Super Soldier

Chapter 2246: Current situation (two more)

After waiting for Maggie and the little monk to be sent away, Xiao Bing looked at Rouge and asked: "Do you find out what happened to them?"

"What's the situation? What can I do?" asked the blushing question, then he was surprised. "You don't mean, are they two objects? That's a little monk... How can a monk be an object? Isn't the monk not close to the female color? Ah, no, I see him like..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Is it also something?"

Rouge said with some hesitation: "I feel... the little monk seems to be a little bit interested in Maggie, but it shouldn't be, how can the little monk..."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What is impossible in this world, can people's feelings be controlled?"

"What you said is." Rouge couldn’t help but smile. "So, according to what you said, is the little monk moving?"

"Well, I see it this way." Xiao Bing said with a smile. "It’s just that this thing is really a bit difficult at the end."

"What is hard to do, if you are too big, you will still be vulgar. Do you mean that Maggie is afraid of seeing him?"

"No, you didn't really find that these two people are very good? One likes to be tidy, the other likes to be tidy. Actually, although I don't know if Maggie likes him, I can feel that Maggie is still very good to him. I have a good impression."

"Well, what are you worried about?"

"You can't say that it's a big deal. It's not so easy. It may be easier to change to other monks, but it's not so easy to put this thing in the benevolent monk."

"Oh, what do you mean?"

"The Renyi little monk is the most important disciple of the Shaolin abbot. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is the heir to the Shaolin abbot in the future, and his achievements may not be lower than the current Zhiming abbot."

"So powerful?" Rouge couldn't help but smile. "McIp is very capable, such a good little guy, and she likes her."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You still laugh? Excellent is not a good thing at some time. He is too good. When will Shaolin make him still vulgar? After all, if he is still vulgar, who will inherit the abbot's clothes? A problem."

Xiao Bing actually thought about this problem when he came over. When he came over, he still had a lucky attitude. However, when he saw the way of benevolence and righteousness after seeing Maggie, his heart immediately determined completely. Renyi must have moved his heart. As for Maggie, is it also interesting to benevolence and justice, and everything is not very good.

Rouge said with a smile: "When you are a brother, you may really want to have a little bit of trouble in the future, but now there are no words in it. I don't think I am in a hurry. You still need to take care of your injuries now. I am worried."

"Well, what you said is also true. After all, the Yiyi little monk did not come up with himself. I don’t know if he just had a little affection for Maggie, or another kind of temptation, and he didn’t know what Maggie’s thoughts were. I don’t think about it.” Xiao Bing reached out and said with a smile. “This time I can spend more time with you, but I have to grieve you to take care of me.”

"What do you say, I am your wife, shouldn't you take care of you?" Rouge sat down next to Xiao Bing and said softly, "I used to be busy, not just you, now you

I was injured. I know that you will inform me the first time. I am really happy in my heart. Let me do my responsibilities as a daughter-in-law. ”

Xiao Bing will hold the rouge hand in his hand, the soft feeling of the deep feelings: "Stupid wife, your responsibility is not to take care of me, your responsibility is just to take care of yourself, not let my husband worry, know what? Husband will protect you well and will take good care of you. This is the responsibility of your husband."

Rouge Jiao said: "Then your responsibility will not take care of yourself, not let your wife worry?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That... this is a mistake. Oh, yes, I haven’t heard any big news in recent days?"

Rouge snorted and said: "It was also heard that the laboratory in the country of m and the laboratory in the country of y were attacked and many people died."

“Yeah.” Xiao Bing asked. “Is there any other country?”

"I haven't heard it yet."

Xiao Bing has a long sigh of relief, but he does not dare to relax too much. The Buddha’s son must know that the countries are now strictly guarded, but since he dares to start the laboratories of these two developed countries, he will definitely not be against other countries. After the departure, I passed the Zhiming abbot before leaving. It is estimated that the Zhiming abbot has already taken the Shaolin master to guard the Huaxia laboratory. It is just that he is injured now. With the strength of Shaolin alone, I don’t know if it is enough.

Rouge asked: "Are you worried about the country and worrying about the people?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Nothing beats you."

Rouge smiled and said: "You are so hurt now, even if you think more, it is useless. It is not as good as rest and rest in these days, recharge your batteries, do you say that I am right?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, yes, yes. Oh, my cell phone rang, take it for me."

Xiao Bing’s cell phone rang, and Rouge took the phone and handed it to Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing saw the phone call from the old class. What was wrong with the heart? Is there something wrong?

Xiao Bing connected the phone and said, "Hey."

"Hey, Xiao Bing, Shaolin abbot and masters have arrived. Now they all live in Huaxia Lab. Now it seems that Fogongzi has little interest in scientific research. His main interest is in life experiments such as genes, so now Shaolin The abbot and others have been in the laboratory and are prepared."

Xiao Bing said: "This is good, Shaolin people, coupled with the armed forces of the laboratory, it must be said that even if the Buddha son personally arrived, it is difficult to be as unfavorable as before."

"Well, it’s also true. I have heard about this incident, thank you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Old class, this is not like you, actually said thank you to me?"

"I am serious about it. I heard that you are very hurt. I should have looked at you personally, but I can't walk now."

"I know." Xiao Bing said, "And I can't die, there is nothing to see."

"You are in my eyes, no different from my children. Do you think any father who saw that his child was injured is indifferent?"

Xiao Bing’s heart was warm, haha ​​laughed: “You old boy started to play with me? What is the situation outside?”


...nothing has been moving for two consecutive days, but countries are not willing to take it lightly. ”

"Well, if there is any new movement, I must tell me the first time. I feel that this Buddha son will never give up now. But Shaolin sorghum and the armed forces guard, plus our research on the human body is not the world. The top is the top, so I feel that the Buddha is likely to give up our Huaxia lab, but according to my prediction, his next one is likely to be..."

"where is it?"


The old class said: "You are right. Russia's research in this area is also at the top level. It seems to remind them that they will do it."

"There should be no reminder, this big country, I must have thought of this already." Xiao Bing said.

"Well, that's right, they have more experience in this area."

"Hey, experience has experience, but it is hard to say if you can guard it." Xiao Bing thought of the Buddha son, thinking that even if he is now a realm of pseudo-god, he still feels that the Buddha needs to look up, his heart is The realm of the Buddha son has always been unpredictable. I am afraid that even a laser attack may not be useful for the Buddha. Can Russia really stop it easily?

The old class said: "If Xiaobei can bring any useful news, it would be fine."

Xiao Bing solemnly said: "Old class, this thing must not count on Xiaobei, now he is already dangerous enough in the undercover itself, and don't mention him with anyone, now he is like walking on the wire On the top, there is a slight bit of shaking, it is likely to fall, so we can not tolerate a little bit of mistakes."

"I know, you still don't worry about this? I am an old guy, martial arts is not as good as you, but with such a large number of years, the cautious aspect is not comparable to you young people."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not uneasy, but it is about the life of Xiaobei. Of course, I have to remind you of it."

The old class smiled and said: "I know, hey, when I was in Longya, Xiaobei, you and Su Peiya, the relationship between you and the couple is the best... Hey, who knows now Peiya..."

Xiao Bing listened to the feelings of the old class and sighed.

"Okay, don't mention these unhappy things, you have to take care of it. You shouldn't think about it in these few days. No matter what you have, now I am still an old guy. Your little guy is thinking about it every day. I hang up first, pay attention to rest."

"The line, the old class, pay attention to the body."

"Well, you are."

The phone hangs up, Xiao Bing sighs slightly and says: "Now is the best era in the world, the happiest era, but it is also a hidden crisis."

Rouge asked: "When can these crises pass?"

Xiao Bing said: "I think, if the crisis of Buddhism can be lifted, if the crisis of the gods and the demons can be lifted, at least within a few hundred years, there will be no such crisis, but the real wife is flat. But it is impossible to do it. For example, big countries occasionally bully small countries. Where there are people, there will be grudges, between people, and between countries and countries."

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