Super Soldier

Chapter 2260: The Eight-Different Snake is once again in the world (three more)

How can there be a tombstone in this place?

Who is actually buried in this place?

When everyone was feeling a little confused, suddenly the mountain shook up, and then saw a huge beast appearing from a distance. It was drilled from the depths of the ground, and then the body grew longer and longer. The longer, the eight heads have even reached into the air, and all the people looked at them in the sound, and then the pupil began to shrink.

Xiao Bing was surprised: "This is..."

Xu Mu asked: "Mr. Xiao, do you know?"

"Yeah." Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said, "The Eight-Different Snake!"

Yes, this is exactly the Eight-Different Snake. When I was in the country of R, Xiao Bing had dealt with the Eight-Different Snake. At that time, Xiao Bing joined forces with Ixuanchuan Valley. In the end, Ixuanchuan Valley died, and the Eight-Different Snake was seriously injured. Xiao Bing also took the opportunity to take the red rose and Xiaobai away. Later, Xiao Bing once went back, and the Eight-Different Snake disappeared.

However, the Eight-Different Snake at that time was absolutely not as strong as it is now. At that time, the Eight-Different Snake was in the recovery of sleep all the year round, so the state has never completely recovered from the beginning, and at this moment, in the distance, a snake head is high. The fly flies up, the huge snake body, the stunned look.

The breath of this eight-disciplinary snake is definitely not weaker than itself. I am afraid that it has reached the realm of half-step demon. Even if it is the pseudo-realistic realm facing this eight-disparity snake alone, I am afraid it is difficult to get the benefits.

The eight heads of the Eight-Different Snake looked down at Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing remembered a bit. At that time, it seemed to have blew the head of the Eight-Different Snake, but it seems that this guy did not know how to grow out.

When the eyes fell on Xiao Bing's body, the eyes of the Eight-Different Snake burned with anger, and the angry shouted: "The **** guy, you are this human!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I don't think we will meet again. I didn't expect you to be alive not even to come here."

Xu Mu said: "I have heard of the legend about the Eight-Different Snake. It is said to be a very ferocious top-winged beast in the mythological era. The self-proclaimed descendant of the dragon, even if it is a talented monster, it is extremely powerful. Later, it was killed by the **** of the country."

"Yes, but it is not dead, just hurt. Now it seems that the injury has been completely restored." Xiao Bing said, "When I first saw him, I was still weak at that time. Even if I only reached the realm of saints, I am afraid I can kill it. At that time, it was still weak, not like now... Now the breath on it has reached the level of half-step demon, even if I He has reached the realm of pseudo-god, but he also has no advantage in facing him."

Drunk gyro smiled and said: "There are still sprinkling homes, and big guys. Should we kill a snake? It should still be easy?"

Xiao Bing is about to talk. Suddenly, he flies up in the distance and has a monster. This monster is not seen by Xiao Bing. The body is covered with dark gold scales. There are horns on the top of the head. It is slightly like a rhinoceros, but its head looks like a dragon.

The Pope's gaze is gloomy: "This is our European monster. It has been seen more than 2,000 years ago. It has caused a lot of blood and hurricanes on the land of Europe. Later, it was seriously injured by our Holy See. But it didn't die, but it didn't know where it was. I didn't expect it to appear here. This monster is called Orla Li, and is called the evil pseudo-dragon."

Xiao Bing asked: "The strength should look like a big snake, but it is definitely not weak. At least it is not weaker than the semi-god-level power among our human beings. It may be even worse."

The Pope asked: "We are not looking for the Buddha Mountain Villa, how come you encounter such two guys?"

Xiao Bing Shen Sheng: "I suspect that the Buddha Mountain Villa may be really in this mountain range, but we are still looking for a search. The Buddha son has been capturing all kinds of monsters. These two monsters are also likely to be The Buddha’s son caught it, but he didn’t know why he would listen to the orders of the Buddha’s son and stayed here. It seems that the Buddha’s son must be alarmed by us.”

Molong Shen Sheng said: "It is not a good thing for us to be shocked by the Buddha. First, we will fight the two monsters, and then we will drag the tired body and the Buddha's son. We are afraid that we will be mad." ”

"Yeah, I am also this idea." Six fingers said, "If the Buddha Mountain Villa is nearby, then this Buddha son is simply too embarrassed, and even two kinds of top monsters are placed at the door of the house to guard the house. Even if it is a god-level powerhouse, I am afraid I can't enter the Buddha Mountain without disturbing the two monsters."

Molongdao: "This is a bit of a hassle. The doorkeeper, what do you say? We are retreating now?"

"Put it!" Xiao Bing's eyes flashed a bit, his eyes showed a firm color, and the tone was firm. "If this happens, if we retreat, it must also reveal the whereabouts. I have not found the Buddha Villa. In the case of the specific location and entrance, we will first withdraw, and the Buddha son must be sure to take action. It will be difficult to find them again next time."

Zhiming abbot said: "Amitabha, we will fight this time, I will not go to **** who goes to hell, we no one knows what the Buddha's ambitions and plots are, I am afraid that if this time is missed, the Buddha is inevitably It will break the boat and let the people know that many people or national soldiers are suffering."

"Yes." Xiao Bing said, "Before he attacked the y country, the m country and the Russian laboratory, many people have been killed. We can't let him continue."

The Pope said: "Normally, I don't have any idea about these. It's not a big deal for me to die. But since you said that you have to fight, this place naturally has no reason to escape. The warrior must If you have a heart of death, you can't break it, so that you can achieve glory, then let's do it separately."

"Good." Xiao Bing said, "I am familiar with the Eight-Different Snake, and the Eight-Different Snake is also very strong. I am going to deal with the Eight-Different Snake."

Zhiming abbot said: "The Eight-Different Snake is really a bad deal. I will go with Xiao Shizhu to deal with it."

Xiao Bingdao: "That is the case, the masters of Shaolin and the people of our Dragon Gate to deal with the Eight-Different Snake, Xu Mu's predecessors and the Pope, you take your people to deal with the evil dragon, so it is good to distribute ?"

"I will wait!" Xu Mu said.

"This seat is no problem."

Xiao Bingdao: "That's it, go together!"

Xiao Bing skyrocketed and went straight to the snake head!

The people of Longmen Bagui flew past the ground.

And when everyone was ready to make a big move, the Eight-Different Snake suddenly spoke up: "You don't need to do it..."

Xiao Bing’s speed slowed down slightly, while others continued to move forward.

The eight heads of the Eight-Different Snake made a scream at the same time. All of them felt a shudder in the depths of their souls, involuntarily covering their ears and standing in the same place.

Then the snoring disappeared, and the Eight-Different Snake said: "You don't need to do it. As long as you leave this hill, I can let you go!"

The Xiaolong over there obviously said the same thing, so the two sides were in a stalemate for the time being, and all stopped. Xiao Bing asked with a puzzled look: "Leave this mountain?"

Xiao Bing looked back and his eyes suddenly fell on the tombstone.

In the Buddha Mountain Villa, everyone woke up at this moment, and everyone felt a numbness in their body and a goose bump.

Xiaobei also rushed out of the room and was surprised: "What is the sound?"

Xiaobei looked away from the distance, but nothing was left, and nothing could be seen.

At this time, almost all the people in the villa rushed out of the room, but they could not see anything.

Then all the people saw that the Buddha’s son flew high and flew over the Buddha’s hill. He carried his hands and volleyed in the air. His eyes swept down and his voice calmly said: “Buddha Will, give me all!"

Buddhism and Eight went all the way to the Buddha's son, and then the Buddha's son fell on the ground, and everyone fell.

In addition to the first general of Buddhism, the other people have already arrived. At this time, the head of the Gongbei suddenly arrived. He looked at the Buddha and his eyes showed a few worried words: "Zhuangzhu, you are going to What are you going out for?"

The Buddha’s son said faintly: “Take the enemy.”

Xiaobei asked: "Is the enemy?"

"Yes." said the Buddha, "The voice that just came is the voice of the Protector Warcraft. It seems that there must be some enemies, and the strength must be strong, otherwise it is impossible to alarm them."

Gongbei General Pipeline: "They are there even if they are there, but they may not be able to find our Buddha Villa. The owner does not have to worry too much, nor does he have to go out and expose himself."

The Buddha son was slightly indulged, and then said: "All of you will stay here first, and wait for me to come back."

Suddenly, the Buddha’s body began to blur, and then disappeared. Xiaobei’s heart was slightly disappointed. Seeing that this was an opportunity to know the location of the Buddha’s Villa, the result was destroyed by Gongbei’s general manager.

Gongbei’s general manager looked at these people and said, “Oh, you can disperse first. If there is any need, you will be notified again.”

Moon demon giggled: "For so many years, I have never seen anyone who can find the Buddha Mountain Villa. Even our Buddhist monks and eight will not find it. Can the outsiders find it? I really have some Curious."

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