Super Soldier

Chapter 2259: Tombstone on the mountain peak (two more)

Molong’s tone is calm: “Don’t brag, the realm of the Buddha’s son is even above the door. It’s not necessarily his opponent’s opponent even if it’s added together.”

The six fingers said: "I always feel that there is a familiar atmosphere in him."

Xiao Bing looked at the past, and the six fingers shook his head and said: "I am not sure."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "When we see him, naturally I know everything."

"There has been no mountain climbing for a long time." The Pope said with a smile. "The peaks of your Chinese summer seem to be quite right."

"It is a lot. I recommend you to visit our Everest in China, the world's highest peak." Xiao Bing said, "In fact, it is not just a mountain. We are amazed by the world in many aspects."

The Pope smiled and said: "I will have time to personally feel it."

Xu Mu looked at the Pope and asked: "Is there any interest in the Pope?"

"Oh, how is it?" the Pope asked with interest.

Xu Mu’s tone is calm: “There was always a saying in the outside world that the Eastern Warriors were led by me and the West was led by you.”

"Yes, it is true that there is such a saying."

Xu Mu looked at the abbot of Zhiming and said: "It looks very embarrassing now. The realm of Zhiming's abbot is beyond my reach."

Zhiming abbot said: "Amitabha, the family is not contending for strength, we are hidden, not born."

"Yeah." Xu Mu said, "Even if it is Vice Minister Xiao, it is beyond my reach."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Xu Mu's predecessors are too polite. You are a predecessor. There are still many places in the younger generation who need to learn from you."

Xu Mu said: "But even then, I still want to compare with the Pope, we can go to Mount Everest and see who can first climb the world's highest peak, so that If you win or lose, you won’t hurt your peace. What do you think the Pope wants?”

"Good!" said the Pope, "this idea is really good, then we will wait until the end of this time, we will go better."

"That's it."

Xiao Bing did not expect that the martial arts giants of these two East and West had such a strong victory and defeat, but if you think about it, the reason why the military can continue to climb the peak is because of the strong victory and defeat. In the indifferent to fame and fortune, it is also able to continue to climb, and I am afraid that only Shaolin Gaochun can do it.

At this time, an eagle suddenly swooped down from above, opened his mouth and grabbed a cardinal of the Holy See. The cardinal snorted and yelled: "The animals are arrogant!"

Immediately after the palm of the hand patted the past, the eagle screamed and wanted to escape. The cardinal was off the ground with both feet, and flew straight up, standing on the eagle's body and then flew toward the mountain.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This cardinal adult is really good, and his body is as light as a feather, and he can stand on the eagle."

The Pope smiled and said: "The few of the people I brought are the top cardinals of our Holy Spirit."

"Thank you, the Pope is squatting. Well, the bishop is looking far away from the heights. After waiting for him to come back, we ask if there is any gain."

After a while, the eagle flew back to the side, then the cardinal floated down, and fell in front of Xiao Bing and others who were climbing, then he sighed and shook his head and said: "There is no front. When I saw the trace of the villa, there was no figure."

Xiao Bing slightly frowned, and the Pope asked: "Do we still have to look forward? Do you want to change direction?"

Xiao Bing said: "No, although the bishop has just not seen the sight of the villa, but I suddenly have a thought. If we can really see the specific location of the Buddha Villa at a height, then the country. Can it be seen through satellite positioning?"

Everyone thought about it and even ignored the problem. The Pope nodded and said: "Yes, Vice Minister Xiao said it was right."

Xiao Bing said: "So, we have to look carefully, it would take two more days, so then we don't have to continue to look at the sky, so if we can't see the other side, we will be seen by the other side. It’s a troublesome thing to come to us."

"Okay," said the Pope, "The next step is for us to look carefully, and no one should go to the sky to see it. That way won't work."

After confirming it, everyone had to look for it in a little bit and meticulously.

Xiao Bing finally knows why no one has ever entered this mountain. In this piece of wood, Xiao Bing and others have encountered narcissus flowers, poisonous snakes, highly poisonous spiders, poisonous cockroaches, etc. The poison of life or the dangerous animals and plants, if you change to an ordinary person, or even change to a strength is not such a strong warrior, I am afraid that I have already died before I come here.

Liu Zhen kept screaming on the road: "Damn, the dangerous things here are simply impossible to prevent."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "So, if they really choose to build a Buddha mountain in this mountain range, maybe it is really the right thing, because basically no one will walk in, even if It’s a martial arts person who won’t choose to enter this place, and loses his life if he doesn’t pay attention.”

Liu Zhen said: "But how did those people come?"

"Helicopter," Xiao Bing said. "Every time they go in and out of the Buddha Hill by helicopter, and according to my guess, they definitely don't need to take our way. They must have other roads. go."

At this time, suddenly a rustling rustling voice passed from the right side, Xiao Bing slightly frowned, first some doubts, then changed his face, said: "No, it is a cannibalism ant!"

After hearing these three words, other people have also become less attractive. Although they are all masters of humanity here, even martial arts masters may not encounter nemesis when facing nature. Even among these insects, there will be nemesis. For example, these cannibal ants will make people feel unprepared.

A Shaolin master asked some confused: "What is the eater?"

Molong Shen Sheng said: "The eater ant refers to an ant that can lick the flesh and blood. Often where they pass, all life will not even have a white bone, no matter how fierce. Animals, even snakes and tigers, have only escaped when they encounter eater ants. If they can't escape, they will only die."

"So terrible!"

"Yeah." Molong said, "Our slings can protect themselves, but these eater ants are able to smash even the infuriating, and the number is too large, if only one or two eater ants naturally Nothing will happen, just kill it with a foot, but they are often a large piece of large, every time it appears hundreds of thousands or even millions, so even if it is No matter how strong the people are, there is no way to compete with these ants."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Little ants are one of the most terrible groups in the world. Let's go, we must speed up and we must open these eater."

Xiao Bing’s speed began to soar, and everyone else was the same. The crawling speed of those eater ants was not slow, but it was much slower than Xiao Bing and others. After a while, the voices of those rustling people It has disappeared.

Xiao Bing still remembers the bad beast that he encountered when he was in the gate of Ghost. In the end, he used the eater to eat the monster.

After Xiao Bing and others soared for a while, they stopped. At this time, there were few trees around, which was equivalent to the emergence of a huge open space. Xiao Bing said: "The rare open space, let us rest and rest."

"it is good."

Everyone was tired, sitting down and starting to rest, Xiao Bing also sat down and said: "It is too dangerous to rest in the woods. Spider ants and others are hard to notice around us. Only this kind of open space can be safe. Let's take a break and then find a place suitable for rest and don't know how long it will take."

Everyone promised one by one. Xiao Bing took out a bottle of mineral water. After taking a sip, he lay down and looked at the sun in the sky. He suddenly thought of what Xiaobei once said to himself. He immediately said to those people: "Remember, we have to observe the flowers on this road, because I remember hearing people say that the entrance to the Buddha Villa is full of all kinds of beautiful flowers."

The Pope asked: "Mr. Xiao, you are so familiar with the Buddha Mountain Village, are you inside?"

Xiao Bing said: "I naturally have my own channels."


The Pope did not delve into it. These people actually have a lot of thoughts. Although Xiao Bing is very reassured, it is absolutely impossible to take a little risk and leak out the traces of his brother.

After a short break, they continued to walk all the way to the top of the mountain. Finally, after they reached the peak, everyone stopped for a while, and within a hundred meters of the mountain, it was not a grass, but in the open ground. There is still a tombstone on it.

How come there is a tombstone here? Who put the grave on this dangerous and rugged mountain?

Everyone was surrounded by one by one at this time, and then they looked at the tombstone with curiosity one by one.

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