out of the flaws, had to bring."

Xiao Bing looked at Maggie in surprise and asked: "You can guess even if I am injured? Then you are too enchanting?"

"No, I just wanted to go to the club for a few days. I thought that you were injured. I just heard it after I came out."

Xiao Bing sighed, but fortunately, Maggie was clever and clever, at least a normal person, not to be able to count.

Maggie said: "But why are you hurt like this? You still need someone to look after? Oh, little monk, are you here too?"

Since Maggie came in, the eyes of Renyi’s little monk did not leave Maggie. After listening to Maggie and talking to himself, his face was slightly red, and he hurriedly folded his hands and said: “Amitabha...”

"If you do it, you can't say it directly. You have to read Amitabha first, but it's really troublesome." Maggie said, "Thank you for looking after my brother here."

"It should be." Ren Yidao, "Xiao Shizhu is also for our Shaolin, so it hurts like this."

Maggie's face changed, and the momentum approached, looking at Renyi, saying: "What do you say, my brother is because you Shaolin?"

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "You don't scare people, in fact not. Things are more complicated. I will explain it to you later."

"Oh." Mai Qi muttered. "Are you a little monk not very powerful? How dare you be so small, scared by me?"

The Yiyi small monk smiled and said: "Mc.

"Hey, hello, what have I said to you before? Just call me Maggie, no need to bring the word of the female donor."

Renyi hurriedly said: "Maggie, that... you are all over, I may... maybe I will go back."

Renyi is obviously reluctant, but there is no excuse to stay, so I have to say that I am going back.

Xiao Bing smiled in the side of his heart and said: "I don't think I need to take care of so many people here. Maggie, is Shaolin Temple also very fun? Why don't you let Renyi accompany you to Shaolin for a few days, then come over? I am here, I guess, according to my injury, I can’t leave the hospital for less than a week. Damn, this time it’s not a bad one.”

Maggie looked worried about Xiao Bing and said, "I will take care of you."

"What is the use of your stay? You are not a doctor." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "Not to mention my physical resilience. You still don't know? I have no life at all. I said that I was not hurt. It’s because you have to go to hospital for a few more days to recover, and let it go, let's go with him.”

Mai Qi muttered: "There is nothing fun in Shaolin, it has already been played, if it is near the surrounding area."

"Okay." Renyi’s eyes lit up and said, “Is it better to take you to the surrounding tourist attractions? Besides, I also know a few interesting places, all of which are tourist attractions near Shaolin.”

"Oh... oh, yes, are you not in a hurry to go back?"

“Don’t worry.” Dao, “The abbot’s teacher said that walking around is also a kind of practice.”


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